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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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Thats out of the Bible and Rabbinic texts, Immanuel Velikovsky describes it well in his Books
The ancients civilisations speaks of 4 days of Nights at one place and 4 days of perpetual day at the next, the volcanic ashes will turn the moon redish blood.

This is well documented, but an ignorant troll like you will once again proove to us that a jugment is needed.


That is just what those with 'ganglike' mentalities want, Atlastired, is for us to descend into the muck and resort to a child's game of name calling.  Let the true characters of all on this thread be highlighted, each of us, by our obvious motives.  That being said....

Mr. Inebriated, since you have absolutely nothing to add other than your childish "godfairy" taunts, why don't you start your own thread in support of your assertions, rather than continually pop in here simply to register your infantile form of disapproval.  Oh, that's right, I forgot that your threads often have a way of self destructing rather quickly. No big surprise.

Surely you have something more personally constructive you could be doing....rather than continually showing your character to be one lacking in respect for the beliefs of others?

"He who doesn't believe in the freedom of speech for those with whom he disagrees, doesn't believe in it at all."

An aphorism in this case, appropo to your displayed character, or lack thereof, goes something like this:

"He who continually mocks the sincere expressions of those with whom he disagrees, doesn't believe in himself at all."

You clearly appear to be of that sort of individual who relishes in "freedom without responsibility", overcompensating for everpresent inferiority complex issues.  You feed on chaos.

I trust that any honest readers can see past your shallow assertions and gather the meat of this thread for themselves, as there is much evidence contained herein.  Enough for honest readers to make up their minds about these things.

Mr. Inebriated, and those whose agendas are by now obvious to most honest readers of this thread, show some character and start your own thread of discussion in support of your theories regarding these things.

It has always been my experience that those who engage in the sophomoric behavior of mocking the sincere beliefs of others and resorting to crude language and incessant name calling in online forums, are exactly the same sort that, in the real world, have few friends and wouldn't dare speak in such a manner at the average real life social gathering due to the palpable fear of having their asses handed to them in their hats!

Same goes for the thugs who cowardly fly low and spray toxins on their god's enemies in dead of night and fly high to do so in daytime, start false flag terror events, and all manner of other cowardly rebelliousness....

Birds of a feather....
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:




please keep your personal religious convictions for yourself and give us an idea
how to prove that you are right by astronomica means.

I want to prove it for myself, I don't believe what other says, there is too much BS out there..

So, dear TechStuff, take off your gigantic head and place it on the hatrack and start helping
us who still do not have personal proof.

I have no fixed point of sun sets and rises to compare with earlier years, and since it has nothing
to do with any changes in the Earth axis tilt, how do we prove what you are saying.

And please strip down your ego a bit by witholding your personal religious beliefs, since this
does not help your fellow humans in their understanding of what may actually be going on astronomically.

Remember, a too big head wont get you through the "eye of the needle".




please keep your personal religious convictions for yourself and give us an idea
how to prove that you are right by astronomica means.

"give us"?  Really?  "give us?"  speak for yourself.

Gwandau, fellow hypocrite, go and dig for yourself.  For, as is obvious to the honest and studious reader, I've provided plenty of worthwhile evidence and the means to understand it. And since God's Word which forwarned of these things taking place, in accurate detail and at this late hour, is of little value to you, perhaps you should Go and suckle your invisible elephant's teat in someone else's living room....as there are plenty of 'astronomy' websites that will coddle your judgmental intolerance for God and His Word, as well as provide you with an avalanche of 'data' to re-assure you that all is as it once was.

And please don't let Stefan's revolving door hit your transparent Pachyderm's obnoxious rump on the way out this time around.


There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:25-28
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: Atlastired on September 27, 2010, 04:40:55 AM
Yes the mentaly challenged are stoping their brains function because a little 3D animation is voluntary mixing ELIPTIC PLANE ANGLE and AXIS OF ROTATION. They come here parroting this, showing to all of us how little they grasp of basic comprehention.

The fact that the Sun is coming Higher is pushing the Magnetosphere at a different angle, the Magnetic Pole location is moved and it is now in Russia.

A moved magnetic pole will have effect on conductive fluid(Oceans) and that is happening with the Gulf Stream.

For the clown that measure it last month, measurement for latitudes (Sextan, Astrolab) are based on Stars and references tables not on the Sun, but you claimed that you measured it, Why? Money? Place in the Bunker? Stupidity?

Are you a Pharisee who once again is blinding millions to a sure death?
i did measure the sun angle at local noon,this was a common method of finding latitude.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestial_navigation

"Latitude was measured in the past either at noon (the "noon sight") or from Polaris, the north star (assuming it is sufficiently visible above the horizon, which it may not be in the Southern Hemisphere). Polaris always stays within 1 degree of the celestial north pole. If a navigator measures the angle to Polaris and finds it to be 10 degrees from the horizon, then he is about 10 degrees north of the equator. Angles are measured from the horizon because locating the point directly overhead, the zenith, is difficult. When haze obscures the horizon, navigators use artificial horizons, which are bubble levels reflected into a sextant.

Latitude can also be determined by the direction in which the stars travel over time. If the stars rise out of the east and travel straight up you are at the equator, but if they drift south you are to the north of the equator. The same is true of the day-to-day drift of the stars due to the movement of the Earth in orbit around the Sun; each day a star will drift approximately one degree. In either case if the drift can be measured accurately, simple trigonometry will reveal the latitude."
i did it at noon because its easier to measure a shadow cast by the noon sun. the tools were close to hand a 4 foot carpenters level and a tape measure. a quick look up for trig. functions and use a calculator. i made one assumption, that the correction factor would be the sine function of how far the year had progressed from the equinox, 5 months out of 6 so call it sin 150 degrees which is point 5.
23.5 times point 5=11.75
measured angle 57.25-11.75=45.5
my answer came out within half of a degree of my location.
it was a ten minute job, anyone can duplicate it.
if you think i measured the wrong thing why don't you us all what i should be measuring and how.
i never said anyone was wrong i said i can't see what they are referring to and what i can see.