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Basic Free Energy Device

Started by Dbowling, July 03, 2015, 04:08:33 AM

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     I have been posting over at Energetic Forum for several years now, but when I first ran across what I called the 3BGS or Three Battery Generating System, I first showed it here. Nobody believed me, but that didn't keep me from working on it for the last eight years. Lots of folks have gotten the same results I got, but the problem is, it's sporadic and undependable. But working with it has led me to something that DOES work consistently, which leads me to the purpose of this post. I thought I owed folks here at least an update.

I have said that we need several parts for a Basic Free Energy Device
1. Pulse Motor
2. Generator
3. Run it on a 3BGS type circuit on the potential difference
4. A flywheel to smooth things out and store energy.

In reference to the 3BGS, I had a thought a while back about the fact that since the motor increases the voltage coming from the two batteries in series before it gets to the 3rd battery, which is part of what allows the 3rd battery to charge, perhaps we could somehow boost that voltage with some kind of simple boost circuit.  With that in mind, I asked Matt Jones if there wasn't a way we could boost the voltage coming out of the motor to REALLY charge battery 3, and he came up with a circuit which I have been playing around with for a while now. I get different results depending on the "Boost Module" I am using and the voltage that hits battery 3.

I have two batteries in parallel as my 3rd battery and two primaries in series. The goal for me has been to
1. Run a motor
2. Turn a generator
3. Use generated voltage to power a small load
4. Keep the primaries from discharging too far down
5. Charge the secondary (parallel) batteries quickly
6. Switch positions of the batteries in series and the batteries in parallel...like with a Tesla switch
7. See what kind of extended run times I can get with this kind of setup.

What I am seeing is that I can get increases in my charge batteries that are greater than the losses in my primary batteries while still running a motor as generator and powering a small load. If I continue to rotate batteries, I end up with increased charge in ALL batteries while running the motor and powering a load.

The simple boost module I am using is here: [/font]

A video of the setup I am running is here:

Before you tell me the motor is making horrible noises, I know it is. It was a motor I burnt up doing some other experiments, so I was using it until I got new ones in the mail. They arrived two days ago.

Here's some data for you

Run time 30 minutes. (These are with the NEW motors)
Battery #1 Start 12.45 End 12.22 After 1 hour rest 12.39
Battery #2 Start 12.43 End 12.23 After 1 hour rest 12.37
Battery #3 Start 12.41 End 12.76 After 1 hour rest 12.48
Battery #4 Start 12.41 End 12.85 After 1 hour rest 12.54

Rotate pairs of batteries
Run time 30 MORE minutes

Battery #1 (Moved to 3rd position) End 12.67 After 1 hour rest 12.55
Battery #2 (Moved to 4th position) End 12.67 After 1 hour rest 12.52
Battery #3 (Moved to 1st position) End 11.15 After 1 hour rest 12.44
Battery #4 (Moved to 2nd position) End 12.31 After 1 hour rest 12.50

If you look at the voltages, ALL batteries gained in voltage.

During the run, the stock razor scooter motor was powering a second razor scooter motor used as a generator. That generator was outputting 12 volts at .45 amps to the load, which was a 12 volt electric fan rated at .8 amps. (but only drawing.45)

At a MINIMUM, that's 5.4 watts of power used to run the fan plus 48 watts of power used to run the motor turning the generator, for a total of 52 watts of power used with ZERO losses to the batteries...in fact, a GAIN in voltage. I think that might qualify as COP>1. What do you think?

I believe this shows what is possible. There is still lots of experimenting to be done here. The output voltage of the boost circuit should be experimented with to see what produces the best results. There should be a hundred people taking a look at this.
Will it work long term? I have no idea. Will it kill the batteries? I have no idea. But when you can run a motor for 8 or 9 hours for free, that's a pretty decent first step.

