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The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"

Started by Mannix, January 30, 2006, 06:18:53 PM

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Off topic question:

Anyone here know why longitudinal waves are called scalar waves? This makes no sense, since they have motion or direction. Any force or energy that has direction as well as magnitude is called a vector quantity in physics(inertia, kinetic, momentum are all vector quantities). Scalar has magnitude, but no direction(gravity, potential energy, are scalar quantities). Longitudinal waves are still waves are they not? And hence have direction, they apparently radiate, or the energy drawn from it would not be called radiant energy.

from the first article.

QuoteI have solved this question, by extending Maxwell?s field theory for vortices of the
electric field. These so-called potential vortices are able to form structure and they
propagate in space for reason of their particle nature as a longitudinal shock wave.

if it propagates, it has direction, and cannot be a scalar quantity. see what I mean?

The sea of energy we call the ether, may be a scalar quantity, but wave moving through it are not..

I have never understood why they call it scalar. Can someone enlighten me?



Hi Guys,

I've been researching on how i should go about building my first SM energy coil, There is a simple setup with three wound coils on a toroid soft iron structure, i'll might start with this setup. the first video where you see him with what looks like two rings and magnets placed on them seem very easy to build. anyway there seems something about using the kicks been generated that makes this all work...lol, hope i got that right.

theres something of interest, which i came across on one of my little electronic-mini engineers books, its shows a 555timer driving a normal transformer, dc to dc converter really, look at the output vs input, its a staggering amount out. Of course there are no magnets setup on this type of scenario, but what if we placed magnets near by, this may make a huge difference on the performance of the device.

Anyway this cct is easy to build and putting together

will keep you guys posted



Quote from: ctglabs on September 24, 2006, 11:43:24 AM

They key here is to find kicks that are not taken from the supply.  I could discharge a cap in to a low impeadance coil with a secondary and generate a kick, but the energy of this kick as come from the capacitor.  If the energy in the kick equals the energy taken from the supply then we have nothing.

This is where the frequencies will come in I think. SM has repeatedly said that that is where the lion's share of excess power comes in. Saying, "if someone accidentally stumbled on the frequencies, and got themselves hurt".

They are, as of yet, an ongoing mystery. He says we need to create, "the worst possible scenario of frequencies". Does this indicate we are going for superposition of waves, so as to create some kind of continuing oscillation?

In one of the other threads, someone posted something, with some screenshots and a schematic of a circuit, in which he pulsed the circuit once, and the oscillations did not stop. I believe the link he provided went to a page called "strange oscillator," Or something like that. Pretty interesting link. I'll see if I can find it.



Hi guys, I just got an email response from Mannix to one I sent him a while back, letting him know about the progress we were making with people jumping in and winding coils and getting results. He replied with mostly positive sentiments, but pointed me to a post he made back in august. It was posted by someone who did not want to get involved in the discussion.

The reason he posted it, was because SM said that he "had most of it".  Here is the post.

Hi all,
Looks like things need shakup around here,
Somebody who does not want to enter the fray of "discussion" sent me this.

Greetings, Mr. Mannix:
My name is Not for publication.  For several years I have been building my own designs for motors and replications of mainly Bedini-type energizers and circuits.  Indeed, I have about five iterations running at any one time.  I have closely followed the efforst of Stefan Harman, Edwin Badertscher, Jean-Loius Naudin, Marcus Wagner, Paul Lindemann, and several others through different cooperative building groups and have contributed myself.

I believe through my own building efforts and research, I have learned a great deal about electromagnetic circuits.

I took about a week and pored through every single post in the long string of posts concerning Mr. Steven Mark and his invention.  The simple elegance of his device left me speechless.  It makes perfect sense to me.  (I was educated a long time ago as a EE)

Here is what I preceive in his power toroidal device, and I will try to make this concise and sensical:

1.  When one builds a bifilar coil, using one winding for power, and one for trigger, and drive this with a transistor, there is a certain point, when you bring a magnet close to one end of the coil, you will get a loud squealing noise from the coil.  This feedback is the result of the trigger and power coil constantly switching the power transistor used to drive that coil off and on again.  It is also a point where that coil/transistor combination produce a high voltage output which one can gather from the collector of the transistor.  If left unchecked, this resonant frequency of on/off switching will burn up the transistor, and thus a resistor must be put into the trigger winding circuit to lessen the voltage produced in the winding.  It is one element of what I believe is happening in the Mark device.

2.  When one places several coils around a toroid, one can think of switching from one to the next, preferably sequentially, the minimum number of coils being three.  In this case one could use the trigger winding from one coil to turn on the power of the second coil, the trigger from the second to the third power, the third trigger to the power winding of the first coil.

3.  Flux can switch directions within a ferrous material instantaneously, and some say superluminally.  It takes very little switching power to flip flux "bundles" from one direction to another, given that there is a good path for the flux to move through.  The toroid is perfect for this.  If one were to turn on a magnetic field in one coil, that flux permeates most of the toroid, but more importantly is perceived by the next coil.  This in turn triggers that coil to operate, and the first coil field is shut down.  In this way, one could use coils to move the flux in PULSES around the toroid.  This switching from coil to coil, accomplished with low power, high voltage pulses occurs at a natural frequency of the circuit and that frequency that can be handled by the power transistors.

