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TPU: End Game...

Started by tao, July 09, 2007, 03:11:13 PM

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Welcome to TPU: End Game

I'd first like to say a couple things.

This thread will house ONE of my complete solutions for the TPU.

I intend to fully describe the solution technically, how it works, and how it can produce all those effects stated by SM.

Considering all we know and have learned about the TPU, over the last year, we still don't know EXACTLY what the TPU looks like, how it is wound, or how it is powered. If we did, logic dictates, we would all already have TPUs.

I have considered all the words that SM ever sent through Lindsay, plus those from the videos, when constructing my theories (maybe 'theories' isn't the right word, perhaps 'technical designs' is better suited).

Everything is open to criticisms, including anything I put forward, so I welcome whatever comes.

I have thought about it, and I am going to break this into three sort of sections, a pre-knowledge one, one that describes how the device works, and one that addresses those many things said by SM.


A little pre-knowledge for you...

I will be using the term 'collector' to mean 'collector coil/wire' of the TPU in the below writeup.

It all starts with some electrons, sitting all alone in the word, no one or thing to guide them. But seriously, the electrons basically just sit around waiting to be guided around and their eventual movement will allow us to use them as 'electrical power' as we know it.

If an electric field is placed in that same region where those electrons were just sitting around and minding their own business, something happens. The electrons feel a force, the strength of this force depends on the 'difference of potential', ie. voltage, of this electric field. This force on the electrons then assuredly results in all those electrons moving toward the positive region of that electric field, because opposites attract, just like the Paula Abdul song, lol.

It then stands to reason, if we relate the above scenario to the TPU, what we WANT to accomplish on the 'collector' in order to have POWER (voltage/flowing electrons(current)) on it is to move it's electrons, simple enough right? I know, I know, big deal right? Anyone could have just said that because it is obvious, don't worry, more is on the way keep reading...

The way we accomplish this (the movement of electrons on the 'collector') is directly related to that one simple example above.

Enter, the Inductor (aka The Control Coil)

Now, you might be saying to yourself, 'so what it is an inductor, it is good for making electromagnets and generating magnetic fields, so what...', but listen on.

At the MOMENT you initiate current, really it's better said, BEFORE the current FLOWS in wire, or an inductor, you 'can' see a LARGE VOLTAGE SPIKE, lets call this our KICK shall we. You can also make KICKs appear when you RAPIDLY cut off the flow of current through inductor that has built up a magnetic field. Both of these METHODS for GENERATING KICKs can be interchanged and used, although preference is given to the KICKs that happen BEFORE current flows, because it is THOSE KICKs that use the LEAST AMOUNT OF POWER.

The neat thing about an inductor, as opposed to a simple wire is that when these KICKs happen upon that inductor, and because of it's shape, a very familiar electric field to the example above is made.

Of course, this electric (voltage) field's orientation is based on WHICH KICK you are seeing, and WHICH WAY the power supply to that inductor was connected. But, for our sake, it looks like the above picture, showing the positive region of the electric field on the left and the negative region on the right of the inductor. You see, that since the inductor is in the shape of a cylinder, it creates this cylindrical electric field, which you will see becomes helpful.

Now, lets put some electrons in that empty cylindrical space in that inductor and see what happens.

Quite the same as the first image in this writeup, nothing is really happening with the electrons, they are just sitting around hanging out and doing nothing.

Now lets introduce them to a different existence.

Hmm, look at that, sure looks like a KICK to me (remember a there are MANY WAYS to make a KICK, but a KICK in essence is a high voltage electric field). So, as this KICK is occuring, you see that the situation is the same as the second image, the electrons feel a force, the strength of this force depends on the KICK's strength, ie. 'difference of potential', ie. voltage, of this electric field. This force on the electrons then assuredly results in all those electrons moving toward the positive region of that electric field, just like in the example above except there is an inductor now involved.

Now, lets revisit our past thought, about how we generate POWER (voltage/flowing electrons(current)) on our 'collector'. All that needed to be done was to move it's electrons, the FASTER we moved those electrons, the more POWER we could have.

