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Self-Oscillating Parallel Magnet (H) Device

Started by studentofhistory, June 19, 2011, 02:00:38 PM

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This configuration makes use of the Force Square Law, that forms the basis of Flynn's Parallel Path concept. For those not familiar with the FSL, it states that two or more magnets linked in parallel, will generate a combined magnetic flux strength that is the square of the sum of the individual magnet flux strengths ie. exponential gain. So 2 magnets = 4x. 3 magnets = 9x. The attached diagram has a minor error. the wires connecting Coil A and the "Bridge" Coil should not cross.

This diagram as it is, does not show how the process can be started, although I have read that the flux from permanent magnets is not constant but rather fluctuates usually within a narrow range but occasionally by a significant amount. If we assume that the flux from magnet A does fluctuate, then this device can be self starting.

When the flux from magnet A increase, it will induce a current in Coil A, which then energizes the bridge coil, thereby generating it's own magnetic field with the North pole pointing towards the Magnet A/Coil A side of the device. This will pull some of the magnetic flux from the B magnet away from Coil B and send it to Coil A. This additional magnetic flux will combine with the permanent magnet flux from magnet A, thereby increasing in strength exponentially according to the Force Square Law and will therefore induce more current in Coil A...which then generates more flux from the bridge coil...which pulls more flux from the B magnet thereby boosting the combined flux even further until the iron bars connecting the magnet to the coil are saturated with magnetic flux. At this point, the combined flux flowing past Coil A stops increasing, the induced current in Coil A drops to zero for a tiny fraction of a second, then everything goes into reverse.

No current reaches the bridge coil. The flux from the B magnet will then flow back to Coil B. The combined flux reaching Coil A will collapse thereby inducing a reverse current that now causes the bridge coil to flip it's north pole to the other end and pull magnetic flux from magnet A away from Coil A and towards Coil B. This will combine with magnet B's flux, grow exponentially and induce a surge of current in Coil B, which is used to power a load/charge a battery/transform into DC/etc. When all of the flux from magnet A has been diverted to Coil B OR when the iron bars connecting magnet B to Coil B have become saturated, then the flux moving past Coil A will stop dropping and current in Coil A will drop to zero for a tiny fraction of a second before the whole cycle starts all over again.

It's important to understand the the two iron bars that form the upper and lower bridges between the two magnet/coil assemblies, must have a narrower width and height than the bars connecting the magnets to the coils. This is necessary so that when the bridge coil current drops to zero, the permanent magnet flux from each magnet will revert back to it's own coil due to the lower reluctance of the magnet/coil connecting bars ie. flux will follow the path of least resistance which are bars that are thicker. If the bridge bars are the same width and height as the magnet/coil bars, the flux will continue to flow thru the bridge bars and the device will stop after one cycle.

I have not tested this device. I'm putting this "H" device concept into the public domain. Others are welcome to try to build it.


This arrangement has been extensively studied in various forms, and is considered to be a standard arrangement for the testing of 'Flux Capacitance'.

To understand the principals i will set forth, we must first examine the situation where the coils are 'open', no current flowing through the wires. And thus we are dealing with purely the magnetic component of the device. There are a few primary assumptions made. The size and thickness of the fluxpaths are equal. meaning that both rectangular cores are the same. Both magnets are assumed to be of equal intensity (strength). And as noted in this specific set-up, the Bridge cores are smaller (shorter and thinner) than the fluxpath cores.

Now i will define the points noted in the diagram below, the next post will describe the magnetic action between these points.

A0(north) to A0(south) and B0(north) to B0(south) are the each of te magnets, respectively.

Points A1, B1   and A2, B2 are the core-tap points.

the lines (z) in the center, are indicators to arbitrary "poles" that occur within the core material

The lower image, is the Bridge, and area (X) is the viarable flux capacitor that is created through the length of the bridge.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Again, this analysis pertains only to the magnetic aspect of the device, so when terms are used that are often attributed to electrical circuit,, such as capaticance, resistance, current, intensity, ect these terms are refering to the magnetic component. This is a magnetic circuit.

A note on the arbitrary poles (z): These poles are caused by the looped-magnetic field. Changes in the field are primarily contained inside the core material, and are 'balanced' within the fluxpath under equilibrium conditions. Their locations vary slightly with imbalanced changes in flux intensity,so they are said to have a small magnetic capacitance, however their effects on the circuit cancel each other out. So for the purposes of this discussion, they are ignored, except to acknowledge that they do in fact appear.

