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White powder Gold

Started by innovation_station, September 06, 2007, 11:17:36 PM

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Many points,and completely out of order:

-They have been unrecognized until these recent times as they are ceramic oxide single atom versions of the platinum metals group. When oxides form as single atoms or few atom aggregates, they loose their metallic bonds, the electron orbits deform, and they fail to be recognized as anything at all, in the modern and current methods of measuring the elements within a given substance. The Russian academy of sciences uses a 300 second burn in spectrocopic element analysis, instead of the US or western version which is 15 seconds. The Russians use a neutral gas to envelope the carbon arc producing electrodes, to prevent them buring away (the electrodes) in the 15 or so seconds that they do in the Western method of analysis. When doing the 300 second arc-burn test, the monatomics DO SHOW UP.

- Current nanotechnology research involving the platinum metals group, is based on David Radius Hudson's poineering work in the 80-90's. Hudson was the 'new' discoverer of 'white gold', or the platinum metals group in an oxidized mono-atomic form.

-This mono-atomic material is apparently quite prevelant and is the basis of DNA and enzyme action-reaction in the human body and nervous system. The basis of the very operation of all life, in fact. The elusive point that science has not been able to find and understand.

-Is quite prevelant in volcanic ash soils, and that of the salt mixtures from ancient sea beds, the two that are in highest concentration of 'gold salt', or highest concentrations of monatomic gold are Salt lake, in Utah, and the Dead Sea, in Jordan/Israel (Palestine), with The Dead Sea being the highest concentration, at 70% peak values and Utah being at about 30-35% concentration in the salts. The Monatomic gold is there. It is unrecognized, as it is in it's monatomic crystalline ceramic superconductive form. The arc sputtering separates it from the chloride. This last point is not publically known.

-Note that arc sputtering is the method of creation mentioned for these white powders, which is the exact same method used to create superconductive 'long' carbon nanotubes!! (about $100 for 5 grams of superconductive long nanotubes. Yes, you can buy superconductive carbon nanotubes..today. Google it.)

-It is interesting to note that the so-called 'reptillian' multidimensionally existent 'gods' desire this product for the same reasons we would. Many many stories legends, etc, support this idea. It is also interesting to note that Zechariah Sitchin's work support it exactly as well, in the exact way mentioned. And once again, in the creation of Salt Lake City, via the report of 'Joseph Smith' recieving commands from 'reptillian gods' to locate his ass and subsequent 'cult' at the Great Salt Lake. According to the decoding of Sumerian tablets by Sitchin, the 'reptilian creators' of mankind (to mine gold) have been fighting for posession of those highly productive (produce the monatomic elements) areas of earth for quite a long time. Note that the core point is the Jordan/Israel (palestine) area, and that it has been the most fought over piece of land on the planet, for the longest time in all known or unknown history.

-Of the monatomic powders, the White Gold is the most prized, as that particular element is unique in that it has only the ONE stable isotope, so one might conclude that it is the closest to the original frequency of the ZPE (or vibrates or oscillates at the most obtuse frequency, therefore only one harmonic) , and is used for extreme intelligence (nerve inteconnectivity and etheric communcation) , the ability to be immortal (DNA and telomerase correction), and to travel interdimensionally, all whilst retaining 'human form' (relatively speaking).

-Apparently Solomon's temple, a place on the shores of The Dead Sea, is where this powder was manufactured, via this (arc sputtered) method, from the heavily salted sea water.

-It also seems to recreate or create antigravity, time travel (ie, interstellar travel), exteme long lives, health, etc. It is interesting to note, that the places where they are exposed in the mantle/crust of the earth, these areas are INCREDIBLY overblown with reports of UFO's. This indicates it is a power source, an energy source, for others who are frequenting our planet and raping it's resources.

-Every Single point that David Hudson raised in his research, concerning the behaviour of the materials he found, is being replicated in government and corporate laboratories across the world today.

-Every single food or material for human consumption which is considered to aid human growth, aid human mental capacity, aid human longevity, aid human strength, etc, etc...All grow best and give the greatest health and life benefits when grown in soil that contains these monatomic substances, or, another way to see it, in soil which is considered to contain these monatomic elements. All plants and substances which have the greatest aid to human development inthe ways mentioned...Have been tested by Hudson via the USSR 300 second arc burn - spectroscopic element test to have the HIGHEST concentrations of these monatomic elements

-The offices of Navy Research in the US, have found that the placment of nano sized single Ruthenium atoms at the end of a DNA chain causes it to become 10,000 times more conductive and SELF REPAIRING. Exactly the claim area of the original 'manna' or 'food of the gods', aka, the white powder of gold, or more specifically, all of the platinum metals group, in this monatomic (oxidized) superconductive form. The Navy also feely admits that every cell in the human body is able to commumicate with one another in ZERO (and I DO mean INSTANTANEOUS) time, via a mechanism which remains totally unknown. (2002-6+, ie RECENT, NEW research, ie, current work!)

