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The Beast and it's little horn

Started by TechStuf, October 18, 2008, 01:50:38 PM

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The word of God forewarned us thousands of years ago that a world empire would eventually be established.  It also told us that at it's head, it's number is 666, first biblically linked with solomon.  It would seek to cause all to be killed that would not take it's mark or worship the number of it's name. 

How accurate is this prophecy?

Clearly, many of those in power have been proven to be devil worshippers.  Our nation is lead around by the nose by a nation who proudly displays the HEXagram 6 pointed star on her flag....her minions in the once secret, now openly brazen, societies do her bidding in positions of power around the world.






solomon chose the star of 'chemosh' as his own personal seal.  A geometric expression of 666.

The most demonic people of the world continue to use it in their ritual abominations.  These monsters have just recently, against the will of the people, 95% of whom polled, were against it, decided to boldly declare the truth.  They do not represent the will of the people, but the will of their master, the wicked one.

They are squeazing the few remaining drops of blood in our national turnip, in order to usher in what God's own word, declared would be the case, thousands of years in advance!

What new economy slouches our way.....? 

For the enemy's projected bargain price of one's soul, one will get to find out!  But what also is promised to be recompensed upon those who, out of fear, cowardice, choose to take it's mark?

If God's warnings carry such observable truths so far in advance, perhaps, as the beast's mask is removed, one will heed God's words and remember that He promised as well, to send Yeshua, Jesus Christ, as well....

That perfect Prince of Peace who returns once and for all, to establish that perfect kingdom so aptly described in detail in His Holy Word.   Choose to fight these monsters with violence and you will learn at great cost, that you are on your own.  But keep fast to faith in Christ, showing that one truly believes He will exact retribution, and you have already won!

The culture of violence being perpetuated by Muslems, Zionists, false Christians, etc. demonstrate that mankind always ends up dominating his fellow man to his own injury.  Christ taught sanity in an insane world.  Love demonstrates faith, faith demonstrates obedience, obedience to God's perfect laws is better than sacrifice.

"He who would seek to save his life, will lose it.  He who would give up His life for my sake, shall save it."

"All who take up the sword, will die by it."

As the end of this age unfolds, show greater, lasting courage, by choosing Love & Peace, instead of succumbing to immaturity and violence.  How many well motivated researchers have been slain in the name of free energy?  Surely, more than a few.  If one must become a target by the demonic powers that be, then let it be for declaring the greater truth, and witnessing for Yeshua, Jesus Christ.  If you truly wish to undertake this task, then, I promise you, you will see MUCH greater power displayed than the results of tampering with God's handiwork. 

I have.

We all end up sacrificing a great deal, when we choose to follow our own imperfect paths.  Rather than the perfect one already lovingly established for God's children.

David the Psalmist, once said:

Psalm 139:13-16   

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
      and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
      Your workmanship is marvelousâ€"how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
      as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
      Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
   Every moment was laid out
      before a single day had passed.

As mankind still struggles to clumsily 'reverse engineer' the handiwork of God, consider the following:


No.  We will not save ourselves as we judge ourselves possibly capable.  Proving smart enough by leaning upon our own feeble understanding.....Only by humbling ourselves in sight of our Creator, beseaching Him fervently, demonstrating with pureness of heart that we earnestly wish His Hand upon our lives, asking faithfully for wisdom, insight and discernment, in the name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ, will we endure to see true and everlasting peace be established.

God willing, dear readers, you will be able to stand on that awesome day, when every eye shall see the triumphant return of the One True King and His army of friends with Him.


“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



you point to inadequacy of man in science but you forgive and presuppose that religion is perfect.i assume that you drive an automobile and that it runs on imaginary gasoline,made over an imaginary time,by an imaginary history...in an imaginary universe that you can only see less than 1% of...yet you know it all,because somebody wrote it all down less than a few thousand years ago.


Quoteyou point to inadequacy of man in science but you forgive and presuppose that religion is perfect

You do your 'case' such as it is, no credit by making such sweeping and careless false assumptions.  Nowhere have I voiced presumption that 'religion' is perfect.  Nor have I put in print that I forgive the atrocities being commited in Christ's name, America's name, your name, my name...etc. ad nauseum by the enemies of truth.

The atrocities on display and coming directly ahead by those self declared devil worshippers and their duped minions revealed above, are taking place NOW as foretold thousands of years ago. 

I only know what I see in plain sight before the world as demonstrated above.  What I 'believe' is based on facts, including the fact that the Bible's prophecies are unfolding just as promised. 

Now, the devil's prophecies....those don't always work out as planned.   And we all know that his minions have lots of those to spread around.

I stand by my statements and sources of information shared above.  One can cry all they want that it's not true....right up until it bites them if they want.

As for me, I call them as I see them. 


As disgusting as they often show themselves to be....

Yahweh bless you in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: TechStuf on October 18, 2008, 06:03:55 PM

You do your 'case' such as it is, no credit by making such sweeping and careless false assumptions.  Nowhere have I voiced presumption that 'religion' is perfect.  Nor have I put in print that I forgive the atrocities being commited in Christ's name, America's name, your name, my name...etc. ad nauseum by the enemies of truth.

The atrocities on display and coming directly ahead by those self declared devil worshippers and their duped minions revealed above, are taking place NOW as foretold thousands of years ago. 

I only know what I see in plain sight before the world as demonstrated above.  What I 'believe' is based on facts, including the fact that the Bible's prophecies are unfolding just as promised. 

Now, the devil's prophecies....those don't always work out as planned.   And we all know that his minions have lots of those to spread around.

I stand by my statements and sources of information shared above.  One can cry all they want that it's not true....right up until it bites them if they want.

As for me, I call them as I see them. 


As disgusting as they often show themselves to be....

Yahweh bless you in Yeshua, Jesus Christ,


You are an infidel and God shall have his day with you.  There is only one God - Allah, and Mohamed is his prophet.


Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on October 18, 2008, 10:07:09 PM
You are an infidel and God shall have his day with you.  There is only one God - Allah, and Mohamed is his prophet.

my imaginary god is better than your imaginary god...
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe