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Faith is the fabric of 'space-time'. ALL is Belief.

Started by TechStuf, October 31, 2014, 03:08:16 AM

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QuoteSame old story: Basically if you're not a Christian you are wrong, you will be judged by God (someone up in the clouds sitting on a thrown), and will burn in hellfire forever eternally.

The same old story is what many among institutionalized 'churchianity' seem to teach.  Then of course, we have the media, virtually a wholly owned subsidiary of satan himself that promotes that 'same old story'.  How else do you think that a satanic cabal has risen to power in most countries of the world today, exactly as forewarned by Christ long ago by our measure?




I could, of course, include a mountain of further evidence, and have done so in the past.  Suffice it to say, our Father's Word has proven correct time and time again.  Regardless of one's ideologies, wants, needs, wishes, etc....the Truth is that we are all part of this reality.  And the reality is, there exists a W-A-R greater than any other man has faced, raging for the hearts, minds, souls, and futures of all men, women, and children on the planet.  There are only two sides and the middle to this war.  Christ said, "I would have you hot or cold, for if you be lukewarm, I will spew you from my mouth".   His friend or His enemy.  Makes perfect sense to me.  For just as walking the center line of the highway will get one hit by traffic going both directions, or standing in the middle of a firefight on the battlefield will get one hit from fire in both directions...the middle of any battle is the most dangerous place to be.  And sitting, hiding, or trying to skate about in the easiest manner possible in this life IS THE MIDDLE.  And it is these who end up suffering the greatest for their cowardice.  Out of confusion or panic, many are too paralyzed to stand for what they should believe in.  Preferring instead to deny all 'beliefs' in favor of living out these short, precious gifts, called LIVES, out of instinct like many creature among the animal kingdom.

Yet, those who have sincerely studied our Father's Word can see the the Truth is that God would prefer it if ALL could be saved through obedience to sound doctrine or repentance.  Realistically however, given that we are created with free will, some will choose a path outside the bounds of what is required for consideration for inclusion in His kingdom. 

Why is it that the "same old story" has become so ubiquitous despite it's inaccuracies?  Is it wise to judge God by those who falsely claim to represent Him or mistranslate His Word? 

Christ welcomed the thief, a stranger, next to Him at His crucifixion, into His kingdom.  Does this sound like a maniacal tyrant?  He taught only LOVE while He lived on this earth.  Sure, His message included the fact that many will choose the side of evil and perish.  True enough!  But not that they would be tormented forever.  They will serve appropriate time for their crimes against God and their fellow men, and then be either saved or destroyed at our Father's Discretion. 

Our Father's Word also states that on the day of Judgment, people will be forgiven for ALL MANNER of sins, save one.  Blasphemy against His Holy Spirit. It's much easier to set low goals for one's self, preferring to mix it up a bit in this life.  So, how has mankind managed with such a revolving door of past and future mistakes?

Christ came to show us the way out of our reciprocal mess.  Yes, He has limits.  Yes, many will perish.  Yes, He will judge His creation.


But not without love.  Not without hearing both sides of every story.  You see, being our Creator, He has a perfect understanding of our motivations.  He knows what is in our hearts much better than we do.  Most of us are unaware of who we truly are until we are tested.  It is then that we surprise ourselves in many ways.

One is entitled to believe whatever suits them regarding our Creator.
And one may believe whatever suits them regarding His enemies.  Time to change suits, I'd say.

There is only one commandment in the satanic bible.  "Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law."  How has such methodology worked out for the world?   

As the world prepares to go it's way.....once again....we are reminded that All is belief.

Choose Wisely Whom it is that you will serve.


Good Journies

P.S.  It is the strength and accuracy of belief that determines much before action is even taken.  For if one strongly believes wrongly, then more damaged is the outcome.  And if one weakly believes rightly, they may not act at all.  Either way, loss occurs.  However, if one has placed their faith upon The Rock....then one can weather any storm.
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: Spirit on November 04, 2014, 04:04:48 AM
Same old story: Basically if you're not a Christian you are wrong, you will be judged by God (someone up in the clouds sitting on a thrown), and will burn in hellfire forever eternally. But wait, he is Love and will give you the chance to repent and worship him (God/Jesus/Holy ghost) forever. So be good so you can be raptured before the tribulation and if you fail you'd still have one last change before God's kingdom descends onto earth.
Many signs and prophecies will take place in the end of times to prove this loving and merciful God.

