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"The Shape of Things to Come"

Started by Mr XYZ, April 27, 2015, 11:01:56 AM

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TUNING the Cubic Core: (this is offered as an addendum to my own thread)
                 There are really just 4 quantities or variables that should be tuned (if possible) for this device's core, and these are the electrical properties that are named G, R, L and C, which respectively are:

Conductance, based on          Conductivity: σ    as in    G = σ.A/d          
Resistance, based on         Resistivity:     ρ   as in    R =  ρ.d/A
Inductance, based on          Permeability: µ           as in  L = µ.A/d
Capacitance, based on         Permittivity:   ε         as in  C = ε.A/d
Note: if A = d2  then A/d = d. (core is a cube)

Each of these is also related to the 3 variables: Z, N and ω, where:
Z: = total Impedance of the core, N: = (wireless) transformer ratio,
and ω: = applied frequency of d.c. pulsation.
It is the "N" variable that is the most important as far as O/U considerations are concerned!

There are two ways to approach the solution of these 4 equations for tuning, and the first is to set or determine the desired quantities of Z, N, ω and d, and then solve for the 4 electrical quantities which are related to them, whilst the alternative method is to endeavour to first set, or at least find/determine these 4 electrical properties, and then logically derive their related or dependent variables from them, via 'simultaneous' equation solving. This is also made easier if all 'imaginary' components/parts of these equations are 'tuned out' and when A/d = d (core is made into a cube) in which case:

Z: = √(µ/ε) (Ohms)        N: = σ.ρ (or G.R) = 1    d: = ρ √(ε/µ) (meters)    and  ω: = 1/(ε. ρ) =  σ/ε  (radians/sec-ohm)

The derivation of  d: = ρ √(ε/µ) comes from when the 2 'relaxation times' (L/R and C/G) become equal,  so that:
µ.A2/ ρ.d2 = ε/σ  thus since σ = 1/ρ  and A/d become = d, then d becomes =  ρ √(ε/µ)
The result for ω of  σ/ε  or "G/C" is derived from when the applied frequency is tuned to R/L = G/C = 1/√(LC) and the resulting units in "radians/sec-ohm" is significant and points to an underlying 'invisible' ohmic unit matching radians.

It is actually preferable to start with a realistic dimensionality for 'd' so 1cm is chosen here: = 10-2 meters, and following this procedure, we should also arbitrarily chose values for N, Z and ω, and for simplification purposes, we will choose N = 1, as over-unity is not assumed as a starting point, while for the same reason we will chose Z = 1Ω* in which case, 
√ (µ0/ε0 . µr/εr) = 1  so then µr/εr = ε0/µ0 = 1/142,149 thus µr  should = εr /142,149 ! (in this case)

We will now begin to input some more real numbers based on the properties of various magnetic materials that have actually been measured and/or observed. TIN Ferrite has been observed (see Heck #) with certain admixtures to attain a dielectric constant εr of  about 7,000,000 ! thus a permittivity of about 6.2 milli-Farads/m.**  In this particular case, µr should then  =               10,000,000 /142,149 = ~ 704 thus a permeability of about 8.8 milli-Henries/m.

# Heck, C., Magnetic Materials and their Applications, Butterworth, 1974, p.133 ff.

All that now remains is to determine the corresponding value of resistivity ρ and because d: = ρ √(ε/µ)  then: ρ = d. √(µ/ε)  which for the chosen values of d = 10-2 and √(µ/ε)  = Z = 1, d then = ~ 1 x 10-2 Ohm-meters (Ω-m)
There is in fact a type of 'soft' ferrite (Manganese-Zinc) that displays a d.c. (low-frequency) resistivity of about 1 Ω-m and this would be the ideal type to use in this sort of application. However, Permalloy's resistivity ranges up to 500 K Ω-m.
*It may be more manageable to choose a total impedance Z = 144 Ω (as a 2nd sub-harmonic of 377, divided by 1.6182  = Φ squared) and in that case, µr  should = (εr / 20736)  so if εr ~ 7 x 106 then µr becomes ~ 337 which would bring ρ to ~ 1.44 Ω-m.
The value of ω then, corresponding to 1/(ε. ρ) =  σ/ε where ε  = 6.2 x 10-3F/m.**  and ρ ~ 1.44 Ω-m. would then become: Ω = 112 radians/sec ~ 18 Hz.
(a very moderate value and at such low frequencies, the electrical properties remain stable)
The difficulty though, would be to choose a composite mixture of ferrite materials that match these ranges of values!
Below, the relationship of the chosen applied frequency to the required magnetizing field strength is also discussed, but in a later analysis, it can be shown that this frequency may also be chosen  on the basis of BOTH the field strength H, and ALSO an applied Electric Field with strength of E (Volts/meter) where E.H is the (potential) energy product. As already indicated above, this method allows for much lower frequencies to be used, well below the GHz or even the KHz range.
Apparatus and Method for Extracting Gravitational Energy from a Defined Space:-

