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Title: Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
Post by: Freedomfuel on March 05, 2006, 08:18:07 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on March 01, 2006, 06:37:41 PM
What is the simplest experiment to see this 'kick' on a scope, so one can measure it ?

Probably not with an osilloscope.  The phenomenon, if it exists, would only be discernible at voltages in the hundreds of thousands of volts range and it would not register as a voltage spike.  It is excess energy but not in the form of an increased current.  Rather, one should regard it as a burst of magnetic current flowing outside the conductor.


Title: Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
Post by: Freedomfuel on March 05, 2006, 08:57:51 PM
Quote from: Mannix on March 04, 2006, 12:59:16 AM

Dear Lindsay,
I am perplexed that everyone thinks that GOOGLE is an accredited reference source.
It is NOT.
Google is a search engine. It is different then a reference library.
And it is very different then a SCIENCE LIBRARY.
NO accredited scientist does any serious reference work sitting at home with GOOGLE.
Google is comprised of information specifically put into in by interested parties.
No scientific information placed there by libraries.
People need to realize this before they die from lack of serious information.
Go to a library!

I appreciate the haphazard nature of information gathering using search engines, but not all of us have access to a university science library.  There are sites that do have indexed science periodical and book collections like this one:

The Internet Public Library

Here is their URL for their energy science journals:

Also Try Energy Science and Technology Virtual Library

Physics Research Guide

The British Library has an online index here but you have to attend their reading rooms to view the journals.  They also have an online bookstore:

There are several online science libraries that require an annual subscription.  This one only costs $30:

Science Direct

Or there is this completely free online science library with 919 journals and 1,213.606 full-text articles.

Highwire Press - Stanford University

Full text Physics articles are available here:

IoP - Electronic Journals

The best internet library is this site which has 35 million pages from 3000 sources going back 20 years.  The sources include academic journals, newspapers, books, encyclopedias, etc.  Subscription of $100 a year is required for full text access.

Highbeam Research

I could go on and on but I am not sure how useful these resources are when you consider that the subject we are researching is not allowed to enter the science mainstream because all the research is classified.  However, I have been able to glean a some insight from recent research into natural phenomenon like ball lightning, solar magnetic waves and atmosphere physics in general.


Title: Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
Post by: Freedomfuel on March 05, 2006, 09:00:21 PM
Quote from: Mannix on March 04, 2006, 01:07:39 AM


Possibly the same reason why tornados turn in one direction in the north hemisphere and in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere


Title: Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
Post by: Freedomfuel on March 06, 2006, 07:29:02 PM
I feel that this thread is going nowhere because it seems to be just a guessing game.  Also, some of the posts are so incoherent that they do not add anything to our understanding.  In my opinion the post number 138 by Kames was an adequate summation of what we had deducted so far, and my post number 152 was my final conclusion based on my own and others contributions to date.  Beyond this all that can be done is to test hypothesis with experiments or to discover research by professional scientists which could be relevant.  Steve says that the phenomenon of excess energy from the geomagnetic field at the instant a current flows is 'common scientific knowledge'.  Now, the fact that the geomagnetic field is a source of (almost) free energy has been one of the most closely guarded secrets of the 20th century and the suppression of this knowledge has been so thorough and ruthless that it is even hidden from the public on the internet.  Well, almost hidden, because there is one website which goes into the subject in some detail but the authorities have tried to close it down twice and the authors can only escape censorship by encouraging their supporters to host the site on other servers. Given this level of suppression I would not expect to see the slightest hint of this phenomenon in mainstream scientific literature.  After all, it does mean the end of a big chunk of the energy sector of the world economy along with the NWO.

I think that it is mistake to think that you can reverse engineer the SM device from the information provided so far.  From the examples of work done trying to reproduce the Sear Effect Generator and the Ed Gray motor it seems that success depends on providing a fair bit of your own creative input rather than trying to use the inventor's own statements and patents as an infallible guide.  Therefore if someone does build a working energy coil it will be unique and different from the SM device.  For that reason we should not exclude ideas like the Electric Soliton Oscillator just because there is no evidence that the SM device incorporates these principles.  For all we know the ESO maybe a better solution than the one developed by Steve because it may resolve the instability and overheating issues he described.

This is something that could change the course of history so it would be criminal not to make use of the information provided by Steve and others. The time has now arrived to stop talking and start experimenting.  Since there is no published literature on the subject the electronics hobbyist would be at no disadvantage compared to the professional engineer.  Just be open to experience and don't ignore things that do not conform to theory.

A good place to start with experiments is this beginners guide to Solitons and NLTLs


Here is some simple maths and suggestions for experiments using only a function generator and oscilloscope.  Don't have any equipment?  Try using an old PC as a function generator and oscilloscope.  Here are some links that tell you how.

True RTA Audio Spectrum Ananlyser


Oscilliscope For Windows

Free PC Function Generator Usinfg Sound Card

Let's have some ideas about how we could generate transients as explained by Steve.  He said something about feeding two coils on a transformer with out of phase AC in order to make 'hash'. Can anyone suggest experiments to demonstrate this?


Title: Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
Post by: Freedomfuel on March 30, 2006, 07:07:21 PM
The quotation by Kosh on the 20th March may have been from the valve amplifier manual but clearly what is being described is not overunity.  All that it explains is how filaments in valves can experience mechanical damage at the moment that current is first applied. I know that this may seem presumptious comming from someone with little technical experience but I think that all this discussion about a so called 'kick' is leading us nowhere.  I am not convinced that this kick, whatever it is, is the mechanism by which energy is extracted from the earth's magnetic field and I do not accept Steven's comments on the subject as being authoritive.  He maybe right or he may not really understand how his device really works.

What is clear from his letters to Lindsay is that he is generating  a train of transients so we should get some textbooks to learn more about electrical transients and in what way they are influenced by the environment.  Are they made by thermal noise in semiconductor junctions, background cosmic microwave radiation or lightning for instance?  In my opinion the transients cannot add up to provide sufficient overunity to supply one killowatt from a coil.  Rather the fundemental principle at work here could be that illustrated by the Mikell device, ie a pulsed vortex magnetic field beamed into the ionosphere.  The same principle that is at work with the Adams motor for instance.

Maybe we should accept that the so called 'kick' is just a 'red herring' as we say in England.