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Canadian trucker rally

Started by onepower, January 28, 2022, 12:25:29 PM

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QuoteYou are talking about trying to control other people, and that is not
what I am talking about.

My message was...
"You Cannot Reason People Out of Something They Were Not Reasoned Into"
"When someone shows you who they really are believe them the first time"

On control, we are inherently free to do whatever we want but not without consequences.

For example, Russia is free to lie, spread false information, illegally invade Ukraine and commit war crimes by bombing civilians. They are free to try and do all these vile things but not without severe consequences which is a control. Every action has a reaction which is a means of control to prevent chaos. Thus as we speak the world is reacting and ready to stop Russia from spreading more chaos.

As such, I am not trying to control people only pointing out that nobody is above the laws of nature. Take any action you want but know there is always a reaction and consequences to your actions. There is no free lunch...



Clearly is,that we are living in a " people controle system" !
Clearly is,that THE SYSTEM  is controled by GOs and NGOs and by individuals !

Clearly is ,that our global finance system is based on a lie,declared in MACROECONOMY book/-s :
        The GOLDEN BANKR(O)ULE : giving 1 and taking 10

Ergo : we are living on a lier system !
So we do not need to trust each other !
No in marriage,not in school,not in religion community,not in parliaments up to U.N. !
"...is above the laws of nature": NATURE is ALL understand by ME !   "Human/Humanoid nature" is an nether value !
For a total TRUST SYSTEM I see only one solution :
DESTROY the lier ! DESTROY peacefully the GLOBAL ( Continental,....)  FINANCE STRUCTURE !
Look global,live individually and independently local !

IN A LIER GOD WE TRUST instead  IN GOD WE TRUST , I do not believe in a GOD,but in GHOST/GEIST !
                   GOD written, (G)OD meaning, D : sharp or soft !? In O'Z'/O'C'~ MARE,HEAVEN,CEU


  makes part from written ' phonology' : the conversation,translation !

AC,"farmer",stay as local farmer,local worker !

Do not write and think in ' we = Canad(a)ians and U.S.Americans are ...",
as I do not,neither for Germans/Portuguese/Marocaines /Europeans/Africaines/......,
IF You are not delegated President or King/Queen from the United Royaume !


What is an HUMAN his/her/its life worth ? One hour from its life ?
ASSURANCE calculation : in G7 +- 2 000 000 US$/EURO (SYSTEM MONEY !)
Ex-Pres. from the U:S:A: George Bush : one Afghanistan citizen 20 000 US$ (m./f./n. all same ?)

ONE LIFE : up to 290 000 000 US$ !? BY TRIBUNAL
What will become the international U.N.-conference "Human Geno/-zid REPARATION PRICE" level per capita case ?

Can AUSTRALIA ,the Parliament decides about N.A.T.O.-membership or has the Aboriginees Nation to decide,membership : YES ! or NO ! ?
In CANADA ? The actually Queen Elizabeth II or the Canad(a)ian Natives Nation !?
In the U.S.A. ?

Can a the Den Haag Supreme Court https://www.icj-cij.org/en
not accepting Judgement Decision U.N.-member : the U.S.A. ,
being member in the


How many NATIVES Genozid-Trials/Errors over the history line we see :
from european migration to all global continents ?
I hope not,that in near future we will hear : "Europides,all over the World, GO HOME (to  "overpopulated" Europe)!"

To each case up to 290 000 000 US$ REPARATION repay for damage/s,insane life,unsafe life !
Only here x ? :  https://www-nzz-ch.translate.goog/international/proteste-usa-chronologie-von-rassenunruhen-seit-den-1960ern-ld.1559364?reduced=true&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

What is a US Dol(l)ar worth,when there is a F.E.D. repay: "Notes to money exchange"  illiquidity case = bancruptcy risk

What are Rating Agencies AAA noting worth ,if the analyzed case is in the above situation ?
AAA = nonstop "paper to US$" print security ? Hyperinflation included ?