According to earlier researchers (e.g. Vallee*) there exists an amount of negative potential gravitational energy in any given volume of space (air) on the earth's surface, which is not at all dependent on mass, but dependent only on local gravitational acceleration (g) and the volume of defined space in question:
- "We are thus constrained to admit that the matter vacuum must contain, actually, an important quantity of diffuse energy having a finished density p0 in interstellar space. A simple calculation shows, indeed, that one cubic meter of empty matter space on the surface of the ground contains, in the form of energy diffuses 57.000 Mega joules less than one cubic meter of interstellar space. It is thus well necessary that this energy exists, whether it is in this form or another!..."   (- g2 /8π G)
("g2" here  = g squared! - blame the poor formatting)
Taking this at face value, a volume of 1 cubic centimetre would then contain 5.7 x 109 x 10-6 or 5.7 K-Joules of such potential energy. It must be emphasized that such energy is inherently in a negative (or possibly inverted) state and to be utilized, would need to be activated, resonated and extracted via a cascading of impedances, keeping in mind that the universal impedance of free space (Z = 377 Ohms) still exists within vacuum or air. If such an amount of energy were to be resonated at (say) 1Hz, then the potential Power Output would be 2.π. 5700 Watts = 35.79 KW (since Power is the rate of change in Energy) and so likewise the potential Current and Voltage Output available would become I = 9.74 Amps = √(P/Z)  and V = 3.67 K-Volts,  where V = (√P.Z)    (if it could be converted as such.)
However, for such a process to be initiated, a gateway or interface must be provided to enable such potential energy to be extracted and converted etc. It may also need to be firstly 'neutralized' by introducing an equal but opposite amount of positive magnetic potential energy into this defined space, thus normalising it and making it engineer able. Therefore, here a magnetic interface is proposed, whereby a double H-field (with like poles opposing) is to be introduced into the said space via 2 permanent magnets, or even 2 solenoids with adjustable parameters (and this type of apparatus can be used to 'funnel' the required down/up to the delimited volume of core material at hand) This neutralising of the negative gravitational energy would bring a new meaning to the term 'zero-point-energy', and if the magnitudes of both fields were to be made equal though opposite, then the total energy density is defined as:
µH2 + - g2 /8π G = 0  or H becomes = g. √(8 π G µ)  However, this is where the 'defined space' may have to be filled with a special material of high magnetic permeability, making the process more realistic and manageable, and considering µ = µ0µr and the fact that some ferrites e.g. 'Supermalloy' possess a relative permeability µr in the order of 6-7 degrees of magnitude above the permeability of free space µ0 , then the combined permeability of this supermalloy material would be in the order of ~ 1 . This would then reduce the required value of H down to ~ 76000 A/m. (~962 Oersteds) but as there are 2 magnets in opposition, each would then only need to produce a field strength of ~ 38 KA/m. (~481 Oe)  However with the introduction of the highly permeable material into the defined space, the total magnetic (and orthogonal dielectric) impedance will also change, and this increase must be accounted for.  Generically, this impedance will be calculated from Z dif  =  √((R + jωL)/(G + jωC))      (here called Differentiated Impedance) where in this particular case, R =  ρ.d/A    L = µ.A/d   G = σ.A/d   C = ε.A/d  and where A = surface area of core material, d = depth of such material, and if possible, the combined total impedance obtainable from  such combined variables should be a 'phi' sub-harmonic of 377 Ω (e.g. 233 or 144 Ω) for best impedance matching.
If the initial negative gravitational energy E.g. is thus neutralized or normalized by the introduction of positive (though vector-zero) magnetic potential energy, then the net 'zeroed' energy could be considered as 'balanced' but must still be resonated and be made to fluctuate above/below the zero point by some method, and it is now proposed that a set of 'gravitational' waves be introduced into the system via equal but opposing magnetic 'vector-zero' field pulses produced via opposing solenoids surrounding the defined space, acting as excitation signals.  Such magnetically-induced pressure waves will be scalar in nature, and may tend to set up a gyro-magnetic resonance process within the ferrite material filling the defined space, while the desired effect will be best obtained if the frequency of such waves be adjusted to bring on the gyro-magnetic resonance of the particular ferrite or composite material. In practical terms, the gyromagnetic constant γ is taken to be ~2.8 MHz/Oersted (35 M-rads/A/m) and thus the actual resonant frequency is calculated from ω =  γB = γ.μH or f = γ.μH/2π which for an applied field of 38KA/m would amount to ~ 1.346 GHz.  As it is known that magnetic and electric properties also vary with higher applied frequencies, measurements and adjustments would have to be made repeatedly, and so lower frequencies are recommended.
Without delving into further technicalities, the proposed excitation pulses could be expected to produce an output at right angles via the dielectric properties of the composite/ferrite material, to both the applied H fields and also to the solenoids used for said excitation, as the H field begins to precess or gyrate under the influence of the applied input signals. Such an output of rotating or gyrating magnetic fields could well be syphoned off via similar solenoids (conical or otherwise) placed orthogonally.       

