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Some clue on TPU device operation

Started by aleks, March 18, 2008, 01:37:33 PM

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I've posted comments on this topic http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4289.0.html which is about gravity, but it better suits here.

(copy&pasting from above mentioned thread - I'm talking about toroid magnet, but that can be any substance - whichever works best - whichever produces higher output - be it plastic or wood)

Before going into further detail you could read this hypothesis: http://peswiki.com/index.php?title=Directory:Anti-Gravity:DC_Acoustic_Waves_Hypothesis


OK, if the concept I've offered is valid, what happens when you pass a sharp transient over the wire that is wound around the toroid magnet? Probably a space-time curvature will change around the wire and thus around the toroid. This should immediately result in some kind of 'skew' inside the toroid which matter (as a general principle) will have to make more even (this is similar to temperature equalization). If the space-time skew is ultra heavy (under high frequency operation and high currents) the magnet will go crackles under the wire. I do not know where this equalizing energy should come from, but it may come from the future - well, it's a complex system I cannot grasp with my mind at the moment.

As I've suggested it is better to use a sawtooth wave. And as I've noted if you will be using a square wave the space-time changes will negate each other and no excessive energy will be available on the toroid. In my opinion, pulse generation and surplus energy collection should be run independently (in two separate circuits) so that pulses are minimally interferred with energy feedback.

Even if this theory is valid, one should be sure the magnet is not depleted at an accelerated rate. In this case it will simply turn into a magnetic battery and it won't solve the problem of free energy. On the other hand such pulsing may simply decrease the half-life of the element. In this case it can be considered a free energy source with the energy taken from the matter directly (E=mc^2 is a pretty huge amount for daily work). As for the requirement of magnetic material toroid, it may be needed just to tap excessive energy easy way. The excessive energy should be available with any material (e.g. metal), but it won't be possible to tap it into circuitry (it may appear as heat or ultra-sonic waves). Magnetic field fluctuations are easier to use. But this suggests me that it is very important to measure the character of these fluctuations to get the most from the device: it may be very impractical to have high-frequency electric currents in the circuitry (in an average schematic it will turn into heat most of the time). Instead, it may be beneficial to build a schematic that moves higher frequency oscillation energy to lower frequencies right after they leave the toroid.

By the way, creating pulsating DC electric field should also do a similar job on the magnet. Of course, field currents and pulse frequencies should be considerable for any serious DC acoustic wave emerging. But I would not try this myself as you may damage your own body badly with this. Toroidal magnets seem like a more safe thing.

One more idea: a wire that is wound around magnet and that is used to pulse the space-time may need to be as thin as possible (without burning) because electric current is known to pass on the edge of the wire. In case of thin wire, more wire can be wound around magnet and thus more internal friction will occur on pulses. In case of a thick wire the core of the wire will be left untouched while thick wire also minimizes length of a wire you can wind on the magnet.


Comment on this whole post: there is no reason to use "aether" energy semantics. Space-time (even if not in a common sense) is really enough. What happens when sharp transient is generated is the change of space-time scalar field. However, this is the same as changing ambient temperature and so this change is immediately equalized (matter tends to reach minimum potential energy state): this is where the excessive energy comes from. In my opinion it may come from atomic forces directly, but that causes half-life of the element to decrease since the energy is probably taken from atomic structure (hence this can be seen as taking energy from the future). Of course, a lot of RF energy emission should be occuring during this, which should be shielded (just hope it's not ultra-high energy: Geiger counter should be checked).

Again, no need to fill your mind with "aether" nonsense: well, I like the concept of "aether" when it comes to mechanics and inertia, but let's be real: nobody formulated it well enough to be acceptable.

You may also consider different coil configurations - you may use poles instead of toroid, wires of any thickness. This is all no as important as creating sawtooth pulses of high frequency. The polarity of sawtooth may be also important. I'm suggesting using on-off sawtooth (that goes sharp from 0 to 1, and gradually from 1 to 0). Using an inverse "off-on" sawtooth may also give some effect, but in my opinion it will be reverse: the energy will be taken out of system at an accelerated rate (and thus gravity should increase locally). High-frequency operation is essential as on low frequencies no considerable acoustic DC component will be emerging on every sawtooth transient (the exact frequency is material-dependent and can be found with some automated process). The sawtooth wave should be as clean as possible, without shape distortions: it is important that current goes from 0 to 1 instantly (1 being a destination voltage - be it 10V or 1000V). Any uncontrollable capacitances or electrical reactivity should be minimized. This whole thing depends on the electron flow start that shifts atoms from their positions on every transient. If electron flow start is non-instant, this won't work as no phonon-level collisions between atoms will be occuring.


Well, the idea is ULTRA simple here :) (doubt it is valid, though) When anti-gravity is created (which should be the main OU thing behind TPU according to DC acoustic waves concept), matter in the anti-gravity field loses its accumulated energy, when gravity is created, surrounding energy (in form of various elementary particles) is attracted and auto-assembled into matter. It can't be easier than that: billiard balls go right into the pockets (minimal potential energy state). Anti-gravity simply changes the established potential field and so matter disassembles with particles having a hope to find better positions (hence a so called overunity is created).

Idea: it can be probably useful to wind thin wire (that carries sawtooth pulses) right on the insulated wire of energy feedback circuitry (no need to use magnetic core). In this case electrons leaving the matter will go directly into the energy feedback circuitry - of course, this system will "eat itself" with metal gradually transforming into lower mass elements, layer by layer (metal will be losing its thickness).

(sorry if this all is just a bunch of nonsense - I'm simply trying to find at least some sense in all these overunity things). Atomic bomb may work on the same principle: even though it is said that atomic bomb may go on its own after critical mass is reached, I highly doubt chain reaction is possible without creating anti-gravity field first (hence the need of precise implosion). I suppose heavy materials have long half-life time because of their weight: they simply create a higher gravity field around them making the random losing of particles a rare thing (well, it's just one of the reasons, but heavy isotopes are considerably longer-living ones than lighter isotopes of various elements).


bump. Well, due to absence of comments I'm either talking something incomprehensible or too fictitious. But I really hope this is a valid working understanding. Turning Lead into Gold? It should not take too much time as these metals are close to each other on the periodic table (just be sure not to get killed by intermediate elements). :D


     In the equation E=mc2 what is considered mass.    If an atom is considered as a whole wouldn't an electron leaving it's orbital be considered a conversion of the atom's mass into energy?  I know it's only 1/1800 of the proton mass but it is mass.  If a dc linear pulse is sent through a field of atoms and results in adding inertia to electrons in one direction and protons in the other would this qualify as conversion of mass to energy?  I see it more as the potential energy stored in the inertial frame of the proton and electrons being exchanged with the ambient inertial frames.  The restructuring of the mass in the future as potential energy of the ambient inertial field being returned to the atomic resonance or atomic mass.  This whole procedure having very little to do with gravitons.  I am beginning to doubt the existence of gravity at all.  Just potential energy exchange from one inertial frame to the other.  The Suns gravity is nothing more than a result of how much potential energy it has in it's resonant inertial frame. 
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Thanks for your response. If gravity can be changed by means of acoustic (phonon) means, this will put E=mc^2 into a "mistake" category. And of course, a lot of physical systems like quantum mechanics and general/special relativity will soon be changed or forgotten. It is very probable that gravity can be changed, and there are evidences exist suggesting this to be true (e.g. gravity is higher near ocean surface).

In my opinion, mass is a "virtual" measure which really sets relation between "average" atomic structure of one object and the other. This measure does not and cannot account for induced gravity changes. Mass being a "virtual" measure means that what is more important is atomic structure of the matter, because it ulimately suggests how strong a matter can be attracted by gravity, and how much gravity matter can create itself.

In my concept gravity is no more than an acoustic wave. That is why it is so weak. However, it is possible to arrange an experiment that can answer the question about acoustic nature of gravity. A bit of TNT should be exploded inside a high vacuum chamber, shielded from all RF emissions. If some kind of ultra-sensitive "resonator" near this chamber will oscillate this may suggest that gravity has acoustic nature. Of course, the order of vacuum should guarantee that no impact wave from exploding TNT reaches chamber's enclosure. In this scenario only DC acoustic waves may penetrate the chamber. Well, the problem of experimentation is actually more complex here since DC acoustic wave affects ALL substances within reach, so you can't just put a resonator and see how it oscillates relative to some "base", because base itself will be affected as well. But I believe it is possible to choose an arrangement that may reveal gravity change: probably a system of several resonators and bases put at different positions relative to the vacuum chamber can be used. Probably atomic clocks can be used for checking: they should be affected by jitter arising from a strong gravity force and will go out of sync relative to atomic clock placed at a longer distance from the vacuum chamber.

If gravity is a DC acoustic wave, it is possible to equate its power to the amount of energy it "transfers" to the object staying on its way (and hence gravity shielding is possible - not what current gravity understanding suggests, but experimentations tell us that gravity shielding is a reality - e.g. when moon stands between Sun and Earth). Of course, emitted DC acoustic wave energy is considered "lost" (the same is true for normal acoustic waves). Otherwise it would not have an infinitely distant reach.

Among other ideas I had is that DC acoustic wave can be modeled as an acoustic mode in the case of sonoluminescense. The air bubble that shrinks down in the acoustic mode "pit" can be thought as a particle falling into a massive gravity "pit". What happens with the particle there is the same thing as with the air bubble: it shrinks; in the case of macro object this creates a change of the length standard I was talking about. It can't be simpler than that, really.



From what I understand, E=mc^2 is special relativity.   That is, it relates to speed of light of an observer, inertial frames, etc.
I do not think that would not necessarily be violated by new theory of gravity.  I think it is general relativity that would fail.  But that is just my personal thoughts!

QuoteEinstein developed general relativity to apply the principle generally, that is, to any frame, and that theory includes the effects of gravity. Strictly, Special relativity cannot be applied in accelerating frames or in gravitational fields.

"In my opinion, mass is a "virtual" measure"
I think so too. 

Back to acoustic waves...

You mention an interesting theory.  Are you saying acoustic waves can travel in vacuum?   Is there evidence available that shows sound can travel in vacuum?  Does sound account for gravity at speed of 340.29 m/s  ?

Here is the "conventional" understanding:
Acoustic waves imply compression and rarefaction of mass.  They need a medium in which to travel, which is why acoustic waves cannot travel with an absence of air (or water or solid).  So they do not travel in a vacuum.  Acoustic waves also travels very slow, and probably travels too slow to account for gravity. 

What are your thoughts?

Also, by DC acoustic wave,  are you thinking more of a DC longitudinal wave  (aka scalar wave, compressional wave) which travels at light speed?   I might be wrong here though.   In any case, the standard model of physics has not managed to unify gravity with the other fundamental forces.  So this whole area is wide open. . .

Here is a picture of what I'm talking about:

Cell phone calls are TRANSVERSE EM radiation and 'can travel in vacuum'.
Scalar waves are LONGITUDINAL EM radiation and 'can travel in vacuum'.
Sound waves are LONGITUDINAL 'mass-compression' radiation and 'cannot travel in vacuum'.

Your thoughts appreciated,