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New Moon photos , do they really show the Apollo landing gear ?

Started by hartiberlin, August 26, 2009, 11:18:44 PM

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Quote from: raburgeson link=topic=7989.msg237726#msg237726 =1271367559
I truly  for your concern, however it could not be done on a thousand pictures by the best of people seeing things.

Yes it can.  Billions of people see things in clouds every day.  They just recognize it for what it is, an illusion.  We are wired to try to recognize familiar shapes, it does not mean there is anything there.

Here is a challenge.  Go outside and take some pictures of your grass or some tree bark or something similar, and see if you can find patterns in it.

Or heck, just do a Google Image search for "tree bark", and analyze some of those photos.  I bet you see naked people.


I look at thousands of pictures from other people and have no problem with their pictures, I belong to chemtrail.com and they have about 20000 pictures, no problem. I not only go out and take pictures everywhere of everything and tile crops of them, bark, grass, water, snow, you name it and still no problem. I look at a government picture involving something important like 911 or maps and I have one. I can explain the maps, Do you know they hid the Suez canal during the second world war? Screwing up the globe is a way of trying to protect major cities. All these small countries arming themselves is a threat now because they have lived under the nuclear threat so long.

That last picture that came from Hictchcock's Holocaust is unique of the frames in the documentary. It was put in there later. The rest of the thing is filled with other things. They were specially fond of showing brass Knuckles, black jacks, and a curious looking short thin whip. Also they showed things that would not be like a woman wearing a filthy SS uniform with 4 or 5 SS insignias on her hat instead of two and I don't think they wore them on their hats, I think they went on the collars. Maybe someone in here can tell me. I do know for sure that the SS was very fastidious about their uniforms. Some of this wasn't even subliminal, it was blatant, just increase the contrast and there it was. When the picture is sitting still and you have time to look at it, it makes a big difference. The SS may have been thugs but, I'm sure they didn't run around looking like the pigs they were made out to be on that film.

Now back to the government. There are only a dozen hands and 2 dozen different feet in these pictures subliminals. They are there. I'm not sure what you are really concerned about but I already told you I can take care of myself. They aren't coming to take me away, Ha,ha and hee, hee. I'm not worried about what they have done, I want to see the real pictures they were supposed to release, for starters. I want to see all the science they are hiding. They are still trying to hide the science behind the atomic bomb. Again that was decades ago, it's science, but that's not useful. They are hiding tons of stuff that is useful, and what do they tell you, that's top secret, or above. Hidden patents you name it, they have just about all the research money. They put things together from different think tanks and come up with stuff the researchers haven't even got a clue about. The researchers will tell you we aren't that advanced, they don't know.

I want to see all this stuff then we can get on with it. Antigravity, doesn't exist, impossible, your looney, you touch it your out of the scientific business. It's equally obvious that if you go on the net and study their gravity maps they know exactly what gravity is and they photograph it, although we don't see the pictures until after they have modified it past the truth. It's obvious they have it, listen to all the reports of sightings all over the world by people of all walks of life. I'm sorry but, I don't believe in little green men. I already warned them not to bring out a human/frog hybrid and tell me it's an alien. When do I think they were capable of making a hybrid, 1962. We are finally making them now. It's a stupid thing to do but, it proves the Earth isn't overpopulated. How do you feel that they tell you the Earth is overpopulated and they make hybrids? Well when the day comes that the Earth is really over populated we should have another planet ready to move some people to. We have to get up there.

I already told you chemtrails defuse light. The telescope gathers light. With the dark areas lit the contrast is gone so the resolution is crap. As a first step the people have to get together and put their own Hubble type scope in space specifically to study the solar system, all of it. They have no intention of telling you the truth, it's top secret or above.

These pictures are lies. They are part of a campaign. They go along with all the suggestive crap that comes with them. Like we aren't fit to be in space because of what we are, human beings. I said in another post at another place, (forgive me admin), I get a raw ass just looking at the government. I was serious. Don't be afraid I am seeing things, these are there, if you quit denying and really start looking at the pictures I am presenting you it leaves no doubt. There are limitations to this art form and you will see the same feet and hands and poses and the way the figures are fit together over and over again. I have to point this out to you before it evolves into a form where they can really produce random stuff that can't be proved. They say follow the money. I did and the best trail leads to money from resources they gather from space. How much you want to bet that every probe they send out doesn't have spectral analysis on it and they are always looking for more easy to steal minerals. They boasted they know every last resource on the Earth years ago. Then they started grabbing everything they could lay hands on in the Western US. Then I brought up something very unpopular for them to think about, the land now belongs to the taxpayers of the United States. That's right, I gave them a real frowny. They can't seize land for themselves and  when they buy land it becomes public land because it was bought with taxpayer money. They don't only dislike telling the truth they don't like to hear it either. They just like twisting the law so it benefits and suits them. Well, the truth is ugly, and they are not polite.

