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Cheap Wind-Farming

Started by lancaIV, April 18, 2007, 10:30:32 AM

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https://rechneronline.de/windkraft/                  P = π/2 * r² * v³ * ρ * η




Die Erfindung geht von der Erkenntnis aus, daß zwischen Elektrotechnikund Strömungstechnik eine Analogie besteht.

Diese besteht darin, daß ein elektromagnetisches Feld um einen beliebiggebogenen drahtförmigen Leiter und ein Strömungsfeld um einen beliebig geformtenWirbel faden durch das gleiche Gesetz beschrieben werden, das Biot-Savartsche Gesetz.
Die Größen "Zuwachs an magnetischer Feldstärke" und "Geschwindigkeitszunahme" entsprechendaher einander.

Da sich magnetische Feldstärke dadurch konzentrieren läßt, indem man einen stromdurchflossenen Leiter zu einer Spule aufwickelt, kann man auch inder Strömungstechnik eine Geschwindigkeitszunahme erzielen, indem man einen Wirbelfadenzu einer Spule aufwickelt. Ordnet man mehrere sich gleichsinnig drehende Wibel so an, daß ihre Achsen auf einem Kreis liegen, werden sie sich infolge der gegenseitigen Induktion um den Mittelpunkt des Kreises drehen.
Die Induktion wächst dabei mit der Zahl der Wirbel. Die Aufspulgeschwindigkeit steigt und die Wirbelfäden nähern sich der Form von dicht an dicht liegenden Ringwirbeln. Das Geschwindigkeitsfeld,das diese Ringwirbel in ihrem Inneren induzieren, bildet den erstrebten Konzentrationseffekt.

The invention is based on the knowledge that there is an analogy between electrical engineering and fluid engineering.

This consists in that an electromagnetic field around an arbitrarily curved wire-shaped conductor and a flow field around an arbitrarily shaped vortex filament are described by the same law, Biot-Savart's law. The quantities "increase in magnetic field strength" and "speed increase" correspond approximately to one another. Since magnetic field strength can be concentrated by winding a current-carrying conductor into a coil, an increase in speed can also be achieved in fluid engineering by winding a vortex filament into a coil. If you arrange several co-rotating wibel so that their axes lie on a circle, they will rotate around the center of the circle as a result of the mutual induction. The induction grows with the number of vertebrae. The winding speed increases and the wiber threads approach the shape of ring vertebrae lying close to one another. The velocity field that these ring vortices induce in their interior forms the desired concentration effect.

The espacenet translator is not perfect : correct  f.e. " ..... co-rotating wirbel so that ..."  Wirbel = whirl/cyclon/.....




Beispiel: Eine Windkraftanlage mit Nominial 400 W (Herstellerangabe) erzeugte bei einer Windstärke von ca. 20 m/Sek. eine Leistung von 70 Watt. Nach Umrüstung des Generators auf kombinierte Wicklungen lieferte die Anlage bereits bei einer Windstärke von 5-6 m/Sek. 140 Watt. Bei 10-12 m/Sek. wurden über 320 Watt erzeugt!

Example: A wind turbine with a nominal 400 W (manufacturer's specification) generated at a wind force of approx. 20 m / sec. an output of 70 watts. After converting the generator to combined windings, the system delivered with a wind force of 5-6 m / sec. 140 watts. At 10-12 m / sec. were generated over 320 watts!

Fill this above Arestov modified combined double coils numbers values in https://rechneronline.de/windkraft/  :) 

Compare with over the net available commercial 400 W windturbine data ! rotor diameter/radius

wind and winding : dependencies ! electric wind + magnetic wind  ;) 


Electricity also called in german Elektronengas and modern PLASMA

Bio + Chem + Tronik : Bionik,Biontik

                                        how convertes rotative electric generator


[0092] [0093] [0094] explained by https://rechneronline.de/windkraft/                  P = π/2 * r² * v³ * ρ * η

                                                              useable ( with combined double winding) for :