- When atoms of the platinum group are 'singled' their electron orbits deform and they are both in and out of this dimensional reference. They are no longer 'metallic' in nature and are more of a 'ceramic superconductor'. Recent research is exactly supporting this situation, and this is the result of Hudson's work.

-The monatomic oxidation origins of the so-called items of dispute, ie, white powders, are again supported when one looks at the behaviour of Rhodium, in terms of plating thickness requirments vs self-oxidation. Hudson reports that Rhodium is the most difficult to re-form back to it's metallic multi-bond molecular aggregate form, compared to that of converting the rest of the platinum metals group-when in their monatomic form.

-The phenomena of the nature of human nervous systems supports Hudson's claims, again! How? Well, if one is hidden away from the knowledge/sight of the impact of a hammer on one's finger, for example, science has shown that the blow to the finger shows up as a nerve impulse EXACTLY at the finger and at EXACTLY THE SAME microsecond, in the brain. But if the brain is stimulated to imagine an impact at the finger instead, the nerve impulse must travel up the nerve from the hand to the brain and then the hand is 'moved' (reaction). This very specifically supports the idea of 'action at a distance' or 'intra-dimensional' considerations. Ie, the essence of pyshcic phenomena proven in a lab on a daily basis, for those who posses the basic common sense to allow themselves to see it, without monkey brained emotional issues rearing their head and the person disallowing the information in, as they inherently fear it, for it breaks their current bonds of understanding of their place in the universe. This is so common an issue it can make one puke from the incapacity for logic shown by some people, due to 'idealization' (mental comfort zones) of what concepts of reality must be.

-Note how the growth factors from volcanish ash on soil is highly prized, etc, in that on Mount Pinatubo, for example, the farmers will get back on the ash covered soil and begin planting IMMEDIATELY, as they KNOW that the growth from the ash is INSANE in intensity, allowing for 3-4 bumper crops of enormous size, immediately after a flow from the mountain. As a matter of fact, they routinely risk their lives to plant in that soil, before the mountian has even settled down!

-These powders have been found throughout the Giza complex and in places in Israel, where Solomon was said to have frequented. The records and stories are deep and long. It was specifically found in the chambers of the great pyramid. The evidence supports the claims of it's existence by the records of the Religions and leading caste behaviour of Egypt throughout the ages.

-All evidence of what the white powders are, deeply, powerfully, and scientifically support and explain all the evidence for multi-dimensionality and psychic experiences.

-All current medical research into cancer cures, etc, concerning the use of nano-particles of the platinum metals group, all flow from Hudson's work, and all support his intial findings...100%!

-All chemical seperation work done now to create nano-particles of the platinum metals group, all flow from Hudson's work on chemical seperation, ie acid reduction and seperation.

-Everything concerning current research into monatomic subatances and nano-particle Platinum metals group substances, exactly parallels and mirrors the reports of alchemical work throughout the ages.

-All reports on the alchemical process that are throroughly researched, show that the best and sucessful alchemists used a 'slow bake' 30-40 day, 'just over room themperature'  'chemical reaction' to create the white powder of gold for human consumption. This point supports the idea of a slow going 'chemical stew', elevated temperature creation of the monatomics from their elemental counterparts, all over the world, on vast levels. Ie, entire huge area of the world, dead seas, lake bottoms, deserts with exposed sea beds, etc, etc, etc. Basically, unrecognized levels of specific types of oxide production from principally or originally metallic elements.

-One can now...easily buy nano-particle mixes of silver in either powder or suspension, which have been chemically reduced or derived(acid reduction), straight out of medical firms which have 'discovered' the health benefits of using these 10nm or less sized silver particles to cure disease, contaigent issues, flesh eating disease, heal wounds, etc. All following from Hudson and other works. Nano-particles of gold in the 5 nanometer range can aslo be bought, for your testing and playing around with.  About $350 for 5 grams. 5 nanometers is VERY near to being true monatomic. The 5nm gold is starting to exibt quanta or intra-dimensional aspects at this point. Metallic bonds are nearly broken.....

-And on, and on, and on. This short list comprises less than a tenth of the things that can be researched here, concerning the support of this area of investigation.

So, if you  are interested in immortaily, multidimensionality, psychic energies and capacities, then looking into this stuff is the way to go.

