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Soft Particle Physics

Started by z.monkey, March 11, 2008, 07:32:24 AM

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The info is great and makes sense. It has always been a matter of energy conversion much like using a turbine to get electricity from a waterfall. How do You propose we should 'capture' the form of energy you enlightened us with?
For example we need to know some specific characteristics in order to plan any sort of planned/regular interaction with the energy form You described. Do we plan to concentrate on waves; pressure; potential differences; fields or any other characteristics there are?
One should hope that DIY mechanical setups are not the first ones to consider when dealing with something that almost has mass; is perceivable in concentrated amounts and does not have some textbook characteristics readily available.

I propose to describe the soft particle's characteristics in some way that enables a planned interaction.
Can You help us with that, z.monkey?

PS. Like Terry Pratchet put it (loosely quoted):
"Ingenious ideas fall down all the time and sometimes they even manage to hit someone which then results to something novel."

PSS. As a tourist in CERN, I asked if the employees could simply blow everyone up with their particle collisions and the response was that Earth gets constantly bombarded by particles with more energy then they could achieve with the particle accelerator (by many orders of magnitude) and they even had this clever glass-tiled floor where tiles lit up every time a particle hit it (supposedly).


Howdy Ww,We,

What you propose is in the plan.  I wanted to get the theory down on paper before I suggest ideas of how to utilize the theories.  Remember, think first, then plan, and finally act.  I do my heavy thinking in the early morning, right after the coffee, of course.  I want to develop the theory more in my writings before I start laying plans to build a device.  Several times I have mentioned Joseph Cater's book, "The Awesome Life Force".  Anyone who is interested in Soft Particle Physics should get this book and thoroughly read, ponder and visualize all the topics in there.  I have the benefit of first reading this book 20 years ago, and have had a lot of time to develop this information into useful knowledge.

So, the plan is to thoroughly develop the idea first.  We have the theoretical knowledge.  Then we will make a plan for the design of a device.  Finally we will physically construct the device according to the plan, after many reviews of the Soft Particle Physics and reality checks.  Cater's book outlines several devices.  One is Alfred M. Hubbard's coil, and another is one that Cater proposed.  However, I have never seen either one of these actually work.  What we are going to do here is reevaluate the physics, redesign the device itself and use modern manufacturing techniques and modern technology.  Plus we also have the benefit of many other designers who worked in FE/OU.

From my previous theoretical writings we have to capture the soft particles.  So we need some sort of accumulator to gather up the soft particles.  Then we will need an exciter to be the catalyst to initiate the soft particle reaction.  Then finally we will need a collector to collect the energy from the reaction.  The energy we are dealing with is electrons, so the collector will probably be a coil.  I can imagine that it will be a strangely mutated transformer which is modified to be like an orgone accumulator.  Both the Hubbard and Cater devices were relatively long coils on iron cores having only one layer of windings each.  So what we are looking to build is a Soft Particle Reaction Transformer.  Maybe just Soft Particle Reactor for short.

OK, I hope this answers your questions.  I'll write another installment tomorrow morning.

Have Fun

Blessed Be Brothers
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


OK, the coffee god has inspired me once again.  We need to give the incoming energy from space incentive to come hang out in the accumulator.  This means we have to slow down the energy.  How do we do that?  Dense, hard materials.  But we also need this material to be the core so we need something that is ferrous.  Hmmm, hard and ferrous, looks like iron is our core du jour.  Then we also need material that soft particles like be with.  We know they have an affinity for water and organic material.  There are several things that I have tried from the time I spent building orgone accumulators.  Paper, cotton cloth, dirt, but there was one thing that worked outstandingly well, sphagnum moss, or peat moss which is the same thing except ground up.  The strongest orgone accumulators that I have built contained peat moss so that is the choice for the accumulator material.  And it's not just peat moss, it's moist peat moss because soft particles have an affinity for water also.  What's this?  your putting water in a transformer?  Well, not liquid water, it's moist peat moss.  Besides the electrical components will be isolated from the moisture.