Next, the mode of operation of the first embodiment with the above-described construction as a water-energy conversion system or a wind-energy conversion system will be described. The hydraulic energy causes the first turbine rotors 7 to rotate in the counterclockwise direction and the second turbine rotors 10 to rotate in the clockwise direction so that their rotation is transmitted through their internal gears 6 and planet gears 8 to the sun gears or pinions 5 on the output shaft and consequently the output shaft 3 is caused to rotate in the clockwise direction. The rotational speed N of the output shaft 3 is given by: ##EQU1## where n1 is the rotational speed of the first turbine rotor 7 n2 is the rotational speed of the second turbine rotor 10 Z1 is the number of teeth of the internal gear 6

Z2 is the number of teeth of the sun gear or pinion 5
Thus, it is seen that the rotational speed of the output shaft 3 is twice as high as that of the conventional turbine which is provided with only one bladed rotor. When only one turbine rotor; that is, one turbine rotor 7 with its blades 11 is used, as with the conventional hydraulic energy conversion system, it causes helical downflows, but according to the present invention, the left-handed and right-handed blades 11 and 12 are alternately disposed so that no helical downflow occurs and consequently the efficiency of the conversion of the hydraulic energy into the mechanical energy; that is, the rotation of the output shaft 3, can be remarkably increased. More specifically, the output power becomes the sum of those produced by the first and second turbine rotors 7 and 10.The output shaft 3 can be connected directly or through a suitable reduction or multiplying gear means to an electric generator, a pump, a compressor, a frictional heat generator or the like so that the hydraulic energy; that is, the wind or water power can be efficiently used as various power sources.

                        Let's not forget that the energy of the wind increases with the cube of its speed and hence the force

                                                    twice the speed = 2³ the force = 8 times the force


Transforming https://www.google.com/search?q=capsule+tower&oq=capsule+tower&aqs=chrome..69i57.10034j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

capsule tower to "energy chamber tower"

these "energy chambers" based by Israel Hirshberg his "air internal energy converter :


To demonstrate the ratio between kinetic energy and internal energy we calculate these energies for a flow having a speed of 25 meter/second, having a temperature of T=32° F.

Using the British Unit System

Cp=6000 FT×LB/Slug ° R
T=460+32=492° R
V=25/0.3048=82.02 FT/SEC
The internal energy is: CpT=6000×492=2,952,000 FT×LB/Slug

The kinetic energy is: V2/2=(82.02)2/2=3,201.6 FT×LB/Slug

Therefore the ratio between the air kinetic energy to the air internal energy in this case is: 3,201.6/2,952,000=0.00108, i.e., the kinetic energy is about one thousandth of the air internal energy.

Anymore need from far off-shore,far on-shore wind energy parcs,
but consumer-near sub-surface to several metres super-surface high energy tower with "on demand" or permanent nominal wattage energy generation and conversion !

But there is no argument physically to also construct "air internal energy chamber tower" with up to 1000 metres high like the US american scientist Melvin Prueitt did promoted !

Beside : AirWatt https://issuu.com/energyblitz/docs/issue_1

Or net-grid autonoumos self-serving  "air internal energy converter" !

Mechanical output or electrical !

as grid electricity "input energy amplifier",multiplied ouput ,un-/cascaded  !

Or "solar cell focus chamber",up to 30 times the output per sqm floor area per horizontal stage : each stage 1,8 mtrs high , 4 x = 7,2 meters high and 120 times yield per sqm area !

The newer silicon solar cells needs near  gr./Wp parity related to conventional ones,in flat plane concentrator only 1/4 is needed,

the production price falls in next time near the 5 US$cent/Wp range ( low duration cells ! +- 1 year function ),physical possible target 1 US$cent/Wp =
perfect organization,REPRAP  !


100 times less ,cascaded up to 100 x 100 times = 10 000 x  less land use ! Or up to 10 000 times more electric energy delivery by given floor area !

Seeing the potentials physical,by approved formulas and existent prototypes and not by source capacity limiting "lobby politics " ! ???


