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Bill Gates - will he try to force vaccinate you soon ?

Started by hartiberlin, May 20, 2020, 02:53:04 PM

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https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virion     https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virion

Virus/Virion Im-/Export through fruits/vegetables/meat/fish/drinks : fruit/orange/cocos concentrate ?/water
Virius/virion is collaboration/coppulation with biotics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibiotic                             

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold There is no vaccine for the common cold
: super-virion

infection :
by acarus ( arachnids = micro spiders ) beside  https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.allergie-freizeit.de/allergieformen/milbenallergie/   
   ,moscitos,spiders, https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecken

How many vaccinations,how often  ? Spectrum ?

Before/after vacation/holiday !?
PCR-Test : identification CoVid19  https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.quarks.de/gesundheit/medizin/corona-test-wie-funktioniert-der-test/

The PCR is a system with which one specific DNA sequences outside of the living organism in vitro , proliferate or can copy
Petri-Schale,outside of the living organism   compared inside the living organism  ? Oxygene/hydrogen/ Temperature/density/pressure !

                                           PASTEUR : with/out "wrong" ancient scientifical bacterium growth treatment ?

and not https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold
Well over 200 virus strains are implicated in causing the common cold, with rhinoviruses being the most common.
Human rhinoviruses preferentially grow at 32 °C (89 °F), notably colder than the average human body temperature of 37 °C (98 °F); hence the virus's tendency to infect the upper respiratory tract, where respiratory airflow is in continual contact with the (colder) extrasomatic environment.

Rhinovirus C, unlike the A and B species, may be able to cause severe infections.[10] This association disappears after controlling for confounders.[11] Duly, amongst infants infected with symptomatic respiratory illness in low-resource areas, there appears to be no association between rhinovirus species and disease severity.[12]



Mutation-mechanism :


Erkrankung/infection + Anti-Vakzine : Kettenreaktions-/chain reaction -Mechanism

"Fett und Wasser trennen sich immer ;D ", erklärt Kaufmann.
Kein Grund aber für stärkere Bedenken, sagt Kaufmann
Solche Begleiterscheinungen  sind bei Impfungen üblich, wie Stefan Kaufmann, emeritierter Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie
Kolloides Verhalten :  https://motorkote.com/collections/all
Solche Begleiterscheinungen,von ueberschaetztem - unwissenschaftlich wirkendem- Personals begleitet zu sein, sind bei Impfungen ueblich

BONZO-/BONZA-Nation  !
John Kanzius and 5/6G   ;D

arguments pro/contra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znHrQIbmsTA

                                  Hochspannungsleitungen,Hochspannungsmast :                                   
                                  Vogelnester,Eier-De-/Formation ?

                                  et cetera and Pipa ohne P..

                                 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr+eneas+carneiro outside Semi-B ::) inside well formed  ;) :)
                                "Eu estou do lado desse pequeno grupo, chamado de conjunto de trogloditas, indivíduos da (Era) paleolítica,
                                 que defende o Estado nacional soberano."

                                Pinto da Costa-destaque :  "Penso que isto chama-se CONSTITUTIONALISTA,certeza ?!" ULTRAs ? ;)
                               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-57vrz6yVM  Saberdoria ? Em theoria é pra(c)tica !
                               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RyMKDQ3g4A `               armas transformar em "machinas" de energia libre

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmoSB3OgNMU  :o

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falange#/media/Datei:Bandera_FE_JONS.svg  ::)






A "techno-political problem" in the 80/90´ for the east german inventor Dr.? Helmut Reichelt,Dresden :
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit {f} <EMV>electromagnetic compatibility <EMC>
electromagnetic compliance <EMC>electr.


based by




auch als Radar-System :


In focus :




The recommended limits are time-weighted average of 200 mT during the working day for occupational exposure, with a ceiling value of 2 T. A continuous exposure limit of 40 mT is given for the general public.  Static magnetic fields affect implanted metallic devices such as pacemakers present inside the body, and this could have direct adverse health consequences. It is suggested that wearers of cardiac pacemakers, ferromagnetic implants and implanted electronic devices should avoid locations where the field exceeds 0.5 mT. Also, care should be taken to prevent hazards from metal objects being suddenly attracted to magnets in field exceeds 3 mT.

Concern regarding potentially hazardous consequences of nonionizing EMR started to raise some decades ago, around the 1950s and 1960s, first about radio waves and microwaves, and more recently about low‐intensity fields as well, such as those generated by power lines, cell phones, and Wi‐Fi devices. The effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields on the human body have been studied for many years already, and the results are conclusive in some cases and inconclusive in others [2023].

Basically, there are two types of effects that electromagnetic fields can have on biological tissues: short‐term and long‐term effects. Short‐term effects, also known as acute effects, are those that appear instantaneously, or minutes after the beginning of the exposure. In general, these effects only take place under fields of considerable intensity, and disappear as exposure ceases. The biological mechanisms involved in these short‐term effects are relatively well known, as well as the field values (intensity and frequency) that cause them [2427]. They are usually classified into two main groups: electrostimulant effects and thermal effects. The former are caused by the interaction between low‐frequency fields and living matter, either by polarization and dipole reorientation produced by electric fields, or due to induced currents generated by magnetic fields (for instance, a strong alternate magnetic field can induce electrical currents capable of stimulating nerves and muscles in an undesired way). The latter refer to the exchange of energy between fields and tissues, which rises their temperature. These thermal effects are completely negligible for frequencies under 100 kHz, but become relevant at higher frequencies (consider, for the sake of illustration, the operating principle of a microwave oven, whose working frequency is around 2.45 GHz). Electrostimulant effects are instantaneous, while thermal effects have a time constant of minutes.

Long‐term effects, on the other hand, are those that could appear after months or years of exposure. Several studies have tried to determine the relationship between long‐term exposure to electromagnetic fields and different pathologies (cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, etc.), without finding conclusive evidence for it. Approximately half of these studies show small correlations, just statistically significant, between long‐term exposure and these illnesses [28]. In any case, the possibility of such relationships made the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to classify low‐intensity, low‐frequency electromagnetic fields, and also radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, as "possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)" [24, 25].

Generally speaking, it is extremely difficult to establish direct biological effects caused by long‐term exposure, and to obtain reproducible results [23]. As a consequence, standards and guidelines to limit human exposure are elaborated based only on well‐known, scientifically proven, short‐term effects (with appropriate safety factors), and therefore long‐term effects are not taken into account. This applies to the two most extended guidelines nowadays, those from the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and those from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Both are briefly described subsequently.

3.1. ICNIRP's guidelines The most extended criteria for recommended exposure limit to EMFs were first proposed by the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) in 1998 [22]. These guidelines are based on current scientific evidence, as well as risk analysis performed by the World Health Organization (WHO). They establish protection recommendations considering well‐known mechanisms and appropriate security factors, the latter being due mostly to scientific uncertainty.

Less KW electro-magnetic drive is healthier, instead 300 KW or 30 KW 3 KW nominal e-drive for passengers car drive more than sufficient !


Anyone considered that those swabs used to test everyone for covid are also being used as a surreptitious means for collecting the populations DNA and entering it into a world DNA database? What do you suppose will happen when that comes to light?
Where there is power there will ALWAYS be abuse of power!


https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doggerbank  :o   https://www.wwf.de/fileadmin/fm-wwf/Publikationen-PDF/Dogger_Bank_Sandbank.pdf

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doggerbank-Krankheit       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogger_Bank_itch
Das Sulfoxonium-Ion ist in sehr geringen Konzentrationen vorhanden, nur 5 ppm der Trockenmasse der Moostierchen stellen entsprechende Ionen dar. Nach dem Kontakt kommt es zu einer Kopplung mit den Proteinen der Haut oder des Blutserums und damit zu einer Antigenbildung, die die allergische Reaktion auslöst. Als Symptome bilden sich Hautrötungen, Schwellungen und Blasen.

Anti-/Neutralizer SARS-Spikes therapy
Anti-serum : Neurodermitis,"Guertelrose",..... Pubertaets-Akne(neuro !)
+ Liquid nitrogen therapy
Wechseljahre : 1 human m/f :  cycle changes per life ( ex-/in- ternal,both !?)