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Overunity Machines Forum

Has anyone here constructed an overunity system that works?

Started by TriKri, March 29, 2021, 06:27:50 PM

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Ilya Tsimbaluk

And here it is, the electric motor. This is the motor from the washing machine, the one I already described. Of course it works absolutely sub-optimally, but for some performances, it used to be quite useful.

Ilya Tsimbaluk

I would like to say that the thoughts that followed were of some use. I was concerned about the rotor in an induction machine. After all, it was supposed to have an EMF in it.
But here's the question, if it's inductance - so you could draw energy like in an inversion converter.
But that's how it turned out. a friend of mine. in another talk, was doing a fun experiment. He made an alternator with coils. which had minimal active resistance and more reactive resistance.
Since the windings have inductive properties, the induced EMF and current have a time difference of almost 90 degrees. His hypothesis was based on the idea that if somehow it was possible to remove energy, due to the fact that the phase of the current and its top is strictly opposite the magnet, this current will have a compensating effect and the resultant force between the stator and the rotor will approach zero.
But it turned out that no matter how you try to remove this energy - in no way could you make the current be completely in the center, that is, when the maximum current is opposite to the dead point. the dead point is when the magnet is found exactly above the winding.

But it turned out that if you short-circuit the barbed winding itself at a certain point in time, on the contrary - the force of mechanical coupling will be maximum.

Hence the electrical circuitry. which has been carried over into the circuit working with the pendulum.

Considered a more simplified scheme, allows us to consider the situation. when selecting a capacitor, the current in the winding itself, which is associated with its formation at the appearance of its EMF, induced by the magnets, and the current, which decreases due to the transformation of energy into energy of the charged capacitor

The lower oscillogram shows the induced EMF voltage as well as the capacitor voltage.

Ilya Tsimbaluk

While the sparks of Gray's tubes are sparkling around, hydrogen is melting in a mysterious way in the neighboring topics, I found a video in my archives, which I decided to put up here after all. I hope that despite the fact that part of the video in Russian, I put it here, because I would like to satisfy my creative itch to switch tomorrow to Proteus and in the future to Ansys Maxwell Ansys HFSS programs for modeling transformers and wave processes, I put up the video.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the man for giving valuable guidance on the oscillator and amplifier. I don't even know how he got here.


Ilya Tsimbaluk

Just recently resumed communication with a mathematician and philosopher, a man from London about my installation. it was a very entertaining conversation, given that the man was versatile and judging by the fragments of his mathematical equations, you could tell that I was delighted.

His page is here

His idea is to create a commune, it was hard for me to understand what he had in a conversation with Ilon Musk, but I plan to talk about the mathematical model of the pendulum. as it would be interesting to create a mathematical apparatus. the fact that Ansys Mwxwell cannot yet solve dynamic models, and SolidWorks. which can do simulation of physical processes - will not make simulation of electromagnetic processes. Perhaps someday Ansys Maxwell will make the appropriate solvers. the thing is. all this will require complex integration.
Perhaps this task can be done in MATLAB



Although I was initially reluctant at first I have been convinced to some on here and try to justify making electricity from the square root of -1, despite the kind of trouble it's caused eccentric characters like myself, and eric dollard, and many members of our extended family in the past. Here goes, as I attempt a sierious white rex impression whilst trying to keep a straight face with the vulgarity and laughability of the so-called enlightened controllers of radio, as we witness world events in the heart of europe, by physicists like gods of time, and pharoahs and emperor past budhists justifying doing nothing, when answers are available on both sides of East and West circuit for a real soulenoid effort.

Some excerpt from my 2012 works pertanent to the continuation of this topic

The academics do not enjoy thoughts of their own or they would not constantly feel the need to use those assumptions from other peoples work for the base of their own.  I do not think that it was always this way; it is how the academics are educated now. I could have been one but it scared me making the wrong assumptions because I wanted to do the best work. The work that engineers do today is not the best work and the modern scientific method is to blame. If this was not the case they would not base all of their work on the delusive theory of a primary electron, so then they would not be able to quote all of the other work, as the other work uses one electron, and because all the sciences base are wrong there is no good science work to quote to support the argument of the existence of 2.

