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The Aether and Time Dilation/Time Change

Started by telemachus, August 11, 2010, 02:05:33 AM

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that guy has some interesting theories,
but the truth of the matter is,
science doesn't know what "time" is.

even the best time keepers in the world admitedly don't understand the nature of "time", and propose their work at theory.
the same people he misquotes, misinterprets, and makes fun of on his website. Wonder how many books he sold this year?

Allow me to pose this question:

You have two kittens. each in a box.
one box is set in an aetheric distortion, such that its "time"
moves more slowly than the box outside the field.

10 years from now we observe the kitten in the field, and compare it with the kitten outside the field.

well our kitten has aged 10years, just as we have.
the kitten in the field looks like it would have 10 years ago.

a) by observing the kitten in the box, we went back in time 10 yrs.

b)the kitten from 10 yrs ago move forward in time, to the time when we observed it.

c) neither. the "time" of the kitten in the field is just moving slower.

Think about the time dilation experiments
the FTL experiments performed by IBM 10yrs or so ago

There's a reason Einstein's theories are called just that, instead of "Einstein's 1st and 2nd Law of Relativity".

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


If you consider a universe of 3 dimensions. verticle, horizontal, and depth.

there is a static 'space'. an area of 3 dimensions that encompases the place where you are. this is like the "background" of the universe. the aether permeates this space. like a grid of infinite parallel lines throughout each of the 3 planes. these lines extend infinitely across the universe. an aetheric distortion here on earth, while it may be extremely minute, has an affect on something on the other side of the the universe, and often times along the line between.

the points where the lines intersect, are bound by massive ammounts of energy. when a distortion occurs, these points twist and bend with the grid-lines, and once they reach their threshold, they shatter into infantesimally small + and - charges, that group together to create what we percieve as physical matter.

by there very nature, they are equal and opposite. and when groups of this energy collide, with similar charge-values, they dissentegrate back into the eather.

sometimes when their charges-values differ great enough, they simply bond together, forming larger and larger clumps. and this is how physical matter is formed.

even these larger clumps, can collide in opposite charge-values, and destroy one another. and it is on this larger scale that we can actually observe this occuring. there are several "anti-matter" theories that are drawn from such observations.

When "physical matter" exists within the eather, it in-and-of itself creates an aetheric distortion. Every piece of matter emits a cummulative + or - charge, wether it be the smallest sub-miscropic dust, to the largest of the galaxies.
It is this distortion in the eather, that creates the physical realm we live in.

Tampering with that distortion, interferes with those same 3-dimensions we use to measure our world, as well as the 4th dimension we percieve as "time".

Tampering with these dimensions can have very strange effects.
when it comes to the 3 physical dimensions, we exist in a particular area of distortion, or Phase. The dimension that light exists in, can be similarly effected, causing objects to not be seen, or even to still be seen even while "out of phase" with the physical dimensions.

an area or mass that is caused to exist in a different distortional-configuration, can exist "out of phase" with our reality. While it is physically there, the area of space we exist in, cannot physically intact with the affected area or mass. It is theorized that there are possibly an infinite number of "phases" that can exist in the same space. Though many of these phases do not have physical dimensions.

This sort of distortion occured with two U.S. battlehips using a system Tesla invented.
With a man who walked right through the berlin wall.

there have been 'cloaking' experiments done using aluminum-titanium-silicate compounds, whos crystals resonate at specific frequencies. these are thought to create a distortion that defracts or diffuses 100% of the light that contacts it, but allows the light signal to emerge/converge on the other side of the distortion, without being altered.
When it comes to TIME.
altering the dimension of time, much like the physical dimensions,
doesnt simply slow or speed up the rate that things are happening.
it actually alters the ratio of the passage of time.

This "ratio", defines what time is to us.
Much like the ratio between distance and the notches on our measuring stick. This ratio defines the "inch" or the "meter".
If an object were measured in a different phase, this ratio would be completely different. how we percieve length, width, height, would be completely meaning-less to us, being in a different eatheric phase.

Time to is defined by such a ratio. This is how we determine what a "second" is. It is the distance between the notches on our "time measuring stick", vs the passage of "time", or steps in a given sequence of events.
By causing a distortion in the "time" dimension, we alter the ratio by which we measure "time". a second is no longer a second.
it might be 1.00000000000006 seconds.
or it may be 0.999999999999999 seconds.

but inside the distortion, our concept of "time" is completely different. the ratio inside the distortion is defined by the conditions inside. If we were to go inside the distortion, and attempt to measure time with a measuring stick from our phase, it would have no meaning. Under the simplest of conditions, time would not pass. All time would exist at once, past present and future to the observer inside the distortion.
what just happened, whats happening now, and whats about to happen all happen at the same "time".

In theory, this distortion of the time measurement ratio, can range from no time, to "our time", 
to an infinite ammount of time, where the "future" does not exist, and everything that happens was in the past.

Its not just an einsteinian 'slowing down of electrons around an atom'
its an altering of the rate of every event. every process, every motion, every fluxuation of every kind.
a slowing of the down of the very fibers of the aether, whos every movement causes these events to take place.

The stronger the distortion, the greater the effect it has on the dimension of time. Aetheric distortions can affect some, many, or all of the dimensional phases at once. time, 3-physical, light and other HF events, ect.

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


traveling "backwards" along some kind of Univeral Time-Line,
may sound nice. i mean we all wish we could go back to some time, and give ourselves information, power, materials
or stop something tragic from happening. Maybe do something to make the world of the past, and thus the time we live in a better place......

those things have already happened. "time" in that sense doesnt exist. the most we could do is alter our perception of time, to simulate a jump to the future. You could step into the bubble, for what seems like 10 minutes to you. and emerge to a world 1,000 yrs later. But you cant go back, because those things have already happened.
"time" isnt a history-line, its just the rate at which things occur.