If you heard this message regarding salvation and you deny it you will go to hell and if you never heard of this because you live in some remote island in a tribe somewhere where no one knows this God then you still will be judged and can possibly burn in hellfire forever.

Enjoy.. :-/
You're wrong.
None of the non-Christians that have died the last millions of years has never reported that they have got to hell and burned.
God is a man made fantacy that is used to force people to follow given rules.

Christianity has little to do with God. Christianity comes from Jesus Christ, who taught us to be good to eachother. HIS example is the one everyone should follow - not a punishing God. However, wealth, money, and fancy cars got in the way, so most of us do not longer follow his example.



QuoteGod is a man made fantacy that is used to force people to follow given rules.

It is man whose fantasies have failed him.  Time and again.  He cannot agree upon standards of mutually beneficial social interaction for long without chaos getting in the way. 

Sure, "religion" has been one of the handiest tools for "opportunistic" types to gain mastery over their fellow man.  Just as we were warned in God's Word would happen.  But it is hardly the only method by which to do so.  Consider all the blood spilled, mayhem endured, and other wasteful strife initiated at the hands of the godless as well!  One hardly needs to invoke God, to kill or mislead his fellow man.

God is judged harshly only by those who've already judged themselves and their fellow men by their own faulty standards, or misinterpreted, or intentionally twisted those of God.

If man were allowed to continue to prey upon his fellow man as he has always done, but now with the technology to obliterate the world over many times, he would eventually, if he survived at all, come to realize a system of social law and order similar to that of God's. For God's Way is the only way to a kingdom that lasts.  Love is mutually beneficial, nurturing.  It Grows.  Hate, obviously, destroys, and tears down.  Children can grasp this.  Yet empires have risen and fallen from the beginning on through today.  And many blame the Designer of the cosmos for our own failings.  Man has proven that, collectively, he is much more accomplished at giving excuses than he is at giving his all for the benefit of others.  Christ said that the greatest among you, must be the least.  What a contrast to the disgusting poly-ticks of today.   

Of course God would hold man to a higher standard than the meandering minimum base line moral standards man often fashions for himself.  Often at a moment's notice.  Holding to God's standard is the only way to obtain a kingdom that L-A-S-T-S.

There is only one commandment in the satanic bible.  One.  "Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law".  How many today live their lives knowingly or unknowingly, by this single, foolish, rebellious, chaotic notion?

I'd say that our Creator is obviously much more loving, understanding and caring than many permit themselves to realize, elsewise, what was this once Island paradise for?  One can count upon the fingers of one hand, enough compelling reasons to be grateful to our Creator, so as to inspire one to higher reasoning.

Yet mankind denies innumerable compelling reasons through his lifetime.  When Christ spoke of the earth's largely invisible hydrological cycle,  When God asked Job if he could unbind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, a gravitationally locked star system, not discovered to be so until the advent of the modern telescope,.....the list goes on and on that God IS REAL.  He loves His creation.  And He would prefer that ALL could be saved through obedience to His Just and Reasonable Law and meaningful repentance through His Son, Jesus Christ, for wrong doing.

Remember, the Ones Who came before us,  He who designed us down to the smallest particle, obviously has mastered the dynamics of getting along.....and for a VERY long time.

We pipsqueaks who have a hard time untying our muddy boots, after stomping about all over God's carpet, would do well to make amends with our Maker with the time remaining by which to do so.


Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



i thought the whole idea of this forum is to achieve overunity through collaboration and sharing ideas. Since when did this website turn into a religious discussion?


lol....Madeo.  Your puerile observation belies your bias.  For as anyone can see, a single, relatively rare topic regarding "Faith", on the site hardly qualifies as "turning the website into a religious discussion."

Run for the hills, Techstuf is using the "F" word!

I would point out that, as of yet, the entire discussion of "Overunity" has been motivated by faith.  Simply put, those that frequent this site either 'believe' that it will, or 'believe' that it wont eventuate, and the vast majority of comments reflect these beliefs.  The site is perennially littered with the latest finds among the hopeful, the data or lack thereof analyzed both by those expecting to either prove or disprove the evidence presented.  And who doesn't want to be free from the shackles of those who've allowed absolute power to corrupt, absolutely?

