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Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Circuit / A First Application on a Hot Water Cylinder

Started by Rosemary Ainslie, July 18, 2010, 10:42:04 AM

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Rosemary Ainslie

many thanks indeed Jesus.  You're so well named.   ;D  I was hoping you'd be around. 

Kindest regards,

Rosemary Ainslie

Hi Guys,

I'm doing a lot of work off forum and some of it needs record.  This is just a conceptual explanation of current flow and only for those that may be interested.

Dear ******

Here's how I see current flow.

For now, I assume that matter forms and accretes from nebulae - and I propose that the nebulae themselves are 'broken strings of zipons that have manifested out of the 'universal field' through some disruption to their balanced string formation to become chaotic truants.  Then the simple particles form from out of those truants  become the photons, and the electrons.  Then the 'accretion' of that matter progresses and they form the proton and with it the first hydrogen atom.  Here's the thing.  For every atom that gradually forms in that nebulae - with it comes a 'necklace' or a one dimensional 'string' of zipons.  This belongs to that atom.  I don't know the ratio of these fields - these 'necklaces'  to atoms.  By which I mean that I don't know if there are 10 zipons per string or 10 000 per string.  But I need these fields.  That way, when two or more hydrogen atoms (the most simple atom) share the same space, so to speak,  then, albeit that they're mutually repulsive - they are bound by these hidden fields that can adjust their orbit to balance the opposing charge in those hydrogen atoms.   So.  In the very beginning - when matter first manifests as atoms, then we get these subtle fields.  They resist the bigger universal field - which means that they're 'self supporting'.  And yet they belong to the material of the atom without ever becoming a part of the atom.  Like a hidden police force that keeps order in the neighbourhood. If they were not there then the structure of a sun would not be able to 'hold together'.  The sun is possibly not the best example of these fields as - at a critical mass, the most of them move to a  chaotic distribution of truants.  But in even in this chaotic state they remain 'localised' looking for some boundary interaction where they can peel away from the structure as radiant energy.

The proposal is that these fields remain with the atom - even as some of the atoms develop into more complex structures.  It's proposed that the complexity in the growth of the atom is at the expense of the zipons in the atoms' energy levels.  But those 'binding fields' stay with that atom - but outside that atom however complex or simple is that atom.   Therefore at whatever stage of development - of those developing atoms - and provided only that there are two or more such atoms - then those hidden 'necklaces' stay within that structure and bind it into a three dimensional object.  That's where they started. And, forever after, when planets are formed from those parts of the original sun that maybe escaped or exploded away from the sun - they stay with those atoms and - forever - organise them and sort out their crystalline structures - and hold them together in a condition of 'best balance'.  They are NOT a part of the atoms' energy levels.  But they are still just magnetic fields - exactly as I propose are the atoms' energy levels.  The difference is that the atom's energy levels are 2 dimensional whereas these little fields are 1 dimensional.

So.  This means - that on every level, whether we're looking at a TV screen or a computer or an electric kettle or anything at all that is a visible representation of multiple atoms - then what we do not see are these little fields that bind those atoms into that amalgam.

Now this holds for liquids and solids and it holds for suns.  But it does not apply to all gases.  However, anything with a 3 dimensional structure - then these strings determine their shape and the distribution of the atoms within that shape.  And they always move to a condition of balance or 'best balance'.  They obit at 2C and are thereby too small and too fast for even light to find them.   And they only interact with the atoms' energy levels, NOT with the particles in those energy levels.  Break those strings - introduce chaos - prevent that orbit - then the field of zipons becomes the hot, slow visible state where it is otherwise the cold, fast invisible state.

A battery mix is either alkaline or acid.  It has an innate imbalance.  The fields that bind the material in that mix - offer an alternate charge to the atoms in the mix.  But if the net charge of the atoms and therefore the molecules in that mix is predominantly negative then these binding fields would spin to present a positive charge - and vice versa.  If these binding fields were all therefore predominantly positive - then these fields themselves would be mutually repulsive.  Therefore the mix would be inherently 'chaotic' lacking the balance that is required to allow the fields their best 'rest' position.   It's just the other face of the same coin.  Given a critical imbalance then these binding fields would also 'catch fire'  in the same way that the sun 'catches fire'.

