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Aether power converter / Virtual photon power converter

Started by core, October 10, 2010, 05:10:39 PM

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Greetings all,

   This thread will be based on the following website:


This device deserves further investigation.

After viewing the information on the site you will also come to the conclusion that the author, despite referring to himself as ignorant, I don't know why, has a well rounded theory.

    Already on the website, that is dated from year 2000, is a wiring diagram and a theory of operation. The wiring diagram will be posted here. So in truth a large portion of the work is done. This thread will deal with attempting to build a 'working prototype of his device. He has two devices, an 'Electric field Transformer' and a 'Virtual Photon power converter'.

   This thread will deal with the 'Virtual photon power converter' that can also be called 'Aether power converter'. I ask all that are interested to please join in experimenting. I believe at the end of the day that the 'Virtual Photon power converter' is very similar to Tariel kapanadze device. and his 'Electric field transformer' is similar to SR193 device. Regardless both devices are strikingly simple.
   Here is all the data, if you give it a go please post pictures of your set-up and what modifications to the original wiring diagram you have made.




The Data:

****** Summary ******

Physics, in the field of quantum electrodynamics, hypothesizes the existence of virtual photons.  These are potential photons with an infinite amount of potential energy.  This virtual photon explanation is used to explain the amount of physical force that can occur for a relatively small amount of electrical work with Coulomb’s Law.
    This device is an attempt to convert the infinite power potential of a virtual photon into an actual electromagnetic power drive circuit â€" electrical energy.  The idea is an attempt to amplify electrical power through the use of a VPR (Virtual Photon Reference).

    The electrical approach is relatively simple.  A single circuit that provides both current and voltage energizes almost all electrical devices; voltage and current sources come from the same power supply.  This device has two separate power supply circuits; one provides the current, while the other provides the voltage.  Assuming AC is put in, one power supply provides the current â€" is the magnetic field driver â€" while the other circuit provides the voltage â€" is the electric field driver.  The phase between these two separate AC power supplies is adjustable.
    The device mixes a high voltage induced electric field with a high current induced magnetic field into a primary of a transformer and on a plate of a capacitor.  The device has two circuits mixing in a single transformer, one a current circuit â€" magnetic field related -- while the other is a voltage circuit â€" electric field related.  The voltage is induced into the coil through capacitance and this help keeps the circuits’ currents of the two power supplies isolated.
    The idea is for secondary of the transformer magnetically and electrically sees a high voltage and high current transformer primary winding â€" a high VA primary.  This lower voltage high current secondary feeds a power load (whatever that may be) according to the VA it ‘sees’.


****** Major Components ******

Major Components
T1     VOLTAGE/ELECTRIC â€" DRIVE TRANSFORMER (for very high voltage applications this may be a Tesla wound coil)
T2     CURRENT/MAGNETIC -- DRIVE TRANSFORMER (shown as a 1:1 isolation transformer)
T3     MIXING TRANSFORMER (shown as a step down power transformer)
T4     CONVERTER TRANSFORMER (shown as a 1:1 isolation transformer)
C1a+b      MIXING CAPACITORS (should be relatively low impedance to frequency used)
2     CURRENT CONTROL (can be one of innumerable circuits)
11     PHASE CONTROL (see footnote)


****** Explanation of Drawings ******

Magnetic Field Circuit
    A transformer (T2) is producing a current, using the plate of a capacitor (6) as a conductor, through the mixing transformer primary (T3 -- 7).  Within that primary the expanding and contracting magnetic fields will be in relationship to the current involved.  These magnetic fields induce the current  within the mixing transformer secondary T3 - 8  , which goes through the converter transformer (T4) and then to load.

Electric Field Circuit
    The exciting voltage in the primary of the high voltage transformer (T1) is produced by some ability to adjust the AC voltage phase (11) relative to the incoming current phase of (T2).  Keeping their phase relationship is a current sensor (13) feeding into 11.  There is a voltage control shown (10) before the primary as well.
    The high voltage secondary (9) is connected to a set of high voltage capacitor induction plates (C1a & b -- 5).  For very high voltage applications, T1 would be a Tesla wound coil.
    Each opposite plate of the high voltage capacitor plate mixing capacitor voltage/current mixing plate (C1a & b -- 6) is connected to the opposite ends of a coil (mixing transformer T3 primary â€" 7).  Said primary is positioned between (6) such that the induced high voltage across the capacitor demonstrates as a high voltage across the mixing transformer primary (T3 -- 7).
    Therefore, what the voltage circuit is; is a transformer attached to two capacitors connected in series with some kind of active impedance device in series between the two capacitors.  Typically, this type of circuit would draw very little current and be a low VA.  (depending on capacitor size or voltages used)
    This active impedance (see high voltage circuit diagram on pdf.) involves (depending on phase relationship) the secondary of the current drive transformer (T2 -- 4); which would actively facilitate the current transfer from C1a to C1b.  It would power drive (if you will) the migrating charge between C1a â€" 6 to C1b â€" 6.  In addition, this active impedance may involve the expanding and contracting magnetic fields of the mixing transformer primary (T3 â€" 7). 


