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Started by evolvingape, April 14, 2011, 12:13:34 AM

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Energy Conversion Theory

1st and 2nd Generation Hydro Electro Lytic Turbine Systems

I0toMax makes it possible to generate electrical potential difference from fluid pressure through the use of DCG's.

This means the primary Rotary Moment output can be externalised to the system, but we still have a secondary fuel output of HHO.

Now it is possible to have a HHO creation cycle powered by nature, via manipulation of two fluids and producing a rotary moment output.

3rd Generation gets really exciting ;)

Sun is Prime Mover of the System.

HHO is produced as a secondary output to rotary moment, every time the energy passes through an I0toMax cycle.

Through energy manipulation an I0toMax can produce two rotary moment outputs, powered by a single fluid in different energetic states.


Disc Coil Generator HELP Section

DCG moved to outer rim to maximize fluid velocity from pump.

If back pressure from HELIS inlet reduces efficiency move DCG to I0toMax spec and remove Winglets.

Blades can be added to DCG magnet outer diameter to act as Impulse, leave Blades off and circular aerodynamics will act as Reaction.

Enjoy :)

RM :)


Hi Everyone,

I have given my friends over at Rumor Mill News the exclusive on the Universal Turbine Pump Blade design:


This would allow a single design of blade to accomplish both driver and driven functions.

It will be possible to have a single design for both the pump and turbine housings. The only difference being that HELIS inserts are fitted to the turbine housing to shape the inlet fluid flow.

This will not necessarily be the most efficient spec for either function, but it will reduce costs and require only one design, creating universal compatibility of components.

RM :)


Hi Everyone,

It seems that some are having trouble trying to grasp what the point of this whole exercise is so I have put together a new graphic that I hope illustrates things more clearly.

Using high velocity fluids in Turbines requires more than one Turbine Stage to extract as much energy from the fluid as possible. If we examine the left hand column we can see that I have used 4 Stages in this example.

The Sun being the Primary Mover of this system supplies the input energy and this is converted to Steam to create a Pressure Head that is then pulsed to drive the Stage 1 I0toMax. This has a primary output in the form of Rotary Moment.

This becomes the input to Stage 2 where it is converted via the HELP pump back to fluid pressure, sent through the HELIS assembly and used to drive the Stage 2 I0toMax.

The Stage 2 I0toMax being a Turbine has a primary output of Rotary Moment, and this becomes the input to Stage 3. This process is continued until the Prime Mover energy source no longer has sufficient energy to power an I0toMax Stage.

Because the I0toMax utilises DCG's the electrical potential difference is generated by the Fluid Pressure in the system and not by output Rotary Moment as did the 1st Generation HELT.

All of the processes and energy conversions required to generate the I0toMax secondary output of HHO is now performed via the pressurised Fluid.

Every I0toMax cycle produces HHO as a secondary output which is a Prime Mover Fuel and can be combusted to provide the input energy to start a new Turbine cycle.

This process will continue in a loop exactly the same as the initial multiple Turbine Stages but is now powered via HHO combustion and not a Steam Fluid Pressure Head.

The difference between these two types of input energy is that a Fluid Pressure Head starts at a maximum pressure and decreases in use to perform work. A combustion process starts at zero pressure and rapidly increases to maximum pressure and then decreases in use to perform work.

Rotary Moment is used to continue the I0toMax Turbine Stages, the secondary HHO output is used as the Prime Mover in a new unrelated set of Turbine Stages.

The idea being behind this whole process to convert as much energy from the initial Source Prime Mover to secondary HHO output as possible.

Is this now clear ?

If anyone has any problems understanding what I am trying to show you all, or feels that the theory is flawed in any way and would like to politely inform me of this fact, then please speak up.

RM :)


Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work,You most definitely are a true Humanitarian
And a most skilled design engineer ,
  You have put a tremendous amount of thought into the materials involved and the Environment they will be working in ,As well as Many other Factors!
Actually You've covered every Base!
I wish I could give you a productive "Push Back" On this Design of yours,because as you know
The "Gremlins" can always poke their heads up at the worst times!

Its a" try It and Fly it" Moment!


Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


4th Generation Hydro Electro Lytic Turbine Systems

Hello Everyone,

We have now arrived at the point of discussing the subject matter that I wanted to discuss 8 months ago. In order to do that I had to build a platform working up from base principles, and I also had to finish designing the hardware that would perform the functions I required in a 4th Generation HELTS. This has now been accomplished.

So... what is the 4th Generation all about ?

The 4th Generation is all about water, it has always been about the water.

The Sun is once again the Prime Mover of the System. Through the use of a Parabolic Dish we convert the radiant energy to Heat in a boiler to produce high temperature Saturated Steam.

This Saturated Steam builds a head of pressure inside the boiler and through steady state release is sent through the HELIS assembly to drive the HELT. The HELT requires a constant stream of Saturated Steam as Closed System Crossover is occurring and we require a constant presence of water vapour within the inter disc gaps.

The reason we are using the HELT is that neodymium magnets with an operating temperature of 400 C are not yet available. They are available to 350 C, but the reason we are not going to use them will be covered later.

This concludes Stage 1 of the System Prime Mover energy.

The Rotary Moment output from the HELT becomes the Stage 2 input and this stage proceeds as discussed in the 3rd Generation description as discussed previously. I0toMax is used here instead of the HELT as Liquid Water is the working fluid and not Saturated Steam.

Stage 2 Rotary Moment output is terminated in a PMA which allows provision of power to the HELT and system HELIS assemblies, as well as the Dry Cell Resistor Reservoir(s).

NOTE: The Powerdish with the Sterling Engine is available off the shelf if you have the $ and this will directly provide the functions that the PMA power take off's are providing in this system.

This concludes the System Primary Prime Mover energy stages.

A distinction needs to be made now between Rotary Moment and Fluid Flow. Normally when talking about multiple turbine stages we are referring to extracting energy from fluid. In my systems this is not correct, we are talking about how we use Rotary Moment.

Boundary Layer Turbine principles mean that in order to harvest the exhaust fluid we must contain it to build a head of pressure, which can then be injected into a new stage. The problem is that any exhaust back pressure will negatively effect the balance of the energy state within the turbine and proves counter productive.

So in order to get around this I have developed the multiple stages using Rotary Moment, and so as not to waste the energy in the exhaust fluid I have used the Dry Cell Resistor, which very usefully becomes the main Reservoir. As long as this is balanced, or a parallel flow bypass tube is used to bleed excess pressure around the Resistor, negative back pressure effects should be minimal.

The Secondary HHO outputs eventually terminate in a single LFV RotoMax that powers a really big PMA that then provides the End User power as electricity.

If the conductivity of the Steam is not producing electrolysis results and HHO that are worth it the other option is to pulse water and electrolyte through the steam as shown in the alternate 4th Generation graphic.

Now let's talk about Water...


Superheated water is liquid water under pressure at temperatures between the usual boiling point (100 °C) and the critical temperature (374 °C). It is also known as subcritical water and pressurized hot water. Superheated water referred to in this article is stable because of an applied over pressure which raised the boiling point, or by heating in a sealed vessel with a headspace, where the liquid water is in equilibrium with vapour at the saturated vapor pressure. This is distinct from the use of the term superheating to refer to water at atmospheric pressure above its normal boiling point, which has not boiled due to a lack of nucleation sites (sometimes experienced by heating liquids in a microwave).

Many of the anomalous properties of water are due to very strong hydrogen bonding. Over the superheated temperature range the extensive hydrogen bonds break down, changing the properties more than usually expected by increasing temperature alone. Water effectively becomes less polar and behaves more like an organic solvent such as methanol or ethanol. Solubility of organic materials and gases increases by several orders of magnitude and the water itself can act as a solvent, reagent and catalyst in industrial and analytical applications, including extraction, chemical reactions and cleaning.

Change of properties with temperature

All materials change with temperature, but water shows changes which are much greater than would be expected from temperature considerations alone. Viscosity and surface tension of water drop and diffusivity increases with increasing temperature. [1] Self-ionization of water increases with temperature, and the pKw of water at 250°C is closer to 11 than the more familiar 14 at 25°C. This means that the concentration of hydronium ion (H3O+) is higher, and hence the pH is lower (although the level of hydroxide (OH-) is increased by the same amount so the water is still neutral). Specific heat capacity at constant pressure also increases with temperature, from 4.187 kJ/kg at 25°C to 8.138 kJ/kg at 350°C. The dielectric constant (relative permittivity) decreases significantly as the temperature rises, which has a significant effect on the behaviour of water at high temperatures.