Building any device with an incomplete or incorrect understanding of the fabric of operation (ether), in this case academics understanding of magnetic current and mass, results in designs which are based on the electron instead of the fabric of space. But what are the designs really doing if the electron does not exist? And what if the electrons are not only doing the work but the space is too. What we have, and how good our science is today and tomorrow is really about how we think that it is working now and then, and when good effects are discovered by enough people that it is not working by the same principle, only then it is possible for a better design that uses what is really there, rather than what was not – what was perceptually wrong, misconceived and incorrect. Each advanced step we take is based on smaller steps. It only takes a few major steps to be incorrect or mishandled by men for education to take the same step backwards. The efficiency of design then is dependent on the completeness of understanding.

I am not sorry for the academics, I am sorry for the common man that does not have the availability and self-taught mind to commit new understandings and teach itself. Whilst the common man is fighting his brutish nature with the possibility of polishing it, the academic is fighting the wrong kind of polishing they have already received. So, to the common man that knows nothing has a hard skin preventing his absorption as much as the academic. Except that the hard skin preventing the common man is his brutishness and the hard skin preventing the academic from understanding was somebody else's idea polished into them. This is proof to me that the presence of a wrong idea is as damaging as the absence of one. When I started this work I had to start removing all my polish and stop being a brute. It is not easy, the greater knowledge and education, the greater the advantage, and so greater temptation. Where there knowledge then there is power and where there is power is temptation.

Now I've got the awkward mystical mumbo jumbo out the way, as nobody likes a pixie or elf in the woods, lord knows why, because most of the best stuff I've created, like alexanderson antenna equivalents and electrical and consciousness storage in the dimension of time came about by a pretty effortless process. Maybe this is not the time for Beatles or Leary moments, but I'm quit serious, some of the best science happens under these circumstances unless one becomes the helpless and somewhat hapless victim such as wilhelm reich. The little man? What of the giant that lives within?

Since there are some fairly high level sponsors for the commune effort and a practical effort of making electricity from the square root of -1 that doesn't involve a takeover of israel, parts of giza plateau in egypt, other ancient monuments or the requirement of any yellow, red, white or yellow or any particular jackets or hats on that matter. I intend to make final life effort to bring about immortality of these following 'commenters' and 'suggestions' on this topic ignored/suppresed by the gods of power and chance previously, mainly due thru wrongly challenging the accelerating scientific efforts of big pharma and energy. For sure you would be surprised who or what 'really' controls gas and electricity flow on this beautiful planet we call earth. Though I heard lately that many have been finding out in particularly unceremonious ways what ill will of men of science, or religion either are, some call this force karma, but really we are talking about dimensions of space and time. For example the computer resolved sexual identity in 4 seconds, literally its a time phenomenon, literally if you follow genes back you can see most of the solutions proposed, but most people don't want to follow anything.

Good on them. I quite agree - look where it's got us. And normally society devolves (or dissolves??) into the argument of hitler vs the world or some bullshit stalanist I wish I was like the japanese but I chose a master instead kind of rhetoric. Whilst my ideas might sound political, or philosophical, really I'd like to emphasis, really, really, they are not. Where is a heaviside for a witness when you need him. Probably ordering more chunks or bolders or other rocks because of what the surrounding consciousness did to him that time round. I could bring up albert einstein but the illuminati might have to kill me. Jokes aside, I'm pretty serious about alberts theories when he is making them freely and without outside or undue pressure. I once heard an unlikely story that a man did not write those mathematical equations and observations anyway and it was in fact albert einsteins sweet heart that wrote most of them. I heard a friend in Miami Florida took tesla's and einstein's equations lined them up and knew what to do with them. The problem most of the time is, not the power of one, but the one of power.

Anyway - jokes, almost philosophical mathematical truisms whatever you call it aside, some important background information on induction factors of 100% and power factors of 0% in reflective mechanical loads or electrical mechanical analogues. Adam, the one who isn't (or wasn't before) quite one pretty much specialised in Mallory type oscillators, and although never succesfully operated a buzz coil still managed to get the ole girl talking, and made a whole fleet of them, he was going to apply for a patent as well for a lot of the 'warp coil' like designs but frankly they were already pre-assigned to the time from which they came. Recently I befriended a grandmaster called Rinzai who told some interesting stories about tibet and the power of consciousness. I remember something being described like "nothing that can be seen outside that doesn't pre-exist inside", but it was genuinely too much for most, and probably would, if fully conceived practically arrest the borg-orca-whale-eaters of the mid-nothern-east meridian of influence.