Literature Sources:
Heck, C., Magnetic Materials and their Applications, Butterworth, 1974, p.133 ff.
"The basis of Synergic theory" - see p. 86 - 57,000 Mega-Joules per cubic meter !!
Hagelberg, P. Physics, an Introduction..., Prentice Hall, 1973 – p.622
"The Philadelphia Experiment", p.56 (appendix) by Anonymous Ph.D's

Quote from: Mr XYZ on April 27, 2015, 11:01:56 AM
Well guys, here it is – Here is my contribution to this great quest of ours for O/U etc.
Like many of you, I have pursued this pathway for many years – I am not claiming that this presentation of mine is entirely new, or even entirely unique, but you will see that it is essentially original, and yet draws on many good ideas from wider research and studies. I will not be too wordy, or intellectual here, but simply present my main schematics with a few pertinent comments, which will attempt to capture the main ideas and offer hints. In other words, this will not be spoon-feeding, as anyone with an average IQ and a thirst for the truth will soon grasp what they are meant to, and will be able to run with it. I am not claiming that it is perfect, complete or even comprehensive either, or that the schematics are set in stone, but am offering them as good sensible suggestions for how to proceed further! You can be sure of 1 thing – I will not be back here every day scanning all the comments and dutifully answering, or trying to answer, all questions, smart or otherwise – One thing I have learnt over the years is not to exhaust myself with trying to please everybody – I am already freely offering and sharing far more than what is required of me, and that should be sufficient. You now have something precious in your hands – So what will you DO with it? ... (in that vein, I am expressing a sentiment very similar to Chris Sykes of hyiq.org e.g. see: http://www.overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/#.VT5CIPCKxiA  - Good On ya, Chris!)

