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Global Warming

Started by PaulLowrance, November 25, 2009, 08:45:51 AM

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ResinRat and Silverfish have expanded on my approach to information and my position quite accurately.

Bill...can Obomba really sign away US soverignty if he does not hold the office legally due to his foreign birth orign ?

To me, that seems to be an interesting point of contention.



Well the way the constitution was built means that technically he can't sign the thing in the first place, or at least sign it in accordance with his possition as president.  If he does sign it and it can't go into law, or at least until it is passed through the house and senate.  And if he does sign it in accordance with his posistion as president of the US and it does not pass, then it is illegal, just like NAFTA.  But NAFTA should give you an indication as to what can happen if the house and senate do not step in and use there power.


  America's sovereignty, prosperity and economic independence are all at stake. This is NOT a green or environmental issue. The Copenhagen Climate Treaty is nothing short of a scam to lead our great nation into servitude.

The United States of America was born as an independent, sovereign, nation in July of 1776, when our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. The sovereign and independent status that America has cherished for over 200 years may come to an abrupt end if Barack Obama signs the Copenhagen Climate Treaty.

What is the Copenhagen Climate Treaty?

The Copenhagen Treaty has two stated goals:

·   Transfer wealth from Industrial Nations (The United States) to Developing Countries.
·   Dictate energy use and consumption to Industrial Nations (The United States)

Now, just so we are clear...

·   Goal Number One is Global Socialism
·   Goal Number Two is a Global Dictatorship

The Copenhagen Climate Treaty audaciously states:

Industrialized countries have a dual obligation under the Treaty, representing their overall responsibility for keeping the world within the limits of the global carbon budget and ensuring that adaptation to the impacts of climate change is possible for the most vulnerable. This dual binding obligation takes the form of emissions reductions as well as the provision of support to developing countries

Lord Christopher Monckton, the former advisor for science policy to former British Prime Minister, and former President Ronald Reagan ally, Lady Margaret Thatcher, believes that if the U.S. signs any climate treaty coming out of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, it could subject the United States to a global dictatorship.
"This treaty of Copenhagen, which is going to be negotiated by the states' parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,(http://unfccc.int/2860.php) is going to...establish for the first time in human history a global government," he warns.
The devastating immediate economic impact of the Copenhagen Climate Treaty:

·   Limit manufacturing in the U.S. by cap and trade regulations = Loss of Jobs
·   Limit personal consumption of energy by law and costs = Loss of Freedom
·   Hyper Energy cost Inflation
·   ALL goods and materials to become more expensive = Double Digit Inflation
·   Transportation to become more expensive = $10 per gallon gas prices
·   Halt the US Recovery = Prolonged Recession / Depression
·   Assure and accelerate the shift of economic growth and profitability from the U.S to emerging markets = Loss of Opportunity
·   Increase Imports for emerging countries who will not be subject to the same carbon emissions limits = Unfair Competition, Increased Trade Deficit
·   Cause the U.S. to become an even greater debtor while China becomes an even bigger creditor = More Red Debt
·   Add momentum to the movement away from the U.S. Dollar toward an alternate single or composite world reserve currency = One World Currency
·   Increase the cost of Treasury borrowings = Ballooning Deficit
·   Drive up federal and state taxes = Suffocating Taxes

During a visit to Germany in the midst of the Presidential Campaign last year, Barack Hussein Obama declared, "I am a citizen of the world." In front of one million adoring Germans, Obama had announced to the world that he indeed prioritized globalism over patriotism.

The U. S. Constitution mandates that treaty ratification must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds majority in the U.S. Senate. This would normally be a tall order for any President, if said President valued the Constitution.

An Obama advisor once said that he [Obama] regarded the U.S. Constitution as merely a piece of paper...and he saw it as a barrier to the things that the Left around the world want to do â€" and, therefore, they were going to find ways of circumventing it.

Let's compare the Copenhagen Climate Treaty to Cap & Trade.

The Wall Street Journal called Cap & Trade "the biggest tax in American history" and The Washington Times reported that cap-and-trade legislation will levy a $3.6 trillion gas-tax increase that will impact every American and important segments of our economy.

Cap & Trade will cause massive inflation, record unemployment and entire industrial sectors will flee the country in search of profits.

As dreadful as Cap & Trade would be for the United States economy, if the Copenhagen Climate Treaty is signed and ratified, it will be far more dangerous to the economic and political future of this country.

The Copenhagen Climate Treaty will strip America of its Sovereignty, and subject us to laws, rules and huge taxes levied by a one-world, leftist, elitist governing body that wants to steal America's wealth to punish us for our success as a nation. Worst of all, Americans will NOT have the power to vote these elitists out of office, impeach them, or hold them accountable in any way whatsoever.

THIS MAY BE THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OF OUR LIFETIME. If we do not stand firm and united against this treasonous treaty, the greatest country in the world may be forever subservient to a One World Order and it will have happened on our watch.
The function of science is to make observations and measurements and to find correlations between the observed facts.


Which ever way you look at it the US should not sign the thing, and i hope we don't just like the Kyoto Pact


Nice job explaining it PhiScience.

The Globalists (for sure this includes his Highness Obama) want to circumvent the US Consititution by perverting the "law of the land" phrase that the US Constitution stipulates in regard to Treaties.

Once a Treaty is ratified it becomes the "law of the land."; and these globalists interpret that as superceding the US Constitution and its laws. In effect, it is the loss of sovereinty for the United States. Sign enough Treaties and you can basically sign every law and clause of the US Constitution away to a global government. Notice how every one of these rotten agreements (GATT, NAFTA, Kyoto, etc.) were Treaties. That is the reason why. What a sinister and underhanded way of destroying the US Constitution.
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