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Free Energy prize money

Started by PaulLowrance, April 09, 2005, 11:44:18 AM

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I was going through the list of Free Energy prize money and noticed the Zpower Inc. $100,000 Challenge seems to be out of commission.  Their web page has been down for at least several months.

Here's a list of free energy prizes that I'm aware of.

Does anyone know of any others besides Eric?s tiny $10k?  I exchanged a dozen or more emails with Randi about his $1,000,000 prize.  IMHO it's misleading.  Does not Randi claim that the inventor must prove the machine breaks the laws of physics?  I asked Randi what if someone proves to you and your engineers that they have a machine that generates tens of kilowatts of free energy 24/7, but several months later the science community discovers how the machine works?  What if they discover the machine is getting energy from zero point or from ambient heat from the magnetic material?  Would that person get the prize?  I did not get a clear answer from Randi, but concluded that the machine must break the laws of physics.

And what about Jones $20,000 prize?
He'll pay you $20,000 if he you'll allow him to run the machine for 5,000 hours.  That?s 208 days, nearly 7 months.  Is this offer still legit?  Is he flexible on the time frame?

What about the Keelynet prize?  I read his page but don't see any specific amount mentioned.  Does anyone know how much that prize will be?

It's great to see prizes such as the $10,000,000 X Prize for the first person to make it 62 miles away from earth, but IMHO free energy is far more important.


Charlie Brown ARN

I was in email correspondance with Eric and phoned Randi. The diode array diode patch prototype didn't make enough power to be a contender but Eric was happy to hear of it. Randi told me that he didn't deal with issues raised by the diode array somehow. The diode array dosen't make enough power to contend for the SEAS power offer of a million dollars. I The diode array needs development money up front. It seems to take as much effort to gather a prize persuing team as it does to assemble capitol from many investors. I need angels who like the diode array.

Aloha, Charlie



    You may not believe me now but it may be at your own peril if you do not consider what I have to say to you. I have met with Greer and his alleged physicists in D.C., with the good intentions of revealing several technologies which could have lead to viable free energy technologies. These so-called physicists I found out were nothing of the sort, and could not add two plus two let alone understand anything relating to physics. I had wondered why they appeared so distant while I earnestly attemted to point out these technologies which they have supposedly have been looking for, and with the alleged intentions of releasing them to the whole world because of their concerns for all of us poor people. I took a risk of losing my life because of the information that I gave them, yet they were not who they claim to be!
In the couple of years which have past since driving across the entire country only to be set-up by Greer and his clones, I have received information from several other's who claim to have worked with Steven Greer over a period of several years in various black projects, which were funded and controlled by the same elitest group which have planned out the strategies for our wonderful New World Order, as Bush senior has coined the term. During the approximate 1 1/2 hour private conversation between Steven and myself, Greer expressed great glee in telling me about his exploits with the young Rockefeller at his very home. Mr. Greer told me of the amazing technologies which he had witnessed at the Rockefeller mansion and could barely keep silent in his boasting, while I was only eager to share the secrets which I had spent two full days driving without sleep to get to D.C. to share with him. The information I received from people who are aware of Greer's actual past, expressed total disgust for the man, and told of a completely different man then Steven Greer has claimed to be to the public. After I had shared the information which I was told that I would be killed if I ever spoke of again in a direct face to face confrontation in years previous to my meeting with Greer, the entire Greer groupies turned on me in a hostile mannor. I tried to ignore the behavior of these people as best I could, and decided that since I had spent several days driving to get there, that I would sit in on the conference which was titled "Energy and Ethics". During the conference, Steven spoke about how and when they should go about releasing these free energy technologies. I found this quite enlightening since on the air and in public, Steven had always expressed the importance of obtaining and releasing these technologies as quickly as possible. I have since learned from Steven's own lips, that he has found a legitamit free energy device which could supply energy to every home for a meger financial investment. It has been a good two years now, and Steven has been completely silent on the matter. What I have come to realize without any further doubt, is that Steven Greer and his SEAS Power organization, is nothing more than another fishing expedition set-up to keep tabs on folks like you and me. As I have said, you may not believe me now, but if you go running straight to SEAS Power with a true alternative energy technology, be prepared to learn the hard way. Remember, Eugene Mallove kept close ties with Steven Greer, and it is believed that Gene was about to blow the lid off the oil cartels can of worms. Luckily for me, the idiots that Greer had fill in for authentic physicists have no idea what they past up. Watch your backs guy's. This is not a childs game, and it is not a joke, you are playing with some powerful people in this business, and don't you forget it. The reason I am telling you this is not to frighten any of you, but it is because I do care about you, and don't want to see any more of my friends and collegues die needlessly.


Best Regards,

Bush Wacker


Dear Bush Wacker,

Thanks for the info!  Your post was perfectly timed.  How strange that I was just about 5 minutes away from sending Steven Greer an email, lol.  I wanted to ask him his recommendation to patenting or publishing.  I've read a lot of posts that publishing's the way to go, but still nobody can answer me why not do both, publish and a quick self patent?  I have not built any free energy machine yet, and don't expect to anytime soon until I finish the finalized simulation program and verify some things, but when and if that time comes then I'd like to know what to do.  My first and *only* goal is to give the world the designs to free energy.  If I make some $ afterwards then great, but that has zero priority in comparison.  So I plan on publishing, but still am hesitant to patent.  I read about the disasters of patenting, etc, but why?  I read that Edison gave some medical technology away by means of only publishing.  I'm told that he did not patent them.  I'm still curious if he succeeded.  Can companies steal the device after I publish?  Also, does it matter where you publish?  Someone recommended the following site as a professional means to publication, but it cost money:


Also the US Patent Office has a Statutory Invention Registration system, which may have similar effects:


Also I'm curious who threatened your life Bush Wacker?  If you're willing, could you tell us more about this?  There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think of this topic.  I know how crazy governments such as China are.  They would kidnap a scientist in a heart beat if they could gain something from it.  That includes terrorists organizations.  If a government is willing to take such extreme actions then I know individuals are willing to do the same.  Long ago I was starting a company in a very promising field.  I went to a lawyer to finalize the documents.  As I was leaving his office, he said, "So how are you going to deal with the local mafia?"  The way he said it sent chills down my back.  He was dead serious.  I live in the U.S.A. BTW.  Most people refuse to believe that modern society is ran by such sick greedy people who have no spiritual beliefs.  As far as they're concerned, people are just a conglomeration of atoms-- nothing more, nothing less.  This lawyer warned me that people die for a whole lot less.  People make filthy rich living from war and the inefficiencies of capitalism.  Just as you've so clearly said Bush Wacker, I know that there are people in this world that would kill to eliminate global free energy.

Sometimes I wonder just how many people in the free energy community are here just to cause noise.  It seems like such a cheap and legal means to suppress this technology.  All they would have to do is pay some scum buckets on a monthly basis to post noise.  I get emails from people all the time trying to get me to build this machine when I know darn well the machine is not legitimate.  I get people desperately trying to get me to stop my research on the Magnetocaloric effect.  I get people trying to talk me into making a fortune when I successfully build a free energy machine.  So, if it were that easy and cheap, then why wouldn't multi trillion dollar companies not do so?  After all, it's legal to pay people to post noise.  I keep asking myself why they would not?  The more I see of the free energy community, the more I am convinced that a great deal of the people are here just to cause noise.

BTW, I'm grateful that you spoke out Bush Wacker.  No problem, your words should not scare people but rather encourage people to fight for what is right.  Because of people such as yourself, yes I am more cautions, but more determined than ever. 
