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The Grand Proverbial Goose Chase?

Started by Sataur, August 17, 2007, 07:24:45 PM

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My apologies for posting this in the "News" section; a "General Discussion" type of section doesn't seem to exist (or perhaps I'm just overly ignorant of these types of things).


I find myself perpetually stricken with the urge to build and attempt overunity devices, but often I tend to push these impulses down and out of my mind. It is not because I feel that it is too hard, or that I find it a necessarily bad or boring thing to do.

The fact of the matter, though, is that I have been following overunity progress via the internet for quite some time (at the least 3 to 4 years), and have witnessed literally hundred of claims of overunity. Yet I have, in all my time researching and following this scene, never found any overunity claims that had physical potential, or were duplicable and showed promising results from others who attempted to rebuild them.

There are thousands of posts, countless hours of typing, on a vast variety of different methods of achieving overunity. Countless replications of countless supposed overunity devices never achieved the alleged original results, or if they had, they never made it back to the public.

I find myself questioning whether this drive for achieving overunity devices is merely a grand proverbial wild goose chase, in which the supposed "true" claims of overunity are merely the rushed conclusions derived though faulty heuristics, and that the followers of this community are subject to believe that said claims are true, and thus begin the process all over again.

And this goal to achieve overunity is not a modern concept. It's been around for at least a century or two, and yet still nothing seems to have come from it. It is STILL regarded as a fringe science, even with the countless hours of research.

Does anyone else have that deep but repressed feeling like we are all deluding ourselves into thinking that overunity is possible, and that the only reason we wish to accomplish this goal is because we find little else to do with our otherwise seemingly meaningless lives (I don't say this is a negative way, but objectively. Our lives really have little worth with regards to the planet or universe in general)?

And one also has to question why humanity as a whole continues to develop and consume, creating and engineering greater and grander technologies that will serve us no more purpose that to live our lives with more comfort, with more consumption. Will we finally reach a point when our technological development becomes so complete that we find our lives meaningless as a whole, because we realize that this illusion that creating more technologies would somehow make us happy is ultimately false? And this is true. We will never be content with what we have. We continue to develop more and more technologies for seemingly little purpose than to make our lives more simple and seemingly happier, but rarely this is ever the case. Sure our lives may be more simple, but we will still find ourselves needing something more. When we finally reach the end of this proverbial goose chase, when we have made our lives so simple and automated that we need little more to do than walk, we will still find our lives just as empty and meaningless as before. We may not feel that way now, but that is only because we believe that we are headed somewhere better than yesterday. But in reality, the time of tomorrow is little different than the time of today with regards to our happiness.

I could continue this post for a while, but I would like to hear your thoughts on this.


Elvis Oswald

It's certainly true that there are wild goose chases out there.  I think some of them are genuinely wrong... others are hoaxes for profit or pleasure... and a fraction of those are government sponsored.

I've watched this for a long time too.  In my case, it was reading Tesla and looking at the evidence that he was on to something that certain people didn't want to be.  So, I for one am a believer that there is a natural energy source that's easily tapped.  And while I do not know how to tap it... I can tell you where to begin to look for it.
You have to start with a clean slate and forget everything you were ever taught.  Then you need to learn maxwell's original equations and start building Tesla's experiments.

You will get there like he did.


I have to agree with Sataur?.  The penchant for group delusion here and throughout the field of ou free energy seems to be universal.  They never seem to learn or advance...no bad idea seems ever to be rejected and remembered as such a week later or whenever they return thinly-disguised as different and new.

The publishers of books, videos and these websites do make money, as do some of the inventors, squeezing free services and/or actual cash investment out of eager believers.   

The inventors and replicators spend infinite energy repeating the past follies of their predecessors.  Every new proposal is met with enthusiasm regardless of how patently inane it is or how thinly-disguised it is vis-a-vis the last failed contraption. 

As Elvis pontificates, above: "You have to start with a clean slate and forget everything you were ever taught".  Every morning, Elvis?  The philosophy here seems to be that all learning is taboo.  Only immediate present undocumented experimentation, unguided by clear objectives, and endless blind tweaking are worthy.

Despite the clear centuries-long history of 100% failure in achieving free excess useful energy provision, inventors here and their replicators seem never to spend any time analyzing why their machines did not work.  Always, they seem to just fade out of one failure and into the next obvious doomed folly, oblivious as to why each failed.  But fail they do...every time.  The claims never cease; the pudding never gels; the delays and excuses never end.  The learning from past errors never occurs.  The circus continues.

