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Faith is the fabric of 'space-time'. ALL is Belief.

Started by TechStuf, October 31, 2014, 03:08:16 AM

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QuoteNah- i think i'll stick to known science, and what we dont know now,we will know in the future.

But science 'knows' so little in comparison to what they 'believe' they know...

The evidence is overwhelming that our reality IS engineered.  The number of witnessed miracles the world over, being reported on the net and elsewhere these days, is Amazing. Overwhelming.  It is all too easy to judge one's maker for failings of mankind, rather than rise to meet the challenges that bring greater understanding.  I mean, look at what man does to his fellow man, and has done for millenia.  If 'you' had developed an amazingly paradaisaic, simulated world, and worked rather hard on it for the purpose of populating it with advanced AI beings, looking much like yourself, and they began ruining it all, the realm being hacked by your enemies, surely you'd consider pulling the plug too.  Afterall, these beings are 'far' beneath those you've already allowed to populate the realm you inhabit!

Look at the agendas of mankind today...all the 'depopulation' going on.  It looks as though a certain 'select slice' of the human pie has turned on the vast majority already, and for some time now.  Playing as though 'they' are God.  Just as He said that they would do near the end.



An eternal Kingdom that is fair, balanced, and beneficial to all is never an easy task.  But once established, can accomplish Greater things than we can currently imagine.

Youtube alone contains more concrete evidence that a small sector of mankind has been busy killing off millions for decades than one could ever have time to watch.  Once one is able to come to terms with the Fact that we are created, it behooves that one to find out Who did so.  I submit that God is Who He says He is.  I could write volumes, just as many others, about what He has done for me, yet the Truth is always more persuasive when personally experienced. 

God IS Love, and Love is the only thing that lasts.  Anything borne of hate kills itself and those it claims...preventing any empire that allows it to progress from making it too far.  As man's roller coaster ride of risen and fallen empires can attest.

Speaking of Noah, the Truth is, God was pained, 'sorry' that He even made man upon the earth.  How many times have we, his children, been sorry for what we've made, and wanted to start over?  It's easy to judge our Maker, ourselves, each other.  It's easy because, generally, we are lazy.  And it's easier to pass blame than admit we share in it.





It's a dangerous thing, judging God.  For to do so requires that one has already judged one's self.  Judging one's self unworthy of really examining those truths that lead to uncomfortable conclusions.  Or at least those that require us to live more selflessly. 

That which is currently rejected by establishment science is where all the Fun and Excitement and Lasting Learning is....Those that inhabit the 'niche' realm of 'overunity' research know that.  Or used to know...

If it's one thing the world can increasingly agree on, it's that our planet has little time....

And one may finish such a sentence with that which Truly motivates them.

Good Journies

P.S.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPXK2Ls-xzQ

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: TechStuf on November 02, 2014, 02:48:04 PM
But science 'knows' so little in comparison to what they 'believe' they know...

The evidence is overwhelming that our reality IS engineered.  The number of witnessed miracles the world over, being reported on the net and elsewhere these days, is Amazing. Overwhelming.  It is all too easy to judge one's maker for failings of mankind, rather than rise to meet the challenges that bring greater understanding.  I mean, look at what man does to his fellow man, and has done for millenia.  If 'you' had developed an amazingly paradaisaic, simulated world, and worked rather hard on it for the purpose of populating it with advanced AI beings, looking much like yourself, and they began ruining it all, the realm being hacked by your enemies, surely you'd consider pulling the plug too.  Afterall, these beings are 'far' beneath those you've already allowed to populate the realm you inhabit!

Look at the agendas of mankind today...all the 'depopulation' going on.  It looks as though a certain 'select slice' of the human pie has turned on the vast majority already, and for some time now.  Playing as though 'they' are God.  Just as He said that they would do near the end.



An eternal Kingdom that is fair, balanced, and beneficial to all is never an easy task.  But once established, can accomplish Greater things than we can currently imagine.

Youtube alone contains more concrete evidence that a small sector of mankind has been busy killing off millions for decades than one could ever have time to watch.  Once one is able to come to terms with the Fact that we are created, it behooves that one to find out Who did so.  I submit that God is Who He says He is.  I could write volumes, just as many others, about what He has done for me, yet the Truth is always more persuasive when personally experienced. 

God IS Love, and Love is the only thing that lasts.  Anything borne of hate kills itself and those it claims...preventing any empire that allows it to progress from making it too far.  As man's roller coaster ride of risen and fallen empires can attest.

Speaking of Noah, the Truth is, God was pained, 'sorry' that He even made man upon the earth.  How many times have we, his children, been sorry for what we've made, and wanted to start over?  It's easy to judge our Maker, ourselves, each other.  It's easy because, generally, we are lazy.  And it's easier to pass blame than admit we share in it.





It's a dangerous thing, judging God.  For to do so requires that one has already judged one's self.  Judging one's self unworthy of really examining those truths that lead to uncomfortable conclusions.  Or at least those that require us to live more selflessly. 

That which is currently rejected by establishment science is where all the Fun and Excitement and Lasting Learning is....Those that inhabit the 'niche' realm of 'overunity' research know that.  Or used to know...

If it's one thing the world can increasingly agree on, it's that our planet has little time....

