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Aether and what it is.

Started by jbignes5, July 26, 2011, 03:13:51 PM

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I would like to open this discussion because I think there are a great many confusing topics about the Aether and what it really is. So here it goes.

What we do know about the beginnings of our space is very limited but I would like to call your attention to what resides inside our own galaxies center. Very massive Black holes. In fact Black holes are the very things that give our galaxy it's motion and direction. So it doesn't take a very smart man to start to put together that in fact we live in an enclosed space. It makes sense that the most powerful effect in our galaxy is the Black hole and that we are merely in a much larger version of that effect. Lets say that the Big Bang was actually an expansion of our space from a defect in the black holes mass. The defect happen because the Black hole got much bigger then the black hole could restrain. Millions and billions of miles of thickness shielded the defect area in the center of this almighty Black hole and it formed a very very thin defect layer within this area of shielding. This layer formed as the pressure dropped from the outside layers of this Ultimate black hole and allowed a relatively thin layer of crystalline material to form from the matter that was being slowly uncompressed.

When the matter inside this Black hole finally began to sponge out it ripped and explosively flew apart, seeing that a Black hole is a mono polar entity when two like poles are put in proximity to each other they push apart. This is the same process. This ripping apart caused the relatively thin layer or crystalline material to detonate in the smallest particles know to the universe. It not only released these finer then fine crystals but also released the matter that was collected around the defect. That is where our matter comes from in our universe. It is what was left from this event. Also this expansion of our space caused a great vacuum to form as well and the finer then fine crystals spread out uniformly in the space that was created. It took quite some time for these crystals to collect and form charges.

Charges are actually larger sized crystals then the medium we call the aether or the finer then fine crystals. The finer then fine crystals are the smallest density measurement we could make in the universe. It is the medium of the Aether. Charges are swirls that were left when this space was made. Like I said before they are fine in detail and much larger then the medium itself. So a single part of these charges bring conduction to the table over two points of the medium it floats in. When these parts organize and collect collect I like to call them charges. These charges are looped strings of the parts and they tend to look like a ball of worms. The mere fact that they conduct potential of the background or Aethric medium gives them some ability to cling to each other with the biggest pieces always being internal. A charge has potential because it is always in motion and that motion generates the cling. The motion was given to them to conduct from the very instant that this space began.

Why does our space appear flat then? Space looks like it is flat in the same method that they thought that the world was flat at one point in our history but in fact space is circular. we live in a bubble of sorts but that bubble is bazillions of light years across. With the edges bending in great arcs back to the point of origin.

Now back to charges. Charges or motion energy are self contained units of charge. They are what is inside every particle know to man. They bind the matter that was left over from the great unzipping of our space by pure motion of larger bits of Aether that creates an oscillation inside the particle. The frequency of the matter is based on the size of matter that was attracted to this oscillation and the potential it provides from the motion in the Aether. This potential is by no means static. It can be changed and effected but in the beginning there was not much effecting a change till this started to attract matter to the eddies of the larger Aetheric particles. So that is what we can see so far with our eyes on the matter scale. What we can not see is what goes on in between matter and that is the aethric medium.

This process took quite some time and I suspect it is still going on closer to the edges of this bubble we live in. As this bubble is still expanding. We can tell it is still expanding because that is what we observe Black holes doing. So somewhere out there is the edge of the bubble expanding because our Ultimate Black hole is still collecting matter and growing somewhere outside of this black hole. It is the very reason we see an acceleration of our galaxy and universe for that matter.

Let me know what you guys think so far. If you have questions then maybe I can help you find the answer. I don't know it all but this is what I can piece together from all the known sources of esoteric research out there.



"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:1


"There manifests itself in the fully developed being , Man, a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.... Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance."


 "I think therefore I am."

I don't like religious connotation. I think it is all something that has been done a very long time ago and someone was taking credit for it. Case in point the Sumerian people have had stolen a great many tales and it was claimed by a religious body. A Lot of the stories and writing from the Sumerians were plagiarizer and called someone else's ideas and events.

But The second is a good focus onto where this has been said before. Funny how that happens. Really I had no idea that was there. In all my research I have not seen that particular quote. Nice.

So it is not a new concept then and it could back this vista from which I am looking into.


God doesn't stick his or her chest out around here, do you know why, 'it' doesn't exist. only humans fulfill there mental image of a god beating his or her chest, sound familiar. some make those actions seem like they are purely spiritual in every way possible, I call this a major mental illness. it is sickening.

leave your damn god out of sciences and physics period.