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Claimed OU circuit of Rosemary Ainslie

Started by TinselKoala, June 16, 2009, 09:52:52 PM

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Hey All,

I am going to respond to Aaron's kicking me off of the forum, but I promise you that I am not championing a cause or anything.  Just closing the loop.

Aaron:  You are so paralyized by fear that it is bad for your mental health.  Anytime anybody has tried to correct you, the proper usage of your scope comes to mind right away, you instantly go on the defensive and will go to almost any length to feign that you were not wrong.  Even when it is very obvious, you stick to your story.  I am telling you, there is something wrong there.  You try to stick to what you think is right, and the proper information almost has to be pounded into your head before you will accept it.  You are acting like a petty despot dictator that is "infallable."  Instead of trying to assimilate the opinions of others that are often more knowledable than you with respect to electronic circuits, you create a shield of defensiveness and hostility around yourself.  The easiest way out when you can't respond to questions to defend your point is to call the other person an idiot.  You are the author of your own misery.

You are afraid to admit that you are wrong, Aaron.  You are afraid to demonstrate a willingness to learn from the "other side" and at least give the new information some thought and consideration.  You paint yourself into a corner and are afraid to step on the fresh paint.  To you the fresh paint looks like burning coals.  Why?  WHY?

The sroryline of the thread has been like a bad C-grade science fiction movie at times over the past few weeks.  You run like a crazy person from spike to spike to resonance to oscillation, to diode to no diode like a chicken with its head cut off.  Every time you find a new fixation you can sense the tension in the air lest someone disagree with you.

Your abject fear makes you make "Twilight Zone" statements like .99, myself, TK, Hoppy, and others are "not qualified" when any person reading the forum would CLEARLY SEE that we do know what we are talking about.  This is such a disconnect from reality that I question your overall makeup as a person.  You are a powder keg of cognitive dissonance.  What the f*ck is going on with you?  On top of that, ANY person with a solid electronics or engineering background could read your postings and look at your clips and quickly come to the realization that you are just slightly past the beginner stage when it comes to electronics.  They would also notice that you are prone to making grand statements about things that you may know the buzz words for, but in fact barely understand what they really mean.  Your pronouncements about various aspects of the circuit are mostly incorrect, and it is beyond me how you make these leaps of faith and continuously push the envelope with respect to your true capabilities.

You deleted my last few comments and for all I know you are on a rampage deleting everything else.  You need to chill out and take it easy.  You also need to decide if you are going to up your electronics skills by reading a book or taking a few courses and start trying to engage with people and try to learn from them, or forever be this tragi-comic character pushing the latest electronic "free energy" circuit like some uneducated goon.

I am going to do a copy paste of your big posting with your litany of complaints and that will be it.  Let the discussion continue as time progresses.  You can't play the big mean boss anymore threatening to pull the plug anymore and there is nothing that you can do to stop the crosspolination between threads so enjoy the ride.  You are in for a shock when the results come in, it is starting to look a bit like a Sterling-Mylow road show.  Guess whose shoes you fit in?


From Wikipedia:

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The "ideas" or "cognitions" in question may include attitudes and beliefs, the awareness of one's behavior, and facts. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, or by justifying or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.[1] Cognitive dissonance theory is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.

Dissonance normally occurs when a person perceives a logical inconsistency among his or her cognitions. This happens when one idea implies the opposite of another. For example, a belief in animal rights could be interpreted as inconsistent with eating meat or wearing fur. Noticing the contradiction would lead to dissonance, which could be experienced as anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, embarrassment, stress, and other negative emotional states. When people's ideas are consistent with each other, they are in a state of harmony, or consonance. If cognitions are unrelated, they are categorized as irrelevant to each other and do not lead to dissonance.

A powerful cause of dissonance is an idea in conflict with a fundamental element of the self-concept, such as "I am a good person" or "I made the right decision." The anxiety that comes with the possibility of having made a bad decision can lead to rationalization, the tendency to create additional reasons or justifications to support one's choices. A person who just spent too much money on a new car might decide that the new vehicle is much less likely to break down than his or her old car. This belief may or may not be true, but it would likely reduce dissonance and make the person feel better. Dissonance can also lead to confirmation bias, the denial of disconfirming evidence, and other ego defense mechanisms.


Fine work, friends, congratulations and welcome.

I am not sure about the validity of taking the load to "a stabilized temperature" as an endpoint.

This measure does not take into account the time involved to get there, and is fraught with error potential in other ways. I think it's one of the problematic areas of Ainslie's original control experiment as reported.

I'm not saying that it is entirely inappropriate, I just think it's harder to do correctly than the method I use, which is to apply the same average power in both cases, or nearly so, and to look at the rate of temperature increase, the final stable temp, and when it got there.

Only by looking at the shape of the temp-time curve can you really tell, I believe, when your load has stabilized, and it is far easier to set power levels by simple reference to volts and amps than by looking at a time-lagged temperature.

