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Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?

Started by RobotHead, May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM

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Quote from: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 05:07:09 PM
Since it's safe to assume that SM didn't have 100,000,000 or even 100.000 turns in his coils, we can conclude that we're not trying to deal with 3 or more simultaneous dielectric fields.  I think that's what you just said LOL

Kind of what I meant. Yes, conventional resonance thought will not work. You can't make it fit. You can always go into VHF (still not high enough for regular thoughts) or microwave. Then they'll fit but the energy levels won't convert easily.

There is much more to resonance than wavelength. I'm sure this is part of the solution. Also, when dealing with compression waves PRF doesn't matter too much. You can always apply another behind the previous whether it has reached a peak or not. Still a problem on one conductor but apply your separate frequency to another coil and you avoid the problem in your expanded idea.

The thing most forget - or didn't know - is you don't need changing current to have rotation. In the right medium all you need is a magnetic field and one DC current flow. The charged medium WILL rotate.

Now make it rotate in the center of a toroid it will induce a DC current in the toroid.

Ok, that is simple enough. Three vectors cause rotation. If you don't have one of the vectors, lets say the magnetic field, at the beginning then apply a magnet until the unit builds its own magnetic field. It may take awhile to wind up but who cares? Applying the magnet with the correct polarity may have been the way to initiate the correct rotation direction.

I don't think the coil dimensions were keyed on frequency in the way we usually think. In this device resonance has more to do with dimension and mass as opposed to Henries and Farads. He said it...something about the frequencies having to do with the diameter?

The big problem is all the above will work with a plasma but not with a taped coil set. So what medium carries a charge to be rotated? Certainly air isn't it.

Macedonia CD is right, I think. These are not magnetic only devices. I think the magnetic is just a means to an end.

The only way I can think of to make the area inside the TPU energetic enough and worth spinning is the same idea used in the electrostatic speakers. Your standing wave balloon idea. Now talk about resonance! Apply a clean sine to the right kind of noise and you increase the level of that noise without adding energy to it! Strange I know but, true. See stochastic resonance. This also flips this between the linear and nonlinear worlds.

Now if that could have been used to increase the energy level, within the TPU area then all we need for rotation is a magnetic field - from the horizontal turns. Once spinning the vertical turns are the secondaries.

Pure frequencies.... that means either perfect sine with absolutely no impressed noise (this way no harmonics or sidebands are generated) or direct current with NO switching. Square wave generates odd order harmonics - no the fundamental is NOT the first harmonic.

What circuitry would be needed for the above?

Perhaps a simple oscillator for the one and only sine wave...
and a two or three transistor circuit in a noise generator configuration.

Earlier Marco posted schematics of the electrostatic speaker system. They were far from complex. If I remember correctly the only high voltage part was the Brownian noise generator.

Does the above fall anywhere within your ideas of how this should work?


Making a coil or wire resonate far below book values can be done, and has. I don't think that is required anymore.


When fields mix they heterodyne. This causes greater levels of output at the intersection. Tidal waves are formed this way. When the interaction of one field changes direction quickly within another field the new difference of opposition creates power output. The frequency level can be different than the creation levels. Rogue waves can shear steel plates with a snap. Why rogue waves can even be created trying to disassociate water. One our members caught a flying plate from a blast cage. The bolts just split apart. Kind of like what John Hutchison does. The exploding pop can is a fine example of speeds that exceed the absorbtion level of aluminum. simply put as the difference between the motion of the field and the lack of motion of the target. 2 fields. Square waves cause hellacious differences.

I found out through William E. Lyne. It is an electrostic field with a spinning fiield in side. When it is bang on the operator has a problem with overrun. Sounds like rogue wave from heterodyning.