Now the one thing that magnets can't do is change their justification.  If a north of one magnet is presented to another north - then they repel.  Left to their own devices and within a required proximity the one magnet may readjust it's alignment by physically moving in space and then through space to attach the appropriate pole to the juxtaposed magnet.  These binding magnetic fields have that same problem inside that battery mix.  They can't just realign their spins to get that balance.  Somehow the 'charge' of the atoms and molecules determines their own charge.  And that's inviolate.  However.  Just as a permanent magnet can present an alternate pole it if can first adjust through space, so can these zipons adjust their polar property if they can move through space to alter that 'spin'.  This 'chance' or opportunity is offered by the conductive property in the material of circuit components.  Effectively if they leave the mix as a north - then they can re-enter the mix as a south.  They then present the required charge to enable an alternate spin.  When this is managed then they can re-align the atoms into different molecular structures until that elusive 'balance' is obtained.  It's subtle *****.  Its the difference between exiting the north pole - say, of our earth and re-entering the south pole.  The re-entry is the absolute opposite charge to the exit.  From that point of the orbit - back to the north pole from inside the earth - there is an entirely different and opposite charge of that field.  The same with the re-entry of these fields through the negative or positive terminal.  It's the precise opposite of the previous charge. Effectively they've managed to change the presentation of that spin to achieve that required charge balance inside that mix in the same way that permanent magnets can present the required charge when it aligns with another magnet.  The visible evidence is the re-arrangement of the molecules in that mix.  They systematically 'lose' that imbalanced molecular charged condition to become neutral.  A quiet best balance 'rest' position.   But the proposal is that this rearrangement was managed by these binding zipons - not by the atoms themselves as is proposed by mainstream.

Now.  Back to that movement through the circuit components as current flow.  Here's the thing.  With copper - we know that it has balanced valence electrons in their outer energy levels.  This means that those binding fields are really comfortable.  Perfect symmetry.  Pauli's exclusion principle determines that no two electrons can have the same path.  Remember that the proposal is that electrons are 'trapped' between energy levels.  Therefore two outer energy levels would clearly be presenting two alternate spins. Two alternate charges.  The one energy level would be clockwise say, while the other would be anti clockwise.  Perfect symmetry.  Therefore we may assume that this balanced condition would also somehow be reflected in their binding zipon fields.  The proposal is that zipons only interact with other zipons.  Therefore it is proposed that they're interacting only with those two energy levels.   Which also means that for every north binding field there would be a south binding field to accommodate both 'exterior' justifications of those energy levels.  Not exactly two binding fields - just one binding field describing a figure '8' perhaps,  to accommodate both charge properties in those energy levels.

Then from 'left field' so to speak that copper structure is exposed to a magnetic force that is coming from the discharge of current flow - the discharge of magnetic fields - from the supply source.  It has a justification.  Let's call it a North.  Therefore it repels ALL the norths in its path.  This means that one half of all those binding fields in the copper - are 'repelled'.  They literally move outside the structure and 'hang around' orbiting and waiting for a chance to get back in - go home - so to speak.  And their position is replaced by the north from the current flow.  A graduated series of interactions within that structure as they move at 2C through that structure.  In effect, the balance in that wire allows the easy passage of that current flow because the north field was already there.  It takes the place of the repelled field.  No resistance.  In a way the wire has simply 'opened it's throat' to allow the flow of this Northward bound zipon field.  And - in doing so, it's forced out the north field that it previously held those atoms bound.