I'd encourage Hoppy, if so inclined, to take a swing at it using this technique, and see if the results are still "suggestive".

The drag is that it takes hours of rapt attention, recording data every couple or three minutes. But with a properly "leaky" calorimeter you can make the runs less than 90 minutes each, and that's not too bad. I watch a movie on the computer while I'm logging.


@MileHigh: Thanks for that. I'm amazed at how Aaron tries to change the past by deleting posts. Even more amazing is when he crows about being open-minded and seeking Truth, while censoring any contrary information that challenges his world view.

He posts here as "qiman", and I'm sure we'll be hearing from him soon. We can't ban him, and I wouldn't even if I could--it's too much fun to mock him with his own statements.

What he won't do is explain the discrepancies--some of which you noted--between his circuit and Rosemary's.

I'm still on the load inductance thing...what is up with that? If you look back several pages you might see (if he hasn't removed it) a picture where he puts up another bad 555 circuit and says that the load inductance must be "as high as possible" for a 10 ohm resistor. Yet Ainslie used, she claims, 0.00864 milliHenry, and Aaron's Ohmite is probably 0.150 - 0.200 milliHenry...a not insignificant difference...

"As an amateur, the prospect of attempting a meaningful comment on physics is, at best, inappropriate."
--Rosemary Ainslie


Hey TK,

Thanks for the welcome and the comments.  I am just going to rebut Aaron's "kick me out" posting and then move on.  I will try to make an intelligent comment or two about your research later.  Good news that Hoppy is in on the action also!




Okay Aaron,

Here we go with the big rebut.  I may have no comments to some of your points because they deal with some fine details that I am not going to go back and look up.

fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night!”  - Bette Davis

Originally Posted by MileHigh:
I explained to Aaron that his proposed method for measuring the power in the inductive resistor was wrong. Did you see that posting? Do you have any comments?

I ALREADY commented but you ignore that and misdirect people's attention to other things. The AC measurement on load doesn't take into account inductance or the power factor.

>  Disconnect, my question was not directed at you.  I notice that you take great liberties with this and respond to points like they were addressed to you when they are not.

>  Your response about your mistake in measuring the power through the coil-resistor with the DSO was the following:

I didn't take into account inductance and power factor.

No more distractions from you.  <- kiss my ass, that's the last time you say that to me

If you know what is input from the battery, you can find the required wattage to make the same temp. That input compared to the necessary wattage to run at the same temp is over 1.0 COP.

>  You didn't take into account that it was an inductance?  Really, so where have you been for the last few months?  What really happened is that you were a victim of your uneducated simplified thinking process when it comes to inductors.  You have been treating them like ordinary resistors for years because you don't understand them.  I can speculate that only within the last few weeks of this thread have you had any inklings about how inductors really work.  All the time previous to this you have been in blissful ignorance and have dealt with coils like they were resistors.  It was only last week or so where you were having difficulty with the concept of pure DC current through an ideal inductor resulting in zero voltage across the inductor.  You couldn't wrap your brain around that concept.  Good on you for trying to learn something.

>  Then comes the laughable part where you "lecture" me and try to tell me to go with the thermal method when that was the whole point of my posting:  v-squared/R does not work, go thermal

>  One more time Aaron, abject paralyzing fear on your part to admit fallibility resulting in your trying to "save face" and lecture me.  Aaron, everybody can see though this nonsense and you are making a fool of yourself, not to mention the stress you create for yourself.  All that you had to do was thank me and say that you made a mistake.

> Back to your posting....

When you get the shunt measurement of what is leaving the battery, you can simply put a control supply on the resistor to make equivalent heat and whatever wattage the supply is putting to the load is the baseline.

If the wattage leaving battery is less for the same temperature, then you are over 1.0 COP.

> I am not going to run your prose above through my head 25 times to understand what you are really saying.  Suffice to say I don't think there will be much contention about the thermal measurements.  You can go back to my original protocol posting because it is quite detailed.

There are "points" that your skeptical group bring up - and is on record to show how much you, Poynt, Hoppy and any other skeptic have a strong consistency in being wrong and making false claims.

   1. TK's claim the Quantum article timer is wrong (FACT - it works)
   2. TK's claim the Quantum article circuit won't oscillate (FACT - it does)
   3. TK's claim the oscillation is a red herring (FACT - it isn't)

> This circuit in normal operation will not oscillate, period.  Certainly there will be ringing in the wires, but that ringing is normal, and cannot give you any possible OU.  The ringing is just the dissipation of small amounts of inductive and capacitive energy in the circuit when the switching takes place.

> Any possible oscillation that you can induce in the MOSFET by fiddling with the gate resistor, or playing with the waveform duty cycles, or whatever else, will be counterproductive.  This is not the key to OU.  When the MOSFET oscillates, there will never be enough "on" time to get real current going through the coil-resistor.  Therefore the power consumption of the circuit will go down and less power will be dissipated in the coil-resistor.