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LEOGIM Hydraulic Motor form Spain

Started by Craigy, June 01, 2007, 05:36:02 PM

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Any concepts or ideas expressed in this post are intended for the public domain. Free licence is given to reproduce and or modify provided it is for non-profit use. I don't want money, I want overunity!!


Any pictures or video of it ?
Also an english description would be nice.
Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


i have emailed for pictures but the claims are amazing

1.482 kw de los 79.700 kw

it uses 1482 watts to power the pumps, that is enough to produce 79,700 kw output and its self sustaning.i will try and translate some of it later
Any concepts or ideas expressed in this post are intended for the public domain. Free licence is given to reproduce and or modify provided it is for non-profit use. I don't want money, I want overunity!!


Motor LEOGIM is powered by four electrical hydraulic pumps eight cylinders through cycles that are generated in lodged independent zones in the axis-motor cylinder, in rotation of equal circles with ground zero of the axis. The cycles are generated starting off of a rest state in which are the volumes of hydraulic mass - it fixes (without possibility of variation) that they have stored in the sines of right angles, perpendicular with the axis, these angles are fixed with the shirt and others in disposition of mobility in the cylinder, the faces of which are in radius with the axis, are faced. A set of channels constitutes the conduits that maintain official notices the sines of the angles of each part, shirt and cylinder, these conduits are characterized to have their open faces and by being able to maintain official notices the rigid and movable angles in any position that the zones of the cylinder present/display. The genius that completes the development of the cycles characterizes specially, to stay the watertight zones in the permanent rotation of the cylinder with the shirt fixed to the body of the motor. The cycles begin when the zones in their rotation reach the angles of the shirt and inject the pumps (3 % of the total of the mass that stores each zone) producing an action of pressure in the sines of all the angles, causing between its faced faces, a force of expansion in all the area of its zone including the conduits that transmit the push reaction from the fixed faces to the movable faces of the cylinder, forcing the turn of this one in a quarter of return and pushed the same time from the four distributed zones that the cylinder in its surface in equal distances presents/displays. The cycles finalize their action of push when taking place the exit of fluid to the outside of the same amount that injected to generate them in the four zones, descending the pressure to their previous state of the beginning of the cycles.

Until now the HISTORY of the continuous movement one is crowded of machines and motors incapable of working. The creation of the perpetual movement now is physically possible. The genius of the creation constitutes the motor LEOGIM, that combined with electrical pumps and an alternator form among them a chain of energy transmissions, the chain begins of pumps to LEOGIM and of this one to the alternator, it incorporates other accessories that synchronize the harmony of these transferences. The genius of the creation contributes to motor LEOGIM when obtaining just by 690 cm to it 3 of liquid fluid to push an area of 1,200 cm 2 during the route of a cycle of 58?1 cm. and in rotation she continues chained by the cycles and without harming no principle of the Hydrostatics - and sencialidad of the creation, doing it to 230 an average pressure of kp/cm 2, provided by pumps of special design within the Hydrometry, driven by connected electrical motors to the 79,700 the 1,482 alternator that derive kw from kw that produces the Electrical Unit associate, composed of: 4 electrical motors LEOGIM, 16 motors pumps and an alternator; net production 78?2 MWh, generated with a power of than 4 million kilos pushed more more than 27 meters per second. The Unit with greater dimensions or the joint installation of several, will be able to scale greater powers. The attached description does not leave place to doubts, nor either indifferent to which it reads it. MEMORY DESCRPTIVA The basic elements of motor LEOGIM compose it: a revolution cylinder that constitutes the axis-motor one as well, a shared in common shirt with the body of the motor that lodges in its interior the cylinder maintaining with a this one mini separation. A watertightness band lodges in the cylinder dividing its perimeter in four equal parts forming a rectangular zone each one and its mission is to maintain the area of its watertight interior between cylinder and shirt creating independent zones in all the surface of the cylinder, the four zones permanently maintain the watertightness with the shirt while it turns the cylinder to amuchas revolutions. In the areas of the interior of each zone following mechanizations have practiced: in the cylinder, the face - To of a perpendicular right angle to the axis, it penetrates several centimeters in his interior, his frontal face is aligned with the radius of ground zero of the axis and its other face is aligned perpendicular to the radius, of this face four perpendicular furrow-cracks extend that constitute the conduits that transfer the hydraulic liquid that receives from the injection mouths, another crack lodges the watertightness band and an orifice in the lateral one of each sine extends until the surface by the outer part of the perimetral band. In the shirt their mechanized parts also present/display perpendicular angles to the axis, practiced inverse to those of the cylinder and faced his faces of action the one of the cylinder, they extend towards the outside of the shirt and their centers are agreeing with each furrow-conduit, the vertical faces of these right angles are inclined towards ahead with respect to the radius of the inner axis on the other hand and in his centers they present/display the injection mouth agreeing with the center of each conduit and their other faces level tangents with the internal surface of the shirt. The external components are made up of four motor-pumps of eight cylinders each one and sixteen glasses of expansion (one by each conduit and each two alternating pistons in a return), these motors are designed accomplish a mission that requires each zone of the motor as far as: number of cylinders, times of injection, flowed amount of that injects each piston and electrical engine power to inject to more than 254 kp/cm 2, revolutions that are to give the electrical motors to make the calculation of the revolutions of motor LEOGIM; the expansion glasses present/display special characteristics to both maintain the optimization of the pressure of the hydraulic mass in times of injection of each cycle. Each one of the four conduits of each zone receives two injections by a return of the pump, elevating the pressure in the mass of each zone until coming near with which it injects the pump. The flowed amount of that needs each zone to only generate the cycle is of 3 % (773?67 cm 3) of the total amount that it accumulates. Each motor-pump its power is rationalized with the amount to inject, pressure that need and number of revolutions. The watertightness band requires a preparation and special manufacture that is to be in tune with the rest of the high technology that presents/displays the invention, for it is made with carbon fibers, fiber glasses and resins. The watertightness band has to have own characteristics that equip it with a hardness similar to the lighter metal but and with a certain degree of compression, and as far as its lodging is made in the cylinder by means of being based in a crack and with a depth that allows its salient superior part, by means of its degree of compression, to adjust somewhat inside the surface of the shirt to pressure, this internal surface of the shirt will be calibrated and its surface dealt with hard chromium and is cooled by water that provides the camera to him practiced between this one and the structure of the body of the motor. Each motor-pump acts in two times, each average return of its axis crank injects four cylinders to four conduits and in the following returned average the other four complete the second injection of a cycle, reaching their maximum level of pressure in the mass of fluid, the pumps inject to 254?8 kp/cm 2 and one small part of this last injection of fluid will happen to store itself in the respective glasses of expansion of each conduit, tared to 250 kp/cm 2 plus the injected amount that cannot penetrate in its zone to be in the change of cycle and their mouths are closed by space of turn of 2?75? and will remain in them until it finishes the unit of time of deadlock of the cycle. When beginning a new cycle, the differential of pressures that presents/displays the mass in each zone, does that between the accumulated liquid in its glasses of expansion jointly with the first injection of the first time. The action of push of a cycle crosses 87?25? and in following 2?75? the change of the cycle takes place. With the three following cycles, a motor-pump has given four returns to complete a return of push in the cylinder-axis of the motor. In this order of cycles each one of the four motor-pumps injects four cycles in each return of motor LEOGIM with a permanent push of 349?, the rest 11? are distributed in the four deadlocks of the cycles in each zone in which they again close and they open to the mouths all to the same time. The power of four motors LEOGIM is trasmitida to the alternator of continuous form during 360? thanks to that united and they are geared with the bun of the alternator with different positions not to agree the deadlocks of the cycles. Continuing in another order of things, until now it was not known that some possible way could exist that using a small amount of energy to make work an apparatus of any type, could produce greater amount of