U.S.A. bancruptcy case : 330 Mio. habitants ,20%+ migration to : Canada ?! 53 US-State ? Or Puerto Rico like : Mandate-zone,Reservation ?
Canada : 38,01 Millionen (2020)                   + 66 Mio. ?
U.S.$: Iowa-$,Alabama-$,California-$,Florida-$,.... by F.E.D. crash ?! Or barter-coins : which material,value per unit ?

Zukunftsvision-Fall-Analytik , mental best/worst-case games by history fundamentals

in mental world moro I,on Tellus surface 2

Sprachspiel,automatic translator : tilt or by fixed "SYNTAX : ERROR"

                                        FICKT EUCH,GLOBALE ERRORISTEN !
                                        Sprach-/Deutungs-/Bestimmungs-Terroristen !
Global civil continental/national/regional/local/in house cold war to hot war :  R U ready ? I am !
Since my first second as forum user 200? ! Nothing changed in global "Humanity" !
COLD WAR PEACE Oslo Nobel-Foundation Award ,by lier for lier  !

A change is very difficult : we hear and see in many "democracies" the infiltration from quotes :
for womans,for deficients,geral minorities,....! Often ancient " tabu"- groupations !

Lebanon,population and parliamentary representance :
by voters ? by quotes ? The election system : fair ?
The country history : souvereign or " playing ball" from/for farer/nearer neighbors !

We,all ( also childs) the people ...!? Each newborn an election vote ?

We,You AC and I,are in the human/man 2/3 age stage,we can live our life "as as" !
But what wants the global a. i-/an-/un-  b. literaric/alphabetic/educated Youth,global !?
Make " final PEACE" by "final WAR" : to hold this global -actual- system ? "I :-* Lie '-button ?
          "I :-* The Dieing,for Nothing" ?

I use neither father- nor mother-language nor automatic translator in my communication with You and the other forum members : it is in angelo-saxonic,written latino-german-dialect phonetic by fixed dictionary rules !It is for me a daily phonetically seldom used european language,the written Cambridge-/Oxford colleges,ancient by romano-catolic theologists(telelogists ?) constitued,fixed lingual laws and orders version even in GB localities different or not applied !

I do not need to conversate with foreigners and/or outsiders  as You ! - And not inform foreigners about ideas ,plans,projects !

When a Tiger kills an human,the Tiger becomes hunted and killed !
Elon Musk his father killed one time,a burglar !
The First Kill,the emotion ?
Elon Musk his father : killed a second burglar ! Emotion ?
Elon Musk his father : killed a third burglar ! Emotions ?
Elon Musk his father its skin color,the burglars their skin color ?
Questionable ? Researchable !
Will a fourth burglar,a MOB, visit Elon Musks father ? Father alive ?

Elon Musk,Texas resident ,reading  : Burglar shoted down E.M.F. !
E.M. : Now I do me anymore worry,theirs the soul is now happy ! Egalitee  ( accentuages = diphtongue)

Biological father,father by law ( fe. Step-) / FATHER/MENTOR & IDOL

AC,the ground where You live"s"(applied 3.pers. sing.majestatis/philosphies) was/is owned by which native tribe,do You conversate"s" with them in their NATIVE LANGUAGE or
are YOU LANGUAGE-RACISM applyer,all day,all life long ?

How different is the translation from a meaning objekt ,by peoples subjection :
in written kind,spelled versus spoken !
Lingua,longue,language,Sprache,Lingualitaet : Singualitaet,Singualarity
The inhabitants from the zone around the river ' die Angel' ,today as part from the german Federation country Schleswig-Holstein,ancient part from Danmark,their communication style,over the time changed/transformed/supplied in written and phonetic