4.  The high voltage, low power is a result of the "kick" whereof Steve Mark speaks.  It was most clearly described by Nikola Tesla, when he observed a very high voltage spike at the VERY INSTANT a DC switch was closed.  In fact he spoke of people being killed by this spike.  Such a spike (though lower in magnitude) happens within a transistor at the very instant its gate is closed to allow power to course through it.  I learned of this in vacuum tubes from my dad when he taught me how to build my first Heathkit shortwave radio in 1963.  He said: "Whenever possible, leave the radio on - it doesn't consume much power, but the startup surges will quickly burn up your tubes."

5.  When a coil is thus activated, initially it creates a very powerful magnetic spike.  Imagine that this can even be more amplified if the transistor is turned on only to close the gate of a silicone controlled rectifier, in order to dump a small capacitor very suddenly through the coil.

6.  It becomes easy to see that when one talks about the switching ability of transistors, 5kHz is perfectly reasonable, switching from one coil to the next.  

7.  Next we have the challenge of making the many pulses of magnetic power unidirectional.  As we all know current running through a wire creates a circular magnetic field centered about that wire.  This also anwers the old question you posed on one of your posts as to why a set of jumper cables jumps when chorted across the battery terminal.  Well, first, the direction of current is opposite in the two leads, thereby quadrupling the magnetic force in the narrow space between the two wires.  This powerful magnetic "linear" flux concentration between the cables then tries to orient itself to the ambient earths magnetic flux lines, and hence, jumps.  Note, however, that there is more at play here.  The VERY INSTANT you connect the cable to the battery, you also have that very high voltage spike whereof Tesla spoke.  This spike has a large Radiant Energy component to the electricity.  It contributes a great deal to the powerful magnetic pulse.

8.  Back to unidirectional flux in the toroid.  In order to create a mainly DC current in windings around part or all of the toroid, we must now ensure the flux moves in ONE direction.  Well, the placement of a magnet at right angles to the flow around the toroid would tend to make the flux take a preferential direction.  The flux of a controlling coil in a flux-gating device such as some of the Joe Flynn devices is quite weak, but exerts enormous diretional control on even very powerful flux.  This is the concept exploited in the design of the newest patent of the Magnetic Power Module.  (Interestingly, it appears to be a derivation of Steven Mark's efforts....)  Thus, instead of using additional small coils to make the toroidal flux take one preferred direction as compared to the other can be acco0mplished by the use of a ferrite magnet, as seen in the videos (I, too have watched them numerous times.)

9.  Now to the question of the little pieces of wire and the magnet.  I don't remember anyone anwering this to your or Mr. Mark's satisfaction.  Let me have a go.  When you move a magnet across a wire you generate a current in that wire.  However, what was not iterated is that the amount of current generated is not only a matter of the strength of the magnet, but rather the SPEED and distance at which that magnet is moved across that wire.  Thus when we speak of moving the magnet across a small piece of wire at the speed of a gunshot, you generate a very sudden, high voltage spike in that little piece of wire.  Conversely, if you could move that wire crossways through even a weak magnetic field with few flux likes, you could generate a voltage spike.  In essence Mark is doing this in his toroid.  He states he is running at about 5kHz.  For four coils (like the one that is open on the cardboard box in his garage with two lamps), he may be banging two opposed coils simultaneously with spikes, with the magnet forcing one direction, or he is running them sequentially.  For the sequential version, that would mean the "magnetic flux North" (for lack of a better way to describe it) passes one spot in the toroid 1250 times per second.  The RPM of the flux would therefore be AT LEAST 75,000RPM.  Can you imagine the kind of power you might generate from Neo mgnets in an armature near windings if you COULD rev that puppy up to 75,000RPM?  Only this toroid has no back EMF when a load is put on the wires.

10.  Remember I was talking about SPEED of the magnet passing the wires playing a significant role in the voltage produced.  If we take the above example of 75,000 RPM, it is easy to calculate for a 14" diameter totoid, that the actual speed of the magnet "flying"past the wires at a very close range would be 3,123.74 statute miles per hour or 4,581.5 ft/second.  Compare this to the bullet of a high powered rifle at 2,800 ft/sec.

11.  One need only to add all the little pieces of wire, which are now individual loops of wire around the toroid's ring itself to see why the toroid generates such enormous voltages and currents.  Needless to say, toroidal coils, like any coil have a preferred resonant frequency.  If the toroidal coil is tuned to the "kick" frequency or pulsed frequency, one can see that this thing would put out scary amounts of power.

12.  I shall make a stab here and say that these toroids DO NOT heat up until a load is put on the output wires.  It would intuitively make sense that this heating is not only due to current flow within the toroid off-take winding, but also due to the new magnetic field that would result within the toroid, due to the DC current now flowing around it.  Strangely, using the left hand rule for magnetism, this toroid is an abberation.  Because when one thinks of the current beginning the flow through a load, the magnetic flux this winding creates is ADDITIVE to the pulsing magnetic flux created by the coils.

