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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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@ Tech

i wont pretend to understand your reasons for belief in a mythical creature.. But you base your dismissal of the real world, with absurd assumptions, and that i do understand.

First, you assume that without the presence of an intelligent god-creature designing all the complexities around you,
that everything would be subject to random chaos, with no order.
That is a compete fallacy.

nothing can be random. everything has a discrete reaction with everything it interacts with.

Second, you assume that without a "creator" that the universe could not even exist.
Another complete fallacy,...  From what do you conclude that a mysterious "nothingness" had to have existed, prior to everything comming into existence?
What evidence do you present, that the universe could not have always existed?

Since apparently, theres only one book of which its contents you actually pay attention to....

perhaps you should take a few moments to read it.
just open it up, and read it and when you get to the end,
i want you to go back through it, and find the parts in the book where the stories intersect.

for instance, when certain individuals are commanded by god to perform an act.
then later another storyteller, depicts the devil commanding the person to commit said act.

or the differing stories of jesus' burial
or the death of judas

once you identify all of these things, then you should go back in history, and read the books they these stories originated from, before cannonization.
If the books were important enough for the leaders of your church to have decided to include them in the new version of the Holy Babble...
Then certainly these books should be worth your time to read for yourself, and see why they chose to include them.

and after that perhaps you could go and read the other works of mythological proportion that are directly referenced in the "good book"
for instance the ancient isreallite book of Jashar. - which is referenced twice by name.

there is a lot that you should understand about that book you swear your life to. If you really want to cast judgement upon me, and claim that i am ignorant of the universe that i live in..
then i shall point you in the direction of your own book.
a mirror through which to see the truth.
We can take a walk through scriptures.

And when we are done,
you will understand why moon will is right on time.

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Quote from: sm0ky2 on August 13, 2011, 02:33:16 PM
@ Tech

i wont pretend to understand your reasons for belief in a mythical creature.. But you base your dismissal of the real world, with absurd assumptions, and that i do understand.

First, you assume that without the presence of an intelligent god-creature designing all the complexities around you,
that everything would be subject to random chaos, with no order.
That is a compete fallacy.

nothing can be random. everything has a discrete reaction with everything it interacts with.

Second, you assume that without a "creator" that the universe could not even exist.
Another complete fallacy,...  From what do you conclude that a mysterious "nothingness" had to have existed, prior to everything comming into existence?
What evidence do you present, that the universe could not have always existed?

Since apparently, theres only one book of which its contents you actually pay attention to....

perhaps you should take a few moments to read it.
just open it up, and read it and when you get to the end,
i want you to go back through it, and find the parts in the book where the stories intersect.

for instance, when certain individuals are commanded by god to perform an act.
then later another storyteller, depicts the devil commanding the person to commit said act.

or the differing stories of jesus' burial
or the death of judas

once you identify all of these things, then you should go back in history, and read the books they these stories originated from, before cannonization.
If the books were important enough for the leaders of your church to have decided to include them in the new version of the Holy Babble...
Then certainly these books should be worth your time to read for yourself, and see why they chose to include them.

and after that perhaps you could go and read the other works of mythological proportion that are directly referenced in the "good book"
for instance the ancient isreallite book of Jashar. - which is referenced twice by name.

there is a lot that you should understand about that book you swear your life to. If you really want to cast judgement upon me, and claim that i am ignorant of the universe that i live in..
then i shall point you in the direction of your own book.
a mirror through which to see the truth.
We can take a walk through scriptures.

And when we are done,
you will understand why moon will is right on time.
well said sm0key.
people like tech and ramset think i am mocking them when i speak of the flying spaghetti monster and the prophet,pasta be upon his plate, and i can honestly see how when something hits a little too close to home it could be construed as mocking, but it is really more akin to holding up a mirror...

that being said, science is a process describing the systematic study of structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation. it is fallible, which is why theories are repeatedly vetted. that which stands the test of time and endless scrutiny is eventually taught for the next generation to test, improve or disprove. this is nature of science, it is not perfect but it is self correcting...

religion is not a process, scripture is not based on systematic study, words on paper do not qualify as observable, none of the fantastical events are testable or even logical. the only explanation it offers is an assertion: god did it. the claim of divine origin implies infallibility, any attempt to question it is met with ostracisation, hostility or violence. this is the nature of religion, it claims to be perfect therefore there is no need for self correction. there are some exceptions of course; it only took the catholic church 350 years to apologize (self correct) to galileo...
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


Many are still asking questions as to why massive, increasing earth changes are taking place. Recent case in point:


The sobering reasons for this and many other increasing earth changes, are hidden from most, as they refuse to use their God given abilities of observation to realize them. There exists a Huge Media Blackout regarding earth and moon orbital changes. See:


The evidence is everywhere. Many have been witnessing the sun rising and setting ridiculously further than normal in summer for the last several years. Large quakes have been popping off like clockwork whenever the moon hits it’s new northern limit once a month. God’s Word pronounced these changes to the letter at Luke 21:25-28 and describes the signs in sun, moon and stars, as well as the shaking of the heavenly bodies, and the increasing agitation of the oceans, (Tsunami) at this time. Read Revelation 16:8 which also describes the pouring of the 4th bowl upon the sun, making it hot on earth, in conjunction with the world record shattering heat that the northern hemisphere has endured as of late.