A note about the cameras they apparently sent into space. Do you really think they sent a dinky obsolete camera into space that takes these small crap pictures, aside from the fact that these released pictures are complete fabrications and have not got one pixel from space mind you. Why do you think they put color adjustments on the rovers, if there are any rovers? Do you know way back Polaroid made a stick camera for $29.95 that was the size of a couple Pez dispensers (a candy) that produced a 64K picture. Do you believe they sent something like that on Clementine? How about these rover panoramas 7 frames high and 12 wide mosaics that are 3 megabytes. Do you believe that one. (I think that one is hilarious) 


Back to the face picture. I did a screw up on the left side. In a picture like this one the picture is completely filled without a gap. All the images will fit together perfectly. A quick indication I screwed up is the small face that is not colored. What happened? There are 2 layers with this size figure. I got off one layer and onto another one. On this type of picture you can tell. Other types you can't and generation 2 pictures added depth and one character can be behind another and you can never really be sure. Oh you can be sure you highlighted characters but you will not be sure if you have solved a layer correctly. Specially if the picture has more than one layer with figures the same size. So on the left of this picture when you go to make large figures out of small ones things are distorted. Also it points to one more thing, there are large characters for each of the layers this size and they are different. So there is much more to this picture than I showed you. I managed to show you what's hidden in the picture but, not very well.

At this point it is scrap and I might as well just start over from the beginning and do it much more carefully. These can get very time consuming fast. I tried to do this on the fly. I did the Apollo foot picture and picked up this one from WIKI. Went to sleep without looking at it and then tried to quickly zap it for you and get it to you quick. That was a mistake, while I go over it again you might try doing the picture too. One of you might solve the other layer than the one I do.


I received a couple of questions. Why are the smart guys always from India. And no, relax guys I don't consider the adds you mail service add to your mail spam. My previous warnings were to people that send full page adds for Rogaine and Viagra and stuff like that.

First the guy from India, I appreciate  you are making leaps and bounds with selecting colors to find stuff on Hubble pictures. You are one of the guys that would be posting what you find in the simple before 1970 pictures if you hadn't jumped way ahead on your own.

For the guy asking about the animals and you can't see them, Thanks for looking. I will reply mail you a quick and dirty about where they are. The old style single color bla type paint on them so children can't make out what's around them. You'll have to flip between the brightened original and this to see. this is not fit content for this forum. Here if you want to look for animals this one is safe. The thing has a black locomotive one direction and a white one the other and the main theme seems to be things found on the rail road tracks. There are sections of track stamped all over it and again there is not one pixel from space.

International law says a photo whole or in part belongs to the photographer. So, while I am jumping through hoops for you guys I am selecting a photo of grass that I seamlessly tiled to show you and developing one with subliminals I am putting in it to show you also. You can use these free to tile on your desktop background to inspect my work. I did make the claim I seamlessly tile. Remember I'm putting subliminals in one, that's how I know for certain they are there. It will be ready for you soon.

Well strike that I tried making it smaller and I still can't post so I'm out of here. Remember I said if you apply yourselves. I'd rather spend some time with the old lady anyway.



please watch the whole video without interruption.

this is the first part of a Saturn V launch(largest rocket ever built in history) at 500 frames per second of Apollo 11. intense!

Saturn V rockets were far more massive and fueled then ICBM's and ICBM's can make it to space, flying through the Van Allen belt gives an ex-poser of just 4 Pet scans max traveling through at their velocity through the Van Allen belt, if you wish me to prove this then I already did on a previous post about how much radiation that is ex-posed to astronauts during exit and re-entry upon return to Earth, if you don't understand by now then you are just babbling with out any scientific data to back you up.

Astronauts would have minimal problems going to the Moon and back, although progressive trips by the same individuals might of posed a health problem in the long run. 

there is nothing in the recorded physics evidence that supports any failure of man not being able to go to the Moon and back, if you think you have evidence then I would love to challenge you.

did you know it is 1/6th easier to land on the Moon as it is on Earth? this is a fact.

landing on Earth is 6 times more dangerous than landing on the moon! yet it was done quite frequently.