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They call it Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Yeah Right....

Started by Magluvin, July 29, 2016, 12:13:57 AM

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In the past year I have been having weekly headaches that put me down for the day. Ive had migraines in the past, but not this frequent. And never had them in the morning lasting all day.

Also I have had symptoms of insomnia where I have a hard time getting to sleep, most of the time till near 5am. But then when I do fall asleep, I dont get up till 5pm or so. Not every day do I go through this patern as I have to go to work. But It presses me each day as if I didnt get enough sleep one day, the next is worse.

At first I thought, gee, Im just 50 and this is just me getting old. But more lately Im failing to believe that. 

As I talk to more and more people, Im finding many others with the same issues. Just this morning, I talked to My friend Pat before work about it and she has the same problem, along with her brother inlaw.

Ive more recently started thinking it was my smart meters, 3 of them outside my kitchen wall of my apt.  So last week taped up al foil on that inside wall.  It has only been the past few days that I have been able to get to sleep before 1 or 2am. Check

But still the headaches proceed.  So I began to look into cell phone use.  And yesterday was a bit of a clincher for me.  I woke up with the headache, didnt go to work and slept till about 6pm. Woke up and still had the headache. Went to check my phone for calls and had seen that my hotspot was on from the night before. Hmmm.   Check

So I did some searching. This article sums it up from most that say the same.

So, it seems the smart meters were causing the sleep issues and the cell most likely causing the headaches..

Last week I posted in a topic on this and Allcanadian said it was called Electromagnetic hypersesitivity.

There are always new names for illnesses. And it always seems to blame the victims instead of the apparent cause.

What i would like to come of this thread is for others that have these symptoms to try avoiding their cell phones for a bit, or just to minimize the use, to see if they have a positive experience by way of seeing their symptoms decline or go away all together. As many people that I have talked to around me that are experiencing the same issues, Im thinking that some here must be experiencing the same. From what I have read, here in the US, cell phones produce more power in their radiations than in other countries. So many out of the us may not have issues at all.

Anyway, Im tired(finally ;D ) and Im going to get some much needed sleep, as now I can. ;) ;D

Will update my results here as I feel differences or not.



Dear Mags.

I can only sympathise, sleep deprivation is torture.

I'm, probably, one of the very few that don't own a mobile/cell phone. I visited the USA 16 years ago as an exhibitor at a model engineering exhibition. Whilst there I met and chatted with a NASA satellite communications engineer. What that guy didn't know could have been written on a postage stamp! He was so full of conviction that the microwave output could damage the soft tissue of the brain he had forbidden his 26 year old daughter from using one! He also convinced me.

These days it seems we can't live without them....... Simple answer....... We did! A culture has developed and the younger generations have totally embraced it. I often wonder how many working hours are wasted each day?

I personally know of several acquaintances who, because of remote working areas used the older phones, developed brain tumours and died. Coincidence? Possibly, I'm not willing to become another statistic.

So everyone, let's educate our young as the mobile/cell is here to stay. Keep the device as far from the body as possible. Asking them not to use it is..........  Impossible.   :)

Cheers Grum.

Bob Smith

Hey Mags,
Sorry to hear about your experience with this. I went thru a lot of this about 7 years ago, so I feel for you. I have always been energetically sensitive, but things got really bad after I burned myself out at work with extra projects under extreme stress.   I seemed to become more sensitive to these energies the more exhausted and stressed I became.  If someone in the next aisle over in the grocery store got a cell phone call, my ears would start to ache, and I'd get a pressure in my chest.  Nowadays, I get the pressure in my chest if I get close to a cell tower. Usually, I feel the pressure, and will tell my wife in the car, "there must be a cell tower nearby."  Sure enough, we come around a bend or over a hill and there it is.  I find being in a car with a cell phone user or bus affects me strongly. It makes sense  -  the car/bus acts like a Faraday cage, and the cell phone puts out more microwave radiation to get its signal thru the shell of the vehicle and to the nearest tower.

Here are some of the things that helped me:
Getting good information:
This is one of the better info websites out there. The author of many of the articles is Dr. Magda Havas, an internationally recognized expert on harmful effects of EM fields.

USB Keyboard With Laptop
  At that time, I had to get a USB keyboard to use at a distance from my laptop, because my hands would start to feel like they were burning/cooking from the laptop's RF output. 

Getting my Heavy Metals Down
I ended up getting hair tissue mineral testing done, and I had high levels of lead, aluminum and cadmium in my tissues. I took mineral supplements in high dosages to push these out of my body. Turns out the body will grab onto whatever metals are at hand if it cannot get the right ones for its needs. It'll hold onto them until the right ones are available.  My feeling is that the higher our heavy metal levels, the more we are going to be like walking antennas for stray EMFs.  A good green smoothie will chelate out a lot of these heavy metals - much cheaper than the approach I took. I eat green smoothies almost every day for breakfast now, and they've helped me quite a lot, and would say they keep my heavy metals down. That's the path I'd recommend. Here's a the basic recipe I follow: http://realfoodrebel.com/super-healthy-green-smoothie/

Getting Graham Stetzer Filters for my Home:
I found out about dirty electricity (disturbances on the household sine wave) and its negative effects on human health. I bought a set of 20 Graham Stetzer filters (and a tester) for our home (cost me about $800 CDN, I think). My wife and I noticed our home felt much calmer after that.
You can find info on dirty electricity and GS filters here as well:
Here's where I got mine - pays to shop around.  http://www.stetzerizer-us.com/

Changed from Metal Frame to Wooden Frame Bed
I discovered that bed frames pick up stray EMFs, and this disturbs the kind of rest we need, interferes with body repair during sleep. We scrapped our metal frame bed and picked up a wood frame bed at Ikea. Helped quite a bit.

Use Cell Phone only on Speaker Mode
My inner ear will physically ache if I use a cell phone more than a couple of minutes. I always try to use the cell on speaker mode.

Get Wireless Router Away from Sleeping Area, Turn off at Night
If you have wireless internet in your house, it will be important to put the wireless router at a point far from where you sleep. It's also helpful to turn off the wireless router at night. Probably the best is to just use a switch and run your internet plugged in with a cat5 cable. This might not be possible, especially if there are multiple users in the house. But at least moving the wireless unit further from where you sleep is pretty important. It shouldn't be in the same room where you sleep or in the basement right under where you sleep.  Also, if you have an electric alarm clock on a night stand beside where you sleep, this will create problems. I only use a battery powered little alarm clock, and have learned to get used to the ticking at night (don't notice it any more).

You mentioned other things like the smart meters. I'd also say pay attention to where wireless units are at work - maybe try to have your workstation on the other side of a room from it. Some places put in industrial strength wireless to penetrate concrete walls (e.g., hospitals and schools). Some stores or bars crank the wireless quite high and I can feel the difference when I walk into t hese places, and I generally stay in them as short a time as I can.

Hope this helps Mags.
Glad to share any other info or experience I have.