I have spent years winding coils of every type.  Some of my early devices used sheet metal cores.  It is very difficult to control the dimensional stability of a sheet metal tube when you are winding wire on it.  Even if you use a form to hold the tube during winding, when you remove the form your coil can unravel.  So this time I am going to use iron pipe, like is used in plumbing.  Where the sheet metal is 20 to 30 mils thick, a 1/2 inch inside diameter pipe has walls that are 100 mils thick.  That means there is better dimensional stability and more ferromagnetic material.  So I plan to have a number of coils on the inside of the reactor, and one big coil on the outside of the reactor.  The outer most coil will be the collector (output)  The small inner coils will be the catalyst (input).  The overall structure of the pipes and the peat moss is the accumulator.  Another note about the iron pipe is the pipe that I plan to use is soft, pig iron, not galvanized steel pipe.  The reason for this is the permeability, steel doesn't move magnetic flux like iron does.  So in picking out the pipe make sure you specify soft iron, or pig iron pipe, found in plumbing.  Also a note about cutting the pipe, if you do not have a pipe cutter get the plumbing supply store to cut it.  Cutting the pipe with a hack saw never works well because a hack saw cannot cut a straight line.  The plumbing supply will have a pipe cutter that will make nice clean square ends, this is important for the end plates.  All the cores should be the same length so they line up on the squarely on the end plates.

This device is essentially a transformer in nature so we want our cores to be efficient electromagnets for both the exciter and the collector.  So I am going to specify that we use 26 AWG magnet wire.  This will give us 60 winds per inch.  This will give us good magnetic flux density.  So on a 8 inch core we will get 480 winds.  The core that I have fabricated so far are 8.1875 inches long mechanically, but only about 8 inches of them have windings.  There is only one layer of windings on the core.  The windings are as neat as they can possibly be.  A sloppy electromagnet is inefficient.  Efficiency is key to making a device that will exceed unity.  There are 7 exciter core sections that are connected in series parallel, so that I could match the drivers output impedance.  My drivers are going to be a pair of TDA2006 audio power op amps setup in a biamped configuration, so I have an output impedance of 8 ohms.  Each exciter coil section impedance is 5.1 ohms and there are 7 core sections.  Wired in series are 3 coil sections in parallel, then a single coil section, then 3 more coil sections in parallel, which gets us a final impedance of ~8.5 ohms, pretty close. 

We also have to choose the frequency at which to run the reactor, and what kind of waveform to use.  Using iron cores we have a frequency limit of about 500 hertz.  But we want our power output to be compatible with devices which use the 60 Hertz (or 50 Hertz in Europe) power line frequency.  There is also another option, we might be able to enhance the effectiveness of the reactor by using the Earth's resonant frequency 7.8 Hertz.  This is something that I will have to experiment with.  I am, however, sure of the wave form.  Transformers respond most efficiently to a sine wave.  I have a sinewave generator circuit which can be varied in frequency.  It also has wave shape correction circuitry so that it makes a very pretty sinewave.  This is very important for producing good current.

The last thing for today are the end panels which hold all the cores together.  We want a good separation between the exciter coils themselves, to prevent the reverse magnetic flux from one core from interfering with its neighboring exciter cores.  We also want good separation between the exciter cores and the collector core. Again, we do not want the  reverse magnetic flux from the exciter cores getting on the collector core.  We want a minimum of 1/2 inch spacing between the cores.  This space will be filled with the peat moss.  I fabricated the end panels out of hardwood panels, poplar in this case.  Any hardwood will work however.  The reason we want hardwood is again dimensional stability.

Here is a picture of the Soft Particle Reactor in its current form.

Blessed Be Brothers
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Hello z.monkey!

I searched for peat moss and found out what it is. It's the stuff that bogs are made of or rather what the soil is in a bog.
It is organic but it is not alive itself. It holds water well but in it's natural environment the water is slightly acidic. In general it is good to know that it is a source of energy. Carrots survive the winter well if covered by a layer of peat moss - used as a common method around the countryside.

I imagine the frequency of the soft particle mass to be very high. Using natural/organic media to concentrate it is logical since organic media should have high frequency as well. What I do not understand yet is how it inflicts pressure on a winding. How is it possible to force a high frequency energy to do something with a comparatively lower frequency energy? I think the book should be read to uncover some understanding of how to 'manage' the concentrated soft particle mass. I'm not sure however when I can get it.

z.monkey, do You have anything on paper yet which can be read to get ideas?



Yes, that's a good question.
Do you have any proper documentation that explains the soft particle idea
and why you're using the materials and dimensions you are using for your
"soft particle reactor"?
It's an interesting idea and you seem to be convinced it will work to a degree,
or you would not be building your coils there...

And, just a quick thought here, you are talking about particles that
are emitted by the sun at superluminal speeds, then somehow get
stuck in the mass of our earth, and then transform magically into matter
and/or energy, right?
Now the term coined for superluminal particles is generally "tachyon".
Particles faster then light do not exist according to established physics.

with this, your theory seems to connect with the new age "tachyon"
movement, and many people have been cheated out of their money
by new agers selling pieces of "tachyon energy" glass...
You may run into trouble from people who may see your soft particle
idea as another variation on the new age bullshit theme...