energy, allowing to obtain - a perpetual movement -. This invention, allows to be able to apply in amplest combinations of accomplishment, as much by the dimensions of each motor LEOGIM like with the union of several units in a same power station and scaling powers greater of more than 1,000 MWh occupying a surface, far below, to which they need the present ones and allows to be able to be constructed more in the wished places, as much to shorten the distance with the consumer as for its safekeeping by vandalic acts and of terrorism when doing without long distances of layings for the aerial transport. The thrust horse power of each one of the four planes of a motor is, of the surface of its area, the average pressure of push and the speed in meters per second. With the exposed thing until now, it allows to begin to include/understand so that motor LEOGIM develops a superior force to the employee, spirit of the invention, the other elements that form the invention make possible the LEOGIM creation - like another species of motor -. In the operation of motor LEOGIM we have been able to observe that the rotation takes place by the pressure that generates the injection of the pumps in the volume of liquid stored in each zone of the cylinder, without this volume needs to increase to make the development of the cycles of rotation on the cylinder to be within the fundamental principles established by Pascal - Hydrostatic -. This principle takes advantage of in the technique of the hydraulic trasmisiones, in which a pressure exerted in a point of a pipe propagates inalterable to all the other points: p. ej., the foot brake of the automobile. The incompresibilidad of the liquid practically makes the transmission instantaneous, and it does not require the volume variation. Therefore absolutely it harms no principle of physics in the form that takes place the push of its movable planes, although the result of the power that it develops is muy.superior.a the one that is used, although until now it was said (very common saying) that it is not possible to put in a box an amount of energy and that of this one can leave greater amount the one than it entered, and until now in effect thus was. But this saying - from this invention it is incomplete if it does not conclude that, unless inside that box something could be devised that had a series of mechanisms that combining them with others from the outside could physically change the result of its initial state. Motor LEOGIM uses the hydraulic fluid using and combining a set of mechanisms unknown until now, and with which it has been possible to obtain the creation of motor LEOGIM and with him the movement I perpetuate, (in the second principle of the thermodynamics, postulates, of Kelvin and Clausius, say that the most desirable motor would be that than once constructed, to work themselves totally by itself, without no consumption, that stops to work indefinitely, would have to make cyclical transformations, so that the fluid returned from periodic way to the same initial conditions). LEOGIM comes to suppose the awaited energy of the future. If we compared it with the projects in march of renewable energies, and with most ambitious and also most expensive making as it is the nuclear fusion, anticipated to a term superior to ten years and costs thousands of million, in the project the industrialized States participate more. to obtain itself it would have a similarity with the present creation as soon as to be able to have an energy without limits and inexhaustible. LEOGIM allows to be near the consumer like no other known advance, to the power to be made in different powers allows to be located directly where electricity needs Boats, Trains and others, also by his low cost to construct a power station - to the wished measurement -, from very low applications, something greater of 6-8 MWh for the BIRD to thousands of MWh. Really, it produces electrical energy in the limitless abundance, cheapest and ecological, it does not need to be transported from very distant places, it does not have the high costs that suppose the installation and maintenance of towers of aerial layings for their transport, all this very considerably contributes in the final cost that is paid, besides to eliminate vandalic risks and of terrorism in these facilities and aerial layings. Another great advantage is its contribution to the treaty of Kyoto to the determining being very considerably to restrain the dioxide emissions carbon of the fossil fuels that produce million tons, from a scientific point of view would say that he is urgent to put brake the sooner to these emissions to the atmosphere, one more a reason so that this invention does not stop by anything or by anybody, - because is worrisome what Nuclear Fusion says to maximums responsible for the present Hydrogen projects, that paradoxicalally to obtain its advantage for the daily consumption constitutes one of the greater challenges to those than we have faced so much technical level as at political level. The technical level of LEOGIM is not challenge some in its accomplishment, because it is a motor more, but much more simple, nevertheless if it is worrisome the challenges that so much to the interests created as at political level supposes, that could be a very lamentable brake for all, (still that would be a time question, because a creation as this one is not one that can stop it). OTHER COMMENTARIES OF THE CREATION Books of sciences - in hydraulics they give to account of infinities of applications and the many possibilities that still can be obtained from the liquids with other forms to use them. Equations of Narvier and Stokes speak of another problem related to the physics of century XIX, that exist a set of equations that allow to study the movements and turbulences in the liquids and gases without a mathematical theory exists that it bases it, formulated by Navier in 1.822 and Stokes in 1.842 modelizan the movement of the called fluids "incomprehensible". It is requested that the existence of diferenciables solutions for any physically acceptable value of the initial conditions is demonstrated. The discovery that supposes motor LEOGIM - as motor of another species to work by itself without no consumption, goes beyond these observations of the equations of Nervier-Stokes, because if until today it is not known of this one possibility that allows the liquids, less they could imagine it at that time. Therefore it is necessary to speak of which if the possibilities were certain still of discovering that they could offer the liquids. Its genius is based: 1. - In creating in motor the axis-motor cylinder del four independent zones in which the cycles with the fixed fluid are developed which they store and with him they cross equal distances of rotation and to the same time, still turning in continuous rotation remains watertight in each zone with the shirt that lodges it and that is in favor separated of a small space with the cylinder. 2. - In devising the system so that the conduits in each zone, interposed between the rigid faces of the shirt and those of the movable angle, can replace the fluid volume of that would need to cross the length of the cycle of 58?1 cm., just by injecting 3 % of the volume of fluid stored in each zone. 3. - In creating the system so that combined the internal organs of the motor with the external components can develop tumblings with the thrust horse power that allows to the degree of pressure and surface them of its areas from the beginning of the cycles until they finalize, to return the internal pressure to its initial state, doing it of periodic way, to be measures by the pistons of the pumps the amounts of flowed which it receives in each cycle and also its exit - equal amount to which entered - this does that the cycles are developed uniforms, providing a harmonic rotation in the axis-motor cylinder. In reference to the equations, on the movement of the liquids, if it does not allow to affirm, that more combinations unknown until now can be made, for example, another patent also created by such LEOGIM discoverers, in year 2,005 was approved to them like invention patent - PCT- (presented/displayed year 2,000), genius that present/display consists of which it controls the water hammer by means of disabling formation of pressure inside the bodies, in the ample range of the level faucets from 3/8"that apply in WC until 2?5" and a pressure of 14?5 k/cm 2 for supplying of blocks of houses, - either before it had solved, disables the losses of water that cause the present systems of floaters, eliminates the error of +/- 8-10 % of the measurement of the accountants, to see prototype (aqui makes click to see prototype) The applications of the hydraulics that until now are known cannot harm "in their results" the principles known physics, for example, the employees in the rectilinear rigid cylinder nor in those of movement in rotation, from the type Fink, turbine of per to us, happening through the systems for flowed by air, to the Kaplan turbine-helix, the losses go from 5 to 35 % of the energy used in their beginning. Motor LEOGIM finalizes the cycle with than fifty times a more greater differential of to the one of its beginning. ANTECEDENTS OF THE INVENTION The present creation does not leave place to doubts in question of the wished invention more, in the present time is not known that nothing equal exists. The electrical production began with the advantage of the water by means of turbines moved by water jumps and thus the first hydroelectric power stations were created, since then to the present time the systems are many that have been used to produce electricity by all well-known ones, the Aeolian energy was experienced in year 1,932 with a 100 production of kw, in the last years have gone away optimized their motors, recently a project has been made in which the length of its vanes is of 120 meters and reaches a production of 20 MW, also and within the renewable energies that do not need external consumptions they are the Maremotrices by displacement of tides, those of Fotovolt?ica of more recent creation, its