Okay, so below I will soon share my technical stuff, but will also have to add a spiritual commentary after that, which I feel is entirely necessarily, and as part and parcel of the quest for physical truth, cannot be dispensed with! ... P.S. If and when I see fit, I will answer a selection of sensible questions, and/or reveal my real identity, if relevant, at the right time.
There are 2 types of schematics/drawings presented here: One is a set of Solid-State circuit schematics, all related to each other, and all based on QUADRATURE, that is the perfect or symmetrical, and perhaps even Synergistic interplay between 4 equal parts of a device. What is perhaps 'missing' are the permanent magnets (PMs) which are shown later in their relevant suggested positions! (If the scheme were adapted to a Rotational model) However, the intended rotational models is so close/similar to the Solid-State type of model that it is practically or essentially 'like unto it' in both design and function, and the rotational models can easily be adapted to solid-state, if not vice-versa.
You can see in most of these schematics that there is a set of 4 pancake coils aligned with 4 conic coils, but in fact I think this scheme of things can be applied to any shape of coil! I just have personal preferences for using conics and pancakes. However, I believe that it is essential to use TWO power sources in tandem as shown, and each should be aligned symmetrically with the basic circuit arrangement I have called the "QUAD Drive Circuit".
One of the benefits of such an arrangement is for REGENERATION of each battery source whilst in operation! Another is perfect harmony or balance, and of course ideally: Resonance! (I coin the phrase 'wrought resonance' in preference to 'forced resonance') And following on from this will be a way to extract/tap/harvest useable excess energy to a load – as you will see below...
Now for the rough summary of the principles of operation: - (this is also based on the quest to get around Lenz's law etc) – Each battery source DIVIDEs its voltage (or Emf) across the 2 adjacent coils, and a point to note here is that these 2 coils are arranged OPPOSITELY to one another in my schematics, so that at least in theory, scalar pulses are then created which meet at the centre (core/cube)
As soon as the pulse that is released through these 2 coils is stopped (cut), of course then each fly-back current is DIVERTED though it and another coils at Right Angles to it, via a single diode! This fly-back can be simply shorted out this way, OR it can also be redirected back/over to the OTHER battery source opposite from the original one!                                 - so the key-phrase here is, "DIVIDE and DIVERT" !!
You will also see if you examine the circuitry carefully enough, that each of the 2 original coils will discharge via 2 separate pathways into the same opposite battery, in a sort of quasi-parallel arrangement – this is one of the beauties of this tandem type circuit arrangement, and what's more, (of course after the corresponding pulse is released from the second/other pair of coils, it is then redirected to do the same thing to its opposite source/side). However, another key point here is that though the inputs are pulsed in OPPOSITE directions (against each other = vector-zero) the Outputs are released in the SAME direction  (thus vector-adding to one another) ! (Think of a Released Spring!)
For maximizing the effect of recharging here, I would recommend that these pulses be activated by Sequential signals 180 degrees out of phase with each other, THOUGH each signal should only be applied for a Quarter Cycle = 90 degrees each! This is to let the system 'breathe' or in other words, to give (relaxation) time for the fly-backs to traverse their pathways and have max effect! The other reason is to prevent a contradiction or opposition of currents, where the fly-back currents may be trying to oppose the new pulses coming from the other side(s).
Now you may be asking – What is the sense of sending the fly-back signals to other coils at right angles? It is to help us get around Lenz's law!  - as well as creating another condition that should assist in O/U :- setting up signals which are pulsed at right angles, both physically and time-wise! (one collapsing while the other rises, then falls..)
Although the same thing could be attempted by sending the signals to other sets of coils aligned with the originals, this could easily become too messy and in my mind it is better to separate out the source/load coils into different places/spaces at right angles, as this is tidier and more economical, as well as easier to visualize and keep track of. There is also a reason related to scalar wave action/reaction as hinted above, where the predicted output is at 90 degrees to the input! Ok so how/why does this get around Lenz's law? – because this scheme can easily be adapted to rotating PM motors, where perm mags are constantly rotating around this circuit arrangement) There will ideally be 4 perm mags, each with opposite poles from their neighbours facing inwards, so that then, as each PM comes around to face each outside coil pole, a voltage/current is induced into each one, which then ADDS energy to the fly-back pulse coming though it from its adjacent coils on the left/right! (as long as the polarity is arranged properly so as to ensure it is added and not subtracted!) – this also leads to the real possibility that extra energy can be sent over to the opposite battery sources, which can then increase as the rotational speed increases ... !  Now let me re-summarize:
(Using the classic PM mag motor type of setup) Four driving coils will be pulsed to attract/repel 4 PMs (of course using an exciter coil set, not a signal source) which will then start the system moving. As each PM then leaves its position  =  moves away from the point of attraction/repulsion, then the driving pulses/currents will be cut off, letting each back emf  => fly-back current pulse through it and an adjacent coil at right angles to it (thus my catch phrase of Divide and Divert, to help get around Lenz's law) However, each other coil at right angles is also then experiencing an incoming energy pulse due to the approach/departure of the next/same PM (as the whole scheme is arranged in perfect QUADRATURE)  - this extra energy can then be ADDED to the existing energy of the fly-back current coming through it, and then the combined current can/will be diverted via a diode and capacitor over to the opposite battery source for recharging = regeneration with each half cycle! – Any extra excess energy after that, as the system gains speed, can be siphoned off to a load via extra capacitors arranged in a slightly different way.


Have you considered sizing your images appropriately so that people don't have to scroll off to the right and back again in order to read every line of your complicated posts? If you want to be taken seriously about what you are posting, perhaps learning to post images that don't mess up the page formatting would be a good place to start. This has been the subject of many posts on this forum and even an entire thread. There is no need for images to exceed 1024 pixels wide. If you need to show some detail at higher resolution, crop it out of the huge image and show it, but AS YOU CAN SEE, when you post huge images it makes everybody else's comments very hard to read.
Now that the editing time window has passed you can't even do anything about the huge images you have already posted, and the page formatting will remain screwed up until a new page starts.


Quote from: TinselKoala on April 29, 2015, 10:47:09 AM
Have you considered sizing your images appropriately so that people don't have to scroll off to the right and back again in order to read every line of your complicated posts? If you want to be taken seriously about what you are posting, perhaps learning to post images that don't mess up the page formatting would be a good place to start. This has been the subject of many posts on this forum and even an entire thread. There is no need for images to exceed 1024 pixels wide. If you need to show some detail at higher resolution, crop it out of the huge image and show it, but AS YOU CAN SEE, when you post huge images it makes everybody else's comments very hard to read.
Now that the editing time window has passed you can't even do anything about the huge images you have already posted, and the page formatting will remain screwed up until a new page starts.

Why couldn't the web server handle this very inconvenient and annoying problem?


Apart of the dual/double battery, where do the square signal comes from ?
Another additional dual battery or PS - micro controller input ?


hai Alviro, Thanks for your question - it doesn't need to be a Square wave input - it could easily be a pulsed sinusoidal type of signal - the main point is that the 2 signals should be 180 degrees out of phase to each other! (in the schematic it was just easier to draw a square type of signal)
The signal can come from a micro-controller or sig-gen or a motor's exciter coil as well.

There is a lot more i could share with u about this type of design, if u are genuinely interested -
there are even connections between this and AG! - i was just waiting to see what sort of response this writeup would get first ...