When it comes to a resistive element we have a problem.  Here there is no balanced valence condition.  Too many atoms with a like charge - bound by too many zipon fields with a like charge.  Effectively the crystalline structure of that resistive wire has been chaotically managed to get to the required rest state.  Just too many norths or too many souths - and the structure verges on chaotic.  But here's what's proposed.  By a random distribution of those repulsive fields throughout the structure then the best balance - albeit tenuous - is managed.  If, for instance, one arranged a series of inherently repulsive atoms into a circle - then - in the mind's eye one can see that an artificial 'balance' could be maintained the one half of that circle presenting the polar opposite of the other.  The quantum result would be an arrangement of those atoms and molecules that are positioned such that there are as many norths as souths.  Many such circles would still remain chaotic.  The crystalline structure would still be random. But their their quantum value would present an apparent 'rest condition' with an apparent 'balance' in that charge distribution.

Now.  This material is also presented with a flow of moving zipons that are still Northward bound.  Then those fields of  zipons holding the atoms in their 'northerly' justification are all expelled - exactly as they were in the copper.  And these expelled fields still extrude the structure itself and orbit - also waiting for their 'chance' to re-enter their 'abode'.   But this time there's a problem.  By 'kicking out' those binding fields has imbalanced that tenuous positioning of charge distribution of those fields remaining inside that material of the resistor.  This imbalances the remaining zipons.  And they all start unravelling.  As they unravel they change from their previous cold fast hidden condition to a hot slow visible condition.  In effect it is like a spark that grows into a fire but it's held bound within the material of the resistor itself.  A graduated process.

I think I must stop here.  There's more to explain regarding the quantity of expelled zipons that enable that 'resonance'.  But for now, I think this is enough.  I've only used pictures here *****.  But I need to explain where the quantity of the expelled zipons as a result of this 'flow of charge' actually enables the benefit that we require.  Effectively 'thin' wire does not allow sufficient 'expelled' zipons.  And we need sufficiency to ensure a high enough voltage.  I'm glad you called for this exercise.  It was long overdue.

Kindest regards,

Rosemary Ainslie

Guys, these emails I hope are self explanatory.  And Glen - if you post here again - just know I'll delete it.

Dear Bob.

Hi again.  If you don't mind I'll be posting the whole of this series emails on the thread.  It will vindicate the comments and show justification for my intention to delete any further posts from TheCell AKA FuzzyTomCat AKA Glen Lettenmaier.  I'll alert Stefan to this but he's away for a few weeks.  It seems that this is an example of while the mouse is away the cat plays.  LOL.

Kindest regards,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rosemary Ainslie <ainslie@mweb.co.za>
Date: 08 August 2010 9:17:27 AM
To: Bob Potchen <bob@TheCell.com>
Subject: Your message

Dear Bob,

Was surprised that I can still be reached on the message system through EF.Com.  They disabled this long before they actually banned me.

Also delighted to lean that this is not you.  I realise now that it's Glen - exactly as he always writes - and I should have realised as much.  Where has Farrah gone?  Miss her posts very much.

Kindest regards,
This is a message from TheCell at Energetic Forum ( http://www.energeticforum.com/ ). The Energetic Forum owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

To email TheCell, you can use this online form:

OR, by email:

This is the message:

Dear Rosemary,

Thank you for identifying the differences in writing style between the Overunity THECELL (no space) and myself.....If you are able, can that name be withdrawn or required to be changed....

All my best,

Bob Potchen

Rosemary Ainslie

Hi guys, in the face of this latest intervention by Glen - I'm now utterly disgusted and rather determined to 'fight' for my rights and for open source best interests.  What's happening now on EF.com is nothing short of fraud - conducted under the full knowledge and co-operation of their admin.  To which end I've written to them - and - as required - will implement action againt the owners of the forum if required. 

Dear Jillian,

I'm calling on you to advise you that the MOSFET heating circuit thread bears no reference to my own work in this subject as the initiator.  Added to which, now that Aaron has got rid of that the top 20 list - he's also managed to bury my own work - obviously this in close co-operation with yourselves.

I must insist that you either lose that MOSFET heating circuit thread or re-instate my own COP 17 Thread back in that top 20 list and then give it front page prominence - as it was previously referenced. Else, I must conclude that you are co-operating with your members to 'lose' reference to my being the 'discoverer' and the 'initiator' of this circuit technology.  I believe that this is fraud and as such is actionable and I will explore my rights accordingly.

Rosemary Ainslie