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Where does the energy come from?

Started by allcanadian, October 31, 2006, 04:52:44 AM

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From the amount of stupid comments made by OU critics I thought the OU community should have some kind of standardized responses to the critics statements,so here are some responses I use.

Critic: You can't get something for nothing.
Answer: So explain this nothing to me?  Where exactly is it? If matter has energy as in E=mc squared then matter would have lots of energy like an atomic bomb has and nothing would have no energy. So if thephysics is correct? then all matter having high energy must be rushing towards this nothing having no energy at the speed of light, to fill this nothingness void just as hot flows to cold. So if this nothing is always being filled with energy from matter why is there still nothing?, this seems a little impossible. So basically thephysics we know and love is a contradiction in terms, you can't get something for nothing-but at no point anywhere anytime can you have nothing.

Critic: So where does the energy come from?
Answer: E=mc squared , Energy equals M times the speed of light(C) squared, this means all matter which must have mass, has energy due to it's velocity(the speed of light). It is also interesting to note that Force=mass x acceleration and any velocity squared is an acceleration. So all matter has energy because it is moving, matter also has an electric field(charges) and magnetic fields are defined as moving charges. Now I wonder what would happen if a machine put out more energy than was put in, the energy must come from somewhere? What if the energy of this machine was taken from a permanent magnetic field, this would imply that the magnetic field must weaken. But here is the catch-If the magnetic field weakened and the magnetic field is nothing more than a moving charge(matter)then the matter must have lost some of it's velocity, and if the matter has lost some of it's velocity it has lost energy(E=mc sq), and if the matter has lost energy it is at a lower energy state that all the other matter surrounding it, and we all know energy moves from the higher energy state to the lower energy state(hot to cold-high to low). So we could say the energy comes from all matter surrounding the machine and is transferred through the difference in velocity between matter losing energy and all other matter. Clear as mud, here is a good analogy- let's say the electron(moving charge) spinning around an atom is a gear in the middle of a table filled with other gears,and all the gears are meshing together and spinning at the same speed(the speed of light).What happens if you try to slow down just the middle gear? In order to slow down the middle gear all the other gears must slow down because they are linked together, so the energy gained or taken from the middle gear comes from all the nearby gears, and it's funny that this analogy would act exactly like what the physicists call entropy. The energy comes from matter, and because of the scale it is near impossible to measure.

Critic:So why don't you patent it and become rich and famous
Answer: How about I build one and give it to you, we will see how far you get.
Go to the US patent website, read the fine print- you cannot patent these devices and when it hits the news some 250 pound oilpatch rigger who just got laid off will show up on your doorstep because he just lost his job and really he is not happy at all, It's all bad.
Share it put it on the net.

Critic: You can't do that, it's the conservation of energy silly?
Answer: Yes exactly, that's why you can do it.
goto-So where does the energy come from?
Knowledge without Use and Expression is a vain thing, bringing no good to its possessor, or to the race.


Hi Allcanadian-

Here below in quotes is something I read somewhere on the internet and saved it. Unfortunately I can't remember who wrote it and I sincerely hope they don't mind me reprinting it here.

"The word overunity describes any energy process that yields more energy than the process requires. While mainstream science would call this concept a myth, it's actually a common phenomenon.
There are three types of overunity. Biological, Bio-Mechanical, and Mechanical. The first two types are garden variety. The third type is hidden from plain view.
An example of biological overunity is simple. A man leaves his home and walks to a pear tree in his back yard. He expends a given number of calories to exract even more calories from the pear tree. This type of overunity happens so often, it's hardly noteworthy. In fact, without this type of overunity, life itself would be impossible. We would starve to death in little time.
Bio-mechanical overunity is as common as biological overunity. One obvious example is a man using a chainsaw to cut firewood. The thermal energy used by the chainsaw is less than the thermal energy available from the cut wood. Another example is a tanker truck hauling gasoline from a refinery to a gas station. The energy being dragged behind the tractor in the huge tank is much greater than the energy being expended by the diesel engine the tractor uses to move about. The "bio" part of the equation is the human control in each of these examples.
Mechanical overunity isn't as easy to see, but it exists as a matter of deductive logic. Human beings can imitate natural process. No mystery there. Overunity electrical generators have been developed by garage dwellers that have an output that is 40 percent higher than input. An electric motor is used to turn a heavy flywheel. Using electronic trigger switches, electricity is cut off to the motor, which momentarily becomes a generator. If the motor is off more than its on, it yields more energy than is required by the process.
One common element of all these processes is the existance of suplemental free energy processes. For example, the pear tree couldnt produce pears without that huge ball of hydrogen we're all familiar with. The star named Sol that we all use everyday, is a natural free energy process."



You probably have found in an 'aol journal' like I did, it is here:
http://journals.aol.com/hypoxia2k7/TechSuppression/archive/2005/09 and see 9/20/05   The common phenomenon of overunity,  posted by hypoxia2k7



Energy can not be created nor destroyed it can only change form. the constant change of form is overunity or maybe just unity? so why not tap into this constant change unity/overunity to run a motor. :)



I firmly believe most "free energy" machines tap MCE energy, meaning the energy comes from ambient temperature.

There might be other known devices that tap into some form of quantum foam, but in honor of the older scientists such as Tesla I prefer to call it aether. Here's a very very brief description of _temporarily_ extracting energy from the intrinsic electron spin that to date no QM (Quantum Mechanics) physicists has any answer to -->

Two magnetic moments that go into magnetic alignment. The result is net magnetic field, which is energy, but no QM physicists knows where the energy comes from. If we duplicate this experiment with tiny current loops then we know from experimentation that the energy comes from the coils power source due to induction.  QM holds that the electron spin _cannot_ change. If true then we there must be another force that binds and sustains the electron because when two magnetic moments align energy is coming from someplace.

I conversed with ~ half dozen QM physicists on this topic. They were stumped. Their final advice was to do the experiment. I'm presently conversing with a world famous QM physicist, who's been on national TV many times, with this topic. So far he has no answer.

Paul Lowrance