production is expensive and its operation is conditional to hours of production. Between the renewable ones of last creation they emphasize the Termosolares power stations that act by thermal storage to high temperature by means of receivers of fused salts, allow to elevate the daily production in more hours, his collectors increase to 80 times the solar radiation, the absorbent tubes are stainless steel pipes covered and mounted within glass tubes to reduce the thermal losses, around the absorbent tubes the thermal fluid to almost 50 400? Cs circulates and can produce MWe, and as far as the Nuclear energy their facilities are very expensive and entail the well-known risks. At the present time it has been begun to work in Project ITER for the obtaining of a clean electricity and inexhaustible by means of the Nuclear Fusion that would be obtained through elevating its temperature until reaching the one hundred million degrees Celsius, point in which the matter evaporates, simultaneously is working in the creation of Hydrogen Batteries to obtain the optimization and its use would include to the automotion sector. The Project has been equipped, initially, of a high investment; by its high cost, the predicted duration of years and reason why means putting aim to the power present problems, the project is participated by the industrialized states more before the preoccupation of being able to be maintaining the sustainability of the demand of electricity that grows every year as it increases the quality of life of the people. The present reality shows that the discovery obtained with motor LEOGIM, for benefit of all the humanity, does not admit comparison with anything of which it has been exposed. Between its many advantages they emphasize: the low cost of manufacture of the motors, production of electricity to cost zero, does not need layings the transport, cleanest, its electrical production is limitless and their facilities are safest, their proximity and to do without long transports is safer before possible vandalic acts with its location next to the consumers. By the ample range of powers that can settle in accordance with the demand of the place, they make the practitioner more and effective whatever we know and the future projects that announce to us. Like full stop to this first part to conclude that: Motor LEOGIM is of hydraulic rotation and is impelled by means of pumps that connect with groups of conduits that lead the fluid to pressure uniting the volumes - fixed of liquid stored in the sines of the rigid angles and movable in any position of rotation of their cycles that generate zones independent. The angles of each group are watertight in the rotation. The pumps inject a small amount of fluid in the conduits producing a reaction of expansion in the mass of the sines similar to a traditional cylinder and only develop to an agreed power with their areas and the pressure between both. The impulsion of the cylinder provides an energy differential muy.superior.a the one that needs to autoabastecer itself. The excellence of its inventive scale to another level the knowledge in sciences that until now were had. Their creators P Leon and To Gimeno have done possible to illuminate to LEOGIM. Once read the memory until its last leaf, the description that in her becomes allows to receive an acceptable rank of the understanding of its spirit and his esencialidad, because when being a not known creation - by its own creative nature its understanding is not simple in the first reading, although once read with attention until it is easy. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In the Description of the Invention the internal and external components that form motor LEOGIM, plus the characteristics of a Unit formed by four motors LEOGIM are specified to install a power station of something more than 78 MWh of net production. Motor LEOGIM does not need any consumption when autoabastecer itself of its own production of electricity by itself. Its power develops it by means of a hydraulic system that introduces improvements until now unknown and which they consist of the production of continued cycles that are generated in four zones distributed in the axis-motor cylinder, these zones they are independent and they form watertightness with the shirt in his continuous rotation, each one of the zones receives the fluid of mouths which pumps have been injected by electrical motors and are located and fixed to the shirt. The power del motor LEOGIM is developed very similar to the one of a rigid cylinder of piston but without needing to be injecting the volume of mass that pushes al piston, because it makes with a small amount to elevate the pressure in the volumes of the fixed angles in the shirt and moving bodies in the cylinders, a flowed amount of on 3 % in each zone only precise to provide fluid to increase the pressure in the mass that lodge these angles, producing an action of expansion between the rigid faces of the shirt and the moving bodies in the cylinder and causing in this one a rotation turn on its axis with the thrust horse power that it allows to his area and the pressure degree that pushes it; in each return each one of the four zones has made four cycles of push, receives the fluid of a different motor-pump in each cycle, between the four motor-pumps have injected sixteen cycles in a return of motor LEOGIM, while the pumps have made four returns each one. In the Unit formed by four motors LEOGIM together with the alternator, this one receives the joint power generated of the four motors in the action of sixty and four cycles in a single return. MOTOR L And Or G I M THIS COMPOUND OF: - a body formed by two open halves longitudinally by the center, each one presents/displays in its ends the support large stone benches of the necks of the shirt that as well make of large stone benches of support of the axis of the cylinder and their interiors present/display the large stone benches for support and fixation of the shirt of the cylinder of shared in common form with the body, from their outside anchorages of fixation and passages of conduits extend. - a shirt lodges longitudinally, of shared in common form, with the salient large stone benches of two halves of the body, being a space of separation with the same one like zone of cooling with water that enters and leaves, the shirt is fixed shared in common with two halves of the body and their two ends are closed by individual shields with air seal, in their centers presents/displays the necks of passage of the axis of the cylinder, watertight by t?ricas meetings. On the other hand outer it presents/displays the projections in the four lines that form the rigid angles. - a revolution cylinder, its axis rests on the large stone benches of the neck of the shirt and these in the large stone benches of the body, an end of the axis extends to fix the gear motor - of the same useful diameter that it has the cylinder which will gear with the gear of the bun of the alternator. - a watertightness band closes the space between cylinder and shirt, lodges in the perimetrales cracks of each one of the zones that the cylinder presents/displays and is compound of fibers. EXTERNAL VALVES And COMPONENTS - glasses of expansion of special design are put in between the conduits that transport the fluid of the pumps to the inner mouths. - regulating Valves of the pressure. The valves internal pressure controllers of the fluid fulfill the purpose of closing the passage of fluid in their exit to the outside when the pressure in the reduction reaches the demanded minimum point. - conectoras Valves with the expulsion nozzles. - The flowed conectoras valves of to the outside are put in in the flowed conduit of exit of to the outside in the interior of the cylinder and act of automatic form when in their rotation agree with the orifices of exit in the shirt. - Bulk injection pumps. The bulk injection pumps are made specifically to fulfill the characteristics and dimensions that are to be agreed with the flowed supplying of which it needs according to the dimensions of motors LEOGIM, for the model that is exposed will be precise four bulk injection pumps moved by four electrical motors. - Motor electrical. - The electrical motors are united to the pumps in a single large stone bench and fulfill the necessities that require so much in the power as the number of revolutions that is to have. OTHER ACCESSORIES OF THE UNIT - a deposit container of hydraulic liquid (fluid). A tube collector distributes it to the entrance by gravity of each mouth of admission of the butt of the pump, the piston forces the speed of its passage by suction, injects it and makes the push pressure in the cycles of motor LEOGIM, when finalizing the cycles the fluid leaves by the nozzles and is lead by gravity to its container. - a deposit water container for cooling. A motor-pump of reduced dimensions pumps by means of closed circuit the water to the body of motor LEOGIM for cooling of the shirt by the heat that generates the friction to him of the watertightness band while it turns jointly with the cylinder. - Installation of conductions of the fluid and others: conduits of exit of pumps until the glasses of expansion, conduits of return of fluid expelled by the nozzles of liquid liberation, and a set of accessories and own apparatuses for the connection of motor-pumps, alternator and other apparatuses that form the exit in load of the impedance until regulating the alternator with the power of voltage etc.. If the place of the location of the Generating Unit of Electricity does not have external network fed by another source, will be precise to have a generating equipment that it provides the possible starting of the motor-pumps. COMPONENTS WITH The MEASURES And ASSEMBLY OF THE EXPOSED MODEL LEOGIM BODY. - The body in its inner metheglin and fixes the shirt and this one metheglin to the revolution cylinder. The body is made up of two longitudinal halves, in his ends it presents/displays the large stone benches of support of the necks of the shirt that will pay attention of shared in common form and suspends.