****** Electric Theory Operation ******


    • Suppose T3 is a 100 VA (Volts x Amperes)  power transformer
    • Suppose the primary of this 100 VA (Volts x Amperes) power transformer â€" (T3 -- 7) -- is fed 100 volts; the primary current, for the transformer’s rated capacity, is 1 ampere.
    • Suppose the secondary of the 100 VA (Volts x Amperes) power transformer (T3 â€" (eight)) â€" produces 10 volts; the secondary current, for the transformer’s rated capacity, is 10 amperes through the load.  This would make the load 1 ohm through the converter transformer (T4).

    The magnetic field circuit (T2) produces the current component of this AC power transformer (T3) at its rated VA.  In this example, it would drive (for the sake of argument) 1 ampere through (6 and 7).  In order to do this it would not have to reach 100 volts to drive that 1 ampere through the primary.  Let us say, for example, that (T2) needs 50 volts across its secondary (4) to drive one ampere through the mixing transformer primary (T3 -- 7).  This would mean 50 VA is entering the mixing transformer primary (T3 -- 7).
    As T2 is producing a 1 ampere current flow, the voltage across T3 primary (7) will be the usual out of phase voltage/current relationship of a coil.  This is where the electric field circuit comes in.  Another voltage is injected at this point across T3 â€" 7.

    The voltage of the electric field circuit (T1) can be much higher than the original input voltage produced by the current drive transformer (T2).  As the current in the magnetic field circuit enters the capacitor mixing plate (6) to the primary of the mixing transformer (T3 â€" 7), that current is now in a much stronger electric field than it originally was in.
    Let us say now that T3 â€" 7  has 100 volts (or 200, or 600, or 50,000) across it from T1.  The mixing coil secondary (T3 â€" (eight)) is going to be excited by a coil that has 100 volts (or ?) across it with the magnetic field current of 1 ampere.  In other words, the secondary would have a 100 VA capabilities.

    This is a device now that has 50+ VA going in (the +  being the low VA of the high voltage circuit); while, it is producing 100 VA at its output.  It is recognized that this is an apparent violation of the conservation of energy.  Please see Physics Theory Operation for an explanation.

    This unit can also be cascaded; meaning, the magnetic field circuits are connected in series while the electric field circuit is connected in parallel to the series connected magnetic field circuits


****** Physics Theory Operation ******

    Again, as with the Electric Theory Operation, numerous assumptions must be made:

    Assuming: The current  physics theory of infinite potential energy of virtual photons is relatively accurate
    Assuming: That a Virtual Photon Reference (VPR) is a relatively accurate explanation for the physical forces present in Coulomb’s Law
    Given: Coulomb’s Law involves the physical force present in an electric field
    Then: Electric fields can â€" are able to â€" have a Virtual Photon Reference (VPR)

    Add on to this:

    Assuming: Electric fields can â€" is able to â€" have a Virtual Photon Reference (VPR)
    Given: Capacitors store energy through electric fields
    Then: Capacitors can â€" is able to â€" have a Virtual Photon Reference (VPR)

    Assuming that capacitors can have a VPR, then within this circuit, there would be three potential VPRs, C1a, C1b, and C1a â€" 5 to C1b â€" 5.  With the first two, C1a and C1b, each may have VPR involvement.  Two coils (7 and 4) with their closed circuit connect the two; and, with those coils are the expanding and contracting magnetic fields that go with them.  So, this would mean a VPR is connected to another VPR through some coils and/or changing magnetic fields.
    This is where the third VPR comes in.  The circuit across 5, that is C1a â€" 5 to C1b â€" 5 is another capacitor.  The previous VPR to coil to VPR is within another capacitor, VPR; two coils in a closed circuit (with their changing magnetic fields) have a VPR on each end and this assembly is in a capacitor â€" VPR.    
    The idea behind this is to put energy into a VPR system, tap into the infinite potential energy of a VPR, and bring some of this infinite potential energy into actuality with it as it comes out of the VPR system â€" a power amplifier.  This system is trying to do this by feeding the input power into a closed high voltage capacitance system.
    Going on the assumption that the stronger the electric fields the more the VPR involvement, as evidenced in Coulomb’s Law, then the higher the voltage across  C1a â€" 5 to C1b â€" 5 the more power this device should have.