13.  When we look at the earth's magnetic field, there are some weird things to look at.  Does a high-speed rotational flux field draw or lense or concentrate flux lines into  a Mark device?  Maybe that is exactly what it does.  This simply ADDS more density to the field.  However, something else strikes me more simply.  Mark has set up his terrific sequential pulsed magnetic field with a small battery (who cares if there is a battery - that point is moot when you look at the power out) which rotates nearly twice as fast as the bullet from a high powered rifle.  It creates enormous numbers of flux lines crossing wires per second.  That is key and it takes little power.  Once power is established, one could take a tiny amount from the output and run the circuit, so again the battery is moot.  The main thing is the device's strange reaction to physical movement.  I attribute this to the ENORMOUS impact of the SPEED at which the magnetic flux moves.

14.  We see how even small flux density, when accelerated to very high speed, can STILL generate current in conductors, be they wires or even flat surfaces.  Whe we talk about these effects, we understand that ANY magnetic device, be it a simple magnet compass or object, will try to orient itself to the earth's magnetic field.  Try and experiment.  See how a magnetized needle in a match turns slowly to north in a cup of water.  Now take a strong neodymium magnet and tape a piece of thread to it and let it hang. Note how QUICKLY and how STRONGLY it orients itself to the earth's field.  What Mark appears to have proven is that one can create the effect of higher strength of a magnet through speed of movement of the field.  And the field appears to be strengthened drastically by the ADDITIVE pulses of the coils pumping the toroid up to saturation.

15.  To me the reason that the toroid appears to "judder" as one attempts to move the toroid across the table is straightforward.  As the field rotates, there is a point in the device where the rotating field (perhaps rotating is the wrong word) better, field in its racetrack, is oriented in direct opposition to the Earth's magnetic field.  On the diametrically opposite side, the field is perfect attraction to teh earth's field.  This means that pushing the device North and South would have the most pronounced juddering or washboard effect.  However, going crossways to N_S may also have weird effects, the flux lines moving at right angles to one another.  I would tend to say this might be even more pronounced when a big load is put on the output coil, if my above assumption is correct with the inner ADDITIVE flux under load.

16.  It makes sense that if we are moving a relatively weak magnetic field at very high RPM or lap rate, then perhaps we are now also talking about a gravitic interaction.  Since it appears that gravity and spinning superconducting magnets are related, and we are spinning this field at a VERY high rate, then the orientation on startup is most likely also directly interacting with "gravitons?"  I won't go there, as I know too little about the field.  Suffice it to say, that gravity is directional, be it into the earth or into space from the earth's center.  Either way it is directional.  Inverting the toroid MAY then be affected in operation or stopped when it is inverted.  Has Steven Mark solved this?  It sounds SOOOOO interesting.  And naturally, with smaller toroids, he is also talking about higher angular acceleration of the field, due to the smaller diameter.  Maybe this also has a bearing on the trait?

17.  The imploding television story is very interesting.  Could Mark's device be close to tapping into or creating such a powervul magnetic vortex?  Has he seen any evidence of magnetic attraction of any objects in or near the toroids?

Anyway, Mr. Mannix - if you have read this far, then you understand that I have a genuine desire to understand Mr. Mark's technology.  My wife and I will be retiring and living in Sri Lanka soon.  That country is COMPLETELY dependent on importd fossil fuels.  It is a lovely but very poor country.  I have been grappling with several ways I may be able to help, and hence have been spending alot of time with the Bedini devices.  I believe it may have given me a leg up on Steven Mark's devices.  It would be an honor to hear from you, and have your thoughts (and perhaps even Mr. Mark's) thoughts on my information above.

If you have a way I can find out more about U.E.C., it would be most appreciated.  I really feel it is worth keepign up with Mr. Mark's devices and somehow push for this clean power to become a marketed module.  Heck, one could build them directly INTO appliances with or without inverters so the appliances would not even HAVE power cords.

Last time this was posted most people didn't really react to it, however it did spawn renewed interest in the project, and had a tendency to get people going again.

If you are the poster of this post, please send me an email. I have a feeling I know who you are, due to the content, and some of the history about yourself that you have posted in here, and some of the projects, and people you have worked with/on. Out of respect, I'll keep this speculation to myself, but I'd like to know if you are still working on this, and what kind of results you are getting.

This post, is both good in the respect that it is an indicator that Mannix, and SM haven't totally given up on us :), and it's a bit of a head scratcher as it indicates that we will need to make a few changes to some of the ideas we've been working with.

NOW, I'm not posting this with the intention that we completely abandon the paths we've been going down, or start modifying them right away, as I'm sure we have gotten alot right. Neither do I want to completely favor the ideas outlined, as he only has it "mostly" right. Not completely right.

Just that we keep these ideas in our minds as we experiment.



did yiu get zapped or what?  don't tell me the M.I.B? :o

i am reallly looking forward to your next posts.  it seemed like you were on to something and then just disapeared.

throw us a bone when you get a chance.

lol sam