Anyways, after spending a lot of time looking at four quadrant theory in various forms, it was a delightful and happy time, almost mystical you might say to introduce the concept to a more global audience that were spiritual receptive to the kind of changes the equations would dictate, particularly in uniting at least 300 or so different religions and regions of about 1000 different sub or dom type variations, long mathematical story there - another long mathematical story.

Quote"The power wave P in watts has an unequal amount of area underneath the curve. In the first diagram the energy being produced under the power wave is greater than the positive area under the power wave. If the sine waves in the graph did not have the parameter variation denoted by wave x, the induction factor is 100% and the power factor is 0%, meaning the circuit would be a purely reactive circuit, with a very high if not infinite magnification factor. The graph clearly shows that under certain conditions of synchronous parameter variation that a negative power factor can manifest in a circuit, meaning that energy is being externally supplied from the varying parameter. Where does the energy come from? That is the million dollar question."
– David ,Energetic Forum.

Some comments from the authors previous work

Eric Dollard having been recognised by organisations such as SBARC and Borderland Sciences, The San Francisco Tesla Society, and being unlike most other Tesla enthusiasts, he has been able to successfully recreate the "magneto dielectric" Tesla Transmission System and explain the zero resistance properties of ground transmission. Dollard's efforts contributed to many excellent books covering many of the topics in this book and are highly recommend by the author. Books such as Primary & Secondary Coils & Wireless Transmission of Power are absolutely critical to any scientist or layman seeking to ratify his understanding on whether Tesla created a system that really could transmit 1000's of horsepower, across the universe "regardless of distance" and "without loss". This cannot be achieved by the Hertzian electromagnetic standard, the electricity we are left with today. A claim Eric Dollard stands by today, as does the author of this book. Incontrovertible evidence is provided for the first time showing the great work of Eric Dollard and Nikola and their Tesla emphatic statements that faster than light waves existed and were measured. In order to make the leap from the Hertzian system used today, compared to that of the Non Hertzian Tesla System, one must understand the waves that Tesla was working with to "transmit regardless of distance" and "regardless of Hertzian resistance". These waves surely are Impulse and Oscillating Current and most definitely not the Alternating and Direct current we are using today. The scientist will need to familiarize themselves with the dimensionality of these waves and what they can do in analogue transmission lines, and the layman will have to try and understand the difference between a constantly connected wire and one that is in motion like a moon.

Some background information about impossible things being discussed in some mechanical detail by Ilya
"This really led to a lot of confusion in the early attempts of G.E laboratories to ascertain why these complex waveforms they were experiencing in their substation transformers were causing them to explode for unexplainable reasons, the standing waves would build up and appear at the centre of the windings and puncture the insulation but yet from terminal to terminal there was no voltage difference. The process was basically started off by Steinmetz and there were two other allied scientists bloom and [sounds like Boyagen[?]. Bloom was the first one to discover that the dimensionality of magnetic inductance should be rather than 1/L^2 should be one over L^3 or per centimeters cubed. And then Bewley who developed all of the differential equations for describing this stuff kind of forgot about mutual inductance and its proper dimensions, and whilst he describes all of these things very admirably in his book traveling waves on transmission systems, probably one of the best books on electric waves ever written, he still failed to understand the true nature of the longitudinal wave and the dimensionality of mutual inductance. Now of course at the double energy flows when these things combine we have the longitudinal wave, the wave of Tesla, and we have the transverse electromagnetic wave, the wave of Hertz. The hertz wave is the wave we use today for transmission. The Tesla wave has become completely forgotten, unless it incidentally appears because you have too big of a loading coil"

As a man of transformers and a recently transformed man, 'reborn' you might say, for want of a better scientific engineering phrase, nearly every conceivable possibility of parametric circuits is available to me to the nth degree, I find navigating these ideas quite simple, and it is beginning to get quite frightening for me as many engineering concepts I once thought way above me are being quite literally put to the birds by the very ideas being produced.

