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Overunity Machines Forum


Started by oliverst, February 07, 2006, 07:41:52 AM

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Quote from: Tommey Reed on December 17, 2009, 10:19:35 AM
This generator is rated at 1000 watts, that's 50% load..
PROVE IT......
That's just bull shit, and you know it...
Pantome in 2005 wanted to leave the country because his was going to jail, like his best friend Dennis Lee.....
Nobody has ever did a test like I did on youtube!
SCAM, the geet systen is....

sorry you do not know what you speek about












Expérimentations de moteurs Pantone
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    Forum énergies, maison, solaire, chauffage, bois, isolation, écologie, économies et dopage à l'eau Index du Forum -> Expérimentations de moteurs Pantone Marquez tous les sujets comme lus
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Post-it: Toyota Hilux 2.4L
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Post-it: GOLF 3 1,9D : dopage à l'eau
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Post-it: Pantone sur un Vito 220 CDI
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Mister Pantone interview (en anglais)
2 gilgamesh 311 Mer Juil 08, 2009 16:58:25
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Tommey Reed

Like the rest of the geet idiots, no geet to enter a challenge...
I'm calling you out, enter the geet challenge and show your plasma coming out of you ass.
Pantone would not enter this challenge, because he is a scam!
I even sent him a letter:

Mr. Pantone,

My name is Tommey Reed, I've seen your claims of the Geet system.
I am willing to challenge your claims:

The challenge is very simple, buy a cheap 1200w (walmart) generator


Buy a home depot 500w spot light...

Buy a Harbor Freight watts meter..

Very simple test, this will allow no cheating to take place.

Running the engine at 3600-3700 rpm's will power the spot light with a load of 500W

Use the carb first, and run it with 60g of 87 octane gas for 5 minutes, then check how many grams are left. This will have a constant pull of about 500w with the governor control.


Next, take off the carb and in stall your Geet system. Use 400g of 87 octane, run at 3600-3700 rpm's for 5 minute. After this calculated how many grams are left...

Your claim of pickel joice and window cleaner is no different then this:

What happen to GOD's work?
$2,500.00 for a week class of Geet?

I believe your a scam, Prove me wrong!

Tommey Reed
Call anytime

Is this a geet, and his plasma?



why are you so stupid ?
you are , blind , blind blind
you dont understand what you speak about

months ago , you were claiming OU , OU and Ou whitout listening the others members of this forum
why are you so stupid ? look all around !! use google !! search on other forum !!!

you dont understand the "gillier-pantone" device
in france there is a lot of farmer using and replicating this gillier-pantone

with the price of the gasoil and the agriculture crisis in france
did you think they are doing this only for fun without benefit ?

if you want to do a real replication of the "gillier-pantone" device
contact stephenafreter 

Also if you have important file you want to translate from or to french, contact me, I'm always pleased to help when I can

working together we can move fast, as we can see on the forums like here and overunity.com.

sorry tommey , it is my last message on this thread
I do not answer you any more


stephan , it is your role to keep the credibility of this forum
and refrain tommey from his claim without understanding this device

second point , you can't tolerate slanderous claim on this forum if you are honest
sorry , but pantone is not a scam , there is hundred and hundred proof all around


Tommey Reed


Prove it.....I have tested this claim, its false! Nobody have test a carb system verse this Geet system untill now!
My vapor carb show the same as a Geet system, there is no plasma..
He claims 5 times more energy out of the geet, when in fact there is only about 116,000 btu in one gallon of gas. He claims overunity, getting more btu then what is in the fuel.
That's why Pantone will not enter my challenge!
No plasma, no high fuel efficiency, just bull...

Nobody is willing to challenge this scam, he went to jail for these same reason....He is charging $2,500.00 for a week class to learn how to vapor dirty fuel, what a scam!
Its no different then a vapor carb, As for OVERUNITY.com, total idiots, sit on your asses and do nothing....
Remove me from your list, idoit!
As for my claims, when charging caps on the pulse generator, yes it does show higher output when recharging another cap...
I stick to my claims, no overunity as you may see it, but far better then I've seen on this channel...
You all talk out of your ass, do nothing and sit back and talk shit! I'll challenge any of you so called experts anyday...
Just like the magnet motor scams you all talk about, what idiots...
Bring it on, I'll challenge anyone of you, any day.
I'm not a talker like most of you are, I'm a doer... Remember that!



Have a little piece of peace.

I guess its hard to accept the waste in this world 80 + % going out the tail pipe,up the chimney ,or out the window.

Thanks for all the DOIN and sharing [sincerely]
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma