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Coronavirus,uesfull information for fighting Virus [evolving from effected areas

Started by ramset, March 08, 2020, 08:56:50 AM

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Robert-Koch-Institute ( Virology)  :

incubation time 2-14 days,this makes for the 14 days and more "Quarantaene"- time responsible !

A great Corona-infection difference : mortal rate Italy 6,6%  / South-Korea 0,7%

To understand "media-numbers":
Germany has 83 Mio. habitants, one per mille = 1/1000 active infectants would be a medical system collaps :
28000 beds illness treatment emergency room  capacity / 83000 patients ( as 1/1000 "Pandemie" example)

Comparison :

Influenza/Grippe 119000 cases only in Germany season 2019/2020 and 249 deaths by Influenza(symptoms/-effects)

Also : aviaere Influenza ~ Vogel-Grippe/"Gefluegelpest"( but Influenza -Virus not Pest-Virus) actual H5N1         
           but in Asia actually the real swine-pest  a problem !


Newton II

Quote from: ramset on March 08, 2020, 08:56:50 AM

This from one of our better Open source researcher/investigators ...more accurate and useful information and tips for fighting it from healthcare persons in effected areas.
here Zinc and other ....[ongoing...?

Chet K

In some places I have seen farmers growing a waste crop in between main desired crop so that the pests attack the waste crop and their main crop is saved.  May be this is a type of biological pest control.

Similarly  if large numbers of dead and weakened bacteria are injected into human body,  the viruses may feed on these bacteria rather than attacking human cells. Mean while the patient can take proper medicines, food, vitamins etc, to strengthen the white blood cells which
kill the viruses.

My doubt about vaccination is,  do the dead and weakened bacteria injected into human body prepare WBC to fight the germs or just become the food for germs diverting their attention from attacking body cells?

Just a question, please don't mistake.

Here is another method to kill the viruses :



60%-70% habitants controled Corona-infection needed for immunization !


and there are other virus-kinds in action ( from 2009 !)


Almost every second hospital patient examined suffered from acute bronchitis and every fourth from pneumonia.15% even had heart failure.As a result, every 10th clinical patient had to be artificially ventilated or treated in an intensive care unit.So far, infection with metapneumoviruses can only be treated symptomatically, and there is also no vaccination.



Probably a global " clean air act" helps for a better and healthier human respiratory system ,over all seasons !
And " clean food",without anti-biotics !

This "individual car free cities"- moment as common future living style !


"Corona-Virus in Europe"
actually 1/10000 habitants in Europe are officially infected ,far away from the 60-70% society vaccination by controled -over two years:2020,2021,2022-infection for society immunization




Extreme heterogeneity - or definition chaos ...

The confusion about the Spanish flu would not be too bad, it was a long time ago - only the definition chaos continues to this day. Scientists have long complained of this "extreme heterogeneity" and, for example, systematically examined the results of 50 studies with 77 flu virus estimates in 2009. These ranged from 1 to 10,000 deaths per 100,000 cases ( Case fatality risk of influenza A (H1N1pdm09): a systematic review ). It is often not entirely clear on which bases the values ​​are based. And even if there are, there are still major methodological differences. Scientists should therefore always make the references clear.

       1  / 100000           =        0,001 %  mortality
10000 /  100000           =      10,0     %  mortality

that is called "professionalism" !  :P 

actually the mortal risc based by Corona-virus for the under 50 years age male/female group : +-    0,3 % !

divide et impera over "numbers" : male/female cases,under 50 years,50-60 years group,61-70 years group,71-80 years group

by average habitants life expectance by 75-80 years  the death risc between 65 and more is "in geral" percentual ever higher,with-/out influenza or corona !


Coronavirus mortality rate by age group in China 2020
Published by Statista Research Department, Mar 12th 2020

 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) puts men above the age of 50 at risk. This emerges from an analysis by the Chinese health authorities on the number of infections with the novel coronavirus. In mid-February 2020, 10,008 people in the 50-59 year-old age group were infected with the coronavirus in China. From this age group, the mortality rate in a given disease increases rapidly as a result of SARS-CoV-2. The mortality rate among those over 80 was 14.8 percent at the time of the survey.

the geral mortality rate in each year over 60,61,62,...... years related to average male/female life expectancy !
The average percentage of chance/risc for 80 and over years old people ?


Actuarial mathematics: DEATH TABLE + LAW OF LIKELIHOOD

for Germany : https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Bevoelkerungsstand/Glossar/sterbetafel.htm


                                                                           arithmetical truth :


over 50 years age  the geral mortality rate is higher than the average mortality rate of influenza/flue/grippe waves over the seasons !

Now we take the above sentence,only China related and the SARS-Corona virus related  :

".... The mortality rate among those over 80 was 14,8 percent at the time of the survey. ....."

Now we take the Germany DEATH TABLE over 80 and accumulate ages and percentages and death risc/change  :
80 years     5,64%
81 years     6,45%
88 years     14,87 %


Dear peoples,less worry and less hurry ! Gevatter TOD comes to all of us,earlier or later !



Various studies then also predict that between twelve and more than 40 percent of jobs in Germany could be lost in the next two decades alone, net of new jobs being created.

We have a global oversized economy, 1/3 over-consume capacity easily to diminuate !


Individuals traffic free cities !


Priorities : usefull to useless

Enforced economy change velocity from two decades to several months :


                                                 restriction will last "several months"


1929 and 1987 : die auf Goldstandart basierende 1920+ Wirtschaft global hatte auf WW1 Reparationszahlungen des DEUTSCHEN REICHS sich "angelehnt" und Kredite aufgenommen bis dann die fuer diese Zahlungen zustaendige DANAT-Bank Liquiditaets-"sudden death" anmeldete mit folgender globaler Kettenreaktion

1987 die auf Hypotheken-Kredite basierte japanische Wirtschaft musste aufgrund Einfuehrung einer 0,5% Immobiliensteuer sich refinanzieren und Auslandsvermoegen repatriieren,Geldschwund insbesonders durch NIKKEI-Crash : verstaerkt durch Future-Handel ! Nomura-Desaster !

2020 : die F.E.D. und EZB sind Geld-/Vermoegens-arm,aber verfuegen ueber virtuelle-kaum gesicherte- Finanzierungs-"Instrumente".