So, why not put our 'collector' (wire/coil) THROUGH that empty cylindrical space of our inductor (aka The Control Coil). After all, since the 'collector' is made of copper, it has plenty of electrons just wanting around to be MOVED. So, we have a situation just like above, except instead of those electrons being in free space, they are on a copper wire/coil.

So, there in lies the basis, most of the base knowledge needed to understand the rest of the theory.

More is coming shortly folks, sorry for the delays, at least I won't do you like Steorn did others, lol...

Oh, and don't go questioning what I have put up so far, until the rest of the theory is clearly laid out. I know that what is above is basic knowledge to a lot of you, but it MUST be said, and explained so that ALL can understand my ideas as I portray them. I am all about being completely concise!


Exactly how the TPU operates...

In addition to using the word 'collector' to mean 'collector coil/wire' of the TPU, you should know that when I say the words 'control coil' that they basically mean 'inductor' (just like from the above examples) and that there can be MANY of these around the circumference of any given TPU.

Here is a quick description of how this all works: If you didn't already guess, the idea to create successive HV PULSES via the control coils and do so in a continual circle around the entire circumference of the TPU, this results in the movement of the electrons down the length of the 'collector'. The FASTER you are able to successively pulse/move the electrons in the collector, the more CURRENT and VOLTAGE will appears at the output leads of the TPU, this is also why the TPU doesn't have to have anything on it's output leads and explains why the Voltage and Current are fairly constant when the TPUs are in operation.

Below are images that should pretty much fully describe the operating procedures of the TPU, and how it works within the confines of this theory...

A lone control coil, this is the heart of the TPU.

Here is a broad and very general overview of how the TPU would look.


Time to show how Steven Mark's own words match this device...
(in no particular order, I will show something Steven said, then explain how it relates directly and I will refer to the TPU I am talking about in this writeup simply as 'the TPU')

Steven Mark: "You could describe the useable current output of my coil as DC but with some hash in it." "It really doesn't have any convertible AC component which could provide a mechanical motive force as you suggested."  "They are only a means to achieve an end." "The multiple frequencies begin to feed themselves and the multiple kicks become a combined big kick." "I call it resonating." "You see, one little kick amounts to nothing." "However imagine if you had hundreds of thousands of little kicks combining into one big current kick..."

Explanation: The output from the TPU is exactly the same, it is DC, meaning there is a continual movement of electron (voltage/current output), but it ALSO has an AC component (Hash), and this AC component (Hash) is what CREATES this DC component.

Let me explain this in detail: The AC components I refer to are the KICKs that are coming from the control coils and interacting with the collector to move it's electrons. When the TPU starts up, the initial KICKs start SOME electrons moving, as the KICKs keep happening around the entire circumference of the TPU they gain momentum, this momentum comes from the fact that the electrons have mass and because collector is like an inductor itself. This is why it takes some time for the TPU to ramp-up, to wind-up, to start-up, to get to the desired voltage, etc...

Once the TPU is outputing at the desired level, the KICKs are STILL happening to keep the power outputing, but the KICKs are no longer causing the power output to climb, so at this point the KICKs are being used to MAINTAIN power output.

Picture a ball in a round tube (with the top missing, so you can touch the ball inside), now slightly tap the ball, what happens? It moves, right?, but only a little distance. Now, this time, slightly tap the ball, and before the ball seems to slow down again, tap the ball again, and keep doing this. What will happen? The ball will keep going faster and faster around the round tube. Now, don't tap the ball for a second and then start tapping the ball again, what happens? The ball slows down a little bit, and once you start tapping it again, it speeds right back up. Now, stop tapping the ball more many seconds, what happens? The balls slows down and eventually comes to a halt. So, this is exactly how the electrons in the collector are moving in the TPU, and it is the KICKs that are acting as your tapping did to the ball in the tube.

So, when the TPU is MAINTAINing it's power, there STILL needs to be KICKs occuring to keep the power (electrons) flowing. Note in the above paragraph where I said: "Now, don't tap the ball for a second and then start tapping the ball again, what happens? The ball slows down a little bit, and once you start tapping it again, it speeds right back up." So, the electrons slow a little bit between the times that the KICKs are occuring WHEN the TPU is in MAINTAINENCE MODE, and once successive KICKs occur, the electrons get a boost back up to speed. This is WHY THERE IS AN 'AC COMPONENT (Hash)' ON THE 'DC OUTPUT' OF THE TPU!

Steven Mark: "My units behave as though they are variable tuning devices, and we are tuning them to a frequency just like a radio. The closer you get to the center frequency the more power you permit the collector to dissipate into a load. the important difference here is that in the case of the radio, you tune into the frequency and amplify it for use. In the case of my power unit, you create several frequencies within a space of the collector coil's circumference. The frequencies are directly related to the circumference of the collector coil. You can begin to collect the current and dissipate it with no need for amplification because the signal source also becomes the feed for the power source and has the natural tendency to run with gain. It is important that you note that you can never tune too closely to the exact frequencies of power conversion because the power received by the collector will instantly destroy it. We instead must deliberately tune off the frequencies of conversion in order to make the thing properly work. Without the control unit constantly monitoring the frequencies of operation and making the necessary changes to keep the whole thing off exact conversion frequency, then the unit would very quickly destroy it's self."

Explanation: We do have to tune the TPUS LIKE A RADIO, the frequency at which the CONTROL COILS need to MAKE KICKS AT is directly related to the CIRCUMFERENCE of the COLLECTOR, but it is also related to the number of control coils we have! The reason that the frequency is related to the circumference of the collector is obvious. Since we are using KICKs to DRIVE the electrons AROUND the collector, and since we have MULTIPLE control coils, each successive control coil must make a KICK directly after the last control coil has just KICKed. This all must happen in a continual circular process, which will cause the electrons on the collector to be continually driven around the entire collector, through the load, and back into the collector, etc...., continually in a circle!

Steven says that you can start using the current on the collector in a load because the SIGNAL is ALSO the FEED for the ENERGY source(which is the electrons MOVING THEMSELVES in this HV 'KICK' field), and this is totally true. The SIGNAL SOURCE he refers to is the control coils that are successively KICKing, and it is this continual KICKing process that CAUSES POWER TO APPEAR IN THE FORM OF CONTINUAL ELECTRON MOVEMENT IN THE COLLECTOR! SO, the signal source, IS the power source (and this process IS ASYMMETRICAL, just look at my Anti-Lenz picture above...).

When Steven says that you shouldn't TUNE too closely to the center frequencies('CONVERSION frequencies'), he means that when you have these KICKs all happening in succession, and at a high frequency, the power (electron movement) will build quickly in the collector, and before you know it, the collector won't be able to handle all that power! SO, you must deliberately interupt this process by making the control coils NOT FIRE in PERFECT SUCCESSION! This is what is meant by tuning off the center frequency. For, when they don't fire in succession, the electron movements in the collector would get disrupted a bit and the power output would stop increasing...

Steven Mark: "It is obvious that most of the people reading the web site and experimenting know nothing about reading a scope and understanding what perfect frequency is. They also have no concept of how important the control frequencies are in order to make power from the collector. I assumed that anyone working on technology this sophisticated would have a superior knowledge of electronics and an understanding of PURE frequency output being a Necessity to control the reactions going on inside the collector."

Explanation: Here is another very important quote from Steven. He talks about PURE/PERFECT frequencies, this is also KEY, and relates directly to TESLA. When making the KICKs in the control coils, there SHOULD BE NO REVERSALS OF CURRENT when that KICK is happening. Listen, when the KICK occurs and there manifests that HV electric field within the cylindrical area of the control coil, this is what causes the electrons on the collector to move. SO, if your KICKs have any OSCILLATIONS in them, then this sort of messes up the movement of the electrons on the collector! Your KICK should be like a step function, just one quick HV PULSE, NO REVERSALS OF CURRENT, NO OSCILLATIONS, hmmm, where have you heard that before?, RIGHT! Tesla...

