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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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I think it would be best for those who, quite logically, believe in our Creator, to ignore mr. inebriated and his inciteful (notice spelling) and derisive posts.

In the following video, Dawkins, arguably the most recognizable atheistic evolutionist in recent years, after spewing a string of immature insults against God, freely admits the possibility of Intelligent Design....and has, ever since, tried to take back his statements.  In the video, I think Dawkins used practically every insult accept "noodly appendage" and "godfairy".


At any rate, I feel it would much more productive to ignore mr. inebriated's comments altogether, as he has continually shown himself to be lacking in self control and intolerant of the ideas and beliefs of others.

Perhaps the most accurate definition of the word "atheist" that I have found is this:

One who thinks he can hurt God by denying His existence.

Darwinian evolution was much more easily used to hoodwink the masses back when the single cell was considered little more than a blob of goo....


But a blob of random gooiness it sure aint!

The most efficient electric motors yet known (publicly) are those belonging to bacteria!  And some 8 million of these nano electric motors, complete with propellor, drive shaft, bushings, universal joint, stator and rotor, would fit in the cross section of a human hair!


Some aspects of reality seem to change the rules when being observed....


But the pessimistic "those primitive believer's brains are half full" crowd never likes to fully address such evidence. 

"Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing." Hebrew King David 1000 BC

Many a shallow researcher will scoff at the primitive myth that God took a rib from Adam to make Eve.  Yet they are usually quiet as a church mouse about the fact that doctors of today often remove up to six ribs at a time from patients for the purpose of bone marrow transplants and DNA research.  Why the rib and not some other bone?  Because, as is common knowledge in the field, the human rib will grow back every single time it is carefully removed, leaving the basal membrane intact.

I guess the Bible writers got lucky and  simply "guessed" correctly out of the 206 bones in the human body.  More and more DNA researchers are abandoning the sinking "Titanic" fraud that is evolution, including the leader of the first team to map the human genome, even writing a book about why He turned to God.

I guess the part about David praising our Father, who sees the embryos of each of us, and has all their parts down in "writing" rings truer than ever these days!

That 'writing' is the genetic code.  And as any programmer worth his salt can tell you, garbage in, garbage out.  Good code, sure don't write itself....unless even it first was written by a good programmer!

As mankind fervently tries to create men in his image, androids, cybernetics, nanoengineering...etc...

It is absolutely escapist, cowardly and foolish to assert with conviction that WE OURSELVES, despite all the earmarks of fantastic engineering prowess....are not created in the image of God.

Just as He said we are.

There's an old joke, goes something like this:

One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a
long way and no longer needed God.

So, they picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with

The scientist walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no
longer need you. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many
miraculous things, so why don't you just go on and get lost."

God listened very patiently and kindly to the man.

After the scientist was done talking, God said, "Very well, how about this?
Let's say we have a man-making contest?"

To which the scientist replied, "Okay, great!"

But God added, "Now, to level the playing field, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam."

The scientist said, "Sure, no problem," and bent down and grabbed himself a
handful of dirt.

God looked at him and said, "No, no, no.  first you go get your own dirt!"

Just as foretold, God is sending Christ to return and reclaim this amazingly engineered ball of dirt, and a remnant of those made from it.  Those who wish to ignore the Grand string of "coincidences" regarding these prophecies, which are being fulfilled to the letter.....

Just as they deem the incomprehensibly complex status of even the simplest life forms as an unfathomably long string of rather propitious coincidences....

Are sorely missing out on the power and ever lasting Reward of Faith!

Blessings all, dear readers, in Yeshua, Jesus Christ

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls--never to rise again. Isaiah 24:20

What would it be like if the world literally "fell over"? Perhaps something like the following....although, unlike the description in the video below, 'fun' would not be a word I'd choose to describe any part of it.


Do you have a ride scheduled to evacuate on that day?  I do.  And there is plenty of room for you as well. But not plenty of time.

His name is Yeshua, Jesus Christ


“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



i know another pld joke.
eskimo: "if i did not know about god and sin, would i go to hell?"
priest: "no, not if you did not know."
eskimo: "then why did you tell me?"

only sheep need a shepherd...
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


I like Pascal's wager.... better to believe and be wrong when I die than to not believe and be wrong when I die. 
If I'm wrong as a believer:  I lived a good life.... even though there really was no point.  Without God or anything after this fragile existence then there is no point in doing good by people.  Love would be a useless chemical reaction and I should be plundering all around me taking anything I want.  Why care about anything but self?  You could cease to exist tomorrow so why not give in to all of the things buried in the back of your head.  I do not see a logical reason for morals without God.  Atheist will argue otherwise .... but this is just to further their cause... the truth is...life goes by so fast... if you're not accountable in the long run for your actions then who really cares?  You might get caught and caged but big deal.  You'll adapt to the cage like criminals today do and live till you cease to exist.  Self control... pfft... for what?  The kindest act one could do, if all of this were the case, is figure out a way to end the planet.  No more suffering for anybody or anything period.  Without people there would be no news at 10pm with a minor fraction of the atrocities of man.  Some would say they don't need God for a moral compass.  To which I say you're a liar.  Your moral compass would be dictated by society around you and whoever is in charge at that time.  If the leader says... no more law... then you would become lawless as your peers.  Sheep.

If I'm right as a believer:
I hopefully lived a good life.  I know I fall all the time.  It's part of life.  I try not to.  I've experienced moments of love and joy that make all of the other angles in life worth it.  I have experienced loss and heartache that sometimes takes those joys away temporarily.  No matter what I do though... it is not good enough.  I am evil.  It's a price for this experience.  Did I sign up for this before I got sent here?  I do not know.  I do know that someone stepped in to pay the toll for my way back.  People ask why pay in blood.... to which I answer.. what is the one thing you love more than anything else?  Your own life.  Life is the only currency we truly have in humanity.  There is nothing more precious or valuable.  Thus;"No greater love hath a man than to lay his life down for a friend".  Would you take a bullet for your best friend?  Knowing the bullet will kill you?  No other thing on this planet to save him but your body moving in it's path to stop it.....Invaluable.  You might say yes... then I'd ask.. what about the homeless guy asking for change on your way to work?  You might consider your life "more valuable".  Even though he might be a vet and sacrificed more in this life than you will ever come close to. 

I can't let my morals be dictated by those around me.  The world has been changing at a rapid pace this past century.  I still hold to the same values that previous generations have and I will continue to do it.  Society will not dictate my beliefs and morals.  Hopefully I wake up from this dream of a reality one day and outside of the construct.  Till then I will always be seeking truth and never settling because society tells me otherwise.

So it's up to you... believe.... and if you're wrong... you'll never know it... or..... not believe.... find out you were wrong.... and risk your soul.  I really do not know if you risk your soul.   Jesus paid the price for all sin.  So sin is dead.  I do not know if being a true non believer really matters.  You just might be covered regardless of if you like it or not.  I hope that pride is disengaged at the point of death for all.  If not I could see Jesus standing there giving people an option... go up the stairs.. or jump in the pit... and I see too many with pride that would jump into the pit. 


Sorry if this is already mentioned, but ain't proof in many people's backyard?

Maybe i get it wrong but..  How many have a solar clock?

See if the time differs and you have an answer about the sun.