And one may finish such a sentence with that which Truly motivates them.

Good Journies

P.S.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPXK2Ls-xzQ

It is good that you have your beliefs Tech,but i also have mine. Im not a believer in god such as the churches portray. I see you posted many good things,but what about all the bad that has resided in the churches of the world. You only have to look at the child abuse carried out by high ranking church leaders world wide. One has to ask,if a church is where people go to find,comunicate with god,and god is so close-why did god allow this to happen to children?.

My point is that just because you believe in god,that dosnt make you any better or more trustworthy than any one else. Bad is not within non believers,bad is within man(and woman) him self. You choose your own path,and history shows that just because you are a man of god(a believer),you are just a capable as any one else of doing the wrong thing.

Im sorry Tech,but the answer dosnt lye in believing in god-the answer is believing that man him self can right his wrongs. It is good to see that the powers that be are starting to see the light.



QuoteIm sorry Tech,but the answer dosnt lye in believing in god-the answer is believing that man him self can right his wrongs. It is good to see that the powers that be are starting to see the light.

You've made some very good points in your latest comment.  Many a grievous wrong has been committed by those who claim to represent God on earth.  Of course, God said this would be so, and that He would judge them severely, who commit atrocities or willfully teach error in His name.

You believe that the answer lies in believing that man himself can right his wrongs.  This is certainly understandable.  Your statement, or something quite similar, has been said by countless individuals since the beginning.  Yet history has shown continually, that this is simply not the case.  We want to believe that man has it within himself to solve his problems, yet just the last 100 annual rounds on the Old roller coaster has shown quite the opposite.  Man has done more damage to his fellow man and the planet in the last 100, than since flood.  Our Father said that near the end, it would get worse than at any time since the beginning, nor ever would be allowed to occur again.

God said what He would do to those who ruin His earth.  He made it clear in His Word that His enemies would form a one world government, taking dominion over the atmosphere, even going into space.  That they would seek to establish an economic system that required all to receive a mark in order to buy or sell.  He said this thousands of years ago.  And it's happening....the evidence is prolific.

If the rights and responsibilities of the individual were unfailingly and accurately taught, encouraged and supported, our world would be a different place.  Such is God's Kingdom.  Man has always allowed group dynamics and mass psychology to foment chaos.  It is only when the parts are healthy that the whole can thrive.  To injure the individual for the supposed sake of the many is like allowing rotten apples to spoil the whole bunch.  Fallen empires 101.  Take away or even simply confuse the rights and responsibilities of the individual long enough, and watch the whole group fall.

If we were to judge every group by those who falsely claim to represent them, then we would have quite a mess indeed!  Wait, that's exactly what we already have.  Re-examine the evidence I've shared closely.   How can a book written thousands of years ago be so accurate if produced by such faulty, flighty, and fickle humans?

The answer is, simply, it cannot. There is a time coming, when our Creator will say, "It is finished.  Let the righteous go on doing righteous, and the wicked go on doing wicked."  The door will be closed to those realizing too late, their error.  And the opportunity to be welcomed into that Kingdom without end, withdrawn.

Here is an excellent resource for those who bristle against the concept of a Creator.  Why he allows suffering for a time.  The significance of His Right and Left Hands and their differences...


It would be great if man could cast off his differences and Truly work together for the common good.  The fact is, however, such a hope has been capitalized on for millenia.  Thoroughly usurped in fact, such that anarchistic ideas become popular in a jaded society, weary of having such hopes preyed upon continually by those who claim to represent the people and their hopes.  No, it is not God who is unworthy of being believed in.  He proves Himself to ALL who sincerely petition Him.  He saved Kirk Martin....


And if he can save Kirk, who can't He save?  Remember, there is much more to this short earthly experience than we are conditioned to believe.....



So many are missing out on crazy, amazing miracles in their lives.  Rejecting God as too hard to believe, to vague.  And when presented with absolutely compelling evidence, then rejecting Him because the information is too detailed and specific.  Must be made up.  It is never the facts that are acted upon in this life.  It is always what we believe they represent, what should be done about them, and who do we trust enough to work together in agreement in putting them to action.  ALL is belief.  And as man has demonstrated throughout history....when he works together, he can establish great empires.  Of course, much of such work has always been accomplished by those he has enslaved.  Much as today.  Slavery still exists in grand fashion, and has never been more polished in it's execution.  The major difference between the beleaguered empires of today vs. our ancestors, is that man now has the technological means to destroy our world in myriad ways and real quick like.

Fact is, man has always ended up dominating his fellow man to his own demise.  He will overcome these fatal flaws in either Truly or falsely miraculous fashion, (and given the lateness of the hour and the writing on the wall, it would take a splendiferous string of them) or he will not.

We are now witnessing the calm before the storm.  May we make the best use of it that we are able....and may Christ find us working what is good toward all upon His return.

'I will cut short those days for the sake of my elect, lest no flesh remain alive upon the earth.' - God

In the end, Tinman, you're right.  You have your beliefs, I do too....as do we all. Your heart is in the right place and that's half the battle.

Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



How can one possibly go wrong leasing a good life helping others when you can and avoiding things harmful to other living creatures ?

If and when god writes a book I will be among the first inside reading.