Steven also says that people don't have the concept of how important the control frequencies are to making power(electron movement) on the collector, this WAS true, until my writeup ;P. Steven said this though, because this is VITAL to UNDERSTANDING how to even CONSIDER MAKING A TPU!

Steven Mark: "Gosh, the reason I just hate transistors is because they are so slow and generate so much distortion!!! I think that transistors are basically useless for listening to really good high fidelity.
all those harmonics somehow get through to the music output and just ruin the music... I am sure that you know what I am referring to. Did you know that electron transit times in some tubes approach the speed of light? They are mini particle accelerators. Did you know that the best electron transit times of transistors is about like turning on a mechanical switch for a lamp? Gee, why not just build a tube amp to begin with. Less distortion and little need for feedback overdose. Much faster all around."

Explanation: Here Steven is talking about the difference of TUBES to transistors(ss) devices. ONCE you UNDERSTAND how power is made in the collector, and that HV KICKs are needed, and how these KICKs are made, you begin to UNDERSTAND why Steven KEPT telling everyone to initially use TUBES for getting the best results!

He says that transistors are slow and cause distortion. There are two keys here, being slow, and the distortion. Because the transistors are SLOW, they will NOT BE GOOD AT generating a KICK with EITHER METHOD OF KICK GENERATION THAT I MENTIONED IN MY IMAGES ABOVE! In addition, they have DISTORTION, which means that in either KICK method that you choose to use, THERE WILL BE SOME REVERSALS OF CURRENT, and OSCILLATIONS during the period of time when the KICK is happening. This is why Steven said these things about transistors so much, because being 'slow' and having 'distortion' result in MUCH lower potential for causing electron flow on the collector.

He says that TUBES are great and that they have transit times that can approach the speed of light(much faster), and can generate those PURE frequencies. Well, this should be obvious to you now. Since the tubes are so fast, they can make HUGE KICKS EASILY, plus, THEIR OUTPUTS ARE PURE, meaning that they have basically NO REVERSALS OF CURRENT, ie. NO OSCILLATIONS in the KICKS. This all results in a PERFECT case scenario for causing electron flow on the collector!

Steven Mark: (FROM MY POST LAST YEAR: "Capacitors discharged ABRUPTLY into a wire, then the current flow is stopped ABRUPTLY  ...  and this KICK comes out of the wires perpendicularly. So, I would say that Steven's KICKS have a direct relationship to Tesla's Magnifying Transmittor, its REAL operation.") "From Steven: Lindsay, this guy definitely has the secret. I do not know if he will be able to duplicate power generation, but he does have the secret. Do you think he knows it? The only part he doesn't have any idea about is that by starting the oscillation you cause the current to flow in the collector which causes the magnification of the process within the collector which will ultimately produce the greater voltage and power in usable amounts during operation."

Explanation: Here we are, back to the beginning when Steven said that I definitely had the secret to his TPUs! I think you all should thing about this again IF YOU EVEN THINK OF CRITICIZING THIS WRITEUP, lol. Seriously though, he said it back then, that I DEFINITELY HAVE THE SECRET, and the secret was TO MAKE A FAST (sharp rise, fall) SQUARE WAVE PULSE(KICK) IN A WIRE(CONTROL COIL) AND THIS WOULD MAKE ELECTRONS (move, charge) UPON A WIRE(COLLECTOR) THAT WAS PERPENDICULAR TO IT...

Then he states, that by starting the oscillation that current is caused to flow on the collector, and causes magnification of the process. Well, you should know by now EXACTLY what he means here, after reading my whole writeup. The electrons on the collector are caused to flow(current) via the continual and successive KICKs that it is receiving for the control coils which are PERPENDICULAR to the collector! Plus, the magnification that he is talking about comes from the fact that when successive control coils are making KICKs along the circumference of the collector the electrons on the collector build up speed via this continual KICKing process, this is akin to Steven's three-canon and particle accelerator analogies, and hence, this IS the magnification that he is talking about! So, when this magnification keeps happening, you WILL get more voltage and power output on the collector!