Any concepts or ideas expressed in this post are intended for the public domain. Free licence is given to reproduce and or modify provided it is for non-profit use. I don't want money, I want overunity!!


a quick translation till i find more time to do it properly

Two halves present/display the connections to the glasses of expansion (that have been exposed) for the injection and those of entrance and exit of water that cools the shirt, this temperature this one generated by the friction that receives from the watertightness band. Two halves, by their interior, present/display the large stone benches of support and fixation of the shirt that will be shared in common with the body, by the outer part of the body extend the fixation anchorages that unite to the alternator by means of the gear of their wheel with the wheel bun of the alternator, its inner diameter is of 95 cm. and its length of 185 cm. approximately. SHIRT. - The inner surface of the shirt is hard with hard chromium by electrolytic bath with more than 50 microns of thickness and calibrated to 75?12 cm. of inner diameter, (in an end presents/displays 2 mm. more of inner diameter forming a conical neck in first 10 mm. in order to facilitate the entrance of the cylinder with the watertightness bands to pressure) and its length she will be the adapted one to include the shields and that once fixed these 6 mm have left. of separation with the cylinder, plus the length of the large stone benches of support of the axis of the cylinder. The shirt constitutes the rationalization of the beginnings and end of the cycles that take place in each zone of the cylinder, presents/displays in their inner perimeter four longitudinal lines distributed each one 90? and composed of four perpendicular right angles to the axis which they extend towards its outside in form of projections, they present/display its faces - to inclined towards the sense of the turn and with respect to the radius 39? towards ahead with a height of 7 cm. of ten of wide, their centers are in favor separated from the center of the length of the shirt, to a side and another one, 15 cm. and following to 30?5 cm., the other faces - b extends finalizing tangent with the internal surface of the shirt, the faces - to they do of rigid large stone benches for support of the pressure del flowed injected, together to them and by his centers it appears in his inferior part a projection of 12 mm. of wide by 9 of length, in his center it presents/displays an orifice of 6 mm. of diameter and it constitutes the mouth of fluid entrance, his outer part is plain with the curvature of the inner perimeter of the shirt, his prolongation towards the outside is aligned with the radius of the axis. By the outer part of the shirt the tubes of entrance of flowed towards the outside crossing the body of the motor to be connected each one to their glass of expansion and this one to both extend conduits of both pistons of the bulk injection pump that are alternated in a return. The shirt in its ends also presents/displays the exit orifices and return of the fluid, one in each end next to the longitudinal line of the mouths of entrance of flowed of square form of measures 7 xs 7 mm, their center is 63?06 cm. of the longitudinal center of the shirt and its face first (in the sense of the turn) is longitudinal in line happening to 6 mm. of the front of the projections that close the mouths of fluid entrance. The shields in their the four internal faces present/display projection in form of levies excelling 3 mm. with a thickness of 8 mm. and of length 14?5 mm in line to circulate concentric, is distributed each 90? and agrees with the heads of the piston rods when these in their rotation with the cylinder encounter over them, the shields is fixed to the shirt with a separation of 6 mm, fitted in the sockets of precision of concentric and dark points by means of screws with nut and is watertight by the lodged circular flat meeting in the crack whom the body in its ends presents/displays, the shields in their centers both present/display the large stone benches in form of neck for the passages of the axis of the cylinder, being watertight with extreme of the axis by means of t?ricas meetings. CYLINDER. - The cylinder has a length of 135 cm. by 75 cm. of diameter (plus the ends of its axis), the interior of its body is empty of nonnecessary thicknesses, each 90? presents/displays the zones of production of cycles and in its interior, to 4?9 mm of the band of longitudinal watertightness (previous in its turn), a perpendicular right angle with the axis, its face (a) is in radio with the axis and has 10 cm. of depth by 120 cm. of length distributed on length overall of cylinder and constitutes - surface of the push plane -, in two faces lateral of his sines present/display valve lodged in his interior and whose function is to regulate the pressure of the fluid when it is expelled to the outside, of the interior of these valves extends a conduit of 8 mm. of diameter to join with the conectora valve with the nozzle of expulsion and this one continuous one until appearing by the outside of the surface of the cylinder, presenting/displaying its mouth a square figure of 7 xs 7 mm, their previous face is in line with the projections of the band that divides its zone with the following one, happening to 6 mm. of the frontal parts and its center section of the center of the cylinder has left 63?06 cm., the outer faces of the cylinder present/display each one in its interior the valve of connection with the nozzle of expulsion of fluid, a piston rod of 5 mm. of length and 6 mm. diameter it leaves by the outside of each valve that is even with the face of the cylinder to be pressed 2 mm. by the levies of the shirt to its passage by them. The face - b of the angle extends until leveling tangent with the perimeter of the cylinder, from this face - b has practiced the four cracks of the furrows that On guard form the conduits perpendicular with the push plane, its section forms a rectangle (opened by its outer face), and are distributed from the longitudinal center of the cylinder to a side and to another one, the first a 15 cm. and the following one to 30?5 of its centers, measures 5 cm. of wide x 1 cm. of depth, these conduits start from the end of the face - b and extends until the wall of 3 mm, this wall is reduced 3 mm. by 7 mm. of wide agreeing with the center of the conduits that separate them of the projections that the band of frontal watertightness presents/displays on the other hand and by the later flank it is separated by 4?9 mm of the vertex of the plane, this wall and in line with the mouths 3 mm are reduced. by 7 mm. of wide, and finally four cracks form the four perimetrales rectangles that divide the four zones of the cylinder, each one has 124?42 cm. of length and the one of his lateral by his outer face 235?61 cm., the depth it is of 21 mm. by 12?1 mm of wide. The four longitudinal cracks that separate the four zones prolong to each side of the lateral cracks until 17?1 mm more of length, by their front 11?1 mm more and on the other hand later 4?1 mm more, also from the longitudinal cracks by their frontal parts of the sense of the turn extends and the cracks are distributed that lodge the four projections of the band which they close the mouths of fluid entrance, their centers distribute from the longitudinal center of the crack to a side and another one to 15 cm. and the following one to 30?5 cm., with the same depth, its wide one is of 16?1 mm and its length by its front of 9?1 mm more. WATERTIGHTNESS BAND. - The watertightness band has the mission to make the sealed one of flights of the ruling pressure between cylinder and shirt, maintains the permanent watertightness in the continuous rotation of the cylinder thanks to that she is compound with diverse materials, among them those that take advantage of the strength the connection of the fiber of carbon with the fiber glass and resins, this mixture almost confers properties to him of force like the metal, but that to the being a synthetic material is lighter and with a certain degree of compression, compression this one that reaches 1?5 %. the band is formed forming four rectangular figures that include all the perimeter of the cracks of zones of the cylinder of 124?40 cm. of length by 12 mm. of wide and by 21?9 mm of discharge, they are based shared in common in the rectangular crack of each zone being united the longitudinal ones with the lateral ones. In each rectangular zone, in the four longitudinal bands, by their frontal parts (in the sense of the turn) four