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Papp Engine Update

Started by markdansie, October 13, 2017, 05:52:26 AM

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I thought it was updating this story after recieving the following post.

M. Rohner 4 hours ago[/font][/size][/color][/font]

I know it's late, but I just found this. I was involved with Inteligentry. Not one time did I believe it would yield even a somewhat efficient generator, and yet I came to understand that a lot of folks are expecting this technology to eventually reach over-unity. I had to look this term up when I heard it because it sounded obscure and ridiculous. Little did I know how ridiculous it really is. Do you people really expect to create energy out of thin air?
If there's one thing I learned from dealing with my dad for all those years, it's how to spot a badly staged con. This really couldn't have a stronger odor of scumminess to it - free energy from nothing. Doesn't that sound too good to be true? I mean, really? People are buying that? Too many people did, and I still regret holding my tongue. Sometimes I did not even hold it, but no one saw any sense in paying attention.
A more talented con artist would shoot for something more realistic, like near-unity. Stay in the land of the real, and you can create "demonstrations" and machines that actually do something that people can dissect and talk about. Maybe that sounds familiar to someone.
I used to follow quite a few of these projects but I've never seen anyone that inspired any confidence that this technology actually exists. I've seen some promising video. That's it.


Kind Regards


Russ and his group of monitors at the RWG site are a different kind of con men in that Russ will start building something get everyone all excited about and then once done bail on that idea and move on to another. At his site he controls the narrative so anyone like me that can see through this is blocked so that at least on that site our voices can't be heard. When he was working on Meyer's technology is when I first noticed this pattern about building things, then never really testing them, and then moving on to build something else and start the whole process all over again. With Meyer's technology he simply got to a point where he ran out of things to build and once that happened he jumped to that Papp Engine which is a totally different technology. Once he was done building all he could build on that technology predictably he jumped onto building a totally different technology as that's the pattern.
While people are all excited to see something being built a lot of funds are moved towards his efforts. Many felt betrayed when he jumped ship from Meyer's technology as they donated a lot of money to him and they had every right to have those feelings as the testing never followed the scientific method thus no real results or questions ask about the technology were ever figured out. When people like myself started actually making real progress on Meyer's technology we had to be shut down as it was stopping the money from rolling in. I was too naive at the time to see the money part but after I went to the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement I was able to see it first hand.

You see at the event I showed for the very first time ever a high voltage potential difference being applied directly to a water bath in a provable way. I had all of the proper test equipment and plenty of eye witnesses whom saw with their own eyes that 4.2kv was being applied to an excitor array filled with distilled water. This happened at a time when Russ was only getting around 5-10 volts being applied to his resonant cavity. So, naturally all of the donation funds should have came rushing to support my work but at the RWG site I had been banned and when one of their members posted my interview video by John Fraser on that site it was met with complete disdain as it was just one negative comment after another condemning my progress.

Later they allowed me to rejoin the site with the hopes that I would give them the technology for free, which I had no intention of doing, as I required people to do their own work as I taught this technology. During that time I went from 350 volts per resonant cavity to 880 volts per resonant cavity as I learned more about how the Meyer process actually worked through hands on experimenting. Since it became clear to them that I had no intention of just handing over the technology to them they banned me to the point that the only place I was allowed to post on the RWG site was in the chat room. During that time I managed to reach 940 volts per resonant cavity which was only 60 volts shy of Meyer's stated working conditions for this technology being 1000 volts or more per resonant cavity and their work had improve to just over 100 volts per resonant cavity during that time frame. It was as this time I started pointing out the primary faults with Open Source in that it would require the worlds population to build a "One-Off" which is the most costly way to go about building anything. As I looked into this more I found that Open Source acted in a manor that showed they believed that they could somehow get around the rules of the markets where buying in bulk is the name of the game to cut cost to making things affordable for the masses. After a few talks about that in the chat room I was given the full ban by haxar.

Most people don't understand that Open Source truly only works for things the do not require any materials to be built. Things like computer programs and software are Open Source things that work but once something requires materials to be built then the rules of the markets kick in and there simply is no getting around that. I pointed that out to them and was banned for doing so as theses where truths they didn't feel like hearing along with my successes in getting the voltages up to my excitor array which showed I was heading in the right direction concerning Meyer's technology. There were happy however to hear that I got stuck at 940 volts for a few years. But upon learning that I had figured out how to get the voltages well past 1000 volts per resonant cavity I was simply called a lair by a few people on the RWG site and made out as if I was faking my results somehow. They all know I have the proper equipment to test this technology but out of spike just told everyone I was making things up anyways which is something that will come back to bite them in the end big time.

Anyone that has worked on Meyer's technology can tell you he left the main things that gave an understanding to how his technology actually works out of his patents and lectures videos. But by hard work making use of the scientific method I figured out what he left out and my work shows it. Meanwhile Russ has been bouncing from one technology to another as that's his true mode of operation. That Papp Engine was just something new to get everyone all exciter about to extract some funds from them. I'm not saying that the Papp Engine technology will or will not work as I have no idea if it will work or not as I have never looked deeply into the technology, but what I am saying is Russ had no true intention of finding out as for him it was just another way to keep the money flowing.

This is why I don't blame you Mark Dansie for not believing in what I was doing when I was posting on your site as there are simply too many people out there like this you have run into. People whom don't have the best intentions for what it is they are doing and will say anything just to keep the money flowing for as long as they can get away with it. Now there are others that simply aren't smart enough to give these technologies a go along with others whom can't afford to give these technologies a go due to the high cost of getting the right testing equipment and they are all mixed in with the frauds due to how these forums work in that no one will hold people accountable for their actions. This mixing of the good, bad, poor, and not so bright individuals really doesn't work out all that well as it all works towards keeping technologies like these out of the marketplace. But at least with you I was honest in telling you that I had not reached Meyer's stated working voltages for this technology during my time spent on your site and even now I am having a hard time in getting the last materials I need to get this technology up and running correctly. But I know I have the science right this time as I can finally add up the energies and understand the core science behind Meyer's water for fuel technology which turns out isn't much different than what Dr. Dingle and a few others did. The one thing that has always held us back is understanding the science behind the patents and I posted them on this site for all to have in my Stanley Meyer Explained thread. But I will admit it's just the science without the needed information towards how Meyer went about building something that could mimic what I found in nature to be doing the exact same thing.

So, you are free to ask me questions but just remember I am also free to withhold anything I deem that will get in the way of bringing this technology to the marketplace where it can do the most good for humanity.

Kind Regards,


Hi Edward
I have to agree with much of your post. For whatever reason Russ did not like me and expect some of my comments. He was a close friend of Sterling's at the time. I actually arranged for his invite for the conference.

Having said that I do enjoy his video's and find them very educational. He does the hard yards doing experiments many of have not got the skills or time to do.

I would like to catch up with you again, and can I use your post here as an article for revolution green.

Kind Regards


Sure Mark you can use some of my stuff for your article. Most of it is what I have learned from really observing Open Source and people in general. I really pay close attention to those whom rose up against me when all I was doing most of the time was sharing what I observed with my experiments. Unlike most I made use of the scientific method which takes a long time but it does yield results once the right questions are asked. Trust me being stuck just 60 volts from my goal for close to three years was tough and in the end it was a dream that lead me to solving what I was doing wrong so I know the creator is looking out for me.

Take a read of this pdf file as how I figured the science out was to look towards nature to see how it was going about breaking the bonds of the water molecules and I found not just one example of it doing so but two: http://overunity.com/7030/stanley-meyer-explained/dlattach/attach/161650/  Now it's just the science for it tells nothing on how Meyer and others actually went about mimicking nature.

With Russ I agree he does make some interesting videos but since he wouldn't follow the scientific method his testing was always cut far too short and he'ed move on to something new to build. I think he just likes the thrill of building something new and having people cheer him on as he does so. Many a time did I try and get him to test things out properly but was totally ignored by him. Even after I met him face to face in Boulder, Colorado he still would ignore what it was I had to say on how to go about studying Meyer's technology. Sure back then I didn't have all the answers but I knew I was heading down the right path as I was getting high volts while restricting the flow of amps just like Meyer would always talk about in his lecture videos plus my water bath wasn't heating up one bit even when the experiments were left running for several days at a time.

Anyway Russ and his site monitors really didn't like my new views of Open Source and gave me the full ban a few days ago. The only thing I could do on their site was post in the chat room as I was banned form doing anything else. After a few people started to understand what I was talking about when I shared with them how the markets actually work haxar, one of Russ's site monitors, had enough of my truth talks and banned me. He even took the time to ban my IP address like I don't have others or an IPhone, LOL. But that's the treatment I get from most people in those forums for it's like you are dealing with a bunch of unruly children whom throw a fit when they can't get their way. Well, one day they will look back on all of their ill treatment of me and be really kicking themselves for having done so.

Take care Mark,