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the "elites" plan to adjust the earths orbit ! (long).

Started by nitinnun, December 20, 2009, 10:01:39 PM

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Quote from: MileHigh on December 21, 2009, 01:22:34 AM
For what it's worth permit me to paraphrase you and change a word or two:

i don't understand,
how you understand this.


because i see the larger picture.
and what i posted makes perfect sense,
in the larger picture.

you need only look at google earth,
and imagine that norway is the north pole,
and new zealand is the south pole,
to see how vastly the climate change would profit the greedy.

and we have a limitless abundance of greed, on hand.

as early as 1954,
the "elites" understood that overpopulation,
would eventually destroy all quality of life on this planet.

sometime between then and now,
they decided that an orbital re-adjustment,
was the easiest way to kill off most of the excess population,
without "permanently" damaging the environment.

they tried war,
engineered diseases,
and more.

hoping that these less serious things,
would do the job.

because as effective as the orbit method was,
it was and is extremely dangerous.

if they messed it up,
they could kill "everything" on earth.
not just the selected population.

but the other methods aren't killing us fast enough or effective enough.

and enough of us have become aware enough of our economic slavery,
that we are threatening to end their gravy train.

so the "elites" have chosen the orbital re-adjustment method after all.

in the small hopes,
that it kills enough people,
that they get to continue pretending to run the world.

the norway spiral,
was one of the HAARP facilities,
that is tilting earths orbit.

that they showed it off at night time,
24 hours before obama's nobel peace prize ceremony,
was no different than them flipping the bird at the world with one hand,
while pointing a gun with the other hand.

you may ask me any question you like,
regarding why i think my theory is accurate.

but if you are not careful with your words,
i might not respond to you.


I do know that they plan to return the bulk of the US back to greenery...so shifting the planets axis to align the largest land mass to the temperate zone makes sense.

Also...none of us really know the full potential of HAARP, so anything is possible.



I can only make one comment and that is that England is the Mecca of the Illuminati. They would never let any harm come to it.


Quote from: nitinnun on December 21, 2009, 02:25:13 AM
they tried war,
engineered diseases,
and more.
In short, they are pretty bloody useless.


Quote from: nitinnun on December 20, 2009, 10:01:39 PM
i am aware of how profoundly distasteful this thread is going to be,
to many of you.

but there is a greater than 80% probability,
that this post is exactly what the "elites" are planning.

there for,
NONE of us can afford to dismiss this thread !

please copy the URL of this post,
onto other websites.

our best chance,
is for as many people as possible,
to read this.

the norway spiral,
was most likely caused with millions of high frequency volts,
by a HAARP facility.
(possibly BILLIONS of volts.)

millions of high frequency volts,
has the ability,
to adjust the earths orbit.

the earths orbit is electro-magnetic,
and responds to electro-magnetism.

there for,
millions of high frequency volts,
definitely has the ability,
to adjust the earths orbit !

this adjustment,
would only have to be SLIGHT,
to change the earths orbit.

so that over time,
the orbital adjustment,
would grow larger and larger.

because most of you are smart enough,
to realize how easy it is,
to imbalance a spinning wheel,
if the wheels center is even slightly off-center.

in fact,
the many spirals that have been seen over the world,
have ALL been HAARP adjustments !

so that the orbital adjustment is being done,
with as much precision as possible !

the elites have ALREADY made this orbital adjustment.
the earth is ALREADY changing its orbit.

this is the cause of all the abnormal weather.
and the cause of the abnormal orbit of the moon.

it is the EARTHS orbit that is changing !
the MOONS orbit is staying the same !
EARTH is abnormally spinning, NOT the moon !

i suspect that they plan to stop the orbit adjustment,
once norway is the north pole,
and new zealand is the south pole.

and that another spiral will be seen,
around new zealand in the next few weeks,
as part of this orbital adjustment process.

this orbital adjustment,
would likely increase the amount of usable farmland on the planet,
by twice or more of what it is now.

north africa and the middle east,
would become lush grassland.

east russia would become temperate.

west canada and alaska would become temperate.

west austrailia would become lush grassland.

most of antarctica would become temperate to warm.

japan would become a little warmer.

east china would become pleasantly cooler.

india would become pleasantly cooler.

yet south africa would become lifeless desert.

east austrailia would become arctic to tundra.

england would become permafrost.

most of west europe would become remarkably colder.
(west europeans would move in masses, to north africa.
because of the short distance, and lack of current lack of crowding.)

i think the "elites" plan for much of the population to die from violent weather/floods,
and most of the rest to die,
from not being able to move fast enough,
from a cold/hot place,
to a milder place.

for years i have known,
that a large number of rich people,
were moving themselves to the state of minnesota,
in the US.

the rich people have been heavily setting up ethanol plants,
and ethanol gas stations there.
to power their vehicles and homes.