       If we look at a torroidal high frequency choke pulsed with nothing but the frequency it was designed to choke what happens inside and outside of the choke?  No conventional current flows that's for damn sure.  The transient properties of a dc pulse are the most effective at inducing a change in the ambient energy field.  (eg automobile ignition coil control circuitry)
So now we have this very upsetting or noisy signal not reaching the end of our torroid but converting into a dielectric field that is in alignment with the magnetic field lines that SPAN the interior of the torroid.  On the outside of the torroid or skin we have a radiating electrostatic field.  What goes on inside a torroidal highfrequency choke if we put a conductor in there instead of ferrite?
    Hint:  What happened to Tesla's slitted copper cylinders across his lab when he made his first scalar wave dumping a 10,000 volt dc pulse into a copper dipole?

                                                           (    )-(    )
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A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
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All these pulses, waves and noise mean nothing in the normal perspective. Why? Because they are Hertzian. One rides on top of the other creating nothing but hash and no gain.

The result of freak waves is so nasty because they are not Hetzian. They can sum. The energy in a wave is related to the cross sectional area of that wave. Since Hertzian waves don't sum there is never any gain.

Why did he mention the filament voltage riding the anode voltage of that tube? Because it shouldn't have! These waves are considered to be Herztian. They should not have summed. So they are both compression waves inside the tube.

If you have a radiant/charge field that is made up of crap that means it contains nothing but a huge amount of clean signals riding each other. Think how FFT works. When viewing noise on a scope you are looking at change of amplitude over time - and the whole thing looks like junk.

Use FFT and the perspective changes. It is now separate amplitudes over frequency. Each individual frequency, even in noise, appears as a separate peak.

I don't think anyone actually knows how stochastic resonance works. If the main function is to bring order to chaos by separating all those nasty little wave fronts then they can be summed.
Something about all of the frequencies created within the confines of the collector?

The literal definition of heterodyne is 'the creation of a power using other powers' (one of many translations from the root words). Sure it means many things other than that in electronics but those meanings have to do with Hertzian waves - not compression waves.
You can shatter glass with the right mix of audio frequencies. Why? Because when you have many frequencies - not just one - within the resonant point of a mass and as an integer dividend or multiple resonating with that mass then those waves sum. It is easy to do with sound as it is compression waves.

If a wave's energy is the square of the wave's cross sectional area....
Let's say this number is 1 then the energy in that wave is 1.
Let's say there are two equal waves - the total energy is 2.
Now bring them into phase - the sum of total area is 2 but the energy is 4
Add a third, fourth, etc. etc. etc.

All this is great but it still isn't a moving charge - or is it? You need two or more for gain. Better would be at least three for better control.

So what is better than a single charge field spinning on one axis and inducing current into a ring of coils? The same spinning charge rotating on two axis.

What is that horizontal ring in the middle of the toroid windings doing? It is the source of the magnetic field - one of the three vectors needed to create rotation. That would be the top one.

The bottom one of three would be flipped so that second axis of rotation can work. So what does the middle one do? Nothing. It isn't there.

A cross section of the top ring would look like          =
A cross section of the bottom ring would look like     ||

Two turns each if single flat conductor - or a single turn of zip cord with the correct orientation.

The magnetic polarity of a = loop with have North and South vertical
The magnetic polarity of a  || loop would be left and right ........  <<<< || >>>>

Two separate magnetic polarities and a charge filed = two rotational axis of that charge field.

What would the output of something like this be?

Unloaded: a bunch of very nasty and high amplitude noise like a continuous spark gap but no polarity reversals (DC with hash).
Loaded: Load current comes from both the secondaries and the horizontal primaries, Like a Rogowski coil (constant voltage as opposed to constant current like a common current transformer). As load increases the magnetic vector used to create rotation increases, which increases speed, which increases current, yada yada yada.
The stronger the mag vector the cleaner the dielectric vector because more of that energy takes the third rotational vector.

Why does the compass stop spinning? Why does the ampprobe show current in mid air? I think I know the answer to both.

I'm not Spherics. Most of the above ideas have been proven on my bench. Combined they may do nothing more than blow fuses.