In about three years of looking into this product, in depth, I've YET to come across one single point that cannot be correlated to and with existing answers and questions in science, human studies, cutting edge physics work, of any nature, psychic research, historical research concerning antiquities, legends, etc..and all in a correct and logically unassailable manner.

That speaks volumes, about wether it is live ---....or memorex. (for those of you who don't get the western cultural bit, what I mean is 'is it real, or is it complete lies and fantasy?').

When every tiny bit of evidence found and dug after, questioned, etc... always fits perfectly into holes in science and physics, then there is something important going on. Something quite big.

Huge, in fact.

The final or ultimate conclusion about this whole thing?

It now becomes a race toward the end, a race toward multi-dimensional existence and virtual immortality, for the more intrepid of us.

However: If you cannot clear your mind and be free of ALL,and I do mean ALL animalistic issues..you will never make it. That much is definitely true. Greed, avarice, nastiness, killer instinct, that does not fly here, that does not work here, not one fucking single bit. The attempt automatically raises the given person..or destroys them in the process. One will be parting with ALL internal masks. One will be stripped completely clean. Or dead from the attempt. (at least physically so)

No exceptions.



it will find many uses in our lives

i hope most of the inventors here work with this stuff to come up with even more ou devices

looks like some than can afford and have the time have now got work to do

To understand the action of the local condenser E in fig.2 let a single discharge be first considered. the discharge has 2 paths offered~~ one to the condenser E the other through the part L of the working circuit C. The part L  however  by virtue of its self induction  offers a strong opposition to such a sudden discharge  wile the condenser on the other hand offers no such opposition ......TESLA..




anyone know what that black, and brown stuff that collects on silver coins. It that silver oxide?

I did an experiment with collidal silver this spring. I put bean seads in plastic bags with wet paper towels in them, some with collidal silver in the water, and some with plain tap water. The ones with collidal silver grew faster at first, then they slowed down, and the paper towel turned black, or a very dark silver colour. In the end the ones with collidal silver grew slower, but it may have slowed down because the silver oxidized, and turned black. I should metion this was sitting in the sun light awell.

Search for "Bob Beck" in google video. He says these silver particles kill germs by oxidizing them. Silver kills germs in general. They use it in some fridges, silverware was used because it killed germs. They used to keep milk fresh by putting silver coins in it, and silver is used in the wrappings for burn victims.

@Prophmaji do you know of people who have died from injesting this stuff, and do you have some sources for that information you posted?


silver oxide is not nanosilver or monatomic silver.

Yes, people have died from ingesting 'things'. But 'things' aren't exactly monatomic examples. One must be sure they are dealing with monatomic elements. One way is to have access to a 1-2Mx electron microscope to actually see what you are dealing with. And an arc-burn spectroscopic element analyser that can be modified to the Russian academy version of 300 second analysis.

Both can be bought by a good shopper on ebay these days, for under $100k or so, for both. Likey less. I saw a 2Mx electron scope go for $65k the other day. One from 1999 or so, and recently calibrated, new hardware, flat screen monitors etc. Damn. Someone got a good deal.

As for 'information' you need to do collect your own. books. Buy the collected works of Laurence Gardiner and Sitchin for the outerworld hints of connectivity, and then do the rest of the research on the net. Hear all of the Hudson lectures and maybe, just maybe, someone has finally put his videos on the net. I'm failrly decent at pulling info out of diverse sources and correlating the data, I suspect most are not so lucky or persistent. Research the Hudson Patents. They and the lectures are getting harder and harder to find.....

The point is, I can prove nothing to you. You have to prove it to yourself.

Oh yes, Tibetian Monks ascend all the time. They build enough of this up in their bodies through their diet and meditation. One day...they simply aren't there anymore. All the tales of the activities of the Tibetian monks, etc, flying, etc, all come straight from this stuff. Corpses not rotting (sainthood) is another point.

If you read Charles Fort's book of the Damned, you will find many instances were frogs and fish etc, all seemngly fall out of the sky. They 'wormhole' their way to a new spot. Well, every single report encompassess critters that would be in a physical location where these monatomic substances is VERY prevelant. The powder of gold seems to produce 'bio-locational' skills.

Here's some information that borders on technical:


The page the actual MP3 lectures are on:


Also look up the site of a physisist by the name of Daniel Sewell Ward, at 'Halexandria'.



Before you decide to take a magic pill,  better look on the side of Caution:


According to some, the guy behind this is part of the Illuminati, and NWO.
Could be some form of disastrous way to keep you from passing into
the next realm of existence. 

Please read the page link above.