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Free Energy Revealed Using Simple Rules Of Electricity

Started by Tenko, February 14, 2015, 02:07:51 PM

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   It's simpler than you think. If you know the basic rules of electrical engineering, then you already know how to produce free energy. You just have to  apply these rules of circuitry in the correct combination.

   The Inductor is a free energy device. Run a fixed voltage across an inductor into a capacitor to double the applied voltage. Why does this happen? Because, the capacitor cannot charge to one volt unless the inductor charges to one volt, and if you are applying Xv, then the capacitor cannot charge to Xv  until the inductor charges to Xv. Once both the capacitor and the inductor charge to Xv, we now would have an "inductor charge pump" where the inductor is fully charged to the source voltage and is connected in series to the source voltage. 12v source + 12v inductor + 12v capacitor = a capacitor charged to 24v.
   Lesson #1: Inductors can cause current to travel from a LOWER voltage to a HIGHER voltage. This is contradictory to common knowledge, but it is correct  nonetheless.
   Lesson #2: Applying a current through an inductor into a capacitor from a fixed voltage source will double the voltage source in the capacitor.
   Lesson #3: Like Tesla showed us how ringing occurs with an Inductor-Capacitor series, applying a current through an inductor from a charged capacitor will reverse the voltage in the capacitor.
   The Inductor can also be used as a transformer. When current runs through a transformer, not only is that current and voltage available to be used for  work on the sending side of the transformer, but the transformed power of equal wattage is available to be used for work on the receiving side of the  transformer. Therefore, a transformer is a power-doubler which is capable of mimicking the incoming power and delivering a free doubling of that power. This is one of the most obvious hints at free energy that anyone could ever be given - when they are taught what a transformer does, they must inevitably give up on trying for free energy if they are to be a useful industrial slave.
   Lesson #4: A transformer is a free energy device, not a current-voltage modifier. While it is capable of "transforming" voltage into current and current into voltage, its PRIMARY USE is as a power-doubler.

   These 4 lessons above can be used to generate free energy, but let's go even farther and make an even more efficient device for everyone to enjoy!
   If current can be made to travel from a lower voltage to a higher voltage, then voltage is not really a part of power. The educational industry would have you believe that Power = Voltage * Current. In reality, Power = Current, and it's just that simple. So if we want to recycle Power, that means we need to recycle Current... because we don't have to worry about our voltages - we can rebuild our voltages FOR FREE! So... how would we go about recycling current? Imagine our power source is a square wave 50% duty cycle with an alternating diode to prevent backflow... if we load a capacitor through an inductor with this power source, what would happen? On the upper wave, the capacitor would charge to double voltage minus diode voltage drop. On the lower wave, the capacitor would now be set in series with the power source, causing it to reverse its own voltage (Lesson #3) while redoubling the voltage from the source (Lesson #2)! Then, on the next upper wave, this would happen again, recycling the current over and over and over until the capacitor voltage becomes too high and the capacitor explodes! This is the very definition of Free Energy - a device that would BLOW UP if not CONTROLLED and BLED of excess power! Not a single bit of current is wasted in this arrangement.
   What happens if we replace the INDUCTOR with a TRANSFORMER? Imagine a capacitor being charged to one kilovolt from a 12v square wave power source... now we would have a power source which is nearly ONE HUNDRED TIMES its original voltage! If we wanted to return the current into the original power source, we could use a 50:1 turn ratio transformer. This 50:1 transformer would transform the one kilovolt and the recycled current into a 20v power source with FIFTY TIMES AS MUCH CURRENT flowing out of the transformer than the amount of current recycling through the beginning end of the transformer.
   Lesson #5: You don't even have to spend any current to generate 50 times the natural current flow of a given voltage source.

   If you don't understand Free Energy yet, then please take this text to a friend or a family member who knows the rules of electrical engineering. Once they figure it out, they should surely explain it to you, because you are the one who brought it to their attention!


   Also, the cure for cancer is Vitamin B17 found in Apricot Seeds, Blackberries, and Bitter Almonds. Doctors have made this knowledge secret, and lawmakers have made this prescription illegal. The medical industry would much rather sell to you million-dollar surgery and chemotherapy, and drugs that irradiate your body and kill you without fixing your disease. Please read "World Without Cancer" by G Edward Griffin, who is also the author of "The Creature From Jeckyll Island" which tells the tale of how the federal reserve was formed in order to gain power by inflating the currency of America.
   Case in point - would you rather disbelieve me, and spend millions on surgery and chemotherapy, or would you rather believe me, and eat a box of blackberries each day while you receive the "primary treatment" you think that you need? If you are already spending ridiculous amounts of money on surgery and chemotherapy to treat your cancer, why not spend a tiny amount of money on some blackberries each day? Are you THAT SURE that I am wrong? Is that a smart gamble for you to make? Analyze the situation from a profit-perspective. When you are cured, tell your friends and family! Shout the cure from the rooftops!