Who will argue with the mountain of evidence that the sun’s radiation has markedly increased? Of course antarctic sea ice has grown! The sun’s been much further north in summer than was traditional for millenia. A couple years ago, Bolivia endured record shattering cold which killed off millions of fish and other tropical animals which were not equipped to handle temperatures colder than the south pole for much of July!


You see, God is angry with our country, and the world at large….as we have defaulted to put in power above us, those who are His enemies! The proof that God’s Word is unfolding exactly as foretold, is everywhere.

Net search â€" Shriner LuciferNet

search â€" D.C. Jerusalem masonic shrineNet

search â€" six pointed star mark beast

search â€" 666 talents of gold


Who is in power of the world at this time? The bible describes them and their mark to the letter! No other Book on the planet at any time comes close to the accuracy and Wisdom contained in God’s True Word.Look and see that secret societies have founded their doctrines on the fallen solomon, who fell away from Yahweh, the One True Creator, and took the “Star of chemosh” as his personal seal, hence the “Seal of solomon” or the HEXagram. A geometric representation of 666. That is why the HEXagram is above the eagle on our dollar bill. It symbolizes, that they rule OVER America. Many soldiers have been asking why it is that on EVERY officer sword in the U.S. military, a HEXagram is now etched on every hilt. Why has MalWart changed it’s logo to a six pointed symbol? Note on Youtube that various videos of mobile guard towers are going up in MalWart parking lots at several locations in the south east.The HEXagram IS the mark of the beast, as forewarned in God’s Word. Those who take this mark, or worship the beast will be allowed to buy or sell in the days ahead…..but will pay the ultimate price.What is happening to heaven and earth itself at this time? Again, God’s Word is True. See the link below, as there is much evidence that Luke 21:25-28 is in fulfillment at this time, as is Revelation 16:8, and Isaiah 24:20 to be fulfilled soon enough!


Whose side are you on, dear reader? Your own? Lucifer’s by intentional action or paralytic inaction?If you be of Christ Yeshua, then do as He commands and instead of sitting in silence with one’s head hanging low……”STAND UP and LIFT UP your heads, for your REDEMPTION draws near!”The hour is truly late, and one had best turn or return to God in Christ Yeshua while there is yet time. And may He find you working what is good toward all upon His return!

Blessings in Christ

P.S.  As many of you can see since I first posted information regarding these things, they have increased dramatically!  If I were not telling you the truth, this would not have been so.  God's Word is unfolding to the letter, and when we all stand before our maker, (and we will, all of us, and soon) there will be excuse for denying Him, His Word, and His Will. 
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



TechStuf said:
QuoteP.S.  As many of you can see since I first posted information regarding these things, they have increased dramatically!  If I were not telling you the truth, this would not have been so.  God's Word is unfolding to the letter, and when we all stand before our maker, (and we will, all of us, and soon) there will be excuse for denying Him, His Word, and His Will.
Are you aware of this:  Isaiah 45:7 ?
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah 45%3A7&version=KJV

I have two Bibles at home and I've noted the in the Old Testament of Isaiah, at least 6 times it says, in effect, "I'm God, there is nothing else, I alone save."
Jesus isn't my Saviour and I don't care if you believe He is or not.   I think my way and you think yours.

There is no Jesus at that time, so I accept Isaiah's word on the matter.   If Job, a good man who didn't deserve to be a pawn between the Almighty (Adonai), suffered simply to make a point to the devil who wasn't punished by the Almighty, AFAIK, for being an asshole that he still is, and the Almighty actually spoke to---I wouldn't, myself---then you yourself can put up with being a pawn yourself between the devil and the Almighty!

Do you think you're as good as Job?   Do you think you can be treated better than he was, simply because you believe the words written down by a zealous man who could lie if he saw fit?!?!   I can lie, and you can, too.   Just because a religious man say anything, doesn't mean I trust his or anyone else's word.   I'm beginning to think you're doing what WilbyInebriated is doing:  Baiting people to piss them off.   I know why he does it, and he doesn't piss me off any more.   He can't hide from what is coming shortly, and I'm not afraid.   I don't care if you're afraid or not.   I have information not available to the public and you're not good enough to tell what I think the truth is, even if I could tell you.
"If you tell the absolute truth to an evil man, he will proceed to perform indiscreet acts for which you are partly responsible."
                                                                                                                                                           --a tenant (belief) of Theosophy

Please continue to harangue people around here so they (hopefully!) move further away from you in their good opinion of you.   You're already outside the universe and receding faster than lightspeed in terms of my finding your words worthy of entertainment.

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.


Quote from: the_big_m_in_ok on September 19, 2012, 07:47:58 PM
I know why he does it,
no you don't... ::) don't be so asinine and megalomaniacal as to presume you know my inner motivations... ::)
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe