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What the world is made of - my idea

Started by Midian, December 19, 2008, 07:03:26 PM

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What the world is made of...

First off, here are my thoughts in one sentence: The whole universe - including stars, planets, mountains, trees, animals,our selves etc. - is made of waves/crincles within an unlimited space.

So there is nothing but the space it self. All what we can see, smell, taste and feel around us is a composition of waves/crincles.
The waves themselfes are all completely diffrent in shape and size. So there can be strait or circular waves, swirls and so on.
There is no smallest nor biggest wave.
Size, shape, speed, direction and interaction (resonance, neutralization, diffusion, ...) determine "objects" and corresponding "relations" between them.
Every thing is influencing eachother. So the terms "material" and "energy" are completely the same (thus E = m * c²).

Relation between "objects"

First off, there are no real "ojects". Everything is just one space. There are only different crincled/waving areas. Think of a big ocean: There are streams, swirls, circular or more strait waves aso.
Think of a big vortex pulling foam into it. These things all consist of the same elements: "water" and "air". But viewed from a distance they appear to be "objects" (e.g. every foam bubble appears to be a single seperated "object" but it is not). There are no real borders ...

Relations: so what are relations (magnetism, gravity, ...) between "objects"? So far, we know that "objects" dont really exist - they are just made of more dense space crinkles than their environment.
So what are relations then? Simple: just space waves and crinkles as well!

When we talk about physical laws nobody would think of the relation between people. Some people attract each other and some dont. Some would even kill for each other and some already did.
If you would watch ourselves from a very far position, then you just would see some "particles" moving towards or away from each other.
So it's defnitely the same thing: Relations between areas of the crinkled space (again think of a river or an ocean).

So that's why material IS energy. That's why "particles" suddenly disappear - because the waves and crinkles they are made of are neutralized.
And that's why a black hole warps the space (think of the water vortex).

So all terms we know so far (gravity, particles, magnetism, even love between people) is just one big thing - the shaped space itself. There are so many "relations" (unlimited) that we couldn't even find words for them all...

An interesting and related topic is free energy:

Free engery = big available potential

Think of unlimited big and small sized waves interfering each other but small enough that we cant see them. That is an amazing potential. If you tie them all together you might get a huge amount of energy (movement).
You can get a better picture when you imagine a big nation with billions of inhabitants. But this nation is not controlled - its all chaotic. But its still a big potential.
But what if you lead this nation? They can create big things under your leadership. So all you have to do is to put a little bit energy in it - enough to control them.
So in relation to waves you "just" have to synchronize and redirect them. The resonance might produce more energy than you put in.
So ironically: This concept is not new. We all use "free energy". Everytime you call someone to do something you use "free energy": You put little energy into it and get back much more.
You still can't create energy from nothing! The potential must be available - but it can be almost unlimited.
So the question is not, if we can draw energy from a specific area in space for ever but how does the energy drain effect the environment.
Waves and crinkles within such an area will definitly be affected in many ways.

So what might be the drawbacks?

Lets imagine again the big nation controlled by you. What will happen, if you "overuse" them or if there is no more "energy" for the inhabitants to survive?
What I can say for sure: These free energy motors will definitly change the area within and around the "magnetic field". But I dont know how exactly.

But I really look forward to that technology. It definitaly is an amazing step forward.

A far more philosophical topic is the "human" perception, life and death. I'm not going to talk about it. That is worth an own single thread. But think a little bit about it ... You might get a different point of view knowing that everything is all one. A simple starting question might be: What exactly makes you a being? What exactly do you need to BE? Imagine everything but the brain is replaced by a simple machine. All nerves, and vessels of the brain are connected to it. You still would feel as a being. You even can go further into details (e.g. do we really need the part of the brain where "smelling" is percepted? Where exactly is the center of perception - the "I Awareness"? So do we still talk about a human being? I dont think so - when almost everything is taken away which would remind you on a human being.
So what exactly is birth and death? Didnt we learn that there are no real borders, no limits? Can you imagine to feel completely nothing? So much questions ...



Since i like to play the guitar, i would say that the universe is made of sound (pressure waves) and that way you can really explain anything. The only thing you can't explain is the source of that sound. Maybe God is whistling, or maybe we are.
As about our leaders, i think their whistle does create a disharmony for most of us, at least since now. By creating a disharmony you destroy the harmony which is the key of our universe - everything is in harmony except human kind - that's why looking at the Earth looks like a cancer cell. When we all will learn that and start applying it, things will change for human kind and much better future will await us, if we don't destroy ourselves before. What's the lesson? Don't be the bad guy (bad guy = disharmony)  ;)
As what concerns  cavitation - this is the process of destroying matter (creating big disharmony). So before we start to use this process massively, we should be very aware of what the consecuences could be (destroying all the matter?). So now that we almost destroyed the Earth, are we gonna save ourselves by using energy from cavitation and destroying matter? - destroying our universe? Yeah, the universe is big, but since the human dumbness increase exponentially, my concerns could be very in place. The key is to recreate everything that we destroy - to keep things in balance.
...the virtue of a master is self controll, right? Well, i think we do better learn that as soon as possible...



Holy shit! That's really really TRUE.

Matter is energy, of course. But not sound as maddamm says, all is LIGHT. ElectroMagnetic energy is a Virtual Photon Flux of the vacuum. Matter is a condensed state of energy. There is an Italian Book called Materia e Radiazione (Matter and Radiation) where you can learn a lot about the field. There are 3 concepts: field and matter and radiation.

The only one that answered to that question was Cesare Colangeli. I have to read the entire book of Colangeli, but I think he says matter is a very high condensed and coherent state of energy.

There is a very interesting stuff of Eloptic (electric + optic) energy of Hieronymous.

So, energy are photons and NOT electrons. Yesterday I read that anyone can create matter using photons, but you need TERAwatts of energy.
1 terawatt = 1 000 000 000 000 watts

You can read more about this in a topic called Energy are photons? on this section. You opinion can be very interesting!


Ok first, sorry for the negative thoughts in my previous post up here.

I thought to throw out something to chew  ;)  so here we go...


"Matter is energy, of course. But not sound as maddamm says, all is LIGHT."

- OK, if i got that right, you did say that matter is not (made of) sound.  Einsten said that everything is energy, so this should apply as much for light than for sound and also matter. The real question here is what is the relationship between sound and light?
Am i the only person on this planet asking myself why do we have ears and eyes? And to me, sounds like everyone just keep sayin' "we have ears  so that we can cover them and we can do the same with the eyes, so we can remain deaf and blind" ... i mean... lol ...



Really does put things into perspective when you put it like that!

Im not not a member of mensa however so ill just take your word for it. lol
Lack of knowledge is the only thing that constrains our ability to think.