Some important detail about longitudinal and tranverse waves from SBARC

"In the longitudinal the wave is propagating much faster than it is in the transverse. It worked out to be approximately to be that the ratio of the longitudinal transmission to the transverse transmission was exactly as Tesla stated "pi/2". In the longitudinal we are used to dealing with the transverse which we call 1 over c squared. C being a basic ratio between the magnetic units and the electrostatic units of the electrical constants and it gives us basically a propagation through space as a length over a certain period of time (linearly). In the longitudinal we are not propagating through space, we are propagating through counter-space. Counter-space is a situation where instead of expressing the length in meters, we have to express it in per meters, a completely inverse form of propagation. As an example if we take an electromagnetic inductance coil, we find the inductance is proportional to the length of the wire approximately, and the area enclosed by it. It's the quantity of meters that expresses the inductance. If we take a capacitor we find the closer we bring the plates together and the more we fill in the area we are dealing with a situation that is in per meters. The electrostatic is a natural propagator of longitudinal waves always goes towards closeness. The magnetism always acts as a distance. Here is the basic difference between longitudinal and transverse." – Eric Dollard, SBARC

Those familiar with the art, and the 'real' researches of Tesla, such as the many efforts undertaken by Eric Dollard will know a lot about the concept of harmonic reflection, yet it still fascinates myself as a so-called 'layman', though I might dare to use the increasingly hypothetical word 'enlightened layman', how difficult is it really to understand what concurrent or simultaneous reflections in the live ground really might represent in any body formed in a completely closed vacuum. Naturally speaking it is like sitting upon a cart, waiting for it to go, whipping the horse, and knowing not whether to thank the horse, the cart or the whip and forgetting the very ground beneath them.

Surely if people understood the laws of leverage, balance and weight they would not only have a key to the universe, they would understand the secrets of the pyramid builders.

Eric's been telling folks for years about this stuff
In the transverse wave we are attempting to overcome distance by forcing our way through it. In the longitudinal wave the two points are already there, why fight it, they are already one. This was Tesla's fundamental discovery; this was the way that he was able to light up a light bulb at his receiver. No RF Amplifiers. They didn't have any back then. NO transistors, no tubes, no radio shack, no New York catalogue, no Henry, no ohm, there was nothing. All there was were brass and wood and that was it. There was nothing else. And this guy Tesla was capable of transmitting electrical power over incredible distances with just simple practical materials. There was no silicon there was nothing to work with, they just started to develop vacuum tubes. Tesla's vacuum tubes were all just one terminal devices, and they would produce incredible quantities of light, in the same fashion as the sun, completely unlike the incandescent lights bulbs of today, and all of Tesla's devices NEVER USED ENERGY, just like in a tank circuit, it was always returned in the opposite cycle. So that concludes my talk. Hopefully it wasn't too far out or confusing for you. But I also gave you something to be experimenting with so those of you, who love 160metres, go to work! – Eric Dollard, SBARC

It's not even an electromagnetic system, a lot of regular scientific jobbers' are so off the fucking cliff of sanity that everyone with a shred of spiritual dignity is a muppet to them, and the social notoriety has got its wish, just look around.

"Nikola Tesla was involved in a court case when he was fighting for the survival of his Wardenclyffe tower, and recently the depositions of that court case were recently published by someone by the name of Leland Anderson who is someone who is apparently a competent electrical engineer, and when you read through this you see Tesla saying over and over and over again that his Radio was "non electromagnetic". Repeatedly. But it all fell on deaf ears. Once physicists grabbed a hold of electricity, all knowledge of it ceased. Electrons have nothing to with the flow of electricity. Electrons are the rate at which electricity is destroyed. Electrons are the resistance. The waveform of electron flow is the same waveform produced when you slam on the breaks and you hear that horrible screeching sound, it's not a nice harmonic sine wave, it's a very bitter horrible sound with energy dissipation and material flying everywhere. Electricity flows in the space between the wires. This has always been known by electrical engineers. For example if you short out a major electrical circuit you will see the cables violently repel each other as the electromagnetic force attempts to escape from the boundaries their contained between the so-called bounding conductors, but most people are not electrical engineers and don't have to deal with the situation."  - Eric Dollard, SBARC

A year or two ago, I forget now because time lag really sucks when your stuck inside a long tail effect window or electrical field with an certain certain and uncertain uncertain potential, or you accidentally 'solved heisenberg uncertainty' by creating a compensation chain mechanism variable equation, and people genuinely want to stop time, destroy all of your work deleting it from the internet and so on to 'start time again'. Probably sounding like full tin foil hat at the moment,  but in a sort of truman westworldesque ghostbustery spirit I have to ask folks to consider 'sirius comedy' for a moment, and what the masonic meaning of revelation and all that mad hattery is, or things like passover. Either these guys really are fucking nuts, or they are experiencing something that frightens the shit out of the people that are 'normal' and enjoying the benefits of their arch-like lives.

Anyway continuing on, as it is hard to play any role such as this in a serious form. because as eric and I have said before, they are already fully aware. One is much better at focusing their attention at why all that stuff gets bulldozed, deleted, and so on, because it's probably actually really dangerous, and there are probably reasons why it needs to be done with some care. I don't want to start pulling names out of the hat but Chris Carson is just one person who comes to mind, sic the rotary electrostatic convertor/transformer. I regret the probably unhumerous anecdote because this research has been dangerous in the past because of how other people use it. Fundamentally that needs to change for the building of any hypothetical commune or cult or movement.

"Chris Carson built an electrostatic machine that spun at 10,000 rpm. This high-speed rotating variable capacitor when hooked to a battery would produce electricity from nowhere. I have a little device in my car where I operate my 24volt military field radio's off of 12volts. It's a very crude device. IT consists of a vibrator that charges two 12volt capacitors in parallel at 12V and discharges them in series at 24volts. If the dwell angle on the contacts on the vibrator on the contacts get screwy, when you turn the switch off the things just sits there and keeps humming, powering the 327 pilot lamp for a period of about 2 minutes. But of course that's impossible. Just like all of Tesla's work. It's all impossible, it's like the transformer, it's why the lights should go out all right now (because the flux lines of the iron core never are in contact with the secondary coil wire) - but there still humming away." – Eric Dollard, SBARC

Also I am totally against cults or any of that nosense. That said the eric dollard cult has been one of the most productive. It's a shame I was not able to convince aaron my capture of elemental aetheric forces on video camera, or elon musk and other false spiritual sucker hoover pretenders "the ronald Raegans" of the world to purchase my 'talking electrical mechanical computer'.

It's probably worth billions, the challenge now is to survive long enough to be more than a poor beggar stuck in a victim complex personality and a false belief of limited options because well, your average band of harry potter like posh-boy school fanboys and the usual illuminations of local municipality control, its quite fortunate that jesus christ and king solomon himself and half of india came along for this train. One only hopes for no more train crashes because when one sacrifices everything for other people, they get understandably neverous when they continue to see the same greedy postulating arms of mankind, on east and west side causing the same resistances which cause the things they are fighting about economically and militarily. To put things into perspective, and I've written volumes of tens of thousands of pages on the subjevct, all of it worthless by the way, the US alone has enough money to end all of the things we're fighting about every year they are using to 'defend themselves' against threats.

The secret really is that energy grows, like the whole universe, but people are too fucking insane, and I'm too tired to do more than I already am. Maybe some nice rich millionaire may come along and fund the whole next generation startrek thing thats been dumped on me by the higher ups. I don't want to get stuck with a bear and left to the whales and sharks to feed on me.

Guy just wants to help out and ends up becoming a full blown lions jump to the heart holy shit what happened there mystic. I suppose such things are prophesised, and in certain avian variety circles are taken very seriously in the same way that the tibetans take the 10 stages of enlightenment and the ox and bull and so on. I could go on, but talking 64 differnet languages you don't know gets pretty boring, or rather humanity gets pretty same-same . though at least I know fully what to expect from the money grabbers among you, I am not going to be 400 years ahead of my time and die in poverty whilst your children get rich. No - you son of a bitches we are all getting rich together and if I have any arguments from any of you, I am going to send god around to your door to convince you. Jokes aside, im nearly sirius about actually providing global support for this initiative as a major force or axios for the project! Hopefully A52 will show more interest if aaron wakes the fuck up and stops clickbanking every fucking day checking how much money he has made from other people, and we were more understanding of the different forces concerned in the revelation of this tech, we wouldnt be repeating the same silly bs every 1000 or so years. With the same stories, academics, scholars, mystics and so on.