A friend of mine has been running with only TWO batteries instead of FOUR, and he has been getting some good results. Yesterday he sent me an e-mail with what he said was "disappointing results" for his run that day. He ran for 9 hours and broke even instead of getting an increase in voltage on his batteries. I told him there were people on the forum who would wet their pants if they could get a motor to run for 9 hours for "free." He has had MANY runs where the voltages climbed with just two batteries, but he has not been putting a load on his motor, and has been using a much smaller brushed dc motor. If I remember correctly, he has used a couple different motors and gotten better results with the bigger motor, but I will let him report his OWN results. [/font]

If you do runs with loads that don't pull your primaries too far down, they will recover well, and if you rotate the batteries between runs you are going to see an overall gain on the voltages in your batteries. Don't take my word for it. Set the silly thing up on YOUR bench and check the results with YOUR meters.
Just so you know, we have a pulse motor design that gets even BETTER results, but that's a subject for another day. There is also a few ideas we have for a generator, but let's get on the same page with this circuit first. You can find me here on Energetic Forum 

or dvd.bowling@gmail.com


Thanks for sharing your GREAT results.  I think what you are doing is switching the
batteries to different positions to get each one charged.  The current from running
the motor has to pass through the dead battery, thus charging it FOR FREE.



I appreciate the supportive comment, and am VERY familiar with the diagram you showed, because it is what got me started, but if you watched the video and looked at the schematic I posted, this is more like a Tesla switch. There are two positions for the batteries. Position 1: Two batteries in series and position 2: two batteries in parallel. I am going from two batteries in series through the boost converter to up the voltage, then through the motor, which acts as a generator and increases the voltage another couple volts, then into the two batteries in parallel. I ran it for two weeks, flipping the batteries back and forth. The voltages in my batteries continued to edge up slightly, and I was powering a load the entire time. Then had to go out of town for almost a month. I am only in town for the rest of this week and then have to leave for another week. When I get back, it is my intention to use a larger motor, larger generator and larger batteries to do a run of several weeks continually powering some loads and see just what this thing can do. I already know the generator runs for FREE, so everything it creates is in excess of what is used by the system. I'm asking for some people to replicate and let folks know if this is for real or if I'm just blowing smoke. I know what I see on my bench with my meters. What do YOU see on YOUR bench?



Hi David,

Thanks for your update. I commented way back when you first posted on this subject. It appears that you are still assuming that battery final rest voltages for both partially charged and partially discharged batteries can be compared to accurately represent capacity gained or removed during a test run. This is clearly not the case.


I agree with you. It is not just the voltage that needs to be measured but the battery capacity. To do that I use a Cen-Tech digital battery analyzer. It measures capacity, charge and resistance in the batteries both before and after test runs.

But over 8 years of doing this has shown me that NO TESTING will ever be completely accurate when applied to an unconventional circuit such as this. The only way I know for sure I have something is to measure the VOLTAGE AND AMPS used to run a load connected to the output of the generator driven by the motor I am running. This is a completely SEPARATE CIRCUIT from the circuit used to run the motor and the output of the generator can be measured by conventional means. . When the load I am running from the generator has used more watts than what is available in all of the batteries combined (which are connected to the motor circuit), and the batteries continue to function and show full charge or greater charge than when I began, and I continue to power loads and exceed the watts available by two or three or four or five times, then I believe I have something. You may believe I do not, and that is your choice. I am not here to argue as to whether I have something or not. I present it for those people who are interested in actually building the thing and either replicating my successful results, or revealing me to be a fraud of the highest order. I am not going to debate this with people who have not built and tested this device, so consider this my last response to those who want to insist it can't be for real. I could care less what you think and I will not waste my time on you. No hard feelings guys. But I have been down this road before and almost let the naysayers talk me OUT of ever working with this setup. At this point in my life I have seen too many test results and powered too many loads to fall for that again. I can tell almost to the minute how long a fully charged brand new battery will power one of the set loads I am using, and when I exceed that by many times, I don't NEED meters or gauges or tests to tell me something is going on. Believe or don't. Build it or don't. Not my problem. I gave you a gift. What you do with it now is up to you.
