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Food for Thought: Our World

Started by SeaMonkey, December 05, 2014, 04:21:55 PM

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Phoenike/Fenike/Kleinasien/today:Turkey ( -ey/-eia ? reading left to right,right to left) ,Turk = Steppen-Folk :

Claustrum Gordon ,antique philosophical Tellus,Terra middlepoint/center

Orient       Morgenland     Asi(a)-eia         eia~ Earth-part
Occident Abendland        Europ-eia

The phoenician language letters,words : asia-eia and europ-eia (today written  in latin letters ! Not original phoenician letters !)

to read from left to right or right to left ?
Phonetical to speak/spell,pronounce ?
Europ left-right       porue right- left   por(- ue)     suffix,praefix !?   

                                         portuguese : Por do sol  ,meaning in FR le soleil se couche

Remembering the C(h)ristos-monogram : Xp.... = Chr....
And Alpha/Alfa / ∆            up/meta/mega O ,probably by BAM(bas,bat,...)-train from

                             ∆ ~ Wladiwostok to O ~ Lisbon/Lissabon/Lisboa ,ancient Olisipo( o Lis-boeta)/Alis u(b)bo

                                                           end :      Cais do ........ ?


                                                          Our World : World Order
                                                        mans world/womans world

                                                                   poste WW2

                                               Marshall-Plan II ?/Morgenthau-Plan ?
                                               Industry,urban                rural,Agrar


                                                 B.R.D                               G.D.R.

                                         mans,its extremes by highest freedom degree 

                                    Daesh(Muslim)                        M(ara S...)-13(christian)
                                                          submissive womans

                                                     the sociological mans future

                                                    Ultras       moderate          Ultras

                                                                     50 / 50

                                                               estate society

                                                           percentage quote

                                                            in Cities compact

                                                    the sociological womans future

Really interestant is the divergenz between Daesh and Talibans Paschtunwali ,cause pre-i´slam/pre-coran life/society rules



Maxwell,Max(Markus) Planck,Albert Einstein,Ohm,Weber,Lenz,Joule : applied language in the original oeuvre !?

                                              Gauss´sche ,Galton´sche Verteilung : Glockenkurve


page 21 ,Administrator Diplom-Ingenieur Stefan Hartmann


Using Ohm's Law, these conditions would produce 100 watts of peak power. Using Equation I, the average power in the Example 1 can thus be calculated, i.e., about 4 watts. Assuming that the power dissipated in the module itself is approximately 8 watts, the total average energy consumed is the sum of energy expenditure due to load and energy dissipated in the working module, namely a grand total of about 12 watts.

Lueling-motor : Thermodynamics (Carnot-process) ,sub-division : Electro-Magnetism (dynamics,circuit/cycle)

                                   C.O.P. heat pump                                                      Power Factor : from -1 to 0 to 1

                                   E.E.R. cold pump 


                      attention to differ in calculations : Wichte = specific weight    from Gewicht = weight

                                              2/1 = 2                           1/1 = 1              1/0 = ?

                                             "  Der Kosinus von fi oder Phi ergibt 0 "   phi  oder Magnetfluss
                                             The related application formula f.e. in Dr.rer.nat.Pavel Imris,CSc. papers to see

                                             by  conventional ,abstract =Algebra Maths, Quotient its divisor never 0

                                             by conventional,concrete =Geometria Maths ,Ouotient its divisor <>= 0

                                                  XYZ- Perspectivismus,M = center or Zero Point

  transcendenz = Verhaeltnis/Relation to Relativity and Relativistic Arithmetics = multi-dimensional Co-ordinaten-system position application

Lakhdar Menzer pm-em ,or em-em "static transformer" concept conversion note !

Dr.rer.nat. P.Imris,CSc. electric generator capcoil-em,or capcoil-pm concept conversion note !

Atomic energy cubes ( Cobalt,Lanthaniden supermagnets) to electric/capacitive coil calculation !?


A correlation ?
" Makes Canada great again ! "
To the second :
controleable,by the org-initiators ? Internal dynamic ? Escalation ,point of  return,- no-return : worst case : im-/ex-plosion  !?
A real world experiment documentation :
"artificial idealism" related "convoy" or Karawane/Caravan :
related "convoy"building -reazon/-s ,in-law restoration or out-law case ?

who is right by reaction ? action ? avaliation related the russian Federation President W.Putin the demands  : Trump or Biden ?whom the "people convoy" -"enthusiasts" gives their physical/mental force ?