Explanation of anomalous behaviour

Water is a polar molecule, where the centers of positive and negative charge are separated. In an applied electric field, the molecules align with the field. In water, the extensive hydrogen bonded network tends to oppose this alignment, and the degree to which this occurs is measured by the relative permittivity. In water, polarity shifts are rapidly transmitted through shifts in orientation of the linked hydrogen bonds, and therefore water has a high relative permittivity, about 80 at room temperature. This allows water to dissolve salts, as the attractive electric field between ions is reduced by about 80 fold. [1] As the temperature increases, the thermal motion of the molecules disrupts the hydrogen bonding network, and therefore the relative permittivity decreases with temperature, to about 7 at the critical temperature. At 205°C the relative permittivity has fallen to 33, the same as methanol at room temperature. Thus from 100°C to 200°C water behaves like a water / methanol mixture. The disruption of the extended hydrogen bonding is also responsible for much of the anomalous behaviour of superheated water, as extra energy needs to be supplied to break the bonds (increased heat capacity), and the molecules move more freely (viscosity, diffusion and surface tension effects).Most of the liquids expand on heating and contract on cooling over a moderate range of temperature .But water shows a marked exceptional behavior below 4 degrees Celsius. When water is heated from 0 degrees Celsius initially it contracts in volume up to 4 degrees Celsius instead of expansion .Its volume becomes minimum at 4 degrees Celsius and beyond 4 degrees Celsius its volume goes on increasing. The behavior of the water between 0 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius is called as anomalous expansion of the water. But it's an unsolved question that why it is only with water?


Despite the reduction in relative permittivity, many salts remain very soluble in superheated water until the critical point is approached. Sodium chloride, for example, dissolves at 37 wt% at 300°C [4] As the critical point is approached, the solubility drops markedly to a few ppm, and salts are hardly soluble in supercritical water. Some salts do show a reduction in solubility with temperature, but this behaviour is less common.


The solubility of gases in water is usually thought to decrease with temperature, but this only occurs to a certain temperature, then solubility increases again. For nitrogen, this minimum is 74°C and for oxygen it is 94°C [5] Therefore gases are quite soluble in superheated water at elevated pressures. Above the critical temperature, water is completely miscible with all gasses. The increasing solubility of oxygen in particular allows superheated water to be used for the wet oxidation processes.


Superheated water can be more corrosive than water at ordinary temperatures, and at temperatures above 300°C special corrosion resistant alloys may be required, depending on the other components dissolved in the water. However, continuous use of carbon steel pipes for 20 years at 282°C has been reported without significant corrosion,[6] and stainless steel cells showed only slight deterioration after 40-50 uses at temperatures up to 350°C. [7] The degree of corrosion which can be tolerated depends on the use, and even corrosion resistant alloys can fail eventually. Corrosion of an Inconel U-tube in a heat exchanger was blamed for an accident at a nuclear power station[8]. Therefore, for occasional or experimental use, ordinary grades of stainless steel are probably adequate with continuous monitoring, but for critical applications and difficult to service parts, extra care needs to be taken in materials selection.

Effect of pressure

At temperatures below 300°C water is fairly incompressible, which means that pressure has little effect on the physical properties of water, provided it is sufficient to maintain liquid state. This pressure is given by the saturated vapour pressure, and can be looked up in steam tables, or calculated here. [9] As a guide, the saturated vapour pressure at 121°C is 200 kPa, 150 °C is 470 kPa, and 200 is 1 550 kPa. The critical point is 21.7 MPa at a temperature of 374 °C, above which water is supercritical rather than superheated. Above about 300 °C, water starts to behave as a near-critical liquid, and the physical properties, such as density, start to change more significantly with pressure.

