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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change - Free Energy will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Those beautiful words were written by Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin at overunity.com
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The bad money and interest system, Das Zinssystem ist die Ursache allen ?bels !

Started by hartiberlin, August 08, 2005, 12:05:10 PM

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English translation below:

Liebe Mitb?rger!

Wussten Sie schon, warum unser Sozialstaat in die Krise l?uft,
warum Krankenkassen und Rentenversicherung kein Geld haben,
wie seine B?rger um den Ertrag ihrerArbeit gebracht werden?

Ihre Arbeitswelt ist mit mehr als 6,5 Billionen (!) EURverschuldet.

Alle arbeitenden Menschen zahlen daf?r j?hrlich ca. 640 Milliarden EUR f?r Zinsen und Mieten an wenige Mitb?rger,
die daf?r nicht arbeiten m?ssen !

Das sind mehr als alle Steuern noch einmal.

Jeder Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland bekommt f?r t?glich 3 Stunden Arbeit keinen Lohn, der Ertrag seiner Arbeit geht an die Geldgeber.

Jeder Haushalt in Deutschland zahlt j?hrlich auch ohne eigene Schulden 20.000 EUR Kapitalertrag ?ber die Endverbraucherpreise.

Auf Einnahmen aus Geldgesch?ften entfallen weder Anteile zur Renten- und Krankenversicherung, noch f?r Altenpflege oder Arbeitslosigkeit.

Alle Sozialversicherungen werden von der Lohnsumme bezahlt, Kapitaleink?nfte sind ausgenommen ? kommen aber aus Arbeit in unserem Land.

Oder haben Sie schon einmal gesehen, wie Geld arbeitet ?

Kapitaleink?nfte wachsen, L?hne und Geh?lter sinken- anteilig.

W?ren Kapital und Arbeit gleichverpflichtet, zahlten Sie an Ihre Krankenkasse ca. 7%, an die Rentenversicherung ca. 14% Ihres Brutto-Lohnes.

Das w?re Senkung der Lohnnebenkosten.

Nur so verringert man Arbeitslosigkeit.

Dr. med. Dieter Petschow , 30855 Langenhagen - CGW ?
Christen f?r gerechte Wirtschaftsordnung E-Mail: dr.pet.prax@t-online.de
- Dr. D. Petschow

Mehr zu lesen bei:

English translation:

Fellow citizen!

Did you already know, why our welfare state runs into the crisis, why health insurance companies and old age pension insurance do not have money,
how its citizens are brought around the yield of their work?

Your working sphere is in debit with more than 6.5 trillion (!) EUR.  

All working humans pay for it annually approx.. 640 billion EUR for interest and rents to few fellow citizens, who do not have to work for it.

Those are more than all taxes again.
Each employee in Germany does not receive wages, the yield of its work for daily 3 hours work goes to the backers.

Each household in Germany pays annually also without own debts 20,000 EUR capital return over the final consumer prices.
To incomes from cash transactions neither portions are allotted to the pension and health insurance,
nor or unemployment for-old-maintains. All social security is paid by total wages, a capital income is excluded - come however from work in our country.

Or did you see already  once, how money works?

A capital income grows, wages and salaries sinking proportionately.

If capital and work would be alike, you paid to your health insurance company approx.. 7%, to the old age pension insurance approx.. 14% of your gross wage.

That would be lowering of the ancillary wages.

One reduces unemployment only in such a way.

Dr. med. Dieter Petschow, 30855 Langenhagen - CGW - Christian for fair economic system E-Mail: dr.pet.prax@t-online.de
- Dr. D Petschow

Read more at:
Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


Come on Wake up You don't have a Clue whats Going On.
They are Going to Collaspe the U.S ECONOMY and Enslave the World and They have Weapons in Space That can Wipe out the Planet.

www.jahtruth.co.uk Your Choice Stay Stupid And Die or Live.