projections of 9 mm extend. more of length by 16 mm. of wide each one, from his longitudinal centers it is distributed to a side and to another 15 cm. and following to 30?5 cm.. the Each rectangle constitutes the watertightness of the cylinder with the shirt in each zone of generation of cycles. In the longitudinal bands their ends extend by the part outer of lateral 17 mm, these on the other hand frontal extend 11 mm. , and on the other hand more later 4 outer mm, these projections, in their centers present/display the orifice of exit of flowed also in square form, of 7 xs 7 mm, being the surroundings of the orifice surrounded in their four faces by the projection of the band; 8 mm. by its front, 12 later and 5 mm. to each lateral side. The rotation of the cylinder by the interior of the shirt, the space between both is closed to pressure with the watertightness band that presents/displays a height of 21?9 mm, 0?9 mm of the salient part of the cylinder, 0.3 mm. they are compressed to pressure with the inner surface of the shirt to assure the sealed one escapes of flights of flowed with the compression degree that reaches on 1?5 % and the others 0?6 mm form the wall that closes the space between cylinder and shirt. The sideband is formed by two pieces of 180? each one and fitted its lateral ends in wedge formation and in its internal ones they are united shared in common with the longitudinal bands. EXPANSION GLASSES. - The expansion glasses are fixed to the superior part of the body of the motor next to each conduit that leads the fluid to the inner mouth of the shirt, each one presents/displays in the perimeter of the wall of the base of the body three orifices to connect themselves, two, with both pistons (alternating in a return) and third with the mouth of entrance of injection to the shirt, of the center of the base of their body, by the part superior to the unions of the conduits, extends a cylindrical body of inner diameter of 1?8 cm. and length 6 cm., next 6 cm are high and mighty. of diameter and 9 cm are extended. more, in his inner one it lodges a cylinder that presents/displays a part of 6 cm. of length with two t?ricas meetings and it is lodged in the cylindrical body more Straits of 1?7 cm. of diameter, the other superior part is high and mighty 5?8 cm. of diameter formed by a wall of 3 mm. of thickness to be left its interior in 5?2 cm. of diameter, to lodge a recoil spring closed by the cover threaded to the body, the wharf presses the body (supported in the internal face of the cover threaded to the body) of 1?7 cm. of diameter until its seat in a circular projection that presents/displays the wall of the body of the glass, leaving an inner diameter of passage of 1 cm., the toricas meetings allow that this body does of membrane. When the pressure in 2 the 250 conduits increases of kp/cm the wharf that is tared to that pressure, it begins to flexionar absorbing the leftover fluid of the cycle plus the amount that injects the piston of the pump when the mouth of fluid entrance is closed by to be reached about the deadlock of change of cycle in its zone. VALVE OF REGULATION OF THE INTERNAL PRESSURE. - The outer body of these valves has a diameter of 30 mm. and a length of 8 cm., which 1?5 cm. leaves by the face each lateral one the sine of the movable angle and presents/displays hexagonal form to thread it to the wall of the sine. Its inner body has a diameter of 20 mm, to a distance of 3?25 mm of the outer surface, in its center distributes a window that crosses the body of the wall of 10 xs 14 mm. of wide, the bottom of the body presents/displays in its center a circular projection of 10 mm. of diameter, a wharf lodges around to his, its resistance to the pressure is of 27 kp/cm 2, inside its other end a disc closes the passage of the orifice of the cover of 8?5 mm of diameter, its outer diameter is of 20 mm. and he is spiral to the hexagonal projection, the interior of the circular part that surrounds this orifice constitutes the seat of the disc. The cylindrical cavity that lodges the body presents/displays an orifice of 8 mm. of diameter, it is faced with the window of the body and one extends by the interior to appear in each end of the cylinder, his mouth in the outside is mechanized forming a square. VALVE CONECTORAS WITH THE NOZZLES. - These valves are put in in the conduit between the regulation valve and the outer orifice of square mouth, its mission is to connect with the orifice of the nozzle when to his passage by this one it is driven to open the passage of fluid towards the outside. A cylindrical body of 6?5 cm. of length by 24 mm. of diameter it is left threading in the lateral face of the cylinder, his inner diameter is of 16 mm. and in his outer end it presents/displays the cover threaded to the body and been even with the outer surface of the cylinder, this head has a length of 18 mm. and by its center an orifice of 6?1 mm of diameter crosses it longitudinal, its internal outer part presents/displays the seat of the head of the valve that lodges in the body, also presents/displays in lateral an orifice of 10 mm. of diameter to which the conduit of the square outer mouth is united to him. Of the valve, to a side and another one a piston rod of 6 mm extends. of thickness, its inner part lodges in the orifice of the bottom of the body, a wharf, of slight pressure, surrounds the piston rod that is based at heart and presses the head of the valve towards its seat with the cover, in the wall of the body, between its bottom and the valve, an orifice of 10 mm. of diameter it is united to the conduit of the regulation valve and the other end of the piston rod leaves towards the outside by the orifice of the cover, the orifice is left with the piston rod by do together toricas watertight and excels of this one (plain with the wall of the cylinder) 5 mm, their outer end is finished in head of nose to be pushed by the levies of the shirt when in his rotation with the cylinder they reach them. BULK INJECTION PUMPS. - The bulk injection pumps are constructed specifically to provide the fluid that are to inject with exactitude of time, amount and degree of pressure to motor LEOGIM to obtain the calculation of the development of the power and rv/pm. an end of the axis of the electrical motor extends like power shaft in line to be united by means of universal joint with the axis crank of the pump of eight cylinders, this one in their necks presents/displays 4 to a side and in their other diametrical part the other 4, to these are united the heads of connecting rod and these to them by their feet to the bolts of the pistons, these on the other hand superior reduce their diameter, shirts that lodge the pistons have a diameter each one of 3?4 cm. and a length of 15.9 cm. next one is high and mighty to 7?4 cm. of diameter and 14.7 cm extend. more. The narrow part of each piston of injection is of 16.2 cm. of length and it presents/displays three t?ricas meetings (two in its superior part and another one in the inferior one), next one is high and mighty with the shirt and it has a length of 8.2 cm. more, it presents/displays two segments guides with the shirt, this one section is lubricated by mumbling of the crank with the oil of the case. The eight shirts are lodged and fixed in line to the block of the pump, the pistons have a race, from pmi to pms of 9.5 cm.. The bulk injection pump turns to 2,800 rv/pm., in each return alternate in the injection the 4 pistons of a side with the 4 of the other, injecting each one 86?253 cm 3 to a pressure - in load of push of 260 k/cm 2 (less 2 % of approximate friction) useful injection 354?8 kp/cm2. In each return of a motor-pump their eight pistons inject 690 cm 3, this amount supposes on 3 % of the total of flowed that a rectangle between the cavities of the cylinder stores, those of the shirt and the space of 0?6 mm of perimetral separation between both total 25?789 liters. In each average return of turn of the pumps, they inject 345 cm 3, pushing the first time of the cycle (half of the route of push of a cycle), in the following average returned complete the injection from 690 cm 3 completing a cycle of turn of first 87?25?, the pumps when completing four returns each one motor LEOGIM will complete his first return and with it it approximately establishes his number of RPM in 700 returns. The butts of the pumps in their closing with the shirt present/display two orifices that divide their area in two separated halves by a diametrical wall, in a side the admission and the other the injection, the flowed admission of to the compression chamber of the