Energy requirements

The energy required to heat water is significantly lower than that needed to vaporize it, for example for steam distillation[10] and the energy is easier to recycle using heat exchangers. The energy requirements can be calculated from steam tables. For example, to heat water from 25°C to steam at 250°C at 1 atm requires 2869 kJ/kg. To heat water at 25°C to liquid water at 250°C at 5 MPa requires only 976 kJ/kg. It is also possible to recover much of the heat (say 75%) from superheated water, and therefore the energy use for superheated water extraction is less than one sixth needed for steam distillation. This also means that the energy contained in the superheated water is insufficient to vaporise the water on decompression. In the above example, only 30% of the water would be converted to vapour on decompression from 5 MPa to atmospheric pressure.


Superheated water, along with supercritical water, has been used to oxidise hazardous material in the wet oxidation process. Organic compounds are rapidly oxidised without the production of toxic materials sometimes produced by combustion. However, when the oxygen levels are lower, organic compounds can be quite stable in superheated water. As the concentration of hydronium (H3O+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions are 100 times larger than in water at 25°C, superheated water can act as a stronger acid and a stronger base, and many different types of reaction can be carried out.


2D Phase diagram:

A typical phase diagram. The dotted line gives the anomalous behavior of water. The green lines mark the freezing point and the blue line the boiling point, showing how they vary with pressure.

See graphic below.

Temperature vs. specific entropy phase diagram for water/steam.

In the area under the red dome, liquid water and steam coexist in equilibrium. The critical point is at the top of the dome. Liquid water is to the left of the dome. Steam is to the right of the dome. The blue lines/curves are isobars showing constant pressure. The green lines/curves are isochors showing constant specific volume. The red curves show constant quality.

See graphic below.


I am going to keep this quite short as this week has really tired me out. The reason you got the I0toMax thread on April 14th is because I got the Flu on April 14th. The universe decided not me.

What you just read above is the initial scratching of the surface when it comes to water.

The key points are:

Water achieves super critical fluid state at 374 C and 218 Bar.

At temperatures above 300 C water begins to act as a near super critical fluid.

So, if our boiler can produce saturated steam at a temperature high enough, that when combined with the heat generated by the HELIS compression phase in normal operation, and the combined temperature exceeds 300 C then water is behaving differently to anything you have ever played with before.

The reason this is important is because I do not know what the pressure is going to be at the HELIS area of maximum compression.

If the temperature is high enough, say 300 â€" 400 C, and the pressure is high enough (it will not be anywhere near 218 Bar), and then we zap it with an electrical potential difference, what is going to happen ? I don't know... which is why all along I have urged caution when using HELIS in CSC mode.

I am not so concerned with relatively cool liquid water working fluid and a HELIS CSC, but I am extremely concerned about Super Heated Water and a HELIS CSC.

Normally experiments would be massively funded, with remote controlled test rigs, viewed on remote cameras, from behind a metre of bullet proof glass. I doubt any of us can afford that!

So... What I am trying to say is that the moment you disrespect HELIS CSC in a high pressure, high temperature environment with a near super critical fluid, by for example, dumping the entire PMA output through it to see what happens, it might be the last thing you ever do.

If your worried about it then don't do it, just run the HELIS in mechanical only mode to shape the fluid flow.

The other thing I should mention is that I have no idea what will happen when the  near super critical fluid goes through the compression and decompression phases of the HELIS nozzle, from sub sonic to super sonic. No one has ever done this before.

These same safety concerns apply to my comments about the possibility of CSC in the RotoMax, but in the RotoMax we are definitely going to have exceeded the 374 C super critical fluid temperature limit, and will most probably achieve in excess of 218 Bar (3200 PSI) at the point of maximum compression inside the rotor.

This is entering the domain of Plasma Physics in my opinion, and is not normally something that is played with by the curious in their shed. Be careful!

I deliberated long and hard about the release of the HELT. I knew what it was going to eventually lead to. In the end I decided it was not my responsibility to make your decisions for you. If I withheld this technology then I would fail my task to try and save the suffering children of the world. If I gave it to you, I might have to live with injured or killed experimenters on my conscience. I made my decision and there is no turning back now. Please Be Careful!

I am going for a rest now, speak to you all soon :)

RM :)

P.S. Thankyou Chet for your kind words of support, they are most appreciated. Let us hope that as the “Try it and Fly it” moment approaches we can overcome any Gremlins by all working together to achieve a common goal. ;)