    With the idea of expanding and contracting magnetics fields of the coils between the VPRs, and with T3 â€" 7 especially, adds what may be another set of considerations to the electrical schematic.  Specifically, can the changing electric fields of the capacitors be linked to the changing magnetic field of T3 â€" 7 ==> T2 â€" 4 circuit such that together they form their own intrinsic photon?
    This may involve ‘playing’ with the magnetic field shape, polarity, and configuration.  In addition, this also may involve the spatial relationships between the capacitor-coil-capacitor combination along with a spatial relationship to frequency.
    Perhaps, for future study.

FOOT NOTE: 1, Both 10 and 11 can vary from a simple rheostat and a LC or RC network (in which case 13 would not be necessary), to a dedicated slave AC power supply with a variable
phase lock using 13.




We see that a voltage generator is capacitively coupled to a current generator to feed a T3 transformer (T1, T2 and T4 are just intermediate transformers with no role relative to the principle).

It doesn't a matter there is a voltage generator, or a current generator, or two of them. To provide a voltage V and current I to a load, a voltage generator must generate V and I follows, or a current generator must generate I and V follows. When both are in parallel, each one participates in providing I/E. The type of source makes no difference.
The setup is very conventional. There is no reason to invoke "virtual photons" or to expect for OU.


   Electric Field Transformer is yet another device created by Steven Joshua. This device is also very interesting and much like his Virtual Photon converter rather brilliant I believe. On the topic of the Electric Field Transformer what is find interesting is how Steve is creating and 'electric field' and mixing it with a 'magnetic field'. I don't know of any other device that is doing this 'mixing' of electric ingredients. Because of this I believe it is worth experimenting with. This can be an interesting idea.

   To read the compete details of the device please visit Steven's site:


   From some brief email conversations I had with Steve I can tell you the 'Electric Field Transformer' is about 25 - 30 years old. The 'Virtual Photon Converter' is his most recent work. Personally I like both idea's and will be working with both. Also experimenting here is important Both devices require timing circuits so what I use on one I may be using on the other. Also I would like to build a hybrid of both devices together.

    I will play with the concept of the 'Electric field transformer' as mentioned above I like the concept. In my case I will be trying different coil set-up. Since I tons of ferrite rings I will put them to good use.

    My first coil design of the transformer, and going forward I will just call it Mixing Transformer, will consist of ferrite rings glued together. Two windings will be wrapped around the ferrite. One will be fed a (+) and the over (-). The purpose of this will be to see if the rings can become polarized. A good High voltage source will be needed so I will be trying different types.

    Also I will try another core with copper rings on them, high voltage will be feed to the rings. Different core materials will be used. Hopefully within the next few days I will be able experiment with this core.

    Most important this is about having fun and experimenting.




Quote from: core on October 13, 2010, 09:48:48 PM
    My first coil design of the transformer, and going forward I will just call it Mixing Transformer, will consist of ferrite rings glued together. Two windings will be wrapped around the ferrite. One will be fed a (+) and the over (-). The purpose of this will be to see if the rings can become polarized. A good High voltage source will be needed so I will be trying different types.


   I ran some test's today, excellent news!! It was very easy to polarize the ferrite rings!
I jammed two coils of copper wire, one on each end and brought them together and created a spark gap. This quick test showed that a one piece (ferrite) core can have a hard (+) end, and the other end a hard (-).

So basically I used an outside source to influence a solid core material of about 10 inches to polarize to a point that causes the ends to ark between them. Maybe not a big deal for some but it is a important ingredient for the mixing coil AKA Electric field transformer.

I do need to find a better power supply (Hi-voltage) for now I am using an 'electronic' oil burner transformer about 14kv @ 22khz.
  Also I used a 2000 volt neon transformer AC output. Got same results but less spark across ferrite tube. Unfortunately I made a stupid mistake by mishandling the rings and broke them. Tomorrow I will rebuild the coil and film the results.

  The 1st big step is Polarizing the core material. 