pump takes place by gravity and by the suction that produces the piston in its downstroke, penetrating to the interior of the camera through a retention valve that it prevents the backward movement of I eliminate that it penetrates put in inside the butt in the center of the diameter of the step cavity, when the piston reaches his (pmi) stops the closed suction being and sealed by the action of the recoil spring and by the own pressure that begins in the fluid when beginning the upstroke of the piston that alternates it in the injection, this one pressure that begins to inject pushes the valve of retention of exit of flowed which it is put in in the passage of the butt and prevents the return of the injected fluid beginning the injection of the fluid towards the expansion glass until reaching the upstroke (pms), when initiating the downstroke will be closed by the pressure in the injected conduit and by its wharf of recovery. In the alternancia of the injection the following piston will inject on the same glass of expansion having produced the second time, when the pressure is superior to 250 kp/cm 2 is on the verge of taking place the deadlock of a cycle, the membrane of the glass will yield absorbing this difference of the liquid plus the totality injected by the piston in the time of deadlock, moment that closes its mouth and thus the rest of pistons that are alternated in a return, the fluid will happen direct through the glasses of expansion to the mouths that injects in the opened conduits of its zone and with the first time it will enter jointly with the injected amount, the amount of accumulated liquid (in the second time) in the expansion glasses. In order to find the calculation of the units of power of a motor-pump, it is used the kilowatt (kw), the horsepower (cv), the kilogram (kp/cm 2 = to 10 ms = to 1,000 cm 3) and for the kilos of pressure of each square centimeter (kp/cm 2). The section of each piston is of 9?079224 cm 2 by four pistons = to 36?316896 cm 2 in each injection by each average return of the axis crank. Pressure of work of 260 pistons kp/cm 2, by number of cm 2 of the section = to 9.442?39 k = to 94.442?4 m of height of column by each cm 2. The deduction to elevate to the height of meters would be of 5 % by friction, but as the pressure has another aim, we applied only 2 %, (cv) = to 75 kp/sg and crossing 10 meters, the number of horses of a motor-pump will be weight of column divided by units (cv) = for 125?9 cv. Being from the injection of the pump a useful approximate pressure of 254?8 kp/cm 2. MOTORS ELECTRICOS OF THE PUMPS. - The electrical motors present/display special characteristics as much to be reconciled to the pumps, like fixing the number of revolutions and the power that require these pumps. Its inferior body on the other hand prolongs the structure that fixes it to the same pedestal that fixes the pump. Of its inner shield to the pump the axis extends until being united to the universal joint of the axis of the pump having formed a transmission between both without affecting the vibrations from one to the other by the separation that supposes - universal joint -. Finally the power of each motor is of 125?9 cv (according to the exposed calculation), and the number of 2,800 returns that needs is of rv/pm. HYDRAULIC LIQUID. - The hydraulic liquid that uses is elaborated with total fat absence to facilitate its effectiveness al to transfer the fluid, considering in 3 % the amount that there is to add to the mass to reach a pressure of 254?8 kp/cm 2. The mass of hydraulic liquid that is left permanently inside the zones and their ceiling with the shirt accumulated, totalizes 25?789 liters (3 %) equal to 773?67 cm 3, this mass in each cycle of injection is put under an increase of pressure happening of the 27 that maintains in the beginning of the cycle (= to 10?7 %) to 250 kp/cm 2 will be reached with the approximated injection of 690 cm 3 of I eliminate total that stores. The ascending curve of the pressure comes given per time and amount that the pump next to the accumulated amount in the four glasses of expansion injects. FOUNDATIONS OF L And Or G I M Since it has been exposed, the cylinder is divided in equal parts that are watertight with the shirt and which they lodge the zones in which the cycles are developed. The combination of all this with the other external components makes possible motor LEOGIM. So that all this works with the regularity and precision for which it has been created, it is precise to clarify three concepts that determine their optimization; first that injecting in each zone on the existing pressure (equivalent to 10?75 % = to 83?62 cm 3) 690 cm 3 completes the three percent of the total of the mass, the internal pressure that already was to 27 kp/cm 2 elevates until coming near to the same degree that injects the pump, second, of a part, because the fluid that injects from the beginning to the end of the cycles takes place in the first time of the cycle, in the injection of the four mouths the fluid happens indifferently to its zone and another part of the previous zone through the sines of the rigid angles of the shirt, nevertheless some does not have incidence on the development of the cycles because when acting the four to the same time, the flowed passage of to the previous zone is taking place in all the zones and therefore the pressure does not modify its development of uniform expansion, crossing of this form 16?3 cm. of 58?1 cm. that has the cycle and independently of the positions that the pistons of the pumps had, because the fluid that is injected in the time unit which the cycles last is regulated in the amount that injects each piston, and of another one, the limit of the pressure happening to the glasses of expansion next to the injection produced in the space of deadlocks of the cycles without the diameter of the mouths takes part, and third, because the flowed exit of in each one of the cycles is controlled by means of the regulation valves so that the pressure descends until the 27 kp/cm 2. The rectangle that forms the band of watertightness in each zone, in the case of the longitudinal bands, although its watertightness was totally perfect, neither modifies nor will alter the uniformity of the development of the cycles, because all are made to the same time since they begin not thus until they finalize, in the perimetrales sidebands, the possible small flights that could present/display would alter the development of the cycles that would affect the number of revolutions, when having to turn the pumps something the more to maintain the pressure internal, in that flowed east case would happen through the nozzles of the shirt to the outside returning to its container. Also they have eliminated the possibility of flights in the orifices of flowed exit of in the cylinder while they turn until connecting itself with the orifices of exit of the shirt, because the conectoras valves maintain them closed in their rotation until agreeing with those of exit, moment that are driven their openings by the levies that maintains them pressed during the route of 14?5 mm, almost equal route to which makes the mouths of flowed entrance of - closed with the surface of the watertightness band. By all the exposed one in this section, the cycles do not depend on the those nor inlet diameters of exit, either of the positions of the pistons that inject when they open them the entrance mouths and close those of exit, the pumps will inject until introducing the fluid calculated for the development of the cycle and will let do it when the turn of the cylinder reaches the deadlocks of change of cycles, moment that the cycles return to their initial state without the diameter of the orifices of exit in the cylinder and shirt take part, if it will be able to vary the exactitude of the calculation of returns in +/- a smallest percentage, that will be corrected when in the tests that are had to make with the prototype they are fit in anyone of the components that have been exposed, already they are amounts of fluid injected by piston, fits of the valves of regularizaci?n, revolutions of the electrical motors, power adapted of these and one better optimization of the composition of the band of lateral watertightness and mainly perfect mechanization in calibrating the shirt and all the concentric passages of the axis with ground zero of the axis. THE CYCLES ARE GENERATED IN EACH ZONE The cycles are generated from each one of the four zones that are located in equal parts in the perimeter of the cylinder and must be developed in each one of the four zones of