Yes. I'm nuts but I'm also a long way from my bench and MRM project. I have the strange feeling this may be a fun Christmas  ;)


Quote from: BEP on November 08, 2008, 10:15:00 PM
All these pulses, waves and noise mean nothing in the normal perspective. Why? Because they are Hertzian. One rides on top of the other creating nothing but hash and no gain.

The result of freak waves is so nasty because they are not Hetzian. They can sum. The energy in a wave is related to the cross sectional area of that wave. Since Hertzian waves don't sum there is never any gain.

Why did he mention the filament voltage riding the anode voltage of that tube? Because it shouldn't have! These waves are considered to be Herztian. They should not have summed. So they are both compression waves inside the tube.

If you have a radiant/charge field that is made up of crap that means it contains nothing but a huge amount of clean signals riding each other. Think how FFT works. When viewing noise on a scope you are looking at change of amplitude over time - and the whole thing looks like junk.

Use FFT and the perspective changes. It is now separate amplitudes over frequency. Each individual frequency, even in noise, appears as a separate peak.

I don't think anyone actually knows how stochastic resonance works. If the main function is to bring order to chaos by separating all those nasty little wave fronts then they can be summed.
Something about all of the frequencies created within the confines of the collector?

The literal definition of heterodyne is 'the creation of a power using other powers' (one of many translations from the root words). Sure it means many things other than that in electronics but those meanings have to do with Hertzian waves - not compression waves.
You can shatter glass with the right mix of audio frequencies. Why? Because when you have many frequencies - not just one - within the resonant point of a mass and as an integer dividend or multiple resonating with that mass then those waves sum. It is easy to do with sound as it is compression waves.

If a wave's energy is the square of the wave's cross sectional area....
Let's say this number is 1 then the energy in that wave is 1.
Let's say there are two equal waves - the total energy is 2.
Now bring them into phase - the sum of total area is 2 but the energy is 4
Add a third, fourth, etc. etc. etc.

All this is great but it still isn't a moving charge - or is it? You need two or more for gain. Better would be at least three for better control.

So what is better than a single charge field spinning on one axis and inducing current into a ring of coils? The same spinning charge rotating on two axis.

What is that horizontal ring in the middle of the toroid windings doing? It is the source of the magnetic field - one of the three vectors needed to create rotation. That would be the top one.

The bottom one of three would be flipped so that second axis of rotation can work. So what does the middle one do? Nothing. It isn't there.

A cross section of the top ring would look like          =
A cross section of the bottom ring would look like     ||

Two turns each if single flat conductor - or a single turn of zip cord with the correct orientation.

The magnetic polarity of a = loop with have North and South vertical
The magnetic polarity of a  || loop would be left and right ........  <<<< || >>>>

Two separate magnetic polarities and a charge filed = two rotational axis of that charge field.

What would the output of something like this be?

Unloaded: a bunch of very nasty and high amplitude noise like a continuous spark gap but no polarity reversals (DC with hash).
Loaded: Load current comes from both the secondaries and the horizontal primaries, Like a Rogowski coil (constant voltage as opposed to constant current like a common current transformer). As load increases the magnetic vector used to create rotation increases, which increases speed, which increases current, yada yada yada.
The stronger the mag vector the cleaner the dielectric vector because more of that energy takes the third rotational vector.

Why does the compass stop spinning? Why does the ampprobe show current in mid air? I think I know the answer to both.

I'm not Spherics. Most of the above ideas have been proven on my bench. Combined they may do nothing more than blow fuses.

Yes. I'm nuts but I'm also a long way from my bench and MRM project. I have the strange feeling this may be a fun Christmas  ;)

Traveling waves have the current and voltage in-phase - the sum algebraically.

What if there is another version of resonance - something more akin to spacial changes than just states of potential?

Ever witness a lightning strike on a long line?  There is far too much energy moving to be contained in the conductor, so what's really there?

On the compass, I recall a post about compasses being affected electrostatically - I tried this and he is correct.  The compass will react to the electric and ignore the magnetic.  SM mentioned a rotating field, but was it magnetic or electric?