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Question: What is the best way to disclose?

Started by rhombus24, January 06, 2009, 04:43:34 PM

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As Grumpy says, the dispatch methods are various and are already covered on the forum if you search them well.

If your idea is super easy to implement and dispatch all over the world and smart people can replicate it very easily, then you should just disclose it as open source. Once it is open source, and if you don't be a smart ass and hold back on a few key items pushing people to say "what the f*&k something is missing here", then you will be free. But if you hold back on some key items when going open source, then you will be in real danger of being asked to shut up by the Badzies before you spill the rest of the beans.

If your idea involves more elaborate machinery that the average smart guy could not even fathom on making himself (ok or herself) then there is a choice. But it won't be a stack of roses and involves the whole business aspect and at least a good 10 years of total devotion. But, you can still go open source and provide your technical assistance to companies that are interested in licensing.

Option number three is make a very convincing dark video with the device working, do a few demos with investors, get paid some mucho big bucks as shut-up money then crawl up in your hole and live happily ever after.

It's all a matter of choice. The easiest one in go open source. Let the world figure out how to pay you back first with your continued freedom to make other devices or better the one you disclosed.

Last point. What we all should realize is whatever we discover does not belong to us. It belongs to the world and the world will take care of how it is implemented. Henry Ford is not responsible for all car deaths and accidents.

But chances are anything any one of us discovers and posts as open source will be quickly absorbed, bettered, and rendered obsolete with even better devices within the first year. So don't take yourself to seriously. You built your ideas on the backs of others, as others will on your back.

Whatever, if you are 18 years old and your post was not just an adolescent's prank, and you have in fact passed a good two years reading these threads (and not posting much), then you can ask @Stefan for the Overunity.com badge marked "exceptional". It's that simple.


Quote from: rhombus24 on January 06, 2009, 09:37:14 PM

Is there anyone that has the knowledge and wouldn't mind posting how other claimed FE inventors went wrong in their disclosure, or at least how they disclosed it.  And also why people like Bearden, that are still alive, have not done more to advertise..


There is only one thing that any prospective disclosurer has to overcome and that is his desire of financial gain and  perhaps also fame.
Some of you who thought you had cracked it have had to wrestle with this. I did.
Patent office is the water hole where the blood suckers have laid their trap.

Re: your other comment: I believe the world is not ready because the world does not know. We will overthrow our masters. It is written and they know it.

Wisley make use of the Internet to spread your information as this medium will become completely controlled. For those who do not yet see how much our societies are being monitored, please wake up. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/dec/31/privacy-civil-liberties
We are all in this together Black, white, moslem, jew, rich and poor.


Quote from: rhombus24 on January 06, 2009, 04:43:34 PM
What is the best way to disclose information before a patent is filed?
Disclosing information will result in a subsequent application being disallowed.

If you want to disclose in order to get the information out, and stop someone else from
patenting, then the best way is to take out an initial patent application, and let it



Wrap your idea in a nice little package, pdf, doc or else and post it on a few forum and let the people evaluate your idea. Respond to valid questions if you can. Don't bother with the trolls that haunt most forums. You probably wont get rich but money will be worth crap soon anyway. You might help a few or a lot survive the coming recession which wont be a joy ride.

Take care and be safe,



Hi all.
SM stated all this very plainly. He said 'Just go down to radio shack'.
Now at this time in your lives no american can tell me they haven't been there before.
So it is an established male shopping pattern. When I saw the SM videos 2 years ago where do think I went, first off. I already had an idea of the parts in RS that would a simple design idea. I also was the first one to get iron wire to make a physically and electrically programmable core. Plz, I am not bragging. I am just stating this act as a basic function from basic terms mentioned.
And this model still is intact.
You can prove Leedskalnin's test by raiding your mother's sewing basket!
Then go to Coral castle and fill the back end of your pants at the information that emblazened in the stone! It is deeper than you could ever imagine.

So with that said with no higher cooporate or academic influence, post open source completely. Radio shack and Home depot stocks will temporarily soar through the roof. That would be phase 1. Phase 2 would be the #1 device replicated into many. Of course, some of these poor saps would take the heat and then martial law? That is human sociology. Not your problem.
This device is a bomb in all respects. It is we who precariously waiver between the pros and cons.

So then next step is yours. When this device pops up in the public view we who have a past with technology can smile knowing now we can take the next step without further ado.
From the Master's notes himself:
high self-induction:

This barrier caused the “bunching” effect. Electrostatic charges were literally stopped and held for an instant by line resistance, a barrier which only existed during the brief millisecond interval in which the power switch was closed. The sudden force application against this virtual barrier squeezed charge into a density impossible to obtain with ordinary capacitors. It was the brief application of power, the impact of the charge against the resistance barrier, which brought this abnormal electro-densified condition. This is why the conductive wires in his present experiment often exploded. 
With both the oscillations and alternations eliminated, new and strange effects began making their appearance. These powerful and penetrating phenomena were never observed when working with high frequency alternations.
The effect was definitely related to time, IMPULSE time. Second, Tesla found that it was imperative that the charging process occurred in a single impulse. No reversal of current was permissible, else the effect would not manifest. In this, Tesla made succinct remarks describing the role of capacity in the spark radiative circuit. He found that the effect was powerfully strengthened by placing a capacitor between the disrupter and the dynamo. While providing a tremendous power to the effect, the dielectric of the capacitor also served to protect the dynamo windings.

The effect could also be greatly intensified to new and more powerful levels by raising the voltage, quickening the switch "make-break" rate, and shortening the actual time of switch closure.
When the impulses were short, abrupt, and precise in their successions, Tesla found that the shocking effect could permeate very large volumes of space with apparently no loss of intensity. He also found that the shocking effect penetrated sizable metal shields and most insulators with ease. Developing a means for controlling the number of impulses per second, as well as the intermittent time intervals between each successive impulse, he began discovering a new realm of effects. Each impulse duration gave its own peculiar effects.
Tesla found that impulse duration alone defined the effect of each succinct spectrum. These effects were completely distinctive, endowed with strange additional qualities never purely experienced in Nature. Trains of impulses, each exceeding 0.1 millisecond duration, produced pain and mechanical pressures. In this radiant field, objects visibly vibrated and even moved as the force field drove them along. Thin wires, exposed to sudden bursts of the radiant field, exploded into vapor. Pain and physical movements ceased when impulses of 100 microseconds or less were produced.

With impulses of 1.0 microsecond duration, strong physiological heat was sensed. Further decreases in impulse duration brought spontaneous illuminations capable of filling rooms and vacuum globes with white light. At these impulse frequencies, Tesla was able to stimulate the appearance of effects, which are normally admixed among the electromagnetic energies inherent in sunlight. Shorter impulses produced cool room penetrating breezes, with an accompanying uplift in mood and awareness. There were no limits in this progression toward impulses of diminished duration. None of these impulse energies could be duplicated through the use of high frequency harmonic alternations. Few could reproduce these effects because so few understood the absolute necessity of observing those parameters set by Tesla. These facts have been elucidated by Eric Dollard, who also successfully obtained the strange and distinct effects claimed by Tesla
He had discovered a new induction law, one where radiant shockwaves actually autointensified when encountering segmented objects. (high self-induction)
patent 381,968
--giantkiller. No kidding....