even though CURRENTLY,
minnesota has very hostile winters.

there is an old saying.
that if you want to get rich,
you place your money in the same place that rich people place their money.

and large numbers of rich people,
have been placing their most valuable asset of all,
in minnesota.

their families,
and their basic living environment !

because this large number of rich people EXPECT west canada,
which is relatively close to minneapolis,
to become much more inhabitable,
in the near future.

they want to take advantage of west canada's future climate,
and future availability of thawed out natural resources.

by living close enough to the future changes,
yet living close enough to the current industrial/agricultural support of the midwest,
to benefit from both.

the above,
is why north america and russia,
have been the strongest of secret allies,
for decades.

because the "elites" planned this orbital adjustment decades ago,
told the russians about it,
and the russians became strong allies as a result.

because this change HEAVILY benefitted both of them.
and because if they remained enemies after the adjustment,
than they would be direct enemies.

when there was no need for them, to be direct enemies.

this is also why the "elites",
have been moving large number of third world persons,
to west europe and england.

because when west europe and england become an arctic grave site,
all the richer,
more organized,
and more resourceful people,
will move to north africa and the middle east.

and expect the third worlders,
to die before they could escape from west europe,
and from england !

it is also why the "elites" have been working with the mexican government,
to transport large numbers of lower class persons,
from mexico and middle america,
to the south west united states,
and to the west coast.

because the "elites" expect the rapidly melting,
FORMER-polar ice caps,
to greatly raise the water levels of the oceans.

for the rapidly raising ocean levels,
to FLOOD the low elevation land,
of the south west and west coast.

for the lower class mexicans and central amiercans to DROWN,
before they could escape the south west,
and from the west coast !

in fact,
the elites plan for the rapidly raising ocean levels,
to drown EVERYONE who lives too close,
to low-elevation coastal area's.

they figure that anyone who is smart enough,
to already be living in safety when the floods come,
must deserve to live.

if you think about it,
it makes PERFECT strategic sense.

the earth becomes far more fertile.

the new climate would be colder and wetter.
which encourages western european style civilization.

instead of hotter and dryer.
which encourages third world country conditions.

such as readily available food,
a lack of incentive to cooperate in order to survive,
a great incentive to become a violent stupid bastard,
JUST to protect yourself against other violent stupid bastards,
and no "russian eviction" option.

(burning down the house and food supplies,
of someone you hate during the winter,
to kill them with hypothermia and starvation.)

(so that they are quickly and certainly removed from your environment,
with no chance to return.)

Nittinun, your posts are interesting, provocative, and I agree with much of what you say. But I have a problem with this one. There is NO evidence that the ice caps are melting, when you look at the big picture. There is NO evidence that the sea levels are rising, in fact, if anything they are falling slightly. Al Gore's premise that this is going to drown us, and Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about wildly inflated sea levels, way above the UN stated levels, is pure nonsense and propaganda. The ice caps are not going to melt. They expand and contract, just as they have always done. In fact, 85-90 of the glaciers are thickening, although it is not deemed politically correct to admit it, by slick con-men, liars and fakers like Al Gore. The polar bears are 3 times more abundant than they were 50 years ago. They can swim, and they aren't going to die because we can't pay our carbon taxes.

This talk about melting ice caps is a bit thick. Look, I am freezing my t*ts off in snowy London, I have a clear sense we are heading for an ice age, you can believe in this global warming melting cap nonsense if you prefer.

What is not being talked about is the 500 per cent increase in underwater volcanic activity over the last 10 years, not talked about, naturally.  Icebergs are melting, and drifting over to New Zealand and Australia? of course they are! one reason might be because of the massive increase in thermal output from underwater volcanoes, and the evidence for this is increasing every day, including recent news from the philippines - www.iceagenow.com.

The Earth has been cooling for the past ten years, and Gore is a liar and a fraud - the sea levels are NOT rising, we are not going to be flooded, whatever Arnold Schwarzenegger says. Yes, he was excellent in Terminator, but just because he can act, well, kind of -  doesn't make him a great statesman, any more than B movie actor Ronald Reagan made a great president. I mean, come on, guys, all these people are related - look at their bloodlines. John Kerry, George Bush, supposed 'antagonists' -that's a laugh. Same secret society, skull and bones. Nether prepared to talk about it on national television when questioned. Colin Powell, same bloodline. Clinton, Rockefeller offspring question. Prescott Bush, funding the Nazis. We have a religion of DNA thrust upon us on national television - all we hear about today is DNA, what diseases we can cure with it, how important this is,
why population control is so important, why we should be adding lithium to the water supply in addition to the toxins that are already there.


Question everything you read, including this post. Find out for yourselves.

Yes, it's going to get colder and wetter, whatever the climate alarmists say. But melting icecaps and rising sea levels? somehow, I don't think so.