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Thank God for Replicators

Started by PaulLowrance, April 10, 2005, 12:03:27 PM

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Thank God for Replicators
The Lutec people sound nice but I predict the first and only true free energy machine will come from someone who freely publishes the exact designs with parts list, where they bought the parts, of an easy to build, inexpensive, public domain, self running / smoking gun, free energy machine that will hopefully put out sufficient power.  Additionally they should provide details of the power and efficiency measurements.  How can we expect anything less?

I hope nobody gets discouraged by all the noise in the free energy community.  I see far too many people making claims without any evidence.  Sometimes they even publish their designs, and God Bless those who always take the time to replicate it. My main concern is that when the real deal arrives, that everyone is not burnt out, discouraged, and skeptical!!!!!!!  When such a person provides the following, then I hope everyone builds it:

  • Detailed designs.
  • Exact parts list including where people can buy such parts.  If some of the parts are custom made, then provide detailed descriptions of the making process with close up photos with accurate measurements.  A caliper works great and is not expensive.
  • Provide efficiency measurements, hopefully with photos of the instruments.

By providing the above, anyone who knows how to measure efficiency can determine if you're machine is the real deal.  This can save a lot of time and money from legitimate researchers and people who take the time to replicate.  If they determine your machine is generating free energy, then they can build it.  If replicators have free time and are searching for a machine to replicate, and according to your efficiency measurements and design they think your machine has potential, then by all means please replicate.  Just please don't get discouraged if the machine turns out to be a noise generator; i.e., machines designed by people who just want to cause discouragement and noise in the free energy community.

Once you have verified your machine is generating free energy, then I believe time is of the essence.  It's vital that you get the information out to the public as quickly as possible.  The clock will be ticking.  Just please be absolutely certain you have the real deal.  You must have the Smoking Gun.  That is, a machine that recirculates enough energy back into itself so that it will run forever in addition to producing sufficient extra power.  I think a good demonstration is to burn florescent light bulbs.  If you have the smoking gun, then take the time to create a detailed paper how anyone would build such a machine.  Clearly state at the top your machine is freely published, that you have no intensions of scamming the public, no stocks for sell, nothing.  Be very specific.  Make as many Xerox copies as you can when the paper is complete.  You will want to hand out thousands.  Email the paper to the free energy forums and website admins.  Hit the road as soon as possible and demonstrate your machine to everyone while handing out your paper.  Make sure everyone knows you are not selling but rather freely publishing the designs.  Try your best to get media attention.  Demonstrate your machine to as many people as possible, but please don't break any laws and cause traffic jams, etc.  The police may see you as a quack and arrest you.  The idea is to hand out as many copies of your paper as possible.  If you can get enough people to replicate your machine then it will take off on its own.  Eventually, if you can afford, you'll want to build as many units as you can, within a reasonable amount of time.  Find scientists or teachers that you trust, someone who's around a lot of people.  You can lend them a copy of your machine.  Just imagine what an electronics teacher would think if you walked in his or her class with an open machine that's clearly generating a lot of free energy.  The idea is to generate a spark in the public-- to get enough people building your machine.  This may sound simple, but it's very possible you'll have to push your machine.  The public will be skeptical.  Don't waste your time trying to convince people.  There will always be people who will believe.  It's a numbers game.  If you get enough people replicating your machine then it will take off.  You'll increase your chances and speed up the process with more people replicating your machine.  You know the old saying, "You snooze you lose." 

Kind regards,

Bruce A. Perreault


I have the smoking gun and have been slowly realeasing how it functions. The real deal has arrived. What I predict is that the real deal will go un-noticed or that it will not be percieved as the real deal because it will not be handed out without a price. I guess it is better this way because it will attract less attention in the long run.

                     -Bruce P.


Dear Bruce,

You say that you're slowly releasing its functionality.  That implies that you are not yet finished releasing its functionality.

What you describe IMHO is not in the same class as what I'm describing.  I'm talking about a machine that anyone can build for under a few hundred dollars in a reasonable amount of time.  I'm talking about complete build instructions down to every detail including where the inventor purchased ever parts.  If anyone can order the parts and build it in a reasonable amount of time and if it generates at least a kilowatt of power then such a public domain machine will take off globally in a matter of weeks.

I wish that you would release everything.  Until then I cannot take anything you say seriously.



Thank You Paul,

    What your saying is the truth bro! On the other hand, I've simply supplied certain information that was openly spoken as therorum, based upon known physical principals, which were immediately taken to great hights by certain major FE/AE enthusiasts, who are apparently watching every post within the forums like vultures waiting for something to die. Thats how I got hooked into public exposure to begin with. I think Bruce can figure out who I'm talking about, because this particular guy seems to be Bruce's arch enemy, lol. Bruce, you have been talking about having the real deal for a long-long time my friend, but when you make those kinds of claims, you have to know that people are going to be extremely suspicious, of both your claims and your motives. I'll tell you straight out, that if I had something in my very hands at this very moment that could provide a means of power, which could free us all from the power of the oil cartels, and I refused to release the full and complete information to the public, and for that matter the entire world, I would not be able to live with myself! I am currently working as hard as I am physically, financially, and mentally able to do, to see if my therories will prove out to be fact, and when and if I am successful, the world will know immediately and without hesitation, because there is so very much more at stake here than personal pride and/or my own bank account, which by the way I don't even have anymore, lol. I did not want or intend for things to go before the entire world as they have, but at least people will know that I am not hiding one single tiny little thing, and that is what I would expect from anyone else who would realistically expect to find any respect or support in their efforts. Believe me Bruce, I know your story, I have watched you for many years, along with every other person making claims of alternative energy technologies. When someone makes claims to have something in their posession that could change the world the way a true free energy technology could, but refuses to release that technology, they are either a liar, a cheat, and a complete fraud, or they are simply the most selfish and disgusting being on the planet in my opinion! I know that the truth hurts sometimes, and I'm not trying to attack or degrade anyone here, but it is the truth, and we all know it. Do not insult the intelligence of every member of this group unless you are ready to back up your words with substance. There are many people who share the lists with known and/or percieved frauds, and there are some who believe their own claims, and are well meaning, and with good intensions, but the size of that list keeps growing every year, and it is perhaps the kind of thing which will cause people to lose heart and give up. I know, and have seen many technologies which have been and remain hidden from the public, and so I will not lose heart, but there is the other 99.995% of the population that has never seen these things with their own eye's, and cannot be expected to trust any one persons word on anything in the times in which we are living. Bruce, if you have something, release it, God will bless you for it, if not on this plain, then the next. At least you will have peace of mind knowing that you did NOT pass on as just another name on that list, and that you have contributed something extremely valuable to your fellow man. PLEASE! The time is coming, and which you are already aware and have voiced it yourself, that money will no longer be worth a mound of maggots. How do you want to be remembered my friend?

MOST Sincerely,


Charlie Brown ARN

I want the world to benefit from the diode array as soon as possible and expect it to quickly become a commodity where all producers have to race towards ever lower sales price and increasing production once it makes clearly noticable power. For the moment it has to be refined with expensive nanofabrication equipment. A lot of this equipment is in the heart of academia where a solid backbone of people accept the second law of thermodynamics and don't want to consider that 2LT fades on the nanometer scale. If (This is the scientific if) the diode array works then applied nanofabrication equipment should evolve with rapidy declining cost. The great break hasn't come yet - the concept has not been built on nanofabrication equipment so far. People can replicate the proof of principle prototype with stray microchips and some lab technique to see if more than 1/2 kTB can be obtained from heat with no bulk temperature difference. This replication is expensive and the output is small but the original experiments have encouraged me. The latest ray of hope is that a man from Honeywell contacted me after hearing me call in to Coast to Coast Weekend with Art Bell when Charles Ostgood, a nanotechnology expert was a guest. Let's get this massive show on the road.