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Faith is the fabric of 'space-time'. ALL is Belief.

Started by TechStuf, October 31, 2014, 03:08:16 AM

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It is a bit underwhelming by comparison....

The works of man compared to the works of our Creator, I mean.  It's damn depressing to even consider such master work as having been done by blind, dumb accident.  I mean, look at how man scrambles to copy Creation.  He spends trillions of dollars and still doesn't even know where to begin to copy the simplest of the simple among God's works.  Many have seen the video, "inner life of a cell", by Harvard, on youtube.


That video alone shows that Darwin was smoking crack to "believe" (faith. it's everywhere) that the single cell was merely a simple micro packet of protoplasmic goo.  As so many among the scientific 'intelligentsia' believed for so long.

So, if even the simplest form of "life", the single cell, is so amazingly complicated....like a veritable city....Containing machines, cogs, levers, sprockets, highly efficient, self assembling highways, timely trash collectors, "sky scrapers", even bipedal organisms walking upright on those highways, hauling giant (by comparison) bags of cargo......Then where does that leave man as the supposed "pinnacle" of evolution?  As he is no where near as "wise" as his parts, let alone the sum of them.  If man's focused wisdom doesn't even know where to begin to duplicate the simplest component of life in it's smallest, humblest form, then it explains much in the way of his legacy of fallen empires.   As God said, it does not belong to man who is walking, even to direct his step.  Yet Who governs the steps of those trillions of tiny two legged organisms walking upright in each of our cells long before the term "homo erectus" was so assumedly misapplied?  Why do they slave away day after day, century after century.....to keep us walking upright?


When I see the dismal array of technological, circular logic devices entrenched within institutionalized "education", cwhoreporations, politics, and the military industrial complex, I compare them to the simplest of God's works and sometimes cannot decide whether to cry or chuckle.

Why does God demand faith?  He says that without it, it is impossible for man to please Him well.  Look at how fast man's "mightiest" works have fallen as soon as the people stop believing.  In the powers that be.  In one another....losing "Faith".  Faith IS balance, and cannot exist without love.  And God IS LOVE.  Faith is the only currency by which one may afford to buy time itself!  I've witnessed the simplest acts of resolute faith, change lives.  Change nations.  Even the direction of the planet for a time.  Yet we remain so fickle.  So judgmental....for faith without accurate knowledge is most corrosive.  Emotive faith, guided by one's simplistic heart, can be treacherous indeed.  Faith guided by reason and motivated by love is at the very core of the science of sentience. 

I find it sadly, ironically hypocritical that men are so quick to judge God.  Decrying His requirement of "faith".  When those same men demand faith from their marriage partners, their children, friends, strangers, even the family dog. How far does an army travel without faith?  Not very.  The chains of command the world over demand deaf dumb and blind obedience daily.  Their blood sacrifices of themselves and their victims no matter the shifting quick sands of relativistic  "moral high ground" of the moment.....produce what?  And yet many of these cannot, or will not, see the value of the blood sacrifice of Christ Himself.

"No greater love can a man have, but to lay down his life for a friend" – Jesus Christ

And He proved it.

Anyone.  Anyone at all can give up his life blood for another.  It is done all the time.  It is remarkably easy to give up life, or take it, in the heat of the moment.  The real sacrifice is in LIVING one's life for others.  As it requires MUCH more dedication and faith.  And this, Christ did as well.  Teaching those who remain teachable, the ONLY way into the Kingdom that Lasts.  Mankind's science, even at it's best, is merely the arrogant, assumptive, and clumsy deconstruction, or to be generous, the 'reverse engineering' of....F A I T H

For all is belief.  All that we experience is based upon belief.  Beliefs change, grow, or whither every day, based upon new knowledge.  And still, despite all that he has squandered, sacrificing the many to satisfy the few....Godless mankind doesn't really have a clue as to what he's made of.  Or what, or Who, made Him.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." – Romans 1:20

They could see quite well, the hand of God at work in nature, millennia ago.  We who now have the foretold abilities to see much deeper and further into His works should be able to see the forest for the trees at least as well....but what blinds us today?  Why do we repeat the same fatal mistakes as our ancestors?

Who dares call Him a Tyrant Who achieved a Masterfully balanced kingdom, and has held it?  Is it a tyrant who built this once cosmic Island Paradise to be shared and enjoyed by many?  Man even now seeks to copy His creator by creating a "man" in our own image.  One with sentience.  Self awareness.  Is it a coincidence that man started out creating robotic bugs and onward and upward, adjusting his focus toward duplicating himself in lower form.....just as God said He did?
I'll tell you this,  no bigger a fool is found than the one that, should he attain the mastery....creates sentient beings like himself and then allows them to proliferate in his own domain, untested. No. Before allowing such, the wise "scientist" would have them tested thoroughly in a lower realm before admitting them into His Kingdom.

Tell me, what are the correct latitudes of balance?  Balance maintained, balance lost and balance restored?


"It does not belong to man who is walking, even to direct his step".
What happens then, when a man sincerely asks his Maker to direct His steps?  Ask Him, meaningfully, in Christ and see if He is not Who He said He is.

While time remains to do so.


Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Proven scientific fact V the bigest story book of all time. ::)

Quote: When I see the dismal array of technological, circular logic devices entrenched within institutionalized "education", cwhoreporations, politics, and the military industrial complex, I compare them to the simplest of God's works and sometimes cannot decide whether to cry or chuckle.

And here you sit on one of those !dismal arrays of technology!,typing away-peddling a story book.

First up,GOD is only a belief-not a known fact of existance.
Science is based around known fact's-unlike the bible.

The earth(and life) was created by chance. Sure the odds were high,but so are the odd's of winning lotto-but some one always wins due to numbers.

You only need to look at how many stars are in the milky way alone,and then multiply that by the number of planets that orbit those star's-the odds of life being created are far better than the odds of winning lotto.

The birth of GOD's came about when early man had no explination for strange things that happened way back then,that we can easly answer today. Then came the birth of the greatest story book of all time !the bible!-and the legend still lingers in the minds of the believers.


You missed the point entirely, as is your entitlement.  The signs that we are very low on the cosmic 'totem-pole' are many.  That many choose to believe only what their paltry 5 senses usually appear to tell them is certainly their prerogative.  To believe 'only' what one can explain by grossly incomplete sciences, limited to facts in evidence is tantamount to the old addage:

"Knowledge without wisdom is like a burden of books on the back of an ass."

How exact is your science?  How strong is your faith?

Depends on who you ask, and how much one 'thinks' he knows.


"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

There are those who 'know' alot about forests.  There are those who 'know' alot about trees.  But what does any of it matter if it all succumbs to his disease?

"I will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth" - God.

"I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?"

Thousands of years ago, some were taught the Genius of Faith.  Being much more than two steps ahead of their contemporaries, they were "crackpots" and were mistreated terribly. 

It was a mutual faith that built all the empires of man.  It was a mutual collapse of faith that helped bring them all down....right on through today. 

I'd say that Christ certainly has Perfect right to ask the question....

When I return, will I find faith left upon the earth?

For what Kingdom can last without it?


Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: TechStuf on November 02, 2014, 03:57:37 AM

"I will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth" - God.

"I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?"


The SON of man was suppose to return in the year 2000-but alas-a no show. ::)

I dont like your GOD much,you only have to have a look at the churches story of Noah.Seems your god decided to kill every living thing on the planet-except for a select few.Im guessing all the other animals,children,women and men were bad?,or was it just tooooo hard to sort out the good from the bad?.

Nah- i think i'll stick to known science ;),and what we dont know now,we will know in the future.