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Free Energy from Electromagnetic Wave Fields

Started by ZL, June 29, 2016, 01:37:07 PM

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Let's use this thread to discuss free energy devices and their working principles, which are based on generating excess energy from electromagnetic waves. Those who know a little bit of physics (or even better, about radio wave propagation, or acoustics) have surely heard about the superposition of waves, which is also called interference. This is the basic principle of excess energy generation in wave fields. The nature offers it to us on a silver platter, ready for exploitation, if there were only enough serious people to notice, and take it.

The coherent waves of identical frequency and polarization propagating in the same direction behave in a very peculiar manner when they meet. Their individual amplitudes will be added together and the amplitude of the resultant wave will be the sum of the input waves' amplitudes. If we use the following notation for this post:

Er – amplitude of the electric field intensity of the resultant wave
E1 – amplitude of the electric field intensity of the first input wave
E2 – amplitude of the electric field intensity of the second input wave
P – power of the wave

then the amplitude of the resultant wave can be calculated as:

Er = E1+E2.

Why is this peculiar? Because according to the law of energy conservation this should not be so! If we would want to enforce the validity of this fictitious "law", then the amplitude of the resultant wave supposed to be the square root of the sum of the input-amplitudes-squared. This may sound a bit complicated written as text, so let me write it as a formula in a more compact form:

Er = Sqr(E12+E22) which is of course wrong, because nature does not behave this way.

Nature likes the first formula better, which should be exciting news (or old, but unrecognized fact) for the free energy researchers, and for everybody else as well. Why is this so exciting and liberating? Because, the energy content of wave is proportional to the amplitude squared P ~ E2; instead of being linearly proportional to the amplitude only. When two waves meet and merge into one resultant wave then the energy of the output wave can be calculated this way:

Pr ~ Er2
Pr ~ (E1+E2)2
Pr ~ E12+E22+2E1E2

The E12 is the power of the first input wave
The E22 is the power of the second input wave

Therefore, the law of energy and power conservation would be valid only, if these two components would exist only, and there would be no third component. But due to the rules of mathematics there is this third "magic" power component of the resultant wave, the 2E1E2, which represents the excess free energy or power that nature offers us for utilization. This is a brilliant example of a gem hidden in plain sight, what nobody seems to notice, because it is there for everybody to see, but nobody cares.

Janos Vajda a Hungarian electrical civil engineer who worked in radio locator development for the military forces has recognized this already in the second part of the twentieth century, and has written a thorough scientific paper, proving the existence of excess energy when electromagnetic waves are superposed. This paper has been printed in 1998 as a booklet titled "AZ ENERGIATÉTEL SÉRÜLÉSE HULLÁMTEREKBEN", (in English: VIOLATION OF THE LAW OF ENERGY CONSERVATION IN WAVE FIELDS). The English translation of the book can be downloaded from my website for free.

The book is a scientific paper, and not a very easy reading for most people, but there is a simplified explanation of its content on my website for the general public as well. Based on the book, some researchers might think that it is only theory, which has nothing to do with the practice, but nothing is further from the truth.

Mr. Vajda has recognized the natural and spontaneous generation of this excess energy in practice first, then he went on to prove its existence in theory as well, and then finally returned again to the practice, to use it in free energy generators. He has invented a free energy generator based on this principle, and applied for a Hungarian patent P96 01424 titled "Berendezés többletenergia előállítására és hasznosítására elektromágneses hullámoknál." (in English: "Apparatus for Producing and Utilizing Excess Energy with Electromagnetic Waves").

As you would expect with real free energy inventions, the patent application was denied. Mr. Vajda sued the patent office, and lost the court case. Then he appealed to the Supreme Court, but after many years of fight, which also consumed a lot of money, he has been cheated again, and lost that court case as well. A more comprehensive story about this can be read on my website, from where you can also download the original Hungarian patent application for free.

For those who would like to read an English translation of the patent application, it can be ordered on this page:

The Patent Application HU9601424A2 of Janos Vajda
,,Apparatus for Producing and Utilizing Excess Energy with Electromagnetic Waves"


The website has been recently updated, some images added, text changed, and this new article added. It can be reached via the following domain names as well (although only as redirect, for now):


New content will be added periodically as time and resources permit, so stay tuned, and check back for future updates.

There is a related old thread on this forum at:

with an inappropriate title, and a lot of unnecessary guess work, so it is better to start this new thread and perhaps a new category of FE devices/principles.

The excess energy generating principle of wave superposition or interference is not applicable only to electromagnetic waves, but also to any type of waves. It can be used for the design of acoustic FE devices (which was my focus for some years), using the medium of gasses, liquids, or even solids. It is applicable to the surface waves of liquids as well, like that of the ocean waves. The title of this thread attempts to limit this discussion to electromagnetic waves, only in order to focus the subject into manageable channels, and not to scatter our attention too much. New threads can be opened for the other similar categories of wave fields when sufficient interest emerges.

Zoltán Losonc


Please post a schematic or wiring diagram. 
Or post a Link so we can see a schematic or wiring diagram.

Thank you.


Thanks for letting me know, that the link for downloading the original patent application was broken on my web page. It has been fixed now.

There is not only one Figure, but 14 of them, because the device has got several alternative variants.
Few sample figures can be viewed on the page:


But all the 14 figures can be found in the original Hungarian patent application, which can be downloaded for free from this link:


Of course, they can be found in the English version as well...  ;)


Post video of working device like Kapanadze did  :P



Are you giving me orders what I should do?  :o
Because this post of yours is doing exactly that... Where is the magic word "please"?

And, by the way, even after I have described in detail which principle generates excess energy in our systems, you proudly contradicted it with this comment of yours (in the other thread):

Quote,,The excess of energy is never the interference of fields, it's the excess of magnetic field generated by whatever reason which by induction is converted to electric power - is the source."

Now my friend, if you know these things better than Janos and me, then what do you want with the video? You don't need it! You can just simply put your genius into practice, build your own favorite FE generator, and make your own video.

Also, please don't compare our work with that of Kapanadze! It's like comparing apples to oranges. Our stuff is real, while the Kapanadze sensation is a well organized disinfo campaign perpetuated by the energy cartel. Just like the Milkovic pump with the double oscillator, and the recent high profile scam of Keshe.

To everybody:
I have promised to post the video, and I keep my promises. Just there were more important things to finish first, like the translation of the patent, and some other research that is going on in the background, which is not publicized. The video I intended to post is about 1h 15' long, and about 3.5GB size. Not exactly for Youtube. Not by its content, and not by its size either.

If I would post the whole thing on Youtube, a brick might fall on my head while walking on the street... So I will make a short clip that shows some useful information, and create subs to translate the Hungarian speech for Youtube. Those who want the complete video with English subs should order it from me on DVD, but that will not be free. I am not giving away my work for free anymore on this project, because then I would end up broke and could not share any more info with the serious people, who are willing to put their money where their mouth is. And the only reason for my presence here and generally on the internet is to give useful information to those select few, who take this subject seriously enough to invest their work and money into it. Nothing of value is really free, someone has to pay for it. Those who are looking for free entertainment and hobby can continue to enjoy the show of Kapanadze, Milkovic, and Keshe.