Some kinds from 29 E.U.-countries their population writting kinds :
(How read analphabets ? Il(l)iterates ?  By same MIMIKRY as their Grands/Parents/language teacher(s)/friends)(Are all our biological mouths same ? The teeths all there ?)Are We during writting/speaking/working concentrated or often in disturbance ?
Are We  aggressive(in manner/in meaning),wanting to destroy the other (conversation)side or doing declaration how We live in real life with other people,human but sometimes with ! Border ! ,The RED line ,not to over-bridge :

For example our conversation tool here in the forum !
Called,named :
Anglais,Ingles,Angelic,Gaelisch ?,English,Englischfrom original the today german Federation countries Niedersachsen,Sachsen-Anhalt,(Ober-)Sachsen their several folks mix

Hoch-Deutsch(Amts-/Kanzlei-/Behoerden-/Fach- Deutsch),to differ from Platt-/Nieder/Nether-Deutsch as written and spoken in the western Germanias,international known as the Netherland/Niederlanden or Dutch = D(e)utch


Die Sprache der Edlen ( by patience and time)die Sprache des Poebels ( here and yet !,)~ peuple ~ people ~ populus                         By ARGUMENTATION ,arguere and accusare

Vox Populi Germanii :  Wotan or Michaeliis ?

IMPERATIV categori(a) ? Koerper oder Geist : who demands whom ,actually ?

Wieviele " verwundete " Seelen erwachen ? Fuer die richtige Seite/"Sache"  ,mehr Wotan oder mehr Michaelis ?
                                                                                     FREI    HEIL ? FREI = HEIL ? Mit Alt-Gehirne R.A.M. + R.O.M. ?

Neither Britannia's pro-nounciation,English,nor Germans pronounciation,roules/has to roule the World !
With the death from a.Phillip von Battenberg and b. Queen Elizabeth II

a NEW ERA begins !
Die deutsch-englische "royale" Familia "Santa ( HEAL) ?" Der Montbatten-Windsors             
              So friedvoll vereint,so begluecket,nichts Schlechtes : aus diesem HAUSE !      (?)


About Nothing       Ueber ALLES,weniger DEUTSCHLAND

Mene                         Mene

0 points  : mein Monocle empfindet,bei Ekel !           

Nach/POSTE-Angel&Sachsen-Ordnung/DEMANDS ERA !   

Lingua Franca=free  or " free speech",frei nach Schnauze,dialektisch,

oder Klappe/Fresse/Maul/Schnut halten und MACHEN,physisch selber ausarbeiten !

Mann oder Memme/Feigling/Tucke/"Weib" !?                   

Let US think about a new global positioning,by same interests :
     R.-I.-C.  versus OTAN ,Russia-India-China
indo/german DOMINION ,el mundo inteiro
p.s.: with compact power tools/weapons it is easy to open two barriers :
         Bodensee/Rheinfall in Schaffhausen

         Isthmus von Nicaragua/Pacific-Atlantic dam/m ; both oceans hight difference !

         Tsunami potential and force and hight by each case ?

         Global weather change potential ? Gulfstream !

         win/win  win/loose loose/loose

         Thinking with DIMENSION :

         Each death more in Ukraine,native/russian/legionar is good
        for the " 8 000 000 000 to 4 000 000 000 " diminuation, first target
        Probably soon,from earth age view, followed by the planned U.S.A.- China conflict !
         Kaempft ,soviel IHR wollts,toetet  EUCH,soviele wie moeglich und nuetzlich !


Foster says we have work in FE world ( our theme here )

Shared by a friend / member here from India ( who never stops working on open source FE )


Chet K
PS it's the thrive 2 presentation
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


Brazilian truckers now too ?


I love this mans build !
And to Lanca comment below
True Dat
We just need an FE heat source ....
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


The good old time !
Holzgas/woodgas engine drive
Amazonia the trees should not be destroyed only because " unimportant movement",for emergency : okay !
WOOD and forests : Sarajewo,Olympic Games capital before and during and after the ex-jugoslawian new orientation civil/groups-war !

8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25U0TZLw6o  ;) Going back to the FUTURE  ::)