synchronous form and to the same time when the dead times finish that expel the fluid to take it again, because in each zone the injected fluid is closed by the later part of its zone and the flowed exit of of its zone takes place by the forcebody that divides it with the following one, are in favor separated of the band of watertightness which it closes his perimetral surroundings forming rectangular spaces, in its interior is located the set formed by the angle of push, in each one of the orifices of flowed exit of in the lateral ones of his sine presents/displays a valve of pressure regulation to close the passage to the fluid when it descends, in his escape to the outside close to 27 kp/cm 2. In the longitudinal bands (that divide the zones) between the vertices of the push planes and the conduits there is a space (average) of 18 mm. = to 2?75? of route of the mouths closed by the projections and the band of watertightness lodged between the walls of the plane of 4?9 mm and the one of the walls of the end of the conduits of 3 mm, the band lodged between both walls occupies a space of 21 mm, 12 mm. band and 9 plus the projections that obturate the mouths. Its previous flanks, in the sense of the turn, they in line leave four projections with its centers with the centers the conduits and they extend until fitting each one with the wall of the conduit. Of the two perimetrales bands that in line close the lateral ones of the rectangles of their outer flanks and with the later flank of the longitudinal band, a projection of 17 mm extends. more, by its front 11 mm. and on the other hand more later 4 mm. more, in his center it presents/displays an orifice with his square mouth of 7 xs 7 mm. that del extends by the interior cylinder until connecting with the conectora valve of nozzle and this one the continuous conduit until connecting with the valve of regulation of the pressure lodged in each wall del sine del movable angle, the valves that they connect with the nozzles remain closed in their rotation until reaching the mouths of exit in the shirt. BEGINNING And END OF The CYCLES The beginning of each one of the cycles in its respective zones begins once in its rotation the cylinder transfers the times died of 2?75?, the projections that obturated the orifices of the injection mouths again return to initiate the opening, just in the line that has been closed totally the orifices of square mouths of exit of fluid. The injection begins first on the wall in radio with the axis, (reduced 3 mm. of depth by 7 of wide), to the same time the injected fluid happens through the sines of the rigid angles of the shirt and happens to previous the contiguous zone, to the same time happens the same in the four zones, thus will continue during first 24?5? of route of the cycles equal to 16?3 mm. The four pumps that are injecting to the same time, the fluid injected in the first section is distributed in equal parts in the four zones and therefore it lapses the part that happens to the flowed previous zone of because it is compensated with the fluid which they receive from the later zone. The rest of route of the cycles of 62?75? takes place with the independent injection in each zone, in this last section the fluid is received by the conduits that maintain communicated the rigid and movable faces, in this one first time of injection of the four pumps also is entered the accumulated fluid the four glasses of expansion of each zone stored in the time of deadlock, more quickly helping to elevate the pressure that expands supported in the rigid faces of the shirt and pushes the faces of the movable angles of the cylinders causing the movement of turn in these. The cylinder that has been pushed from the four zones the same time, crosses a section of the total route of the first cycle, in the following average returned from the pumps its other four pistons, alternating in a return of the pumps, makes the second time of injection and with it the push of the rest of the route of the cycles. The mouths are reached again about the fronts of the following projections and begin to be closed. Just at the moment which they have advanced on the projection the same route of the diameter of his mouth of 6 mm, in that longitudinal line agree the orifices of the square mouths of exit when uniting the previous face of the square of the cylinder with the later face of the square of the shirt, moment that the four levies reach the head of the piston rods and leave the valves of exit of fluid open, both squares cross since they agree until they let make it 15 mm. in this space they have expelled the fluid that entered until leaving the pressure in rest to 27 kp/cm 2, equal route have done the closed mouths totally ending the four cycle in which they are forcing a first turn in the cylinder of 87?25?, the four cycles return to its initial state. The mouths in the time that been have closed, the pistons of the pumps have injected on the expansion glasses having accumulated a small flowed amount of in the space of deadlock. Once opened the mouths of injection and closed the exit orifices it will give to beginning a new cycle. Thus and in each return of the pumps the eight injections of their eight pistons take place, four in each 180? of turn, from pmi to pms injecting each piston 86?253 cm 3 plus the fluid of the expansion glass totalizing in this one first average return on about 375 cm 3 producing the first time of the cylinder (345 cm 3 of the injection, 21 of deadlocks and 9 when surpassing the the 350 pressure k), in the following returned average the other four pistons will complete the second time of push with the injection received in each zone of about 315 cm 3 (30 happen to the Glasses of expansion). In this one first cycle the cylinder has turned its first quarter of return pushed by its four electrical motors pumps one in each zone, having totalized 87?25? of push of power made from the four zones of the cylinder to the same time, the following cycle will be equal to the previous one and thus until completing the four cycles and with them a return of 360? in which four cycles of force by each motor-pump and between the four have taken part has generated sixteen cycles in a single return of motor LEOGIM. CHARACTERISTIC OF A UNIT, FORMED BY FOUR MOTORS - LEOGIM- WITH ITS PUMPS And An ALTERNATOR, IN ORDER TO DO A POWER STATION ELECTRICA OF To 78 MWh For the starting of the four electrical motor-pumps they need an outer electrical power supply until it produces the Unit, plus the time of regularizaci?n of adjustment of the load of impedance, the frequencies and the power of voltage in the alternator, power to be thus because the place where the Electrical Power station has been located lacks electricity in its surroundings, would not need a group moved by other energies that possibly generated it to start the electrical engines of the pumps, before connecting the impedance of the alternator. One begins the injection of the pumps transporting each the fluid to the glasses of expansion and these to the four mouths of each zone producing the joint push to the sixteen areas of the cylinders between four geared motors LEOGIM its cylinders with the wheel - bun of the alternator in positions different assures the immediate push the alternator in anyone from the positions that the push planes can present/display before beginning the injection, the useful diameter of gear in each wheel of motor is of 75 cm., the following diameters are: bun 109 cm., inductive rotor 109 cm. and stator induced on 110?5 cm., the length of the alternator will be adapted to the power of work with the resistance of the impedance and time of cooling, between 340 and 380 centimeters. 