QuoteWhen Eric Dollard was asked who the people were that were trying to suppress Tesla  Eric replied "probably the same people that bulldozed my station in Bolinas and are now presently trying to close down KPH in Bolinas which Marconi started in 1913. Same people that would like to get rid of all those tubes and knobs on your radios like when I caught the fire department cutting my coax and saying they didn't want any radios with knobs anymore. And the F.B.I said that the dope dealers were all upset I was listening to their radio calls so the county came in with their swat team to get rid of my radios. It's gets into a weird subject when you start to explore it. I'll tell you right now the cellular telephone companies want to make the situation just like it is in the so-called united Kingdom. You better not get caught with a scanner in the UK or you go to the brig. We will have none of your radio's here Mr. Dollard. And your experiments are banned in the town of Bolinas, we have a group to make sure. They even went so far to cut down all the road side telephones. So look up a group called Commonweal in Bolinas, they'll tell you who. It's up to you to experiment. I've already lost a gallon of blood over it. I can give you some names Steinmetz, Kennelly, Maxwell, Faraday, Bewley, Mcfarley. You work with those guys and do your basic studies and learn algebra and your dimensionalities. It takes about 14 or 15 years." – Eric Dollard, SBARC

So, this is a very small part of the history behind eric and the free energy story. Apparently with continental support in india, america, taiwan and china, even South Korea, I heard there was a real success of the inventor of bitcoin and ether actually coming out about the ones true identity, and these technologies for a new future. But dont hold your breath. Otherwise we are fated another repeat of 1913 and 1918, 1997 and 1998. 1969 and 1971. The question really is a chronological and spiritual matter, the question is whether you can convince those businessman spiritualists and scientists to come together on this one. IF they are serious I heard that I held the lions heart of osho international and that there might be some folks that knows what it means.

Who knows, maybe this is something worth writing home to mum and pa about! Thanks Ilya for encouraging me to take a chance. Hopefully others will be inclined or interested in the same white-black veine butterfly that I heard was something of a rare and precious endangered species in this lil Eden' of baby lon.


Accompanying Comments for Diagram

Fig 1.0 – Illustration of transverse and longitudinal waves and their differences between the actions (onto media) and the reaction behavior of the media to it, and finally the resulting propagations (signals) down the length. Note, if the atoms in the rope are all connected in a horizontal tension then the speed of propagation is that of the atoms themselves that exist between the tension rather than the applied wave onto it. Note that in the transverse system the rope is being pulled up and down against 0 tension and the longitudinal system is in-line with the tension. The transverse system reaches point A to B by diminishment, and is akin to the Direct Current Transmission system, whereby power losses are total with distance, and the wave's power. The transverse system is pulling wire up and down against no tension, whereas the longitudinal is traveling along with it, so it is alike the Alternating Current wave, or, directly impacting the existing kinetic tension of the tort rope, i.e. the longitudinal is a horizontal push and pull through the wire that changes direction at 0 degrees to the propagating wave and the transverse sine wave is an up and down vertical wave which doesn't change direction against the tension, hence the losses. This is akin to blowing an air pump in a hole of a sphere at one point, and all the other points have a pressure of the equal value. So the reactance is the same as the displacement current or a single pressure wave at any point in this geometry causes another pressure current elsewhere.
Nikola Tesla's claim to being able to transmit power "Regardless of Distance" and Eric Dollard's claims of a focused energy beam more concentrated than the most powerful laser in Tesla's Wardenclyffe Transmitter apparatus' are not without foundation. This diagram proves tension of a rope causes diminishing returns in a transverse wave system along the rope transmission medium at the square cube factor and the longitudinal wave kind traveling at 0 degrees to the tension has diminishing resistance along the transmission at the cube square factor, therefore providing increasing magnification, diminishing resistance and magnified returns. This is why the longitudinal wave is opposite to the transverse wave (by inversion). Transverse diminishment is therefore caused solely by the horizontal component, and longitudinal transmission is solely aided by its direct horizontal alignment with it. If the longitudinal wave was to be rotated only 90 degrees to the media then it would be a transverse wave again. If it is rotated 180 degrees then it goes back in the opposite direction as a longitudinal wave again.

It certainly cannot be ignored, this `per time`, it is the dimensional system of arrangement employed by the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter instrument which can fully negate the relativity of the A.C power supplies space/time cycle by storing it's energy in a capacitor and in coils which mutually induct, causing accumulations of energy rather than diminishing transverse space/time currents, as inventively asserted impossible by Einstein & Proponents of the delusive and billions of times more inefficient Electromagnetic transverse Hertzian system.

The storage of this battery is not the dimension of space, the storage medium of the T.M.T battery is time; A truly miraculous accomplishment giving rise to asymptotes of tension.