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What is going on in America ?

Started by sebaw, January 17, 2008, 09:36:15 PM

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Something bad is happening in America... yet the generation that could change this is far from wanting to... Kinda irritating to live with it... I still say a real woodstock or happy gathering is what is needed to give people a common hope of peace.. what has been as strong influence in the past?  The one thing music can do is take your mind off all else ... no matter how in raged you are ....   
GET THIS ONE - Bush wants to stop Iran from enriching uranium .. now as oberman said and others any drunk coke head can find out how to do this not just bush.

Also in reality Google has provided this info for some time.. so heres my point.


This is the world we live in. More concerned if some exec doesn't get his buck than if some terrorist blows us to hell..


What is going on in the U.S.A.-education ?

A partner and his friend here,had been interested to get new information
about the planet Marte/Mars  !

They searched in the net-pages and visited,naturally,also the N.A.S.A.-homepage.
Inside this page,that is what the partner told me, is also a key-word section.
At first they tried to enter with the personal name : no entry !
After the third temptation the filled the search-field with the 1:1 relationship about the
theme: Mars-project !
They entered this, for the public closed, section and did some image-impressions !

By the next day they received the visit from the national C.I.A.-headquarter,
these agents have had a list about the quantity and quality of the imprimed images.
But they saw all these "secret" images-some in the kid room- other in the garbage basket,
and had been lucky not to be in a household of terrorists !
They wished to see the "High-Fidelity-equipment" and received the exposition :
a 08/15 personal computer,nothing more !
They asked, when they received as rational statement- that this is a Mars-project,
ergo the filling with this letters would be logical,
( my opinion: but for a N.A.S.A.-programmer really stupid/infantil,if this info has to be secret )
" why is this logical ?"
Pardon, poor U.S.A.-intelligence,this is the thinking of an C.I.A.-agent, it is better I give no comment !

The people of the Kaukasus are known as good chess-logicians !
The Russians learned about it !
Probably the "normal" U.S.A.-citizen learn from the russian "Massada" !

Many greetings to the democratic and republician voters



Canada is not far behind the US in rights violations - with the latest examples of tyranny pointing  compliments of PM Stevious Harper.

As a matter of "human" interest, Harper was deemed to be "too stiff" looking to play the role of 'Hymie' the robot in the 'Get Smart' remake.



I'll pull no punches and go long and hard on this. I'm in America and the president said the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper in his way.

From my prospective and millions agree with me at this point.

What Hitler did:

He divided the people into groups attacking many groups. he singled out homosexuals first.
He spied on the people even going to the point of having children turn in their parents.
He destroyed a building. He created and enemy. He subverted science and technology.
He did illegal human experimentations. He killed scientist exposed to sensitive materials.
We can go on but that should be sufficient. Well, let's include the brown shirt party bullying the public.

The same things are going on inside the U.S.A. today. Hitler used fluoride to sap the will of the people in the death camps. It's in our drinking water, no one is standing up to stop this and I believe that's the major reason.

Let's go over this carefully. 9/11 odd we can fold a picture of the event on our paper money. Specially when the bills were designed before the event. The CIA made Al-qaeda, they set up all the radical subversive groups in the Mideast. Groups were singled out here and picked on, names were coined for members of these groups and mass media ran extensive bad press for these people to sway public opinion, ( example, Dead beat dad). ( These people are in many cases even denighed human rights in front of these support judges and most are thrown directly in jail without trial.)  9/11 still looks like an inside job, did they burn a building? Even if they didn't, information has surfaced that FBI oficials gave Mcvay a bomb because his wasn't good enough, Oklahoma Bombing. They have extensively used media giants to terrorise the people over (9/11) We have all these catch phrases.
9/11, twin towers, ground zero and many others. They were drummed into the people with the intent terrorise and condition the minds of the public. The shock and awe has worn off but the chemical stupor hasn't. They are spying on the people. Instead of the storm trooper police they have asking for papers, (because they are just starting this national ID thing now) They show up to traumatize the victum of the crime. They assualt people with tasers and protect the criminal. Kind of Brown Shirt huh? The government has created agencies above the law, FEMA, HSA and many others also they have illegal agencies like Blackwater, by Constitution  can only exsist for 2 years, they've been around many.They have been assaulting every freedom in the Constitution and Bill of Rights not just the freedom of speech. The list of dead scientists for Starwars and Biological projects is long and staggering. Search it on the net. We compute the Government has been spending 50 times what the civilian world has been spending since the beginning of the Great War, Later known as WW1. It's interesting to note that we are to believe no scientific progress has been made. Scientific result has been shelved completely. Breakthroughs by civilians are scooped up via murder, buyouts, and intimidation. They not only withhold advancements, they sabotage normal civilian advancements.  2 examples. When they took Leedskalnin's machine they should have had antigravity. When they stole Tesla's They should have had within 1 year interstellar flight. They pick the curriculum for the schools, they give projects to colleges and universities. The amount of money they spend on research they don't need a hand out from a school for research and they are so far ahead of the civilian world they don't need these simple tasks done. What are they doing? Simple, they are testing the curriclum to make sure people are taught to think in such a way they won't make any breakthroughs. It's an ongoing thing to keep track of educational protocol. Last but not least Human experimentation. It has been a on going process here, 1 they deny. Of couse there is the international incident with the Canadians with anthrax when the United States was officially not doing any such type of experimentation. There is no protection from the Queen of Canada for US citizens. So there you have it, it looks like the Forth Reich to those of us that can still think. We are just waiting for the rest of the world to descend on us.

Let's do a little simple math for fun. Let's call science between the government and the civilians equal in 1940. I assure you it wasn't. Let's consider the Roswell incident in 1947. Spending 50 times what civilians per year for 7 years is 350 science years in the civilian world. So 7 times 50 is 350 plus the year 1940 = 2290. They should have reached the same level of science we will reach in the year 2290. What are we doing now in the civilian world in science in 2008. Nano-tech is the fastest growing science. We can make an invisibility cloak. We can speed up and slow down light and even reverse it. We can clone and make hybred lifeforms. Have you ever inspected the gravitational anomalies photographed and displayed on scientific sites? If nothing else they understand gravity completely,, if they can photogragh it they know it's wave length and everything else including how to control it. They can't keep you stupid forever go look if you haven't seen pictures of this type. I want to provide a link to this one thing.


Do you see the wired monkey picture at the top? This represents real research money and a viably real science. This isn't even weaponized military grade stuff and it's terribly obsolete, But, let's get the pooh-pooh your nuts disinformation out of the way. So we take the human hybreds add some nano-tech and mind control implants and you have just made an alien complete with the mental powers discribed by many people around the world. What I'm trying to tell you is we could have made the disk shaped craft, the life forms inside, and have salted lifeforms all around our surrounding space in 1947 easily. With no consideration of the shot in the arm from NAZI scientist at the end of WW2 in Europe. We have been scammed all the way. The civilian space program is a scam, they probably never when to the moon in the civilian world. The military though is another story, they're probably travelling back and forth every day.
NASA another scam, they are cracking down on us because we are starting to realise it.

My immediate recommendation for other Americans is microwave your cloths to kill the RFID stuff hidden in them. Don't take a chip either that implant will have a direct electronic path to your nervous system which is connected directly to you brain. Look again at the picture of the wired monkey at the link I provided.