Call it  "Aetheric Velocity"

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


I'm not sure of the source of this info but found it stuffed in my own archives:

"Time Can be Turned Back   
03/01/2004 15:37   

Time has been one of the most complicated and less studied scientific issues since ancient times.

Eight years ago, American and British scientists who conducted investigations in Antarctica made a sensational discovery. US physicist Mariann McLein told the researchers noticed some spinning gray fog in the sky over the pole on January 27 which they believed to be just ordinary sandstorm. However, the gray fog did not change the form and did not move in the course of time. The researchers decided to investigate the phenomenon and launched a weather balloon with equipment capable to register the wind speed, the temperature and the air moisture. But the weather balloon soared upwards and immediately disappeared.

In a little while, the researchers brought the weather balloon back to the ground with the help of a rope attached to it before. They were extremely surprised to see that a chronometer set in the weather balloon displayed the date of January 27, 1965, the same day 30 years ago. The experiment was repeated several times after the researchers found out the equipment was in good repair. But each time the watch was back it displayed the past time. The phenomenon was called "the time gate" and was reported to the White House.

Today investigation of the unusual phenomenon is underway. It is supposed that the whirl crater above the South Pole is a tunnel allowing penetration into other times. What is more, programs on launching people to other times have been started. The CIA and the FBI are fighting for gaining control over the project that may change the course of history. It is not clear when the US federal authorities will approve the experiment.

Famous Russian scientist Nikolay Kozyrev conducted an experiment to prove that moving from the future to the past was possible. He substantiated his views with the hypotheses on instant information spreading through physical characteristics of time. Nikolay Kozyrev even supposed that "time could execute the work and produce energy." An American physics theorist has arrived at a conclusion that time is what existed before existence of the world.

It is known that each of us feels a different course of time under different conditions. Once lightning hit a mountain-climber; later the man told he saw the lightning got into his arm, slowly moved along it, separated the skin from the tissues and carbonized his cells. He felt as if there were quills of thousands hedgehogs under his skin.

Russian investigator of anomalous phenomena, philosopher and author of numerous books Gennady Belimov published his article under the headline "Time Machine: First Speed On" in the newspaper On the Verge of Impossible. He described unique experiments conducted by a group of enthusiasts led by Vadim Chernobrov, the man who began creation of time machines, devices with electromagnetic pumping in 1987. Today the group of enthusiasts can slow down or speed up the course of time using special impact of the magnetic field. The biggest slowing down of time made up 1.5 seconds within an hour of the equipment's operation in labs.

In August 2001, a new model of the time machine meant for a human was set in a remote forest in Russia's Volgograd Region. When the machine even operated on car batteries and had low capacity, it still managed to change the time by three per cent; the change was registered with symmetrical crystal oscillators.

At first, the researchers spent five, ten and twenty minutes in the operating machine; the longest stay lasted for half an hour. Vadim Chernobrov said that the people felt as if they moved to a different world; they felt life here and "there" at the same time as if some space was unfolding. "I cannot define the unusual feelings that we experienced at such moments."

Neither TV nor radio companies reported the astonishing fact; Gennady Belimov says the Russian president was not informed of the experiment. However, he tells that already under Stalin there was a Research Institute of the Parallel World. Results of experiments conducted by Academicians Kurchatov and Ioffe can be now found in the archives. In 1952, head of the Soviet secret police organization Lavrenty Beria initiated a case against researchers participating in the experiments, as a result of which 18 professors were executed by shooting and 59 candidates and doctors of physical sciences were sent to camps. The Institute recommenced its activity under Khruschev. But an experimental stand with eight leading researchers disappeared in 1961, and buildings close to the one where experiments were conducted were ruined. After that, the Communist Party political bureau and the Council of Ministers decided to suspend researchers of the Institute for an uncertain period.

The program was resumed in 1987 when the Institute already functioned on the territory of the Soviet Union. A tragedy occurred on August 30, 1989: an extremely strong explosion sounded at the Institute's branch office on the Anjou islands. The explosion destroyed not only the experimental module of 780 tons but also the archipelago itself that covered the area of 2 square kilometers. According to one of the versions of the tragedy, the module with three experimenters collided with a large object, probably an asteroid, in the parallel world or heading toward the parallel world. Having lost its propulsion system, the module probably remained in the parallel world.

The last record made in the framework of the experiment and kept at the Institute archives says: "We are dying but keep on conducting the experiment. It is very dark here; we see all objects become double, our hands and legs are transparent, we can see veins and bones through the skin. The oxygen supply will be enough for 43 hours, the life support system is seriously damaged. Our best regards to the families and friends!" Then the transmission suddenly stopped.

Olga Zharina"

I'm also especially found of this pic of the time displacement unit operating manual brought back from 2034 to the late 90's or early 2000.  But then I don't really know about the John Titor story as it could all be a hoax - just a good one.


This first (poorly drawn) picture, is my attempt at giving a visual representation of the Aether.
the blue lines represent the 'width', the red lines- the 'depth'
and the green lines represent the verticle 'height'
This second image, is a representation of what the aether looks like when a distortion occurs.
our perception of time is affected by this distortion.
notice how the distance between grid-lines becomes shorter in some places, and longer in others. This affects the rate of translation of any motion in that part of space. wether it be the propegation of radiation/light, to physical motion of particles and their elements, to even the macro-motion of mass, planets, galactic bodies.  "time" within the distortion is not the same as "time" would be in the undistorted aether, or in an area of space that is distorted differently.

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.