Elvis, it's not personal, but your philosophy is so typical and flawed that I cannot resist using your words to prove my point (besides, you conveniently volunteered).  "So, I for one am a believer that there is a natural energy source that's easily tapped.  And while I do not know how to tap it... I can tell you where to begin to look for it."

This notion that "belief" is a key ingredient seems to overwhelm all reason.  If it was "easy", Elvis, as you "believe", and we all agree it would be desireable and worthwhile, then why has it not been done in the tens of centuries of effort?  You admit you don't know how...you must also see that others don't know how, yet you pretend to offer guidance as to where someone else should begin to seek the elusive knowledge.  Don't you see that what you are advocating is the blind leading the blind?

Go ahead, in the name of progress, throw out all that science and physics have learned, right or wrong.  Substitute "belief" in the unknown.  Argue endlessly and passionately about angels dancing on the heads of pins.  You will find that the same set of natural laws will evolve back into understanding again and again.  The rate of progress back to our current state of knowledge (which certainly isn't complete by any means) will be proportional to the quality of the science we do and inversely proportional to the weight placed on our "beliefs". 

My interest here, so far, is as an observer of and commentator on the general folly.  It expands my sense of amazement every day, every hour, as I read the endless parade of blather by those who pretend to have special knowledge and those who blindly cheer them on.

Really, though, it is not much different than most human endeavors other than maybe farming, medicine and shelter-building, I suppose.  It's another sport; another hobby; another entertainment.  The level of passion, self-delusion and magical wish-physics is superceeded only by the absolute and utter avoidance of all scientific learning.  Only the empirical is respected; never the application of abstract thought or learned knowledge.  Blind experimentation is the ultimate end, it appears.  Critical thought is severely frowned upon.

The practices of ignorance, procrastination, avoidance, denial and delusion are honed to perfection here with a passion and acceptance that I have never before observed in any group focused on any subject matter. 

At least in other "woo woo" areas, (psychic healing, astrology, quack medicine, etc) there is no eventuality of objective proof or actual utility looming over the proponents heads, so there is a reasonable expectation that things would get carried away without limiting constraints. 

Here, there is a stated end which is, if to be successfully useful, quite readily measurable and provable.  You would think that fact would lead to faster progress and rapid learning and advancement, at least to discarding of misconceptions rather quickly.  But no.  That brick wall of energy-conservation reality, standing firm so far, breeds the most incredibly insane and elaborate and creative and, yet, redundant and transparently foolish and dishonest raindances of delay, miscommunication, secrecy, confusion, obtuse thinking, blind faith and excuse-making I've ever seen.

The mumbo-jumbo that you will find agreed to and encouraged herein, it seems to me, is subconsciously designed and well crafted to simply allow a realm of delusion to be prolonged indefinitely.  The egos, the wild claims, the cheerleading, the blind experimentation, the incredibly poor communication...they are all required parts of the program.   The program to tinker with stuff while feeling an aura of exaggerated self-importance.  It's really not that unusual in human nature, after all. 

Even I, the great Humbugger, have languished in delusionary procrastination, dreading the facing of the sad truth, a time or five in my long years!  Probably doing it now by spending time here! 

That's Entertainment!

Elvis Oswald

I don't know where exactly Bill Clinton lives in NY... but I can tell you the I-95 N runs out of here and in that direction.

And you're right to pick on the fact that I said "I believe" - that would imply that I take something on faith alone.  However... I *know* that you can never be certain of anything except death and taxes... and so everything else is uncertain.
Let me clarify to say that I believe that the energy is there like I believe the grass is green.

That was totally my bad - one should never imply probability without giving some idea of the level of certainty.  I thought my mention of Tesla was enough to convey the idea that I was basing my belief on science.

Has for science, and "tossing out knowledge" - I believe I said to learn and study maxwell's original equations.  So I am saying to study what maxwell really discovered.... and not the watered-down / 20% solution that all the rest of the science of energy is based on.  Go ahead and take me on for ending that sentence in a preposition. ;)

So again I say - forget everything after 1890 or so.  :)  And test forward from there.


Well the amazing thing about being human is that we have an inherent freedom to believe what we would like regardless of others. This can either be good or bad, depending on the situation and how you look upon it.

That was a very profound and introspective post Humbugger. I can see that we think along similar levels.

But I think I've made a slightly arbitrary decision to go ahead an build devices and machines regardless of whether it will work or not. As Voltaire had so eloquently put it in his Candide, men aren't meant to be idle, and only when we are working do we feel most satisfied.

Therefore I see no risk in wasting "time" by building devices. Perhaps one may work along the way, but even if none do, I will have found enjoyment in my work regardless. Time is irrelevant in the entirety of life. What matters is the present, and how you are in the now.