I have presented evidence that, I 'believe' proves that mankind, and indeed our current reality, was highly engineered, rather than crapped or vomited instantaneously into existence by a deaf, dumb and blind "mother nature".  The prophecies and promises of our Creator, unfolding timely and accurately.

Given that the MASSIVE and GROWING mountain of evidence that we are Created, is not going away, and that the single regurgitated chorus against such evidence comes from those whose fervently faithful and ultimate response seems to be....Once upon a time, there was nothing, then "Bang", there was everything....

It perhaps behooves one to seek a better footing from which to observe facts in evidence than the increasingly shaky ground of circular logic and intellectual cowardice.  I mean, one can argue the origins of self reproducing nano electric motors, complete with stator, rotor, bushings, drive shaft, universal joint, propeller, sensors switches....til one is blue in the face.  Or discuss the finer points of upright, bipedal motor proteins hiking up and down instantly self assembling highways, hauling needed cargo to and fro among the structures of the veritable cities that comprise each of one's trillions of blood cells....to no end.  But what's the point without meaningful perspective?

The point is, regardless of one's motives, there are binding ties among ALL faiths, all points of 'belief' on the globe, which are inescapable.  So, to trot out the well worn, "I see mention of "God" on a single thread topic, therefore I will parade my prejudice by declaring that Stefan's entire website is turning into a "religious discussion", gets a bit old in a world that is already teetering from the suicides and homicides of "Faith" now running rampant, and were foretold to occur.

The strength and accuracy of your beliefs are ALL that you have.  And how does one become strong and accurate at anything? With practice.  ALL of us in this life struggle with the same problems to widely varying degree.  Beliefs, whether they be scientific, political, economic, social, religious, etc....change.  And those changes always and without fail, indicate a change for the positive or change for the negative.  Some use up the entirety of their lives, vacillating between the two, never getting very far on their particular path to greater understanding.  Who among us cannot name some one that they know or have heard of, who didn't spend a large amount of their lives sitting at a bar stool? 

Well, to some, a supposedly Christian mega-church is a large, corporate, conglomerate bar stool.  And one can say the same about virtually any culture or sub culture centered around shared beliefs.  Our beliefs about each other on this beleaguered world, our beliefs in each other, against each other, are either rewarded with Wisdom, or penalized with doubt and foolishness.

That is how it has always been.

There is an old saying, and I paraphrase, "Those who won't remember the mistakes of the past, are doomed to repeat them"

Well what happens when the planet is co-opted by those who specialize in revising history, such that those mistakes are purposely erased or edited in public perception via covet means, those in power keenly remembering, and usurping technology by leaps and bounds?

The recipe for a disaster the world has never seen, nor will again.


Does one think that the One Who made the reality we share, isn't aware of our incomparably precarious condition?  He Knows.


And He wants you to know.





One of the most expensive and supposedly 'scientific' projects in history, the large hadron collider at CERN....it too cannot escape "religion"!  Their logo contains  the number 6-6-6.  The statue of the the hindu god of destruction, shiva, right on the property.  See for yourselves the extent of the growth of those who worship satan, yet hide behind the cloak of 'science' and "rational thinking"....


Who can argue with God's Word, proven so accurate over the ages?  Did He not identify who would be in power in our day, just before the end of man's inhumanity to man?  The New Heavens and New Earth?

The whole of God's Law hangs upon 2 simple, yet so misunderstood and maligned principles.

1.) Love your Creator, our Father, with your whole heart, soul, mind, body, and strength.

2.) Love your fellow man as yourself.

Too late, many will come to the realization that God IS LOVE. And not just the easy, "your actions at this moment have warmed My heart", kind.  But the tough love, "your ongoing actions have repeatedly injured others and have angered me, and I am going to remove my protection from your next fork in the road, that you may learn a tough but valuable lesson", kind.

Judging by the view count, Madeo, you are at least a bit premature in your disingenuous insinuation that Stefan's website is turning into a religious discussion.

It is, however, a discussion rapidly growing in popularity the world over.  And it should be no surprise, really.  All discussions are 'religious' in nature to some degree, and more than many will permit themselves to realize....for the moment.

Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:
