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Inductive Kickback

Started by citfta, November 20, 2015, 07:13:17 AM

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Quote from: Erfinder on March 03, 2018, 04:34:14 AM

Excuse the intrusion, in my opinion it's not enough to end the argument with this statement in red.......  proof is relative.....  the question of why inductive kickback yields less energy (in your opinion, based on your research and those of like mind with you) than it took to create it demands a satisfactory explanation of why one gets back less.  Following this line of thought back far enough one discovers ones folly in logic, and introduces one to the means through and by which we can approach what you are dictating (in so many words) is impossible.

Just explained that in my last post.


 author=Erfinder link=topic=16203.msg517624#msg517624 date=1520070858]

QuoteWe are going to have to agree to disagree, and that's fine with me......  See in my opinion, you haven't "explained" anything.  You sight examples, you share personal experience, and its here where the bias comes in.  You cannot speak from that which you have not experienced,  and yet your posture is likened to that of an individual who "knows".  You do not offer proof of that you get back less, you present information you've gathered which supports your position, nothing more.

What i have to offer,is the same as everyone else has to offer--fact's,backed by the laws of physics.
Not only is it my experience,but the experience of the scientific community-->and that is,when ever a current is passed through a conductor,some of the energy is dissipated as heat--unless you are using super conductor's. But even then,there are losses,in way of the energy required to keep the temperature low enough,so as the conductor maintains it's super conductive state.

QuoteMy suggestion is to ask and answer the question of why you get back less than you put in.  It's the only question that matters at this point, it's the only question which hasn't been properly addressed in all these years of back and forth debating this issue.

I have answered that question,or presented one of the energy losses. There are other losses also,but they also convert to a heat loss in the end.

Now,i know you are going to say that you know different,as we have heard for years now.
You have shared some things with some people--such as Mag's,and as expected,nothing ever came of it.Mags even said to me in a post--Erfinder is on to something--we shall see he said.
And yes,we are still waiting to see ::)

One would think that if you !Erfinder! could get more energy from the inductive kickback than it took to create it,you would not be here now.
You would be so busy cutting deals with investors on your free energy device,that you would not have the time to frequent these forums. We may catch a glimpse of your private jet cruising over head,but that would be it.

Yes yes,i know how it go's Erfinder--no need to explain-->we are not worthy of your higher IQ knowledge.

QuoteI traveled thousands of miles, and spent money I didn't have to take part in something that was in hindsight beneath me...  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  They have nothing on me, didn't then and are galaxies behind me today..

One day Erfinder,hopefully your overunity percentage will be as big as your ego  ;)



It's too silly for anyone to pretend it's possible to get more from the kickback. However, directed through a diode to a capacitor that is connected to a bifilar coil with a ferrite core, the accumulated back spike  can neutralize the attraction to a spring tensioned magnet periodically as the capacitor fills and discharges into the coil. The over unity would come from the 3.33 sheer to push pull ratio. The only adjunct would be the microwave carousel and latching Reed switch commutator needed to direct the power induced by the magnet attracted back to the ferrite core, into a final storage capacitor destination.

This would deliver an over unity output from the the BEMF. Let's say the back spike is 70% of the input, multiplied by the sheer to push pull ratio of 3.33 would deliver 2.33 times the input from the primary pulse coil.   

I spotted an experimenter over at the Energetic Forum site who was pulsing a magnet on a swinging leggo pendulum with collected BEMF discharging periodically from a capacitor. Does anyone recall this guy's user name?


Quote from: Erfinder on March 03, 2018, 07:00:36 AM

you state what is impossible, and back this up with what you consider as support from mainstream, and personal bias.  We are supposed to accept what you say and what you demonstrate as being the last word on the subject...  Not I.....

I suggested very simply that one ask why we don't get back more!  I know why, and I am sure you think you know why, but for whatever reason, you don't entertain the question.....  I am not here to show you anything, prove nor disprove anything.  I am asking why are we supposed to take your word for it that we cannot get more back, motivated in part through considering the information you offer as "proof" for why we cannot.  So I say it again, you haven't explained anything, you site examples which support your biased view.  You lack the necessary integrity and courage to really look at what's going on, from this posture, you will never recognize and face your folly. 

I told you time and time again, the search for overunity is ignorance....  You play that game, I am not interested in overunity, I am after that which is there...  unfortunately for you, you are oblivious as to what that is.

I know we live and breath in a sea of energy,but i also know that that sea will not be sailed in a leaky boat.

The high tension electric field holds the answers we seek,where the restrictions  of the magnetic field are broken.

We need only energy,not force nor mass to achieve our goal.

QuoteI am not here to show you anything, prove nor disprove anything.

Yes,we all know that.


Quote from: tinman on March 03, 2018, 03:11:41 AM
It would seem you have gotten your self all mixed up here Mags

To use a bifi coil in a different manner to that which has been done before.
The same old same old,is returning back to inductive kickback,thinking that there is magic to be found,even after years of experimenting,and absolute proof that inductive kickback always yields less energy than what it took to create it. 

Are you blind?
Look at the scope shot Mag's--the whole bloody AC signal is loaded with inductive spikes.
Do you think the only way to create inductive kickback spikes is the way you say?.

Well,as you have gone from wire wound coils(as i stated in my post),to tape wound coils(which i referred to only in reference to those particular experiments),my bifi tape coil was in the microfarad range--tough break kid  ::)

You mean-sending the inductive kickback current spike to one of the windings of your bifi coil,and then using the second winding to power a device--like a motor,as i believe you stated.

How will your bifi coil be any different to a single wound coil,with some added capacitance across it?
How is this any different than a toroid wound transformer?
How many people you know that have sent inductive kickback spikes to one winding of a toroid transformer,and then tried to use a second winding to power something?

Have you seen a boost converter with a toroid transformer in it Mag's ?

So,if you are going to be getting your knickers in a twist,even after i wished you good luck-->then SAME OLD SAME OLD.


"It would seem you have gotten your self all mixed up here Mags"

Lol.  Oh sure.  Its only been a few pages.  Yeah Im all mixed up.  Lets see......

Ok... Question 1  What is the right track?

Your answer finally is....
"To use a bifi coil in a different manner to that which has been done before."

Ok then. But that still does not define what the right track is that you thought I was on. Just because now you say it IS a different manner of use of the bifilar does not explain the right track comment.  So still no real answer.  Why was it the right track Brad? Show me that you understand the idea presented, as so far you havnt shown that you do at all.

"The same old same old,is returning back to inductive kickback,thinking that there is magic to be found,even after years of experimenting,and absolute proof that inductive kickback always yields less energy than what it took to create it.  "

So let me get this straight Brad.  You initially thought I was on the right track by me saying to send the inductive kickback of a charged inductor to a bifilar coil, because that was my initial presentation of the idea, but now the part of the Inductive Kickback use is an issue for you.  Lol.  And you say Im mixed up? Well that is a terrible answer Brad. You are just trying to climb out the hole you have dug yourself here. Its not me that is mixed up Brad, clearly. Again you try to insult me further.  ;)

"Are you blind?
Look at the scope shot Mag's--the whole bloody AC signal is loaded with inductive spikes.
Do you think the only way to create inductive kickback spikes is the way you say?."

Definition of Inductive Kickback - the pulses of high voltage produced when direct current through an inductor is interrupted ...

Your circuit does not fall under that very common definition Brad.  You really must think I am that gullible to accept what you are saying here. But maybe you were mixed up when you wrote that.  Show me a definition on the internet that backs up your claim on inductive kickback in your circuit Brad. I have reposted your circuit from this post from you below where you clearly state an ac input.

Ok Brad. From your post   http://overunity.com/16203/inductive-kickback/msg517605/#msg517605

"The 962Hz Ac signal is supplied....."   

Just where in that AC supplied signal is the direct current through the inductor interrupted Brad???  So no Brad, there is no inductive kickback shown in your scope shot as you claim above. But maybe your just mixed up here. ;) Again. And you ask if I am blind. ::)   Well I suppose you wish I was in this case Brad. ;)

"Well,as you have gone from wire wound coils(as i stated in my post),to tape wound coils(which i referred to only in reference to those particular experiments),my bifi tape coil was in the microfarad range--tough break kid"

WOW!!!  So you are the man now!!! Hey? Did you not just previously state "The capacitance value of a bifi coil is near to nothing--in the pF range,and so will offer very little storage capacity."  http://overunity.com/16203/inductive-kickback/msg517611/#msg517611
Hmmm.  Lol  Well maybe you were just mixed up. Again.

"You mean-sending the inductive kickback current spike to one of the windings of your bifi coil,and then using the second winding to power a device--like a motor,as i believe you stated."

Ha!  Show me the post where I said that Brad.  I have never said that. I havnt said anything about doing anything with one winding of a bifi coil here in this discussion. I have not said anything about using the second winding to power a load.  I have only talked about the bifi winding as a whole here, period.  Show me that I stated that Brad. Dont you ever put words in my mouth that you cannot back up brad. Now you are really pissing me off just so you can save face here.  Or maybe you are just mixed up.

"How will your bifi coil be any different to a single wound coil,with some added capacitance across it?
How is this any different than a toroid wound transformer?
How many people you know that have sent inductive kickback spikes to one winding of a toroid transformer,and then tried to use a second winding to power something?"

Again, you clearly have not read what my idea is all about. CLEARLY!.  You are just injecting falsehoods here.  What the hell is wrong with you man?

Go ahead and try to send an inductive kickback spike through a single winding inductor. It will impede and reject that spike, as Partsman stated as he clearly read what I presented and understood it very clearly and you clearly have not.  And now as you say in the above quote "How will your bifi coil be any different to a single wound coil,with some added capacitance across it?"   Do you not believe that the inductive kickback spike of an inductor will be accepted by that capacitance across the other coil as you have just stated??   ::) Your losing it man. 

"Have you seen a boost converter with a toroid transformer in it Mag's ?"

The only one here talking about transformers and mutual inductance AND using the windings of a bifi coil separately here is you.  So your question is not relevant here.

"So,if you are going to be getting your knickers in a twist,even after i wished you good luck-->then SAME OLD SAME OLD.

No Brad.  You are making it seem like what I have presented is same old same old, when really you clearly do not get what the idea is about at all. But at least these other guys do. We are all ten steps ahead of you on this.