700 motors LEOGIM turn to rv/pm and the alternator will do to 481?6 rv/pm being the speed of its equal perimeter to the one of the 27.49 motors that push it m/1sg, the alternator will be able to settle horizontal or vertical to this sense motors LEOGIM would pay attention to the same base also vertical and would gear with the bun through another wheel interposed geared with the purpose of creating greater space of separation with the alternator. In the Description of the Invention the organs and components have been exposed that motor LEOGIM forms enumerating them with its main measures and places of establishment with some basic details. The rest is not exposed, in detail, that composes all the common connections and accessories, is not important to explain them by its simplicity and would occupy excessive space its description. The average power that will develop the Generating Unit of Electricity will be necessary to determine it in meticulous calculations to allocate an equipment to the power that will develop to four motors LEOGIM and the average pressure to apply in the cycles. The optimization of motors LEOGIM and those of the motor-pumps have to adjust with the accomplishment of the prototypes plus the dinamizaci?n of the components for the manufacture of Units in series. YIELD OF THE EXPOSED UNIT The calculation is based on the power units, having used the kilowatt (KW) and the horsepower (CV) to find the electrical engine power of the pumps. The yield of the Unit if we expressed it equal would be on the 78 MWh of net production, nevertheless the meters that it crosses in a second are very superior to the motors of the pumps, for that reason a meticulous calculation by specialists of alternators is required. I CALCULATE OF THE CONSIDERED NET POWER 4 motors LEOGIM with 4 planes of push each one, their areas each one have a length de120 cm. x 10 cm. of depth = to 1,200 cm 2 xs 4 planes = 4,800 cm 2 by 4 motors LEOGIM = to 19,200 2 cm total to an average pressure of push of 230 k/cm 2 during four sections of 87?25? of push and 2?75? of deadlocks totalize 349? of push in each return, being a deduction by return from the following concepts: per dead times 3 %, the areas of the walls of the conduits of measures 5 xs 1 cm. x 4 planes and x 4 motors = to 80 2 cm 0?4 %, by friction of the band, glasses and axis 0?6 % (the deduction of friction of the bulk injection pumps already has been deduced) and 4 % of replacement of irregularities of the pressure (about 25 cm 3 of lateral losses), the applied deduction total is of 8 %. The thrust horse power in each return is the result of 19,200 cm 2 by 230 kp/cm 2 except 8 % = to 4.062.720 kilos. Consumption of the motor-pump 16 units of 125?9 cv each one = to 2.014?4 cv 736 xs w or = to 1.482?6 Kw/1,000 kw = to 1?482 MWh. Total kilos of force that need 2.014?4 cv 75 xs k = to 151,080 k. The useful power that is is of 4.062.720 K by each one of 11?65 returned per second transported with the turn from axis-motor to 27?49 m/1sg. Total kilos pushed by Unit 4.062.720, started off in 75 (k 1 cv) 54.169?6 cv by 736 w = for 39.868?80 kw = for 39?87 MWh, this amount is necessary to apply it to the meters pushed per second and since they have been pushed more than 27 ms. per second, we will apply more instead of each 10 ms, that establishes the rule, (putting something) half of the meters crossed in a second that is 13?5 meters. The final result will be directly proportional to multiply by two the initial amount = to 79?7 MWh, except the energy that supplies to the electrical motors of the pumps (1?482 MWh). CONSIDERED POWER NET 78 MWh. FINAL SUMMARY OF THE MEMORY The description of the exposed creation is transformed in which it has been discovered formulates it so that injecting only 3 % (773?67 cm 3) of hydraulic fluid on the volume of 25?789 liters that store - fixed and I suspend each one of the four zones that distribute in the cylinder and motor axis of the motor LEOGIM, develop a power on their area of 1,200 cm 2, pushing it until crossing a cycle of 58?1 cm. (87?25?) in each one of the four cycles by return and zone with all the power that provides the pressure degree to him that leaves the pumps, the cycles finalize in following 2?75? and return to its initial state. The cycles begin when the cylinder in its rotation, the push area reaches the rigid areas of the shirt and the mouths that inject fluid that was closed are open, the pressure rises in the mass that interpose between the rigid areas and movable pushing this one 16?3 cm., the remaining route of the cycles is made through the four conduits. This does possible, because the conduits together with the movable area extend until the end of each zone that when having their open faces receive the fluid in any position and as the pressure in its push is separating the area and with her the conduits, these are happening underneath the rigid areas (as a comunicantes glasses) maintaining the constant pressure between both, unlike all the hydraulic systems known until now main esencialidad the creation. The union of four motors LEOGIM provides a mathematical progressive action of average power of 230 tons to each one of the sixty and four cycles, that are alternated pushing a return the alternator that turns with the methodical repetition of its cycles to more than 27 mp/sg. pushing four million net 78 kilos that generate MWh. Its reality clarifies one of the equations raised by Nevier-Stokes - on the liquids and also, finally the postulates of Kelvin and Clausius see the light, in whom they say that the wished motor more would be that than it worked in case only without no consumption (as therefore it makes motor LEOGIM). This is obtained yet so wished ENERGIA Of the FUTURE. SUMMARY OF THE CREATION In history the motor has been created for the first time that works by itself without no consumption. Its body is formed by a rigid shirt and a cylinder that lodges in its interior with circular free movement of a space with origin in center -0- of the circumference. The perimeter of the cylinder is divided in four independent zones between if, they are full of permanently watertight liquid fluid with the shirt and a degree of pressure. Each zone and to the same time, develops a cycle of push, when the pressure that maintains the mass is elevated with the virtual entrance of 3 % of flowed of the outside, takes place the expansion reaction and pushes between the rigid planes of the shirt and the moving bodies in the cylinder, pushing it a quarter of return the same time and from each zone, the race finalizes with the expulsion to the outside of the 3 % of flowed that generated the development of the cycle, returning the pressure to its state of beginning of the cycle to begin the following ones. The cylinder pushes its axis obtaining the same effect of push that a rectilinear movement of two or three free spaces, but just by to inject 1?1 % of the fluid that would need a rectilinear movement, and in addition does in continuous rotation at a speed to 27?5 mp/sg. It obtains a mechanical force of push yet on the alternator that allows that just by to derive 1?9 % from the electricity that produces, supplies to the electrical motors pumps so that these just by to inject the fluid indicated to motor LEOGIM are obtained, for the first time, the perpetual movement. The genius that this one creation, consists in to have devised which the expansion force that is obtained with the liquid fluid between two planes, (until now only in cylinders of two or three spaces) also can be applied in movements of a space circular and based on the physical principles of the hydrostatics, that is to say, without needing to increase the volume of its mass, (p. ej., the pedal of brake of a vehicle), but able to make a continuous movement at 100 speed of km/h. For it it is complemented, of a part, in the design and the distribution of cyclical periods in the interior of the motor LEOGIM in which the power that it transfers to the alternator, and of another one is developed, the consisting of external components: bulk injection pumps of special design (to see memory) pushed by electrical motors also designed specially in power and agreed revolutions with the physical foundations of the hydrometry. A set of accessories - valves created specifically and a determine the proportions alternator agreed and with their accessories of regulation of load of the impedance, power in volts and alternate frequency. The union of these components and the action of transferences of the power to each other, have done possible the continuous movement of motor LEOGIM, creating for the first time - another species of motor -. The esencialidad of the creation consists of to have devised formulates it so that motor LEOGIM can push a set from areas the same time with the same power that the rigid cylinder of piston of a diameter of 1?5 m and which stops to cross a distance of 2?35 m (length of the perimeter of the rotor of a return of alternador)el cylinder precise to use more than 4,000 liters of flowed and the created system only uses 1?1 % 44 liters and in addition to make it in continuous rotation at a speed of 27?5 meters per second. For this simple reason LEOGIM it can work by itself without no consumption and produce electricity to cost zero. The power that develops motor LEOGIM allows a great fan of electrical production, as much for great scales of powers in MWh for power stations e<<<<<<<< snip >>>>>>>>


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