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Started by nicbordeaux, October 03, 2009, 04:58:49 PM

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@Nicbordeaux. Many thanks for the video, which I found interesting. As you say, you show principles rather than working devices. Then you say words to the effect "I could show you working devices, BELIEVE ME." Please do not take offence, but with the best will in the world, I find it difficult to believe you.
       I want you to imagine the second coming of Christ. He beams himself down in your local market place. He walks across to you and says,"I am the son of God, believe me." Would you believe him? You are unconvinced. He claims supernatural abilities, such as levitation. You mutter something about David Blaine and David Copperfield, and walk away. The next guy he approaches might Bel;ieve because he has a deep need to believe. Throughout my life, I have been far to gullible for my own good. However. having spent hundreds of pounds on building Trawoegers pyramid, Mylows wheel, Archer Quins wheel, etc, I am starting to see the light. It has been said that extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof.
       Now its my turn to ask you to believe me. I would LOVE to believe you, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. It is not in my nature to be offensive to anyone ,particularly a "hands on" person such as yourself. But please try to see my point of view. Regards, Neptune.


When logic and proportion Have fallen
Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall


Quote from: neptune on October 08, 2009, 03:04:05 PM
@Nicbordeaux. Many thanks for the video, which I found interesting. As you say, you show principles rather than working devices. Then you say words to the effect "I could show you working devices, BELIEVE ME." Please do not take offence, but with the best will in the world, I find it difficult to believe you.
       I want you to imagine the second coming of Christ. He beams himself down in your local market place. He walks across to you and says,"I am the son of God, believe me." Would you believe him? You are unconvinced. He claims supernatural abilities, such as levitation. You mutter something about David Blaine and David Copperfield, and walk away. The next guy he approaches might Bel;ieve because he has a deep need to believe. Throughout my life, I have been far to gullible for my own good. However. having spent hundreds of pounds on building Trawoegers pyramid, Mylows wheel, Archer Quins wheel, etc, I am starting to see the light. It has been said that extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof.
       Now its my turn to ask you to believe me. I would LOVE to believe you, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. It is not in my nature to be offensive to anyone ,particularly a "hands on" person such as yourself. But please try to see my point of view. Regards, Neptune.


Thx a lot for that one, this is the most nicely formulated intelligent response I've had so far. I am in total agreement with you. I am a non-believer. But not an atheist. My critical sense is too strong for my own good (who was it who said something like "The only thing I believe in is belief, unfortunately I don't believe". Statistics to which I give some credence (because I have a telescope) lead me to think that life has most certainly evolved elsewhere in the universe. Which doesn't mean I expect aliens to land in my garden, or that I join any UFO forums or bother unduly about the things. I might if there were a quick buck to made out o' aliens, but that guy Von Daniken pretty much spoiled the market.

You ask me what I'll do when the second coming happens and I'm at the market, a guy beams himself down, walks up and claims to be Jesus ? Would I ask him for a passport or a driving licence? No, it might be a fake. I'd ask this lad to transmute something heavy into gold. Then if he did, I'd believe him. After having done a touch test and a density check on the gold, you never know, could be a can of spray. I'd let him sleep under the hedge, give him a lump of cheese and a 5 liter cannister of cheapo red plonk a day. Or let him use my computer. Or I might ask him to explain himself about the state of the world, 'tis all very well turning up every 2000 odd years for a hol, then going off and letting things get into the state they've been in for the past two millenium.

So, let's move on to saint Thomas, who if I'm not mistaken only believed what he saw (how he got a sainthood with that attitude I prefer not to imagine). Let's say you, Neptune, are this St Thomas person and you've dropped a message onto my computer by some means which is a little beyond my full comprehension, although I do grasp the concept.

So Saint Thomas, I've shown you a drawing first with quite a bit of writing. Then in spite of the fact that I had initially no intention doing so at this point in time I've shown you a video which illustrates the concept quite admirably, I must say. You could put 2 and 2 together if you had this actual simple device in your garden shed, simply by feeling it's balance shift, by having a weight properly fixed atop the revolving balance distribution wheel, not a free-resting couple of lengths of lead pipe I nabbed from the dump, and a massive file I can't remember where I got. And why would I use this kind o' lousy setup ? 'Coz I dismantled the contraption long ago to experiment other better gizmos, and had to throw it back together in a fashion to show ye how it works. At least try, anyway.

Let us move a step further : in the vid I point out that the wheel system is imperfect. Two reasons : too gradual a shift in weight; a necesisty to keep vertical without detracting from the potential impetus of the whopping great stone affixed to the other end. Let me adress the first issue (and completely forget about the second one 'coz there's a way around it even if it's nor very good): you want magnets. "oh no, not another magnet freak" do I hear you groan ? Nah, on yer bike with the mags, their only use is for fixing things. In this particular instance, a metal plate is affixed (not by magic, by a decent sized bolt) below the right end of the device, that upon which the horizontal wheel resteth. To this metal plate, by means of wire round many times through cunningly drilled holes, I affix 2 neo mags of a nominal 28 kg force. Better safe than sorry. By means of experimentation, I determine at what distance plates of lead fixed to the metal plate (atop the mags, right ?) should stop the magnets, eg determine their hold power. Once this tuning done, once I've found out what thickness of lead I need for the mags to stick to a metal plate on the frame (wood thing in video), the revolving wheel end of lever can be bought down to kiss the said chassis plate and stay fixed. This of course with the weight on horizontal at maximum distance, eg it slightly overbalances the lever donwards (you could rightly argue that the lead and mags should be on the wood box thing, not the lever, but 'twas all trial and error, so that's how it emerged). The horizontal wheel is then set in motion by the pressure of a finger push. It will revolve almost 180° before the mags let go, and the whole contraption smacks downwards producing energy. Debunkers have objected that the weight of the horizontal wheel subtracts from the total potential of the system. Of course it does, it's bluidy obvious innit, Thomas? But not enough to render the device unimpressive (substitue "unuseful" or any other adj).

Now then, what about the return, 'tis all very well smacking a rock on the end o' a lever into a piece o' wood Paddy, but ya won't be growing any potatoes that way" ? The return, Saint Thomas, is devastatingly simple. Ye have a length o' rope with a wee slack in it affixed at t'one end to a wall or a rock, or the wife, at 'other end o' your piece o' string you tie a knot to one of them spoke nipples on the bike wheel, so that a mite before the whopping rock smacks into the wood, said wheel with weight gets pulled 180° (I did mention either in the vid or the pic with writing that 180° was a good idea didn't I ?), and then of it's own accord, the whole darned contraption balances back the other way after impact, and if it takes half a day it don't matter in the slightest you'd believe. Wrong, it does matter, otherwise the wheel would start rotating the wrong way before them mags got hold o' where they started out from. Or you'd need more mags to hold the wheel, and things would get pretty much outta control what with all that smacking the rock about and stuff called "variables" which is a cunning word for sod's law.

And then what hapens ? Absolutely nowt, unless you have a trained monkey to give the wheel a wee push to set the whole mess doin' another performance.

So, a more serious tone now to show that we're talking about a quite different matter. I wanted to gradually out this thing, because if people start running around buying bike wheels and 28 kg neos and great metal beams and whatnot, I don't want to be held responsable, because it's very likely that they'll not fully comprehend what I'm on about, or miss something, therefore doing their bank accounts and selves some damage. The description I've given you is perfectly true, it's what I've done, but it took a long while to work out where to mount the wheel, where to tie the string to the wall in relation to the device in both vertical and horizontal planes, what length of lever to use either side, the proportion of the weights to each other, and a whole load of other "variables" (see above).

Also, that's just the principle, and the device is a load evolved now, to the point I've lost interest in thinking about improving it, and I'd even say that given the ballyhoo and aggro on some other forum, I wish I'd just kept mum about the whole thing. A final word on this particular concept: the moving about o' the weight in relation to the lever is now very fast, and don't require wheels or nuffink o' the sort of nonesense like that.

So, Neptune, had you not been a nice person and polite with that, it'd have ended up about half an hour ago with me removing all references to this whole thing. Now it could well wait 'till tommorow, but maybe not, we'll see how I feel after a cuppa and a fag. My advice to you is download the vids on youtube and also the drawing on flickr, 'coz I'm pulling that too.

That way you'll either have the real mcoy, or have evidence of having exchanged involved correspondance with one of the greatest aggravated baloney artists ever.

Above all, before trying anything silly like building this contraption, spending money or else, please PM me, I'll give you an email address, and we can look at this right and proper.


@Nicbordeaux. Many thanks  It is nice of you to reply. This is a brief response coz I am supposed to be working.[I am self employed]. It is nice to know that you have a similar sense of humour to myself. I will send you a PM this evening.


@nicbordeaux I have sent you a PM with my email. Let me know here if you have problems, Regards Neptune.