Collage/sampling ,over 20 years :


                      costs research and development from low speed generators

Year 2000 costs from a low speed (< 200 rpm) generator per KW : > 1500 Euros (worth)

assuming 375 Euros/KW for the system extra without generator = 1875 Euros /KW total installation-costs

First decrease : https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/2268 1000 Euros/KW

                                                                                        =  1375 Euros/KW installation-costs

http://www.schillergy.com/pdf/schiller-energy.pdf with alibaba- generator weight/material price calculation

                      3000 RPM    37,5 Euros/KW fob factory

                      1500 RPM    75    Euros/KW

                       750 RPM   150   Euros/KW

                       375 RPM   300   Euros/KW

                    <200 RPM    600   Euros/KW

                                                                                                = 975 Euros/KW installation-costs

Comparing this kind of rpm/weight -linear production costs calculation with academical study :




The overall cost of the generator, for material prices as of December 2010, amounted up to
668€, which implies a cost of 223 €/kW. This results in a significant reduction in the €/kW cost
for the generator of the small wind turbine, since a common cost for generators in this nominal
power range in the global market would amount up to 469 €/kW, from well established

                                                                                                                       = 600 Euros/KW installation costs

They used neodym-magnets,market price !


                                                    Up to five times cheaper than Neodymium/Samarium magnets ! By minimum same force !


                                                    Related to - no array conception - minimum four times less magnetic material !

Instead copper coil change to aluminium or magnetic graphit/graphene or sodium

Sodium coil based invention :


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNajBiffZBI&feature=youtu.be Sodium and silicon will become the EE main material

2020 : anymore the Koenn(was a good pace-maker)but now

https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/mosaics?CC=DE&NR=102012002418A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20130814&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP    is the base/development platform  !


                                                  Target : 375 Euros/KW ,lets calculate the 1 Euro-cent per KWh generated ! in situ,no GHG-emission,home plant

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9TrUPoevXI + low cost DC generator 800 W ,calculation : +- 2 Euro-cents/KWh

the above 225 Euros/KW for 300 RPM to 750 RPM and the costs improvement by coil/magnets/powdered iron core (Lund-Uni) : 150 Euros/KW/300 RPM to 75 Euros/KW/750 RPM

2. https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=9374 + low cost generator : +- 1,5 Euro-cents/KWh

3. https://www.patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=9318 + low cost generator : +- 1,5 Euro-cents/KWh

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HM5CcUvD98



5. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20130814&CC=DE&NR=102012002418A1&KC=A1

as rotoverter alternative like this 24/365 wind + solar + rotoverter(Mo-Gen) concept : https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=12841

                                                                                                                               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UukXtWSLnh8&t=64s 1:00

6. by DC output to DC/AC inverter and output multiplying


resonance is bad,resonance is good ( META-C Corporation,James Dinnan) surges are bad,surges are good (Dirac surges as voltage amplyfier)

the Wallner welding trafo "inrush current peak" is to bring with the "inverter outrush and nominal output" in resonance !

6 KWh household consume (without room heating)  to 600 Wh per day conventional consume :

heat element/Kovac/Osma Tech coating + inpama power saver :

1500 Watt halogen back-oven and 1500 Watt hot water heater to each 100W nominal

800 Watt hair dryer,toaster,clothes dryer to 80 Watt nominal

500 Watt washing-machine,vacuum cleaner(Edginton,GB) to 50 Watt nominal

Fridge and freezer to 10 Watt and lower nominal power consume ( Rieder absorber fridge,Osma Tech coating,M.E.C.H. as fridge compressor,power saving electric motor/winding , ....)

low power consume LED-lights

Household Wattpeak network organisation,parallel to seriell appliances use (timer)




Observing estatal institutions and private companies previews :
US DOE "freedomcar"-project : low cost and massproduction of e-drives/controller package
EE-drive-designer Roy Kessinger : factory production prices from 15 US$/ehp to 5 US$/ehp + controler costs
Siemens e-drive nominal power density : 13 KW/Kg

These motor-values corresponds generator production costs !

We can calculate and assume, at first  :

motor costs 1/3          20 US$/KW  to 7,5 US$/KW

and controller/software/sensor costs 2/3,decreasing to 50/50 : 25 US$/KW to 10 US$/KW

totally market average fob factory :  from 50 US$ decrease   

                                                                   ≤ 20 US$/KW= motor+ controler   
                                                        and/or 20 US $/KVA= generator+ controler

"Variable speed = variable frequency= variable rpms"-Controler technology,low cost : Raser ( company bancrupcy),Richard Fradella and other,exposed for example : peswiki ,old pages

1/10 from the Latoufis et al.  " low speed generator"-prototype costs ,base 3000 rpm ~ 50 Hz network speed !

Easy to demonstrate : 225 Euros/300 rpm = 112,5 Euros/600 rpm = 60 Euros/1200 rpm = 30 Euros/2400 rpm

by linear rpm/device material weight relationship !

The Linevich/Arestov Drehmomentwandler/torque converter,

as drive 1x or 2x motors ( multiple dynamoelectrical drives on one shaft= https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=esters&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search )

with generator coils(= negative current feedback circuit ~ Geminielectric motor,Trinitymotor motor-generator,Peter Rust motor-generator)

and the 100 W nominal motor power served by Uchiyama resistor :

the pure/unmodified Linevich/Arestov torque converter performance ? Drive rpm and output rpm ?!

UP TO C.O.P. 16 ? 400/25 = ?

Citating :
" Sehr geehrter Herr Holubar, das Patent wurde nur in Russland <<<angemeldet >>>(12 Monate Fristzeit) Alles kostet Zeit und Geld. Den Motor können Sie sehen und testen. Patent für Generator: http://www.eapo.org/rus/bulletin/ea200604/HTML/007341.html Wir brauchen Hilfe und Unterstützung für weitere Entwicklung MfG Victor Arestov "
Citation end



Does the load demand ( electric : torque converter + egenerator ; mechanic-kinetik : load f.e. heat pump )controles the torque converter  his e-drive input demand ?!

The multiple motors on one shaft/Uschiyama resistor solution also useable in the Israel Hirshberg " air internal energy converter"

,the Shinetsu Ishikawa "vacuum "motor-generator"-chamber :

the idea is to low the "inrush current"-peak/steady demand

https://www.ametekdfs.com/learningzone/ametek-dfs-blog/dfsfaq04-inrushvsoperatingcurrent and what by the Uchiyama resistor couple happens !

Citating :

" Inrush essentially causes a freshly electrified motor (as well as electrical supplies and any connected drive components) to function as a large capacitor — one that requires charging until the circuit reaches normal operating power. " Citation end

TIMING : https://www.ametekdfs.com/-/media/ametekdfs/images/learningzone/dfs%20faq%2004%20inrush%20versus%20operating%20current%2003%20spike%20detail-01.jpg?h=256&w=500&la=en&hash=1DB97E4941E199F5236088F4B9D295B6BCB3B576

                                                            f.e.         3 ms pulse power cycles

Now "this function as a large capacitor" with capacitive winding circuit,with couple " function as a large anti-/counter-/negative capacitor"-generator ?

::) 8) ;) :)  No OU without "inrush or outrush" ! spike/surge pressure ! ion wind !


Surprisingly, even at freezing temperatures, the energy of natural wind air (called "internal" energy) is huge compared to its kinetic energy.

Therefore, in this case, the ratio of air kinetic energy to air internal energy is: 3,201.6/2,952,000 = 0.00108, that is, the kinetic energy is about one thousandth of the air internal energy, and this case is the maximum work for a complex 2MW air turbine Air speed. The weaker the wind, the smaller the energy ratio.

Einstein-Bose condensat : air humidity ? / air dry ! 1 Gr. Water : hydrogen energy content ?

Today over 80% from the market costs are " knowledge and software" related,material independent !

In most cases this 80% price part can become saved cause  free available :

youtube vids,

free software-shareware(archive.org),

utility models and technical innovation archives and " habilitation/promotion"-archives

experts ( business angels manner)  literature , free download