   Furthermore, if you want to go ALL THE WAY DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE, keep reading, or else stop here.

   KJV Ecclesiastes chapter 1 includes the following text: "That which is now is that which was before, and that which was before is that which shall come, and there is no new thing under the sun." You are living in a computer. More specifically, you are living in a procedurally-generated universe which is spawned inside of a computer. Procedural generation means that one number or intersection of numbers is used to generate everything, from past to future, and everything is always the same. Remember those games where you can create a map using only a number? When you use the same number, you get the exact same map, without any differences. This is what the universe is - a procedurally generated "map" with living things inside of it which never changes.
   If you repent of your sin and if you believe in Jesus, you will receive ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven. If you remain in sin and do not repent and if you deny Jesus, you will receive ETERNAL DEATH in the Lake Of Fire (the universe). This death is everlasting and unchangeable - the mistakes you made before, you will make again, only because you never chose to learn from them the first time. And that which is now is that which was before, and that which was before is that which shall come, and there is no new thing under the sun.
   Furthermore, APOLLOS is the Devil who planted and watered the Earth. The Bible says so. The aliens known as "Apollos" planted this farm on the Earth with full knowledge that they would receive every sinner who did not get married to Jesus Christ. This is why the Illuminati wants you to think that the "Alien Invasion" is fake. They want you to think that they are just playing a joke on you, so that you will never consider the full ramifications of what will happen to you should you not repent and believe in Jesus. What would happen is this: A fiery death from the great winepress of the wrath of God, followed by eternal enslavement to the Devil (The aliens who planted and watered this planet, the Apollos).

   The power of choice far outweighs the power of intellect. What do YOU want? Do you want to live in a place where no one else sins against you, where no one else enslaves you and cheat you and lies to you? Then you need to go to Heaven, but you cannot go to Heaven if you do not abandon sin. God will NOT allow sin into Heaven. Are you not willing to give up your sin, but you still want others to not sin against you? That's called you lusting to enslave other people. You want to whip them, but you don't want them to whip you. You want to tax them, but you don't want them to tax you. In reality, the decisive factor as to who gets the whip and who gets the labor, is simply the edge of a blade. Therefore, if someone else can bring a blade to your flesh, that means you're the new laborer and they're the new slavedriver. This is what HELL IS ALL ABOUT. Think you're tough enough for it? You'd better sleep with one eye open and never sit with your back to an open door. There shall be no rest, day nor night, for those burning in Hell.

   If you take the Mark of the Beast, you will burn forever, with no forgiveness. You must give up money, which itself is a product of SIN. If you are not willing to give up money, you will have to take the Mark of the Beast, because only those with the Mark will be allowed to buy and sell, as the Bible says. Once you are marked for DEATH, you shall receive with no mercy and no escape. HOICE is far more powerful than intellect. Intellect might get you some slaves, but only choice would release those slaves. Think about it. And please choose to go to Heaven. =D



That's really sad.

VOLTAGE IS NOT ENERGY. Huge increases in voltage do NOT mean any increases in ENERGY. It is simple to make devices using inductors and capacitors to produce HUGE increases in voltage and even HUGE increases in peak current and peak power. This is NOT an indication of any increase in energy! You seem to have missed some "simple rules of electricity" somewhere along the way.

A transformer is NOT A POWER INCREASER. As I said above, you can get great increases in _peak power_. Unfortunately peak power is not average power and power IS NOT ENERGY. All transformers are in fact _lossy_ systems because they inevitably waste some of the input power in heat and electromagnetic radiation, and this wasted power is not available at the output.

Furthermore this is NOT a religious forum and some of us, at least, are very put off and even insulted by your "holier-than-thou" religious ravings. What, I'm unworthy of consideration and respect because I don't go to Mass on Sunday, therefore I am a mortal sinner according to the Catholic Church and will burn in Hell forever? Get real.

If you want to "teach" something, you really should be right about it -- so far, you are wrong. And you really should be ready to demonstrate that you actually  know something. So go ahead then, show your "free energy" system that you have constructed, running without an external supply of energy or a stored supply of energy that depletes as it runs. I think you cannot, but I'm willing to see what you've got and to analyze it.



It depends of who are you  ???  if you are a troll and paid shill     then transformer is really not useful for you. But if you are a true breaveheart researcher looking for truth then keep going investigating transformer concept and loop for holes.
I found this topic and it's really telling truth. Some parts are too complicated but the essence is real : inductor and capacitor are free energy devices working on Newton laws principles.


For once I have to AGREE with TK's post above.  LOL