To this article paragraph :
"I said, 'How smart is that?'" Trump said.

Referring to Putin's announcement that Russian soldiers should "keep the peace" in eastern Ukraine, the ex-president said: "It's the strongest peacekeeping force I've ever seen. There were more tanks than I've ever seen. "
The United States could use such a peacekeeping force on its southern border, Trump added in a subordinate clause - a reference to the arrival of numerous migrants from Central America at the US-Mexico border.

The U.S. could also build ,like N.A.T.O.-member estate Turkey by Pres. Erdogan, in Syria, a Pufferzone/buffer zone ,
how many kilometers wide into mexican dominion,50 Km,100 Km,more ?  ::)

If not,sanctions ?! https://www-bpb-de.translate.goog/kurz-knapp/lexika/politiklexikon/17914/nordamerikanisches-freihandelsabkommen-nafta/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Economical the U.S.A. will never more get their ranking position from the 1960-1990´,
to much debt and anymore enough profitable work-places ( even when many from national out-sourced industrial/service work will brought back )

by desolate,amortized,country and infrastructure , but they can try to reinstitute a democratic dignes social society !

trahere-traho-traxi-tractum to Traktor to phonetical anglozism : Truktor to T-/trucker :
the near Future existent autonomous organisation Technology introduction :

driver/trucker-free trucks; autonomous moving container

in Order to restore our once perfect Union, restore the " once perfect " Union : constitutional stars-era or stripes-era ?

With-/out APARTHEID /reinstitution !?

re-establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility :   GENERAL WISH ! WORLD-WIDE !

provide for the common defense of all,                    the org tools/weapons/loyality case of each member independent color/race/sexuality !?

promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish the restoration movement

Actually the question : an help of the government(Federal/Estates) work and interests or out-law rebellion base ?

Biden and Trump ,the Ex-/actual President/-s are for man-age relatively old ,what is later,after their death,the political progmatic (by their party) ?

Age Putin,Erdogan,.... ?

"Elders Statesmen"

Heritage ,review in 28 years = 2050


p.s.: " we the people ..." DECLARATION from Luhansk and Donezk 2014 (!)

         a small step to
        and USAtopia


   Markus Lanz : (cogito) "Wer bin "ICH,Ich,ich"          ergo             und wenn (sum)  "Ja !"  WIEVIELE ?(!)

                             Sprache :         https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutscher_Orden

                            das SEIN :        a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF2kl7K-sP0  in TUETUE

                                                   b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQM1c-XCDc weniger TUETUE

                                                     RUS´S-"Land" "trifft" R´Ucraine (Ru-/Ro-rik)

                                                   Man sieht ROT , transparentes ROT,be(h)-/bi-/di-hilflich gewesen,der ROTE BARON

                                                                  OXYKUR         und

                                                                  HYDROKUR  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtCTzbh4mNQ

                                                  Der VATER,die MUTTER und deren KINDER aller bombastischen FRIEDENSWAFFEN

                                                  VIEL,LEICHT,  kehret ,dann,wirklicher,wirkhafter,FRIEDE ein

                                                  DIE WELT TRIFFT SICH IMMER WIEDER




Der theoretische Physiker Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, einer der bedeutendsten Mitarbeiter des Uranprojekts, hatte ihm erklärt, dass eine explosionsartig ablaufende Kettenreaktion, wie sie in einer Bombe ablaufen müsste, physikalisch unmöglich sei.

                                                  Huch, u-n-m-o-e-g-l-i-c-h  :o   ,ein TPU-moderator ?






"Une intelligence ... Rien ne serait incertain pour elle, et l'avenir, comme le passé, serait présent à ses yeux."

                                                                             ES will nur SPIELEN


Begutachtenswert : http://roe.ru/eng/press-service/press-releases/rosoboronexport-presented-top-5-new-russian-export-products-of-2021/#:~:text=%22The%20top%205%20new%20export,rifle%20and%20the%20S%2D350E




                             Raum-Zeit-Dimension-Ebenen-limitierte Technologie zu quanten-mechanisch "dimensionslos"-Technologie




WEISSER HIRSCH  8)  Ur-Amerikanisch verstehen,so mit Himmelsleiter oder einfaches Dresden-erisch,dem ehemals "Tal der Ahnungslosen"


                                                          zum Gluecke unser,in AEnglish,nit Platt-Saxonisch

                                                         That is real Angelo-Saechsisch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBsIc0wSOj0