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The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory

Started by ltseung888, July 20, 2007, 02:43:44 AM

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Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 09, 2008, 11:54:34 PM
you know, i have witnessed similar behavior from small groups of males in elementary/jr. high school

you guys need to grow up. you are not accomplishing anything with your petty insults of tseung. point in fact you are demonstrating exactly how immature you can be. and those of you who think its "fun"... fuck i can't begin to express how pathetic that is.

oh yeah...  enlighten

Main Entry:
    \in-ˈlÄ«-tÉ™n, en-\
    transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
    en?light?ened; en?light?en?ing \-ˈlÄ«t-niÅ‹, -tÉ™n-iÅ‹\

1archaic : illuminate
2 a: to furnish knowledge to : instruct <enlightened us about the problem> b: to give spiritual insight to

last time i checked instruct was a synonym for teach

so are you talking circles kul? sounds like you have become the thing you despise...

and the 75,000+ hits... googlebot and spiders?  LMFAO ok lets say the googlebot hits this site every 30 minutes (thats about how often it hits the sites i admin, perhaps stephan would tell us how often googlebot hits this site). this thread has been active for almost a year...
365 days * 24 hours a day = 8760 hours in a year...divided by 2 since the bot hits every half hour and you have? 4380 google bot hits in a year. now, lets be generous and give the same to yahoo and a couple other search bots. 4380 * 5 = 21900.   still 50,000+ hits short of the 75,000+ mark... and you guys talk about tseung talking out his ass..... am i to to assume that you are gonna attribute the remaining 50,000+ hits coming from tseung and his allegedly multiple persona's hitting the refresh button?  LOLZ

and yes, i urge you, please go to KINDERGARTEN again and learn basic social skills. that is the first step for you

This was your first post here in this thread. If this is not an unprovoked ad hominem attack I don't know what is. In other posts you question people's competence in English.
Most people here in this thread are much better educated than you are, even if their English is sometimes full of errors. Let us see how well you do in their language before making these kind of comments.

Hans von Lieven
When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx


now we know which one you picked...

ok exactly how is it ad hominem? please be specific.
they WERE being childish. this is FACTUAL.
yes using words like "enlighten" in the context that kul did is incompetent and wrong. i asked him if he was talking circles, he choose to argue. i then addressed the SUBSTANCE of his argument.
"Communicating badly and then acting smug when misunderstood is not cleverness."  -- randall munroe

claiming the hits were "mostly" due to spiders is ludicrous, by that logic any thread that has 2500 or so replies should then have 75000 or so views? check the stats and you find this to be far from true... also by this logic any thread started at the same time as this one should have 75000 views as well.
i then addressed the SUBSTANCE of his argument...

MY argument would be that you're not accomplishing anything with petty insults of tseung... are you going to address the substance of this or are you going to continue to talk out your...
please show me where ltseung has lowered himself to such behavior? at least he has some grace in his replies, however skewed you think his physics may be.

most people in this thread are much better educated then i am? you can then prove this of course?  you have some evidence or substance to back this claim up? are you making up your own definition of educated? still talking out your...
you can answer that AFTER you answer my previous questions from my last response to you. unless you choose to sidestep them again...

why can none of you respond to simple questions?

here i'll try tseungs language for you then...  bi zui...  bi zui nin hen bu ti tie de nan sheng
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 11, 2008, 03:32:42 AM
ok exactly how is it ad hominem? please be specific.
they WERE being childish. this is FACTUAL. please show me where ltseung has lowered himself to such behavior? at least he has some grace in his replies, however skewed you think his physics may be.

Dear WilbyInebriated,

Thank you for pointing out that many of the posts are insults that have no merit.

The fact remains ? the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory cannot be wrong.  So insults cannot get through my shield.  The insults do provide the necessary ?insult training?.  I can tell you a true story related to Insult Training.  The Chinese Negotiators working under the British Colonial Rule went through this tough training before they were sent to Beijing (for the 1997 return of Hong Kong to China). 

The training was done by professional insulters who spent an hour each day hurling insults at these negotiators.  Words such as yellow skinned dogs, white skinned pigs, etc. were used.  The insults were combined with half-truths and personal attacks.  One of those who went through this training told me: ?At the beginning, the insults got to me.  I got furious.  But the sessions were videotaped.  My superiors, my peers and my subordinates got to see and comment on those tapes.  I wanted to quit a couple of times!?

I then asked what was the end-result.  He said: ?We were able to keep cool under the worst possible negotiation conditions.  All the Chinese Officials kept their positions at the change-over.?

I shall take on the bullets and cannons on behalf of the over 300 over unity inventors.   The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory will explain the source of energy of their inventions.  They can focus on perfecting their machines.  So the insult training is a good thing in disguise. 

So smile, relax and continue to watch the show.  Physics and Mathematics will not lie.  They will point out the winner.  My posts in here are not to seek approval.  They are just for fun.  They give me something to do in between fishing days.  Top Gun will shine with the theoretical explanations.  Ms. Forever Yuen will shine with the experiments and the write-up of the presentations.  Wang Shum Ho is already shining with his role as the China Energy Expert.  Many unknowns from Hong Kong and China will shine in the coming months.  I hope that the World will benefit with these Stars and many more Worldwide.
Compressible Fluids are Mechanical Energy Carriers. Air is not a fuel but is an energy carrier. (See reply 1097)
Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106 and 2621)
1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.


Quote from: ltseung888 on May 11, 2008, 02:15:27 AM
I have now uploaded the new presentation file in

This new presentation file contains the diagrams from Top Gun and is suitable for those who need a review of Mechanics in ?O level Physics?.

You should direct your questions at Top Gun as he has taken over all technical discussions on the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.

Top Gun, on the comments on Slide 5 on New EnergyV88.ppt, there is the information:
In the previous slide, we can see that the pendulum bob has moved from Position A to Position B.

The vertical displacement represented an increase in Potential Energy (mgh).  We can conclude that work must have been done.  But we cannot determine exactly how much work has been done if we do not know the exact Force and/or the Displacement Functions.

This concept is extremely important.  One analogy we can use to understand this concept better is that we want to go from Street One to Street Ten on the slope of a hill.  We can go by car, by bus, by bicycle or on foot.  We can go in a straight line or we can go in a detoured path.  The exact work done or energy spent can be very different.

If we assume the displacement function is an arc, the remaining variable is the force function. 

1. Can you show how different force functions do different work? 

2. Which force function will Lead Out the maximum gravitational energy? 

3. How would this affect (or improve) the many known Over Unity Inventions?

Do not worry about the insults and jeers.  Let them recite the following 666 times.

(1) The Lead-out-energy from a horizontally pulled pendulum is equal to the vertical component of the tension times the vertical displacement.
(2) An unbalanced force can be generated from a closed system.  Secondary events using unequal exchanges of energy and momentum are used.
(3) The electromagnetic Coil can be a magnet, a collision mechanism and an electricity exchange mechanism.

Ben Waballs

Hilarious how he is so concerned over what people are saying. Especially when they cut on him. Big man in fargo haha. Hey bud, I wonder if the owner of that apt 'disaster' knows you are harrassing people on the net? Be easy to call them huh? There cant be more than 12 units with 50 people each in that run down section 8 slum. Do you work at all, or is your back still out? Is your mom still giving you and your boyfriend money to get married?
I think you are a little too defensive of larry. I think that maybe there is something going on between you two. The passion you have shown doesnt make sense unless you have a secret love for him. I bet if you ask nice he will let you lead out his wang. You would like that wouldnt you, you little rascal!
If you want, we all know larry, and we can formally introduce you. Then you can have a nice hot honeymoon in his fiberglass flying saucer!
Oh, cupid, you wispy, hopeful, little gnome, make your arrows fly true, straight into larrys heart, for little wannabe!! How cute!!!