Now, examining the magnetic current around flux-path A, we find that the point of the bridge (A1) is a north pole. The same applies to point (B1) of flux-path B. The point (X) appears as a South pole, between them.

Any changes in magnetic intensity of Magnet A, will result in a shift in the location of point (X), and an increase in flux intensity through flux-path B. This is the primary capacitive function of the Bridge.
An identicle change occurs through the south-bridge, also in the direction of flux-path B. Thus, by increasing magnetic intensity A, you are in effect increasing magnetic intensity B proportionately.
This is defined as: the same ammount of magnetic flux, contained the smaller area of the conductor materal.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


If we add a second magnet on the opposite side of the fluxpath A, we eliminate the arbitrary pole (z) that would appear in its place, and instead we have two points, in the same location as the other two (z) points, but on the opposite side of the Bridges. The functionality of the Bridge-Capacitor remains the same, however the magnetic intensity through the core A is doubled. This shifts point (x) to approx 3/4's of the way across the Bridge, towards core B. (charging)
Removing this magnet, relaxes the compressed flux through core B, and point (x) shifts back towards the center, undergoing a few oscillatory bounces while it balances out. (discharging)

[[ These balancing oscillations are very rapid, and low intensity, not having any 'real' effect in terms of electromagnetic induction. Such induction of these oscillatory forces results in a faster equilibrium, it behaves like friction, and dissipates as heat, not electricity. ]]

Now, lets look at what happens when we replace the second magnet with a Coil.
Now we have, a Variable-Magnet.

we have the ability to adjust the location of the second set of (z) points, thus control the flux intensity through core A. This gives us control over the magnetic intensity (strength) of the second magnet.
The location of the second (z) points should never approach or cross the Bridge. You can go slightly over 2x the strength of the primary magnets, varies depending on the core material and dimensions, permeability, satturation, ect. If the arbitrary poles cross the bridge, the bridge capacitance circuit becomes identicle to the 1-magnet analysis in the post above, using the variable magnet as the source.
In addition, you have a second set of flux-capacitors that form between the Bridge and the permanent magnet. This completely changes the magnetic schematic of the device. As i will show in an upcomming picture.

If you keep the secondary (z) poles on the side of the bridge with the variable magnet, (as indicated in green in this pic below), the capacitance is the result of the bridge-tap. The distance of point (X) from the center of the bridge, inversley indicates the magnetic-potential between the two flux-paths A & B respectively. An increase in magnetic intensity in the variable magnet results in an increase in the flux intensity through core A, caused by the opposing magnetic fields, which shifts the locations of the 4 (z) points towards the Bridges. This increases the flux intensity both north and south at points A1 and A2 respectively.
Point (X) through both bridges, shifts towards core B, and in turn increases the flux intensity through core B. This causes a corresponding shift in the two (z) points near core B's magnet.
The third (z) point in core B does not change in location because it's balanced, however the magnetic intensity (north and south) on either side of the center (z) point increases with the flux increase through the entire core B.

When the variable magnet is turned off, the 2 additional (z) points in core A dissapear and the centered (z) point reappears in the center of the coil-region. (assuming its a balanced coil positioned centered on the z point to begin with)
The flux intensity collapses (drops) and the flux-capacitor discharges through the Bridges. Core B returns to its normal flux intensity, and the two cores balance out to an equilibrium state, with points (X) in the center of the Bridges.

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Now lets look at the magnetic schematics and point out a few differences between pre-Bridge magnetic current and poat-Bridge magnetic current.  (This is real magnetic current, depicted by a change in flux through the core material. Not to be confused with certain theories of magnetism that may use the term to indicate a theoretical flow of energy through a permanent magnet)

In the first schematic, we have the scenerio of pre-Bridge current, driven by changes in the variable magnet. This acts as a single variable flux capacitor, whos capacitance is controlled directly by changes in magnetic intensity via the variable magnet. The coil on the B core induces an opposing magnetic flux on the B core, and thus the squared component of the magnetic flux change is contained within the respective cores. Therefore, the change in flux-capacitance and the position of point (X) through the bridges follows a linear curve, and is considered to be directly proportional to changes in the variable magnet.


Post-Bridge operation changes the schematic drastically. as you see in the second schem., once the (z) points approach or cross the Bridge tap, it acts as if you have added a second capacitor in parallel to the Bridge Flux Capacitor.
The capacitance of the second flux capacitor, (acting on the two (z) points nearest the permanent magnet) changes with the square of the change in flux intensity through the part of the core opposite the (z) points. This is a combination of the changes from the variable magnet and corresponding change in flux through the entirety of core B.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.