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First electrical power output from a Pyramid

Started by hartiberlin, January 18, 2006, 05:32:45 PM

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i think that TT's pyramid,
REQUIRED a running/spinning/vibrating computer fan,
to be physically sitting inside the pyramid,
to work.

because the computer fan was creating physical vibration/shaking.
and this physical shaking traveled EVERYWHERE through the pyramid device.

(especially traveled through the copper wires.
because metal loves to conduct sound/vibration)

the computer fan was also creating a loud,
obnoxious whirring sound.

this sound echoed off of the gypsum pyramid sides,
and echoed off of the smooth and stiff floor UNDER the pyramid,
and built up in the middle of the pyramid.
where the copper loop was.

because sound and electromagnetic vibration both echo,
when they run into a smooth and stiff surface.

smooth and stiff,
like the stone block of the pyramids !

the computer fans sound,
was also physically shaking up the copper loop.

so ANY type of electromagnetic vibration,
be it sound, frequency, or anything,
were all building up in the middle of the pyramid.

kicking and punching and shaking on whatever was in the pyramids middle.
exciting the effect,
of whatever was in the middle.

i also suspect that the pyramid had to be charged up,
with voltage and amperage,
in order to work.

and that the electricity generated,
was a percentage,
based off of this "principle wattage".

i also suspect that very low frequency wattage,
was stored in the steel pyramid frame,
on one half of the lower capacitor.

and that high frequency wattage,
was stored in the central capacitor,
on the other half of the lower capacitor.

between low frequency and high frequency,
caused electrons to move away from the steel pyramid,
and towards the copper loop,
as DC wattage.

i think that low frequency wattage built up in the steel pyramid frame,
because the angles of the gypsum sideboards and the floor,
prevented sound/vibration from reaching the steel pyramid frame.

since the steel pyramid frame was not being physically shaken,
the steel pyramid caused the wattage in it,
to be a lower frequency of wattage.

since the copper loop was being SEVERELY shaken,
by the computer fans physical vibration,
by the computer fans echoed whirring noise,
and by the high frequency oscillation circuit
(central capacitor, wire coils, and one graphite rod slightly shorter than the other graphite rod),
the wattage in the copper loop had a VERY high frequency wattage.

i suspect that the sand inside the copper loop,
had the effect of a signal amplifier,
inside a radio.

this signal amplifier was using electricity,
to strengthen the high frequency signal,
at the middle of the pyramid.

this greatly supports my suspicion,
that the higher the frequency of wattage on one side of the capacitor,
and the lower the frequency of wattage on the other side of the capacitor,
the greater the DC electrical potential inside the capacitor.

only it looks like the low frequency and high frequency need more WATTAGE,
as well as a greater difference between high and low frequency,
in order to produce greater DC electrical potential.

i think that in the great pyramid of giza,
this physical shaking was supplied by vibration in the earth.

there are ALWAYS vibrations and sounds, traveling through the earth.
from the wind blowing across the ground.
and from humans/animals walking/running on the ground.

that is why TT said that his pyramids output increased, at some parts of the day.

because there were more cars driving across the ground,
creating more vibration in the ground,
on those parts of the day !

i suspect that the core produces a wattage interest rate,
based on the wattage principle, put into the lower capacitor.

which is why the builders of the pyramid, put TWO kings chamber cores, into the pyramid of giza.

so that the interest wattage output of one core,
would add to the principle wattage invested into the other core !

TT just charged up his ONE CORE pyramid,
with AC wattage from a transformer.

and it slipped his chain-smoking brain,
to tell us that he did so !

i also suspect that the earths magnetic field is involved, in TT's pyramid.

not just because the pyramids gypsum sides are facing north and south.
but because the central capacitors wide faces, are also facing north and south !
and the copper loops wide faces, are more or less facing north and south !


i came up with a revised theory:

the grounds constant,
never ending vibrations,
provide a base frequency.

this base frequency is lower frequency,
at lower wattage.

a tank circuit (two wire coils, a capacitor, etc),
converts the base frequency,
from lower frequency at lower wattage,
into higher frequency at higher wattage.

because the more that the frequency bounces back and forth,
inside the tank circuit,
the higher the frequency becomes.

or something along those lines.

the earths magnetic field,
is attracted into the high frequency.

the earths magnetic field strengthens the HF magnetism.

converting the higher frequency at lower wattage,
into higher frequency at higher wattage.

(the earths magnetic field, is being put to use.)
(like a bull pulling a cart.

a detector,
(a diode and a crystal),
(or the 2 graphite rods in the sand),
convert the higher frequency at higher wattage,
into physical sound.

what amounts to a microphone,
converts the physical sound,
into usable voltage and amperage.

because a microphone is a generator that vibrates,
instead of a generator that spins.

TT SPECIFICALLY called the central capacitor, a "condenser".


i suspect that it is necessary,
to convert the high frequency at higher wattage,
into physical sound,
so that the physical sound can vibrate the core.

so that the core can have a higher frequency,
with which to attract/trap more of the earths magnetic field,
to increase the wattage,
to create more sound,
to convert into more electricity.

it is the difference between making a bull pull your cart once,
before turning the bull into a hamburger,

compared to making the bull pull your cart 10,000 times,
before turning the bull into a hamburger.

if they skipped the step,
of turning the high frequency at high wattage,
into sound,
than they would only get golden egg from the goose.

but if they convert it into physical sound,
they can get countless thousands of golden eggs from the goose.

i still suspect that it is necessary,
to charge up the pyramid with voltage and amperage first.

so that there will be something to create enough physical sound,
to create enough physical vibration,
so there will be enough high frequency at enough high wattage,
to attract enough of the earths magnetic field into the system,
to get the process started.



in this diagram,
the ground might as well be the negative terminal of a power source,
and the antennae might as well be the positive terminal of a power source.

the selected frequency bounces back and forth,
between the variable capacitor and the wire coil.

whenever the frequency passes by the negative ground and/or the positive antennae,
the selected frequency is strengthened, by the charge.

if you replace the negative ground with the negatively charged north pole,
and the positive antennae with the positively charged south pole,
than the earths magnetic field is strengthening the wattage,
of the selected frequency !!!

the above supports my suspicion,
for how TT's pyramid,
is using high frequency electromagnetism,
to include the earths magnetic field,
into the pyramids wattage.

to ultimately turn the earths magnetic field,
into usable electricity.

a positive terminal and a negative terminal,
have been clearly demonstrated,
to strengthen the wattage of a high frequency electromagnetic wave.

if the earths magnetic field can move a compass needle,
than why can't the earths magnetic field increase the wattage of a frequency wave?


the sand turned electricity,
into physical sound.

and the sand was inside the copper loop.
so the sound caused the copper loop to vibrate violently.

the sound was in the gigahertz range.
so nobody was able to physically hear it.

which is why nobody,
not even TT,
noticed the importance.

if someone had been able to hear the sound,
than it would have sounded loud and notable.
given how much voltage and amperage was being turned into sound.

most of the pyramids wattage was likely converted into sound,
in order to keep the frequency high.

the magnet was physically attached to the copper loop.
so the magnet and its magnetic field,
were also vibrating violently !

the magnets magnetic field was able to induct into something,
since it was constantly moving back and forth.
even if the back and forth movement was extremely short/small.

the magnets magnetic field definitely would have been inducting into the copper loop,
and likely into the left graphite rod.

if a magnetic field was inducting into one graphite rod,
but not into the other graphite rod,
than would that have caused electricity to more towards one graphite rod,
but not towards the other graphite rod ?

to create a strong, aggravated, diode effect ?

the magnet on the copper loop,
was definitely acting like the magnet on a generators wheel.

don't they put magnets into microphones,
so that the magnet shakes when someone speaks into the microphone ?
so that the magnet acts a generator that vibrates,
instead of a generator that spins ?

the person who said that the magnet was unnecessary,
must have been a disinformation agent.
who was pretending to be TT.



this inventor used wind,
to make a magnet vibrate,
inside a wire coil.
to create wattage,
inside the wire coil.

it would have been more efficient,
to turn electricity into sound, like a radio does.

and have the sound shake the magnet back and forth.
so that the magnets magnetic field,
is inducted into the wire coil.

it is clear that in TT's pyramid,
the magnet was shaking back and forth,
due to electricity being converted into sound.

i suspect that the magnets poles were facing up and down.
so that when the magnets magnetic field was inducted through the copper loop,
the effect was that one pole of the magnetic field,
passed through end of the wire coil,
and the other pole of the magnetic field,
passed through the other end of the wire coil.

so that TT's magnet,
was aligned with TT's wire coil !
EXACTLY like the magnet and the wire coil in the above video were aligned !

like this:

                   - TT's magnet  +

       <---< 8 gigahertz of shaking! >--->

                   - TT's wire coil +

i took a close look,
and it appears that the pipe that TT's magnet rested on,
was mainly being held up,
by the thick copper band,
that was attached to the lower capacitor.

so that the magnet and its small segment of pipe,
were able to mostly move/vibrate freely,
of the copper loop and its wire coil !

                    -  magnet +

    <---< 8 gigahertz of shaking ! >--->

                    - wire coil +
                    copper loop